Crayons for coloring hair

Contents of
  • Why do we need crayons for hair?
  • How safe are the crayons for dyeing hair?
  • Hair coloring with crayons at home
  • Hair coloring with crayons( video)
  • A few more tricks
  • What to do to make the coloring of crayons not worsen the condition of the hair?
  • How to care for your hair after painting with crayons

Do not feed modern girls with bread - let me conduct another experiment on my appearance. Some are limited to a new hairdo, manicure or dress, others act more radically: cut hair, make piercings or tattoos.

Crayons for hair allow you to quickly transform without long-term consequences.

The most common way of experimenting with the image and appearance is to color the hair in a variety of colors. On the shelves of shops you can find funds with different duration of effect and all sorts of shades - from the usual platinum blonde or blue-black to fiery-red, the color of swamp water or crystal blue.

Girls who want to stand out, but who do not immediately risk changing their image, come to the aid of hair chalks, also known as dry pastels. What is this tool and in what its miracle? We tell!

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Why do we need crayons for hair?

Even more often on the street you can meet girls and even adult women with a non-standard shade of hair - red, pink, blue, purple and even green. Fashion for such extravagant hairstyles almost simultaneously came from America and Japan, and now even women of serious age ask stylists to "add a spark" to the familiar ombre.

You can give your hair a non-standard shade in three ways:

  • with a paint that gives an effect for 3-4 weeks with proper care;
  • toning agent( the color will last up to 2.5 weeks);
  • with chalk for staining( until the nearest wash of the head).

Each option has positive sides and pitfalls. Most of the fair sex heard about the harmful effects of paints on the health of the curls, so avoid them as soon as they can.

In fact, many manufacturers that have a line with bright shades are oriented to young people, so their colors do not contain most of the chemicals that adversely affect the hair condition, and the coloring element is extracted in the most natural way.

Some manufacturers even advise to stain the hair at night and wash off the paint in the morning, claiming that such tricks in no way affect the health and beauty of the hair. And what is most surprising, the effect fully meets expectations. But such colors have one significant minus - stamina Not every girl is ready to risk and so radically change the habitual image.

Most girls use toning means( they are also tonic).Their main advantage over paints in the short-term effect. As a rule, two weeks is enough to "play enough" with a bright color. Other positive moments are also added: it is possible to easily remove tonic residues, bringing color to the "original" state, and a pleasant price.

Crayons for hair appeared on the market of CIS countries relatively recently - from Japan and China. Perhaps, their price is not available for everyone, but manufacturers promise a miracle effect, for which it is worth paying this money. Turn into a bold rocker or an avid party girl with a mop of pink hair for just one party - is not it wonderful? This is really a rescue for those who want to experiment. But the chalk has enough pros and cons.

How safe are the crayons for dyeing hair?

Crayons for hair come in two types: dry and in the form of shadows.

  1. Dry similar to the classic chalk for the board, only in a special wrapper. They paint their hair about the same way as they draw a picture on the asphalt: a thin prick with monotonous movements stains until a noticeable shade appears.
  2. Chalk-shadow hides in a small box with a lid. It is much easier to use: you just need to clamp a thin strand of hair and slowly draw it down several times.

Advantages of coloring chalk:

  • are non-toxic;
  • , if used correctly, does not harm the hair;
  • allows you to radically change the image in a short period of time;
  • is easy to flush;
  • staining process does not require special skills or equipment;
  • a huge variety of colors;
  • can be used even by children.
Do not forget that all of the above pluses apply only to quality products! One chalk can not cost less than 150-200 rubles, otherwise you are offered either a fake or an ordinary art pastel.

The second option can also give a shade of light hair, but, rather, it will crumble and only spoil your hands. Re-use will burn the hair so much that it will be extremely difficult to restore them. The cost of chalk in the form of shadows is slightly higher: from 250-300 rubles apiece.

Hair coloring with crayons at home

The painting process is very simple, takes not much time and does not require special preparation. You just need to follow a simple procedure:

  1. Wash your head with normal shampoo, without using balms, conditioners, masks and other means.
  2. Protect clothing with a towel or food wrap.
  3. To chalk easier to go to hair, lightly moisten the hair and twist into a neat flagellum.
  4. It's fine to go from top to bottom, otherwise you can hurt your hair.
  5. When you get the result that satisfies you, lightly dry the curls with a hair dryer - warm air helps to fix the pigment.

It is important to remember that after staining, the hair may contaminate clothing for a while. Avoid this simply: sprinkle your hair with varnish for fixation. If still the pastel got on the fabric, do not panic, the chalks can easily be washed.

Hair coloring with crayons( video)

A few more tricks

  1. Light hair is easy to paint with your own hands in any shades, but brunettes are more suitable shades of blue, purple and green.
  2. Happy owners of blond and blond hair can greatly simplify the process of dyeing hair, especially if the idea requires a toning of a large volume. Pour chalks into a container with a little warm water and mix thoroughly until it completely dissolves. Now, with this solution, rinse the hair strands until they have the desired shade.
    The owner of dark hair this method does not help: the result will be too weak and, most likely, invisible to others.
  3. Even if you are lucky enough to get the best quality chalks, they will still dry your hair. After you wash off the dye from your hair, be sure to use moisturizing and nourishing agents.
  4. For the above reason, do not use a dry pastel for dyeing hair more than once every 1.5-2 weeks. Be merciful to your head and let it rest.
  5. Unlike paint and toning, crayons do not penetrate the inside of the hair, but paint it on the surface. Therefore, do not comb your hair after staining, otherwise the fruits of your efforts will instantly remain on the comb's teeth.
  6. Chalks-shadows are a little bit fatter in structure, therefore hair is harmed less.
  7. When buying chalks, be sure to look at the date of manufacture: a dried or delayed product can cause twice as much harm.
  8. Color crayons for coloring hair can be matte or pearly. The second option looks much more interesting on the curls, as it creates the effect of professional paint. However, it is quite difficult to find and buy such a tool, only Chinese online stores will be able to help.
  9. Be prepared for the fact that with active movement, for example, in a disco, chalk quickly sprinkles and the result will last for several hours.

What to do to make the coloring of the chalk not worsen the condition of the hair?

The effect of bright hair after applying chalk can not hold more than two days, even if your strands are badly damaged. However, stylists recommend not to put a bright image above the health of the hair and do not keep crayons in the curls longer than 6-8 hours. Do not forget also that if you do not wash your hair after this coloring, the next morning you wake up with a multicolored pillow.

So, so that the hair crayons do not leave a negative trace on your hair, follow these rules:

  1. Crayons should not be cheap, try to learn as much as possible about the manufacturer before buying and take an interest in the feedback of other users. And watch the production date of the product.
  2. It is necessary to stain strands strictly from top to bottom, the reverse order spoils the structure of the hair.
  3. This color is excellent for the event, but not for the weekend. And certainly not designed for a week. If you want a long-term effect, it's better to experiment with the paints immediately.
  4. In order for the color to remain bright longer and the curls do not stain the clothes, it is worth splashing the painted areas with varnish. This is another reason to wash your hair as soon as possible.

How to care for your hair after painting with crayons

About how to dye your hair with colorful crayons, talked, now let's figure out how to look after the hair, so that the painting procedure does not hurt.

Sometimes crayons are not washed out the first time, it brings a lot of joy to children and discomfort to the hair. If, after thoroughly washing the hair with shampoo, you still see the remains of the experiments, better not be lazy and repeat washing.

An exception to the rules is light, natural or highly clarified hair, in which the pigment can be absorbed for several days.

Be sure to use a moisturizing balm or conditioner. Ideally, if you can rinse your hair with your own prepared herbal decoction. Suitable chamomile, marigold, calendula, basil, rosemary, mint.

Give your hair a little more time and apply a nourishing mask that protects against drying and the harmful effects of external factors. Here are a few variants of masks for chalked hair that you can prepare yourself:

  1. The most simple and effective option - to lubricate the painted ends or whole strands with cosmetic oil. Most often used burdock, a little less often - linseed or olive. For the procedure, the oil is slightly heated. To increase the effect, you can add a few drops of vitamins or aromatic oils.
  2. Perfectly restore hair after coloring with crayons mask on kefir based. By the way, the most lazy can just gently spread the yogurt on the tips and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Perfectly restore hair mixture of chicken eggs, honey and burdock oil. Thoroughly mix the beaten yolk with melted honey on the steam bath and slightly warmed vegetable oil. Keep on the hair is not less than half an hour, and then rinse your hair well.

After the first application of chalk for hair, do not rush to dye your hair a second time. Follow the above tips and gently take care of your hair, diligently feeding them with useful substances and constantly moisturizing.

Observe the condition of the ringlets for a few weeks. And only after making sure that everything is in order, continue to experiment with painting the dry pastel.

There are hundreds of stories about experiments with chalk for hair on the Internet. This is really an excellent tool for briefly trying on a bright, completely unusual image for you and to amaze others. The main thing is to know the extent and follow the rules.

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