Morse from cowberries - how to cook: the best recipes. How to prepare mors from fresh and frozen, waxed cowberry, from cowberries and cranberries, for the winter?

The article will tell you about how easy it is to cook, as well as quickly, a tasty and healthy mors made from berries of cranberries.


  • Morse from cowberries: useful properties for colds, cystitis, for the body as a whole
  • How to prepare fresh squash from fresh lingonberry: recipe in the multi-wok
  • How to prepare a frozen salmon fillet: recipe
  • How to prepare the Morse from the soaked cowberry: recipe
  • How to CookMorse from cranberries and cranberries: recipe
  • How to prepare Morse from cowberries for the winter: recipe
  • Morse from cowberries: recipe without cooking
  • Video: "Lingonberry fruit"

Morse from cowberry: useful properties for cold, cystitis, forI of the body as a whole

Morse from cowberries is a useful vitamin drink that is able to give a person a lot of trace elements, improve health and well-being. In addition, the drink is not high-calorie( of course, the one that is cooked without sugar) and 100 grams of fruit juice has approximately 35-40 kcal.

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Each chemical element that is contained in the mors, one way or another benefits the body:

  • Manganese - improves lipid metabolism in the body, helps the hematopoietic organs( spleen) to work better.
  • Glucose, fructose - is necessary for normal functioning of the body and maintaining a normal hormonal background.
  • With vitamin - strengthens the human immunity, improves its resistance to many pathogenic bacteria.
  • Tannins - improve the functioning of the circulatory system and have a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract.
  • Organic acids - improve metabolism in the body
  • Zinc - fights for youth and body health, improves its resistance to free radicals.
  • Sodium - maintains the normal water-salt balance of the body.
  • Phosphorus - supports the bone tissue of the body, strengthens it.
  • Chrome - is required for soft tissues.
  • Boron - is required for normal thyroid function.

INTERESTING: The technology of preparing Morse in ancient times was very simple. Berries filled with barrels, then flooded exclusively with spring water and pressed down with strong oppression. Such Morse could be stored in the cellar until the next harvest.

What is useful for cranberry juice:

  • Removes from the body excess fluid, as it has a powerful diuretic effect. This is very useful in the presence of cystitis
  • Helps reduce the increased blood pressure( for this reason, it should be taken cautiously by hypotensive patients).
  • Regular use helps to improve appetite and digestive function.
  • Morse normalizes the work of the intestines, eliminates frustration and diarrhea.
  • Helps the liver to easily remove bile
  • Through breast milk, cranberry mors can fight intestinal colic in newborns.
  • Acts on the body as a powerful anti-inflammatory drug.
  • During the cold period, it helps to lower the temperature.
  • acts as a rehab agent after overheating or in case of severe hypothermia.
  • Lowers blood sugar level
  • Restores the body after poisoning, even alcohol.
  • Produces a prophylactic against fungus
  • Improves blood hemoglobin level
  • Normalizes the nervous system
  • Helps cope with arthritis by removing inflammation
  • Improves health during gingival inflammation
How useful and unique is cranberry fruit

How to make fresh squash mushrooms: recipe in multivariate

You can prepare lingonberry mors in several ways. In any case, you will receive a useful drink that can be rolled up or stored in the refrigerator for a long time. For cooking, you can use only berries cranberries or assorted of several berries.

Preparation in the multivarquet( bowl 3 liters):

  • Prepare 1kg of berries cranberries( pre wash the cranberries with running water and slightly dry).
  • Berries should be recoated through a culinary sieve. Pour the juice into a separate bowl, and pour the oil cake with 2 liters of water in the multi-cook bowl and turn on the "Soup" or "Quenching" mode for 1.5 hours .
  • After this time, strain the liquid from the cake( now it can be discarded).
  • Add in the hot water the required amount of sugar( here everyone should be guided by their own taste). You can add honey instead of sugar, but it should be added to a slightly warm liquid( honey loses its useful substances in hot water).
  • Mix the cooked compote with fresh cranberry juice and use for the purpose: for drinking or preserving.
Recipe for simple and tasty cranberry mors in the multi-wok

How to prepare the frozen fruit from the frozen lingonberry: recipe

If you live in places that are not rich in fresh cranberries, but want to prepare a healthy and tasty mors, you can also use frozen lingonberries. Correctly frozen berries do not lose their useful qualities and are quite suitable for many recipes: fruit drinks, jams, compotes, jams.

How to prepare:

  • You will need 1 kg of frozen berries .They should be thawed, leaving for a while at room temperature.
  • Soft berries are passed through a sieve or squeezed through gauze. Freshly squeezed juice is drained into a separate container.
  • Pulp and cake from frozen berries should pour a liter of purified water and put on fire, add sugar( just a few table spoons), do not prevent the stick of cinnamon.
  • Cook the mors on a low heat for an hour, you can have one and a half.
  • Then cool it, press through gauze.
  • Welded mors mixed with freshly cranberry juice, the fruit is ready.

IMPORTANT: If the mors seems to be very concentrated or thick, it can be diluted with water in the preferred ratio.

Frozen berries of cranberries

How to prepare Morse from Wet Cowberry: recipe

Waxed cranberries are berries soaked in sugar syrup and citric acid. Such lingonberries can be stored for about a year( even a little longer).From such cowberry you can prepare delicious compotes, jams, sauces, desserts and even mors.

How to cook:

  • You will need about 0.5 kg of cranberries without syrup.
  • You do not need to rinse them, just pour a liter of water and put on a slow fire.
  • Cook the cranberries for about an hour, after the time has passed, add half the lemon juice to the mass.
  • Press the resulting liquid through the gauze, discard the cake.
  • Too concentrated or sweet drink can be diluted with pure water and drink.
Sweet cranberries

How to make Morse from cranberries and cranberries: recipe

Cranberries are a very useful berry, it can perfectly complement the qualities of cranberries and, with it, be the main ingredient in the fruit. Such a drink will turn sour, so do not forget to add enough sugar.

How to prepare:

  • You will need 0.5 kg of washed cowberries and 0.5 kg of washed cranberries .
  • It is necessary to wipe the berries through a sieve, carefully drain the juice and cake into a separate bowl.
  • The cake is filled with sugar( 1 cup is enough) and it is filled with water - 2 liters .
  • Put the mixture on fire and cook for 1.5 hours with over moderate heat. In a saucepan you can add a couple of lemon slices and a cinnamon stick.
  • After cooking, the drink should be cooled, and then filtered through cheesecloth, now the cake is ready to be thrown out.
  • The resulting broth is mixed with freshly squeezed juice, ready for use.
Cranberries and cranberries

How to prepare Morse from cowberry for the winter: recipe

You can prepare Morse for the winter, rolled into sterile cans and canned. Such a drink will have a lot of useful qualities and will be useful in the cold season for the treatment of colds and ARD.

How to cook:

  • Berries should be rubbed on juice and squeezed, you will need 1.5 kg. ( you can also use a juicer instead of a sieve).
  • Juice retracts into the refrigerator, and squeezes with sugar( the amount of sugar depends on your preferences, but the optimal is 1 kg ).
  • A handful of mint leaves( can be limited to a few leaves), put it to the cake, there also squeeze juice of one large lemon.
  • The squeeze is poured with two full liters of water and the mass is put on the fire, where should boil for 1.5 hours , squeeze through a sieve and bring to a boil again.
  • Pour fresh cranberry juice into a hot mass and mix.
  • Roll the drink into sterile jars
Cowberry mors for the winter

Cowberry mors: recipe without cooking

Cowberry fruit without cooking looks more like cowberry juice, mixed with red bilberry water. Nevertheless, it is a very useful drink that does not lose its useful and nutritious properties during the temperature treatment.

How to prepare:

  • Cowberry should be washed and dried - exactly 1 kg .Rub the berries through a sieve, remove the juice in the refrigerator.
  • The remaining berry puree is filled with a liter of room temperature water, add a few tablespoons.liquid natural honey and carefully dissolve it, pour in juice of half a lemon.
  • Insist on cranberry water follows the hour, then strain through gauze.
  • Clean water with cranberry juice, add sugar if desired.

Video: "Cranberry fruit"

  • May 20, 2018
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