What to play with the child 2 and 3 years? Story-role, directorial, didactic, table and mobile games for children 2 and 3 years old

In the article you can find scenarios of games for children of 2-3 years, as well as learn about the impact of the game on the development of the child.


  • Didactic games for children 2-3 years
  • Moving games
  • Board games for small children
  • Video: Table games for children 2-3 years
  • Story-role play for 2-3 year old children
  • Director's play for kids
  • Video:Games for children 2-3 years

The game is not just fun for children, but it is also the key to understanding the world around us, developing imagination, logical thinking, developing perseverance and other important qualities.

Any information transmitted through the game, children are better remembered and learned. It is important that the game matched the child's age.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years

Didactic games can be conditionally divided into three types:

  1. Games with objects, toys
  2. Word games
  3. Desktop print

Games with toys and various objects contribute to the development of tactile sensations, fantasy, thinking. Children learn to recognize objects in appearance.

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The game "What grows in the garden and in the garden?"

In the bucket or basket there are toy vegetables and fruits. The parent says: "A hedgehog came to us, he brought fruits and vegetables. Let's find out what grows in the garden, and what's in the garden. "Then the parent asks the baby to get him some vegetables from the basket. Vegetables are placed in one direction, and fruits in the other. In doing so, you need to tell the child what the name of this fruit or vegetable is, what color it is, where it grows.

A set of vegetables and fruits for children

The game "What's the object?"

The bag contains various items. For example:

  • Pencil
  • Ball
  • Toy
  • Handkerchief

Items can be the most diverse. The child or the parent takes the object out of the bag. The child should name it.

Game "Build a castle"

For this game you need cubes of different shapes:

  • Square
  • Rectangular
  • Cylindrical
  • Conical

Help the child build a large castle.

Kid plays with cubes

Word games develop speech, supplement vocabulary, develop the ability to conduct a dialogue and express their thoughts, fix the correct pronunciation.

The game "Singing Letters"

The parent sings a singing voice of "A-ah-ah."Then he asks the child to repeat the singing sound. Next, we sing the letter O, I, Y and other consonants. Thus the child learns the letters and sounds.

Game "How do animals say?"

Looking at the cards with images of animals, the parent asks the child to say how the cow or cat says. If the child does not know yet, you should tell him yourself: "Meow-meow" or "Mu-mu".Children quickly remember the sounds of animals.

Desk-printed games are aimed at improving visual perception, visual memory, and attention.

Game "Find a Couple"

Before the child cards with geometric shapes are displayed. The kid must find a pair to the card. For example, two cards with red squares, then two cards with yellow triangles.

Game "Puzzles"

Puzzles for children of two or three years should consist of 3-4 parts. Beginning with simple parts, the kid will learn to make a common subject from the details.

Simple puzzles for children 2-3 years

Moving games

The use of moving games is obvious. Active physical games develop coordination of movements, quick reaction, attention. A moving game can last 10-15 minutes.

The game "Sunny Bunnies"

Take the flashlight, show the baby a stain from it. It's a sunny bunny, the kid will have to catch it. When the sunny bunny is on the floor, you can catch it with your legs.

Game "Jolly bee"

First ask the baby how the bee buzzes. Then, with the sound "Z-z-z-z" catch up with the baby, as if you are a bee. After the bee caught up with the baby, he becomes a bee. Children squeal with delight from such a fun game.

Game "Throw Toys"

Divide the room into two pieces with a rope or a low screen. On one and on the second side there should be soft toys. The task is to transfer toys as quickly as possible to the side of the enemy.

Among other mobile games you can note:

  • Game of hide and seek
  • Game of ball
  • Game of catching up
Moving games - pledge of physical health of children

Board games for small children

Board games develop perseverance, logical thinking in children. For children of 2-3 years do not need to buy complex board games. The game must be understandable and interesting to the kid.

What board games are suitable for this age? It can be:

  1. Cards with seasons, animals, flowers
  2. Magnetic board with animals, numerals, letters
  3. Elementary puzzles of 3-4 elements
  4. Wooden constructors with different elements of

At this age, children will be interested to sculpt from plasticine, draw with pencils orpaints.

Board game for children 2-3 years

You can also build an interesting game with your own hands. To do this you will need:

  1. Empty tray
  2. Groats( buckwheat, peas, rice)
  3. Large pebbles or beads

In the tray with the croup, hide the beads. Let the child try to find them all. This game is designed to improve the fine motor skills of the fingers.

Important : If small elements or details are used in the game, parents must always look after the child.

Video: Board games for children 2-3 years

Story-role play for 2-3 year old children

From an early age, children try to imitate adults. They repeat everyday situations, intonation, behavior of adults. The role of the parent in the story-role game is great. In 2-3 years the child can not independently model the situation. The parent should help, push, prompt.

Invite a child to play such games:

  • Mothers' daughters
  • Doctor's reception
  • In the store

Let the child perform the role of the seller, patient or doctor, caring mother or daddy. Ally in story-role games can be parents or toys.

The game in the doctor

The director's game for kids

The director's game is very similar to the story-role. The difference is that the child does not assume the role, but endows other inanimate objects( toys) with the roles.

  1. The child begins to understand the director's game by the age of three. The bottom line is that the kid acts as a director, he himself comes up with a scenario on the move, determines the actions of the characters of the game.
  2. In order to introduce the kid to the director's play, play before him yourself first. The child will see your game, he will quickly understand what to do.
  3. The first directorial games of the child will be very simple. They consist of 2-3 sentences.
  4. Especially love to play children in directing games with small toys, such as toys from the "Kinder Surprise"

The game - the main way of knowing the world by the child. Pay more attention to the game with your children, but remember that at the age of 2-3 years, children can not yet concentrate for a long time. With the help of the game you can help your child grow up a happy, harmonious and developed personality.

Video: Games for children 2-3 years

  • May 20, 2018
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