A sports festival for children in school. Scenario of sports festival in school

A sports festival is an important school event. It promotes an active and healthy lifestyle for children of any age and is a wonderful entertainment.


  • Scenario of sports festival in school, brief content of the event
  • Children's sports competitions for schoolchildren
  • Funny starts: sports relay race for children
  • Competition of sports games for children of any age
  • What are the fun contests for children?
  • Why do you need sports activities in school? The use of sporting events
  • Video: "Small Sports Olympics"

Scenario of the sports festival in the school, brief content of the event

A sports festival is needed to educate the children in children to join the sports culture, physical exercises and train the spirit of competition. After all, there is no such child in the world who does not like contests, quests, competitions and the taste of victory.

Sporting event is always fun, fun with friends, team games and fun from active pastime. In addition, such an occupation instills in children a love of sport, and thus forms a full-fledged personality among them. By attaching your child to sports, you take care of his health, teach to live in society and win victories in any business.

instagram viewer

sporting event in school

Traditionally, a sports festival for schoolchildren includes such entertainments as:

  • sports competitions
  • relay
  • fun entertaining games

At the very beginning of the event, you should take time to formulate the goals of this holiday, tell about the importance of the sport lifestyle and motivate childrenfor active participation.

Event structure:

  1. To formulate goals and tasks, voice them to all present. Tell about the benefits of sporting and healthy lifestyles these days
  2. To divide the participants into teams, explain the terms of the competitions, familiarize them with the inventory
  3. Based on the results of the competitions, determine the strongest teams, award the winners
  4. Summarize the event, make active life style propaganda


  • For the jury: stopwatches, meter( roulette), whistles
  • For participating: balls, skipping ropes, hoops, rope, bricks
sports teams

important detail of the event - motivation. Ask those present and not participating in the holiday to prepare flags, balloons and posters that will encourage the team to win.

The solemnity of the event will be added by musical accompaniment: songs about sports, a sport march and active music.

Start the event with pleasant and solemn words:

Hello, dear spectators and everyone who takes part in our today's competitions! Sport is life and our happy holiday is a confirmation. Let us give each other part of respect to an active healthy lifestyle and try to enjoy fun games, contests and competitions.

Sport fills us with movement,
It will be easy for him every day.
It serves as a fabulous salvage
And it defeats our laziness.

Let's save today
Myself from the gray fuss. Let the sport give us freedom
From all diseases and troubles!

A confident gait
He will overcome sadness and fear
And shine like a sun
Smile of happiness on your lips!

After solemn words the sports march sounds and the list of forthcoming competitions and competitions is declared.

competitions with the ball

Each contest is alternately offered for execution. The jury closely monitors the teams and puts scores.

Children's sports contests for schoolchildren

As well as physical exercises in any physical education class should be of different intensity, according to increasing. So, the simplest competitions will start the holiday. From the proposed list of competitions you can choose any one at will.

For each competition, one participant is selected who has the best results in sports games.

  • The contest "runner" - the winner is the one who runs through 100 points for the shortest period of time
  • The kangaroo contest - the winner is the one who makes the longest jump
  • The "basketball" contest is the winner who will be able to hit the ballfrom the floor the greatest number of times
  • The contest "clean goal" - the winner is the one who will be able to score the greatest number of goals in a short period of time
  • The contest "strongman" - the winner is the one withcan perform the selected exercise the greatest number of times( squats, push-ups, pull-ups)
  • "Slim waist" contest - the winner is the one who can rotate the belly hoop the greatest number of times
sports contest

Funny starts: sports relay race for children

relay race isa competition in which the whole team takes turns taking part. Contests can be completely diverse, all participants one by one try themselves in the performance of tasks and transfer their role to everyone who is present in the team.

sports relay
  • Sports contest "Skip me"

This contest is very simple for understanding and performing by children of any age. All you need to do is to designate the territory and distance. Competitive teams must board from point A to point B on one leg without changing it. After reaching point B, the leg changes and the baby jumps in the opposite direction. The team that wins the task with the full team the fastest of all and will make fewer mistakes will win.

  • Sports contest "Three points"

Teams are built in lines in front of a basketball shield at a distance of three meters. Assignment: throw the ball and get them into the ring. The task is considered completed, when all the participants in the line throw the ball. The winner is the team that made the greatest number of successful hits.

  • Sport contest "Long-throw"

The team is in the same rank. The distance is marked, each participant must throw the ball and the referee must fix the result of the throw. The victory is won by the team that was able to throw the ball to a farther distance in the shortest period of time.

  • Sports contest "Twisted ball"

In this contest all the teams also remain in their ranks. Task: run with a football, butting it from point A to point B. You can not go beyond the agreed band. The ball should smoothly roll between the legs and not fly away. The task is finished when all the participants make their move. The winner is the team that will come to the finish line faster.

Competition of sports games for children of any age

Sport game - a way to relax and have fun. It is recommended to include games in the event in order to diversify the holiday and make it more emotional. In addition, the sports game is able to take all the negative energy and transform it into a good mood.

sport games
  • Sport game "Circumnavigation"

This game can be conducted both outdoors and indoors. It is preferable, of course, to play in nature, as there are more opportunities and territories there. The game is similar to the quest and contains a lot of points that are worth going through the teams.

At every point the team has to go through many tests of a sporting nature: jumping rope, running with obstacles, squats or push-ups. For the exact execution of the task, the team receives balls, which are summarized as a result.

  • Active game "Funny starts"

The meaning of the game is to reach the finish line by any means, overcoming obstacles. And the obstacles can be very diverse:

  • jogging
  • jumping on the fit-bole
  • running with the knots tied
  • tug of war
  • jumping on the rope
  • jumping through the goat and much more

Similar sport activities are always happily perceived by children and give a lot of positive emotions. It is best to arrange such games in the open air, where there will always be a vast territory and many options for obstacles.

merry starts

What are the fun contests for children?

A sports quiz takes place at every event. This entertainment serves as a comprehensive development of the child and is able to interest him to lead a healthy lifestyle. The questions are not complex and quite understandable to children of any age. A sports quiz can be held as a separate contest and the final stage of the competition.

holding a sports quiz

Questions of a sports quiz with answers:

  1. The one who wants to reach the finish begins his journey with. ..( start)
  2. This sports equipment can be pulled to its side.(rope)
  3. What is the name of the action when the ball goes beyond the zone of the game?(out)
  4. What is the name of the action when the ball is betrayed by one player to another?(pass)
  5. What is the name of the game in which the smallest ball is played?(table tennis)
  6. The country that opened the first Olympic Games.(Greece)
  7. The name of the game in which there are two teams, one grid and one ball.(Volleyball)
  8. In which game is a basket necessary?(Basketball)
  9. He aspire to establish sportsmen.(Record)
  10. The name of the site on which the boxers compete.(Ring)

At the end of the event it is necessary to sum up the results of the holiday. Discuss all the difficulties of the tests and be sure to make an accurate score. Each team is rewarded with certificates and symbolic prizes, which will remain in memory of a merry competition.

Why do we need sports activities in school? The benefits of sporting events

The benefits of a sporting event are difficult to overestimate, it develops a comprehensive personality in the child and accustoms to an active healthy lifestyle. Children are always very anxious waiting for all sorts of competitions, as they give the opportunity to develop a spirit of rivalry and open all their talents.

sports festival

A huge incentive, of course, are incentive prizes, which are awarded to all participants. It can be both sweet gifts, and real medals.

In addition, similar events allow children to develop their communication skills in society, communicating and helping each other in different situations. Experience shows that not even friendly children can find a common language, being in the same team.

It is recommended to conduct such activities at school at least twice a year. Such a holiday should last from an hour to two hours, but not longer, as children quickly get tired and lose interest. An obligatory condition of the holiday is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and love of sport.

Video: "Small Sports Olympics

  • May 20, 2018
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