The aromatic strawberries of many people are associated with taste from childhood. Gardeners are eager to grow them on their plots. However, strawberries are a bit capricious and require good care. It is necessary not only to water, but also to fertilize it. Why does the strawberry turn yellow, and how to avoid it? The answers are in our article.
Causes of the appearance of yellow spots
If yellow or light spots began to appear on the leaves, then pests have started to be active. Or the plant is infected with viruses. The last reason is dangerous: coping with virus diseases in plants is sometimes impossible. You can not propagate such seedlings, because they are already infected.
In this case, strawberries not only turn yellow leaves. Young shoots grow weakly, and old leaves get red. At the same time, plant growth slows down, it ceases to bear fruit, looks bad.
- The virus of wrinkling is very common. It manifests itself as follows: wrinkled trefoils are found, veins are covered with yellow, and then black spots - in these places the tissue dies. The bush ceases to bear fruit well, the crop becomes poor and weak.
- Viruses and other plants are dangerous. Many of them amaze raspberries, gooseberries, tomatoes, and then strawberries. Yellowness appears on the leaves, the plant grows poorly, does not bear much fruit.
- Another common cause is pests. Many insects carry diseases that affect the condition and color of the leaves. Aphids, nematodes affect seedlings, which leads to sad results.
- May beetles can inflict serious damage on crops and berries. Everyone has become accustomed to consider them harmless, but they burrow into the roots and lay larvae there. Subsequently, they begin to damage the root system of the whole plant. Access of nutrients to the leaves is interrupted, which leads to the appearance of spots.
- Diseases of caused by mycoplasma - a harmful microorganism, can lead to the death of the whole plant. Usually this happens in June. If pale leaves are found in the strawberry, it is worthwhile to understand that the seedlings can not be saved.
However, not only diseases and pests are to blame for the yellowness of the leaves.
Quite often the leaves turn yellow for other reasons:
- For example, the bushes are located in a place that is too open and are heavily illuminated by the sun.
- The lack of watering leads to the appearance of yellowness. Especially often it happens on hot days.
- In poor and infertile soils there is often a lack of iron. It also leads to the appearance of spots on the leaves.
How to deal with yellow spots?
If the problem is related to a lack of iron in the soil, it should be treated with iron sulfate. To do this, prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. Spoon the substance with 10 liters of water. It is necessary to thoroughly treat each bush with copious spraying. In this case, the liquid must also fall on the soil. Such treatments are also a reliable protection against pests.
When should be treated with vitriol? It is better to do this after harvesting the entire crop. If this is not done, the next year the harvest may not be as abundant. If the cause of the appearance of yellow spots is associated with a lack of iron, it is better to eliminate it as quickly as possible: such saplings can not be propagated, they will grow weak.
- Fighting a beetle in May is more difficult. They should be collected manually. This can be done by digging up beds. You can attract birds, such as starlings. They eat well the larvae of the May beetle. Attract birds can be with the help of a birdhouse. Finally, there is a way to use the ready-made remedy for the beetles. Drugs are sold in horticultural stores.
- Yellowed from hot weather, leaves will acquire a natural color if watered more often. In this case, you should slightly protect the plants from the bright sun. For this, it is worth pritenit bed. Abundant irrigation will avoid drought. The soil should be saturated with moisture by 30 cm.
- The spots that appear as a result of improper care will be lost if the plant is given more attention. For example, after harvesting the final crop, all dry leaves and shoots should be removed from the bed, and weeds should be removed.
- It is possible to eliminate seedlings from lack of nitrogen or magnesium by feeding them. It is known that magnesium participates in the production of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the color of the plant. If magnesium is not enough, the leaves become yellow or become pale green and pale at the edges.
Sulfur magnesium can help fix the situation. There are two ways to use it:
- Dilution in water and application as a fertilizer.
- In dry form during loosening. In this case, it is necessary to increase the concentration.
Finished top dressing does not contain a lot of magnesium, so it is worth doing this procedure every week. Make the soil less acidic with lime flour. In this situation, you need to use dolomite. It is a reliable source of magnesium for the plant.
- If the seedlings lack nitrogen, it is worthwhile to provide them with such fertilizer. But it is better to do it in the spring, otherwise the leaves of the strawberry will become bright green, but the fruits will be small and tasteless.
- To avoid fungal diseases it will be possible to transplant. It should be put in a new place every two to three years. In this case, it is necessary to avoid sites where potatoes and tomatoes grew earlier.
Strawberry growing. Councils of truckers
This berry is often attacked by pests and diseases. Get rid of them will help only competent and proper care, as well as careful selection of seedlings: you need to use only the strongest and healthy specimens. It is more difficult to fight with spots, since many viral diseases can not be prevented easily. And the intense heat and bright sun have a bad effect on the condition of the leaves.
Experienced gardeners give good advice. They will help to avoid diseases, pests and viruses, which will allow a good harvest. So:
- Strawberry is very fond of moisture, so the plant needs to provide enough water. Shrubs can not take moisture from deep layers, so the top layers of the soil should be well moistened.
- Do not forget to loosen the soil, which is very important after watering. If this is not done, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, which closes the access of oxygen to the roots. This will lead to loss of plant nutrients, and then to the yellowness of the leaves. During loosening, you need to do a little hilling.
- Strawberry likes various top dressings. For this, you can use manganese, iodine, and whey from milk. You can apply and ready-mixed. But do not overdo it with the amount.
- Saplings love light, but too bright sun has a bad effect on the condition of leaves and fruits. In hot weather bushes need to be shaded. Especially it concerns young specimens.
Caring for strawberries in the spring - video
If you follow all the rules of care, regularly feed the plant, protect from heat and water, the yellow spots on the leaves will not appear.
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