Signs associated with the clock. Can I wear, buy, measure, don, donate strangers found on the street, broken, broken wristwatches, take, hang other people's watches in the house: folk signs. Why forget in a strange house a watch, lose, find on the street: a sign

Can I wear someone else's watch, give a watch, pick up a watch.


  • Can I wear strangers, broken or broken watches found on the street?
  • Can I measure, wear someone else's watch, change the clock?
  • Can I give a watch?
  • Can I buy a watch myself
  • Can I hang someone else's wall clock in the house
  • Can I buy a watch with my hands?
  • Why lose your wristwatch on the street?
  • Why to find a wristwatch in the street and can they be selected?
  • Why forget a wristwatch in someone else's house?
  • Why break a wristwatch?
  • Can I eject a watch?
  • What to do with old, broken and old hours?
  • Video: Why can not I wear other people's things?

The clock is associated with a huge number of beliefs and traditions that have appeared very, very long time ago, but are in demand, and to this day. It is possible to wear someone else's, give away, throw out the clock and many other questions arise in almost every person, and the answers to these questions are not always unambiguous. So, let's start in them and understand the answers.

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Is it possible to wear strangers, broken or broken watches found on the street?

How often do we encounter finds? Agree that if not regularly, then at least a few times it happened to everyone. Money, ornaments, watches - yes, anything, because if someone loses, then someone definitely finds it.

But in fact there is in this situation the next moment - to argue with the fact that almost all people are superstitious very hard. Therefore, finding a thing, not every person will pick it up, and even if this happens, then doubts about the correctness of their actions will not keep you waiting. Of course, any sane person first of all thinks about the security of both his own and his family, so the questions about whether you can take the found things to yourself, will be absolutely logical and understandable.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that most people only know that it is impossible to pick up other people's things on the street, but why - only a few know. Maybe it's not so scary? That's it in this today we will understand. Let's talk, perhaps, about the thing that has become an integral part of every person's wardrobe.

The watch can rightly be called a part of our life. For a long time this attribute symbolized, and the eternity of time, and its transience. This accessory has always been attributed to magical properties.

Find the clock

Everyone knows that every thing has its own power. And it gets it from the person to whom it belongs.

  • As we are all different people, to be sure that the clock of a stranger, and even more so found, absorbed an exceptionally positive energy is simply impossible - therefore, according to a sign, such a watch can not be worn.
  • And yet, if you are going to wear a watch of a person close to you, who has no malicious intent towards you - wear it with pleasure.
  • The clock that you inherited will serve as an excellent amulet, , but only if you received it on the goodwill of the owner.

But with broken and broken clock things are a little different:

  • Broken clock has long been considered a bad sign, and they bring a failure and trouble for their master. Such watches can not only be worn, but also stored at home, as they emit negative energy.
  • It is believed that broken clock stops the life of its owner, taking away all life forces to move forward. A person has lost the desire for life, and to achieve the goals do not have enough time or energy.

In order to protect yourself from such negative phenomena, you need to do very little - immediately repair the broken thing. Agree, the way out is really simple.

Broken watch

Almost from childhood we used to try on clothes of friends and relatives, change things for a while or forever. But is it worth it to do with a clock?

Can I measure, wear someone else's watch, change the clock?

Since watches are considered things of personal use, then they should not be changed, and it's not just about signs. It is quite easy to explain such an opinion, it is not so simple to do so, for example, as well as changing clothes.

  • On the popular beliefs of it is believed that a person who tries on someone else's watch, also tries on the life of their master. In this case, all the same should occur only based on your desires. If you believe in this sign, then before you wear such an accessory, seriously think about whether it is worth it.
  • Our ancestors believed that should not wear and try on things of people who are sick with serious diseases, deceased, as well as bride and groom, as these things have too much energy and are not always good.
Measuring someone else's watch
  • But, despite all these warnings, you need to remember that very much depends on how you yourself feel about these signs. After all, one can not exclude the fact that many things are passed down from generation to generation and at the same time they do not bring any problems to their new owners.
  • Changing the clock is only for those people in whom you are absolutely sure, because after exchanging a thing, you exchange and its energy.

Next, let's move on, perhaps, to the most widespread notion. Choosing a gift for relatives and friends, your choice is completely justified can fall on this stylish wardrobe item. But there is not one person in your environment who will assure you not to make such presents, explaining this by saying that you can not give a watch.

Is it possible to give a watch?

To give new and to transfer another's hours is considered a bad omen. But why is it so? There are several reasons why it is extremely undesirable to present such a present:

  • As the watch symbolizes time and life, it is considered that by making such a gift, you reduce the life of the person to whom it is presented.
  • And having given a watch to a loved one and a close person, you are doomed not only to constant quarrels and disagreements with him, but also to parting.
  • It is also not customary to give any watches to the newlyweds, as there is an opinion that such a present will bring a couple of squabbles and abuse, and then a divorce.
Is it possible to give a watch

If you really are inclined to believe this note, then it will be useful for you to know that you can give a watch by taking a small symbolic fee from a person in exchange, for example, and mostly small coins. So you like to buy them, but do not receive them as a gift.

Is it possible to buy a watch for yourself

That's it in this case, our ancient signs allow us to act with absolute security, but it's worth sticking to some tips:

  • If an woman or girl chooses an accessory herself, preference should be given to oval or round watch, orother forms, but necessarily with rounded edges. It is believed that this kind of product will provide a happy and carefree life for a woman, as well as success in personal matters. But buying a square-shaped watch, the girl condemns herself to "carry an unbearable burden" and perform all the male work on her own.
  • If the clock buys for itself the man all should be with accuracy yes on the contrary. Guys should choose a rectangular or square shape of the dial. Having given preference to this form, it is commonly believed that a man will be successful in his work, his finances will always grow, and in the family life there should be no problems at all.

How the shape of the clock affects family life and the financial situation of a person, to date we can not say, but I would like to believe that if you listen to these recommendations, you can really get what you promised.

Buying hours

Today, a lot has been said about the wristwatch, but what about the wall clock? In principle, there is no significant difference in these accessories, since they fulfill the same role.

Is it possible to hang someone else's wall clock in the house

Here I would like to note that not only watch, but other things indiscriminately "pull" to your house is not worth it, and even more so do not do it when you do not know the owner of these things. Bringing things to themselves that belonged to other people before, you can decently "smash" the house. Do you need this - decide for yourself.

Hanging foreign wall clock

If the desire to hang someone else's clock is so great that you can ignore all the signs and superstitions, then follow at least the following recommendations:

  • Buying a watch, it is advisable to do it with your friends. Thus, at least you will know what the fate of the owners of this accessory and will be able to assess the possible risks.
  • Buy only working, working hours. It is not necessary to take a watch that "does not go" in order to fix it.
  • You also do not need to take a watch with a broken dial or watch, with other damages.
  • If you liked the watch, they are in good condition, and their previous owner is familiar to you and pleasant - take the purchase and hang up with a positive attitude at home.

It often happens that we like the thing that has already been in use and is being sold by hand. But is it safe to buy a watch this way. Let's figure it out.

Can I buy a watch with my hands?

It's no secret that buying things from hand, including watches, whether they are new or used, you can save a lot, but is it worth it? Opinions of people, and signs do not give an unambiguous answer.

  • The sign about the purchase of watches with hands, again tells us that by acquiring such a ticking accessory, as a bonus we can get a different kind of disease and a dose of negativity.
  • It is also believed that sometimes people spoil on such items, and then sell them to get rid of their problems, and you accordingly buy them and take them away.
  • On the other hand, more mundane, you need to understand that we are all people. And most people sell things as needed, without any evil intent.

What position to take you, and what to believe, the choice is yours. Losing some things, we do not attach any importance to it, but does it happen with the loss of hours? I think no.

Why lose a wristwatch on the street?

There are many options that explain why a watch can be lost. Consider the most common of them:

  • You are reminded that a waste of time does not lead to anything good. This is such a kind of call for you to reconsider your life and maybe make a decision to change something.
  • The same loss of hours, can say that in the future you will expect difficulties. That time will "stop", you will not develop, and all your affairs will "stand still."
Losing the clock
  • Another way to explain this loss is the following: a certain stage in your life has already ended and gone in the past along with lost hours, and ahead of a new spiral of time. But what it will be depends not only on accepting and superstitions, but also on yourself.

So you can use the clock of a person whom you know everything is clear, but what if you found such an accessory and the owner is unknown?

Why should I find a wristwatch in the street and can I choose them?

There is no consensus on this belief. In some sources, clocks on the street are strictly forbidden to raise, while others say that this is just a sign from above, designed for you.

  • In one version of this sign it is considered that at the moment when a person is passing away, his hours stop. Therefore, selecting such a find is extremely dangerous not only for health, but for human life. Taking such an accessory to yourself, you risk taking away all the illnesses of the deceased person. Picking up such a watch, you can take the whole negative of the illness to yourself and doom yourself to suffering.
  • Just before you treat the meaning of such a find, you should pay attention to its appearance. Other sources indicate that if you find not broken, working hours, then this is a pretty good sign. Such a discovery symbolizes new opportunities that will soon open before you. This can be both opportunities related to work, for example, raising, and to family life, for example - a new acquaintance, or a new stage of relations.
Find a watch
  • If you found a broken or stopped watch - it is worth seriously thinking about where you spend your time. Such a discovery can warn you that the precious moments of your life will be spent completely irrationally. In such cases, you need to remember how fleeting time and the fact that you can not return it back.
  • It should be noted that similarly such a ticking find may remind you that someone forgot to fulfill the promise to someone. Try to remember to whom and when you have promised something and correct the situation.

What do you do if you find a clock on the street? Of course, it's up to you to decide, but if you are superstitious, then perhaps you just have to pass by, because to check on yourself the truth or not, a few will want to.

Sometimes it happens that our clock can forget about someone close or friends. What do the signs say in this case and is there any mysterious meaning in this at all?

Why forget a wristwatch in someone else's house?

It is commonly believed that a watch can not only be an excellent addition to your image, but it can also be the source of the relationship between people, they can tell you what awaits you with this or that person.

  • If you forget a watch from one of your friends, then depending on the shape of the dial, you can talk about the following: sharp-angled - to disagreements, resentment, perhaps even to the fact that soon your friendship will end. Round or oval watch - for reconciliation, long friendship, understanding.
  • Forgotten watch from a loved one is a perfect sign. Most likely your relationship will be very good and will have a happy ending. Such relationships, as a rule, easily pass all the tests of time and become only stronger from this.
  • But if you forget the watch of a person who is unpleasant to you, then it can only mean that you can not stop talking with this person as quickly as you would like. Most likely, unpleasant conversations will drag on in time, and you will not have to see each other again, and talk to this person.
Forgotten hours
  • The forgotten hours at work , can indicate that you are not doing your own business and accordingly do not get any pleasure from this process. In such cases, it is recommended that you think about whether you are doing it, it may be worth forgetting about all prejudices and forced situations and simply allowing yourself to deal with a matter that you would really be interested in.
  • If you forgot the clock on the holiday or a party - it means that at the moment your priorities are placed in favor of rest and pleasure. You need to think about whether the accents are correctly made, and whether the things really are necessary.

The most unpleasant thing is to break the clock. But why is everyone so afraid of this? The answer to this question we now learn.

Why break a wristwatch?

The sign about the broken clock is pretty old and it never boded anything good.

  • The most common interpretation of this sign is this: if in the glass cracked glass - this is the disease of any of the family members. To a greater extent, it is generally accepted for this reason that the clock, as mentioned earlier, symbolizes the life and transience of time, and the cracked dial is primarily a violation of integrity. It is worth noting that these are only assumptions and immediately take everything to heart, of course, not worth it.
Broken wristwatch
  • It should be noted that wristwatches generally beat very easily, this may be due to a problem with the strap or buckle, but it is also considered a bad sign. Although unlike the first case, such a failure carries more negativity in the work area. If the clock has broken up this way, you may be in for a bad job, or at this stage you will not see a rise in the career ladder.

Each thing has its own deadline and even though it seems that in the clock the main thing is to change the battery, they also cease to work with time.

Can I eject a watch?

There is a large number of opinions on this issue.

  • Of course, before you ask yourself whether you can throw such an accessory, you need to make sure that it can not be repaired in any way. Give the watch to the master, and only if his verdict is not consoling, start thinking.
  • Previously, there was a belief that the watchmaker, making watches, put a piece of his soul in them, that's why it was strictly forbidden to throw out this product. Discarding the clock, you doom the person who made them to illness and suffering.
  • If the clock is good, but you do not want to wear them anymore, just do not rush to say goodbye to them. Just put them in a secluded place, without stopping the arrows.
  • With broken watches, our ancestors recommended to proceed as follows: they must be put in a dark box, preferably shredded into a shred of purple. It is believed that this color absorbs negative energy well and can neutralize it.

Owners of old, albeit broken, watches are also worth thinking about before throwing them away.

What to do with old, broken and antique watches?

  • Happy owners of ancient watches, as well as holders of conventional wristwatches, first need to make sure that they are not working properly and only after, decide whether to throw them out or leave. If you still have the opportunity to fix an accessory - then it must be done without fail, there should not be any faulty hours in the house.
  • And even if the watchmaker confirmed the malfunction of the antique clock, do not rush to send them to the garbage. To save yourself and your family from the negative influence, you need to pull the mechanism out of the clock and hide it in the same dark box.

Today, once again, we had the opportunity to make sure that signs and beliefs occupy a rather important place in our life. Every day we come across a lot of things that we try to explain, not only from a scientific point of view, but also from the point of view of mysticism. Arguing about the ancient signs and traditions, I want to recall the famous saying: "How many people - so many opinions".Everyone has the right to make decisions on the veracity of certain superstitions independently, but also to deny that they have a place to be, we can not.

To use other people's things or not, to choose their findings or not, it's up to you: if the opinion that each thing has the energy of its owner and is not always positive, you are not afraid, then charge yourself with positive, adjust yourself to a wave of luck and withenjoy using the thing.

Video: Why can not I wear other people's things?

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