Makeup sculpting faces for beginners

We offer you to get acquainted with the basic information that will help you create a star sculptural make-up at home. To do this, it will not take much effort or skill of a professional makeup provider, but a certain set of tools and tools will be indispensable.

  • Features of sculptural make-up
  • Face shape definition
  • Cosmetic choice
  • Selection of tools
  • Color scale
  • How to apply
  • How to make transitions
  • Makeup creation

Features of sculptural make-up

Sculptural makeup is an adjustment and contouring of the face shape with tonal and powder cosmeticmeans to remove shortcomings and put emphasis on the merits of appearance. Often women, resorting to sculptural make-up, change cardinally. Many defects, both large and minor, can be hidden by contouring.

The process involves highlighting some areas of the face and obscuring others. When you create it, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

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Face shape definition

Face shapes are classified according to the following six main types:

  • Oval - the forehead is wider than the chin, the cheekbones protrude, and the face gently narrows and visually resembles an oval.
  • Narrow - a long face, forehead, cheekbones and a line of chin are almost identical in length.
  • Round - the face is wide, the forehead is often equated to the length of the face, and the widest part of the face is in the cheek area.
  • Triangular - the forehead wider than the chin, the cheekbones and forehead are almost the same in width, the face narrows to the tip of the pointed chin.
  • Square face - forehead, cheekbones and a line of the chin are almost the same in width, and the lower jaw is square.
  • Face "Pear" or an inverted triangle - the forehead is narrow enough, the face visually expands to the chin, the jaw seems massive.

The ideal shape is the oval. It is to him to strive when applying contours.

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The choice of cosmetics

For sculptural make-up, you can use dry powder cosmetic products, you can use tonal creamy means.

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Dry remedies are more convenient to apply. Pallets for contouring of face are very popular. The standard palette includes several necessary tones, combined with each other.

Many fashion brands offer a decent choice of palettes. The most famous are the macros for contouring the face of Mac, Hills and others.

It is not necessary to use exactly pallets, you can take dry powder of several tones or foundation. In addition, suitable and concealer.

Face contouring with concealer is a relatively new trend in the cosmetic industry. The concealer is most often a pencil, which is used to correct problem spots on the skin. It is applied to problem areas point-wise, able to remove all imperfections. Consilers are different and can be used to create a sculptural make-up. This type of tonal basis has a very dense texture and it is most convenient to shade it with warm fingers.

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Selection of tools

You can use all kinds of brushes to apply dry and creamy tonal products. Brushes for contouring the face can be either professional, or from the category of "cheaper", from natural nap or synthetic. It all depends on your individual needs and opportunities.

For convenience, it is worthwhile to have in its arsenal several flat brushes for contouring and beveled for blush.

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Color scale

For girls with pale skin, you need to take as cool as possible even almost gray tones of sculptors for the face.

For girls with a tone of soft sunburn skin warm tones of brown sculptors for the face will suit.

The use of bronzers in sculpting is suitable only for well-tanned and swarthy girls.

Toned products that contain a variety of sequins are best not used for contouring the face.

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How to apply

  • An oval face is an ideal shape that does not require correction in itself, only it is possible to remove shortcomings with concealer and use the usual tonal tools. Also, with the help of sculpting on the oval face, you can correct the shape of the nose or protruding chin.
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  • A narrow, long face - this shape requires darkening of the upper forehead and lower chin. In this case, it is best to use horizontal darkening. By applying horizontal light shadows, you need to visually round out the chin.

  • A round face is a case where the face needs to be narrowed by sculpting and try to sharpen it. You need to make dark accents on the corners of the forehead, on cheekbones and in the jaw areas.

  • Triangular face - this face shape requires maximum darkening of the temporal zones, to give softness to facial features. Darken and thereby round out the pointed chin.

  • Square face - to give the person maximum ovality, it is worth trying to round it. Shadows need to be applied to the depressions of the cheekbones, the corners of the forehead, and the jaws.

  • Face "Pear" - in this case you need to darken the lower part of the face, hide the massive jaw.
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How to make transitions

There should be no visible lines and transitions in the sculptural make-up. Only smooth and inconspicuous lines that will harmoniously merge and complement each other. This effect can be achieved only with the correct and qualitative shading of the shades of sculptors and concealers applied to the face. It's good to cope with this task Beauty brush. It is necessary to start the feathering with light lines. It is shading that is the key to the final result of sculptural make-up.

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Make-up creation

Initially, clean and moisturize the face well. Wait 15-20 minutes for the cream to soak.

Apply to the face powder. Pull your cheeks and use a brush with a powder to put a base on the cheekbones in circular motions. Transitions should be made to be light and smooth, so as not to remove excess. Easier to add after the desired color saturation. Correcting the face, look directly in front of you, so you will understand where and what shade you need to apply.

We sculpt the nose. Through the entire length of the nose to the tip on each side of the cheeks, it is necessary to draw dark lines. The lines must be level and not slip to the side of the nostrils. If you need to visually extend the nose, you need to start sculpting from the very eyebrows.

We sculpt the forehead. The high forehead needs to be darkened from above along the hair growth line and at the sides.

You also need to darken the area near the upper eyelid.

Light areas. A light corrector or concealer should highlight the corners under the eyes, the center of the forehead, the middle of the nose, the cheekbones, the area above the upper lip and the corners of the lips.

All applied and dark and light lines must be blurred as much as possible, so that there are no borders between the lines, only smooth lines and transitions.

  • May 20, 2018
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