A funny scenario of matchmaking from the bride: the words of the bride, the parents of the bride, the relatives of the bride, toasts, chastooshkas, songs, poems. Funny contests, jokes, gifts from the bride

The article offers you interesting ideas for organizing and conducting matchmaking by the bride.


  • Rules, customs, traditions of the bride's wedding party
  • Text of the bride's matchmaking scenario: the words of the bride, parents, relatives
  • Songs for the bride's wedding: text
  • Jokes on the bride's wedding party
  • Toast to the bride's matchmaking
  • Funny verses for matchmaking by the bride
  • Ditties for matchmaking by the bride
  • Competitions for matchmaking by the bride
  • What to give to matchmaking from the bride?
  • Video: "Matchmaking, the acquaintance of the parents of the bride and groom"

Rules, customs, traditions of the bride's wedding match

From time immemorial, the matchmaking( the offer of the hand and the heart) was a manly duty. The groom admitted to the family that he was in love and intended to marry. The family sat at the table and for a long time decided questions about how to organize matchmaking and what to do so that the bride would not refuse.

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At the same family council, it was decided who will be matchmakers - people who will notify the bride's family about the upcoming matchmaking and will be the organizers of the fun. In the role of matchmakers, close relatives, godparents or best friends acted. After the council the matchmakers came to the bride's house and hinted that tomorrow it was necessary to "wait for the guests".

The bride's wedding is not a classical custom, but rather a modern interpretation of the offer of the hand and heart. Such a matchmaking can be organized in order to acquaint the parents of a young couple in love, or to "stir" the overstocked groom who for a long time could not independently make an offer.

There are also special rules for holding a matchmaking by the bride :

  • The bridegroom's wedding could be a complete surprise for the girl and her parents, but the matchmaking of the bride must be agreed in advance and planned to the smallest detail.
  • Matchmaking was planned for a certain date, it was believed that it should occur 3-6 months before the wedding, a maximum - for 1 year.
  • For matchmaking you need to choose a beautiful and "lucky" number, for example: 3, 5, 7, 8 and avoid the number 13, so as not to incur mischief.

IMPORTANT: The purpose of the bride's matchmaking is to show oneself in the best possible way and to attract the grooms to their relatives and matchmakers, so that they find the bride an ideal passion.

At matchmaking the girl can:

  • Show off her dowry - fortunately, this tradition has not eradicated and modern girls continue to accumulate a dowry in order to take him to married life. To the dowry can be attributed almost everything: decorations, fabrics, clothes and bed linens, feather beds and pillows, towels, kitchen utensils and furniture.
  • Show all their talents - only on matchmaking, as nowhere else, you can show all that a girl can do and thereby attract a groom's family. You can sing in a beautiful voice, dance, show your works: embroideries, drawings, prepare a delicious dish( preferably baking).
  • "To appease" the groom's parents - for this from ancient times, the girls needed to give gifts not only to their parents, but the whole family. Her mother-in-law was given kerchiefs and shawls, father-in-law of the log-house or shirt, embroidered handkerchiefs. In the modern version, of course, you can give souvenirs. Means for the care of self, cosmetics, ornaments. It is best to ask your loved one about the preferences of each and give exactly what you like.
  • Feeding the groom's family - in this case it is about the fact that the bride should show her beloved and her parents how deliciously she will feed her husband: bake pies, cook meat, salads and delicious snacks.

IMPORTANT: To show oneself only from the best side and keep silent about any, even the smallest drawbacks - the ancient tradition. It is known that any imperfection of the bride could "frighten" the groom's relatives and those would "have been refused"( they were too "capricious").A girl who did not have to weave, embroider, cook and did not like work - did not marry, matchmaking - was the only opportunity to give herself out in a "better light".


The text of the bride's matchmaking scenario: the words of the bride, parents, relatives

Matchmaking is an event that requires not only a special moral preparation( good mood, self-confidence, love and only positive), but also organizational preparation. The script should be well thought out. In matchmaking there should be no scenes of silence, awkwardness and silence. Every minute should be filled with fun, poems and songs, gifts, dances, jokes.

IMPORTANT: Fill the script with a greeting and before parting with the verses suggested in this article and your matchmaking will leave only pleasant impressions for all present.

Words of the bride in verse:

I can not today:
Heart beats the bird!
I to my beloved run,
To get married!

Sits long in the grooms,
My little betrothed.
You do not hide behind matchmakers,
In, what a beautiful one!

We today with matchmakers
We'll match you,
To be friends then houses
And at the wedding cry!

I love you with the soul,
My dear, dear.
I'm so happy with you,
We are having a beautiful wedding!

I have been ready for a long time already
I am free to marry,
I want a husband,
To appreciate me!

Do not be shy, my darling,
We came to get married,
To make life beautiful,
To be happy to show off!

Unusual phenomenon -
Matchmaking of the bride.
The house is hot fun,
The house is too crowded!

Sits long in the grooms,
Nightingale is my, sweet.
Run you laziness and fear,
Will soon be a holiday!

I came to you with greetings
And I admit that I love.
And you in this world,
I will not replace anyone!

I collected all the matchmakers,
I brought you to your house.
And you are ready to get married
And bind yourself to fate? !

Words of the bride to the groom on the matchmaking

Words of the parents in verse:

We came here knowingly,
The offer was carried.
You accept us loving,
With us, happiness divide!

We have a big deal for you,
We woo you came boldly!
The bride is beautiful,
Will give you a happy life!

Parents we are nice,
And our daughter has the right:
Housewife and clever,
Wise, sweet, clever!

You help us to get involved
In your groom's house,
We want from happiness to cry
And to believe in love for ages!

We were preparing our daughter,
Protected her and brought up.
We see your son with her away,
The bride is adorable to him!

Open the doors, people,
We will match today
In your groom's house,
We have a bride is not bad!

We are good matchmakers,
You brought gifts,
The bride we have is good,
She is worthy of love!

Today will be fine,
Today will be fun,
Come to your parents house
Future bride!

Let's take a look though eye
On the groom beautiful.
He will be presented to us by love
Sincere, strong!

We came to you today
And introduced ourselves to matchmakers
We want to marry you,
Happiness is just around the corner!

Matchmaking: the words of the parents are

Owl relatives in verse:

Will the wedding be good:
Cheerful and bright!
Today we brought
Many presents to you

We have a kindly family,
Kind, pleasant.
There will be a wedding easy!
There will be a sweet wedding!

We want to woo you,
To go for a walk at the wedding.
Do not be shy you, us,
Come out to meet us!

We are relatives of the bride,
The house is too crowded,
Come out, people,
We'll match you!

We knowingly knocking at you,
We brought you the news:
"Do not hide the bridegroom,
We have a bride!"

Do not be afraid of you relatives,
We are nice people.
Come to us, matchmakers,
We'll match you!

The brides on our neck we are relatives,
We wish happiness to the young! Let the family be happy,

The bride of our all beauties
And the blessings in this world are beautiful!
You go out, groom, into the yard
And you undress our happiness!

Births came to you guests ,
Give meat, hide the bones!
You expose the wine,
Will be in the house of fun!

We came to you with joy,
We brought you sweets,
Let's sing, dance, play,
Happiness to the young wish!

Songs of alteration to matchmaking by the bride: text

Diversify the script for matchmaking follows cheerful songs: folk, alterations or own authorship. They can be sung with a guitar, a button accordion, a phonogram and even an applause from those present. Such songs will certainly raise the mood and set the tone for the whole wedding.

Songs for Matchmaking:

Song No. 1
Song No. 2
Song No. 3
Song No. 4
Song No. 5

Jokes on matchmaking by the bride

Jokes will help diversify matchmaking, give a good mood to the guests and set the tone for the whole holiday. Jokes can be included in the script idli read at the table.

Today it's matchmaking
It's audible abroad.
There will be people fun,
We will marry!

Music playing around with
And audible birds singing,
Everything in the house with this somersault,
Everyone celebrates the fun!

Love today is a magnificent holiday ,
All are good, everything is dressed up.
Let it be bright and different
Young life always and everywhere!

Matchmaking is now a walk
Two families are happy.
You can not find a better pair:
Lovely, beautiful!

There are no more beautiful couples in the world,
Than( young names) are ours.
We wish you to marry
And from the happiness of the ages shine!

A lush table is prepared:
Pies, cheesecakes.
The whole family sits around,
Rejoices, eats!

The young road will be
Let the kind and smooth.
Matchmaking let it turn around
The wedding is very sweet!

We were in a hurry to come to you,
Pie baked and soup cooked,
Take you guests "with the soul",
So that in life it was good!

Sacrifice rustles and dances
With all your hand for happiness waving
For the young rejoice,
Let the wedding be sweet!

Wow, good fun is ours!
Everyone is full, joyful, easy.
The groom is good, the bride of the sun is more beautiful,
You couple are lucky lucky!

Jokes for fun for matchmaking

Toasts for matchmaking by the bride

Toasts and drinking wishes play a big role in organizing and organizing the whole holiday. They should be prepared in advance, write out the most beautiful poems and solemnly read them at the right time.

Let's drink, dear matchmakers
For the wedding of dashing wild beauty!
For happiness, eternal love,
What disperses blood in the veins!

Let's drink to the love
She's more wealthy,
She drives the blood in her veins
And causes a shiver in her skin!

Matchmakers came to woo you,
At the table carry meat, kvass,
We'll drink, wish good,
So that the house had kids!

Jokes, dances, singing,
Matchmaking - fun!
It will be noisy, there will be a wedding,
We'll walk till the morning!

We'll raise the glass for happiness,
For the long life of this pair,
They let you through all the bad weather
And life pleases you with presents!

At the table, native people all gathered,
All raised a festive glass.
We want you to dissolve into each other
And your eyes only sparkled with love!

We wish you a family affluence,
Let life be peaceful, peaceful, smooth,
Let it be as if a boat sails quietly on the sea,
Let everyone bypass it!

We wooed hurry to you,
Pour vodka to matchmakers,
Let's drink - there will be a wedding!
After all, we knowingly came to match you! Let life be full, like this table.
Let happiness shine all around.
We wish you grief not to know,
Love want to wish you!

Let's drink, friends, the wedding will be,
Will walk our people!
There is a street holiday,
Families great fun!

Beautiful toasts for matchmaking

Funny verses for matchmaking by the bride

Funny and funny poems, jokes can be included in the entertainment program and they will necessarily make your holiday more interesting, more positive, brighter!

Oh, my dear bridegroom,
Joy and my love.
Together will be good,
I promise to be honest!

I'll go for seven seas
Behind you, darling.
To my very heart
You are necessary!

I'm joking, at times, with friends,
Like, my fiancé is sugar.
In life will be before us
Doors all open wide!

I promise for you
Cook a lot of delicious cabbage soup,
In the house often invite
Dear comrades!

That's what a good groom:
Sits modestly at the table.
He is in all souls with a lovely
I'll give him love!

You have eyes like that,
Like, oceans.
They to me now native
And liked steel!

The matchmakers brought gifts
Good and sweet.
Your house is very hot,

I came to ask you,
To marry me took.
I do not have the strength, I want to get married,
And the wedding, like a carnival!

We joked, we laughed,
To be friends with you.
You, my darling, like sweet,
I want to marry you!

The loaf is not touched,
Guests do not have a snack.
What matchmakers are bothering you,
Is not the table delicious?

Funny verses for the script of the matchmaking

Chastooshkas for the marriage of the bride

Chastushki - the most fun part of any event, including matchmaking. Singing ditties is possible during dances, competitions, greetings and even at the table. You can sing them without music, to the sound of clapping hands or a living instrument.

What, my dear, you're sitting sad,
It's like an asshole.
Pour and chew cabbage,
Will you be married!

Oh, my dear, do not cry,
A good bride!
With it you will not be puzzled,
It will only be fun!

How are you, darling, do not twist,
And get married.
Soon in the house of tinsel
There will be a lot of wedding!

Oh, the bride is good,
Oh, wise and polite.
Will life with her is good,
Like a snowstorm!

Svitki - it's good,
Svitki, after all, not a wake,
Will be at home fun,
Nobody will pay tears!

Uh, meet us, matchmakers,
Open the doors!
Open wider mouths,
Let's drink and we are!

We have baked bread for you,
Delicious and soft.
To matchmaking already gone,
Was the groom married your!

On the ground one flower -
Our red girl!
You meet the matchmakers,
The couple will soon marry!

Smile, honest people,
Drink some vodka, have a snack.
Soon the wedding will come to us,
Have fun and do not be sad!

There is no pair of this beautiful,
I do not have them in love!
Will your life be beautiful,
Nice, calm!

Merry chastushki for matchmaking

Competitions for matchmaking by the bride

Competitions will help improve any entertaining program for matchmaking. Include more competitions on your holiday and everyone present will enjoy.

Competition No. 1
Competition No. 2
Competition No. 3
Competition No. 4

What to give for the matchmaking of the bride?

Options of relevant gifts for women:

  • Shawl, shawl, stole
  • A good perfume, caring and some decorative cosmetics( usually it is very difficult to find the right color).
  • Books, notepads, writing accessories
  • Handbags, cosmetic bags, storage boxes
  • Flowers, house plants
  • Beads, ornaments
  • Crayfishes for photos, photo albums
  • Kitchen utensils, tools and tools for households
  • Decorative figurines and home decor

Options for relevant giftsfor men:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Expensive cigars
  • Baking and cooked meals( sausages, baked meat, salads, preserves, honey).
  • Plaid, home clothes
  • Tools for work, household, garden, houses
  • Pictures and figurines
  • Technique
  • Good perfume or hygiene products

Video: "Matchmaking, the acquaintance of the parents of the bride and groom"

  • May 20, 2018
  • 97
  • 200