How quickly to cure a cold? Folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestion

Folk wisdom offers a lot of recipes.thanks to which you can quickly and effectively get rid of the discomfort that brings a cold.


  • How to treat common cold with folk remedies in adults?
  • How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies for children?
  • Folk remedies for the common cold in pregnancy
  • Video: How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy with folk remedies?
  • How to cure a runny nose for nursing mother folk remedies?
  • How to quickly get rid of the common cold with folk remedies?
  • Treatment of a chronic and protracted common cold with folk remedies
  • Treatment of an allergic rhinitis with folk remedies
  • Video: How to treat a common cold with folk remedies?

Coryza is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that can destroy plans and knock them out of the working track. The current mucus from the nose, which makes breathing difficult for , deprives rest and sleep - a symptom with which it is difficult to tolerate. Modern official and traditional medicine offer a variety of ways of treating the of this ailment.

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How to treat runny nose folk remedies in adults?

Before taking on the treatment of the common cold, it is important to understand that this unpleasant mucus is not a disease of , but only a symptom of the fact that the body has strenuously started to fight against any negative factor.

The mucus secretion of helps prevent spreading through the body of the virus or allergen , which causes such a reaction of our immune system.

Runny nose gives considerable inconvenience to

In the common people and even among doctors there is a joke that if you treat a runny nose, it will pass through for seven days , and if not treated, then through week .

Thus, to stop the allocation of this very mucus from the nose of the can only temporarily - until the body is attacked by the stimulus snot will not go anywhere.

Treatment of the common cold is a useless matter, but

can be temporarily removed. But you should not give up, because can significantly alleviate its condition by stopping the symptom. For this, there are many simple and affordable folk recipes.

Nasal wash with weak saline solution

This method is not only actively used in folk medicine because of its availability and low cost of , but it is also a method of relief from a nasal congestion that is approved by physicians.

Prepare a saline solution very easily at home: per 1 liter of boiled water add 2 teaspoons of salt( no slides) and mix thoroughly. Bury the nose with such a tool you can 6-8 times , by collecting half a pipette into each nostril.

Preparation of a saline solution for the nose wash

The remedy will be more effective if you use the marine instead of the salt.

Thanks to salt washing:

  • the nasal cavity is cleansed of crusts and mucus as well as dust
  • solution improves the work of capillaries and mucous membrane, which improves local immunity
  • removes swelling
  • disinfects the nasal cavity
Nasal wash

In addition to the rhinitis, saline solution can be used as a prophylactic agent and for daily rinsing, and also as a component of complex therapy with ritus and sinusitis .

Burying the nose with onion juice

If the nose is laid and breathing becomes difficult, will help restore the onion to the respiratory function.

This remedy is so strong that it immediately breaks the nose and acts much more effective than the advertised vasoconstrictive drops for the nose.

Onions - an effective remedy that facilitates nasal breathing

To prepare this folk remedy, clean one bulb from the rind, wash it well and grate it on a fine grater.

Transfer pulp to a sterile cut of gauze and, wrapping, squeeze the onion into a spoon or a stack of onion juice .The resulting concentrate should be diluted halfway with water and the agent can be safely buried in the nose using a pipette.

Onion juice

Concentrated onion juice can burn mucous , therefore it is forbidden to dig it into the nose in its pure form!

Inhalation with potato steam

Nasal breathing can be penetrated by inhalation. To do this, you need several potatoes ( 4-5 large or about 10 small ones) that need to be washed and put into a pan. Fill them with water and put on fire.

Potato inhalation

When the potatoes are fully welded, you can proceed to the procedure: sit in a comfortable pose over the saucepan , cover the head with a towel and breathe the potato steam .After this procedure, nasal breathing will be restored for a while, but it is unfortunately impossible to cure the cause of the common cold.

How to treat a common cold with folk remedies in children?

Elimination of excess mucus and relief of breathing with nasal congestion in children has its own specifics .As for folk remedies, unlike prescriptions for adults, only soft-acting and safe methods of are allowed to eliminate the runny nose.

Runny nose in children

Treatment of a runny nose in infants and at all is contraindicated to exercise on the basis of grandmother's prescriptions - only a qualified pediatrician, assessing risks and health benefits, can prescribe the right drugstore to eliminate the common cold.

Common to many mothers( and even many older pediatricians), the method of instilling a baby's nipple with breast milk is not only inactive, but also extremely dangerous , because breast milk is a breeding ground for many bacteria. Therefore, such treatment can only harm the child.

Runny nose in infants should be treated only under the supervision of the pediatrician

Among the traditional methods of treatment for children is the most productive by instillation with a salt solution of .Only in the case of pediatric rhinitis the concentration of the solution should be weaker than for adults: per 1 liter of boiled water it is necessary to add 1 teaspoon of salt. Bury the nose of the child with such a means you can no more than 6 times per day.

In addition, if the child snot became not transparent, and green or yellow ( when the virus infection that provoked the disease, also attached to the bacterial), then bury your nose with a chill broth chamomile. The antiseptic effect of of this plant will allow the destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

Chamomile broth

For the preparation of chamomile broth , a tablespoon of flowers or herbal collection of chamomile should be filled with a glass of boiling water and insisted until completely cooled. Two drops of the drug are instilled by pipetting 4 times daily with into each nostril.

Chamomile broth, as well as decoctions of other useful herbs, such as eucalyptus, string, juniper, calendula , can be used for inhalations of in a child's rhinitis. Also, alkaline mineral water is effective for this.

Decoction of eucalyptus can also be buried in the nose

Resume nasal breathing and reduce the secretion of mucus can using a boiled egg .For this, hot, only with boiling water, egg wrap in a kerchief folded several times, and roll the egg on the nasal and maxillary sinuses , the wings of the nose, nose and forehead. To make such manipulations it is necessary for not less than 20 minutes , when the egg starts to cool down, it is possible to roll it without a handkerchief.

Nasal warming should only be done if the snot has a clear color. When warming up the green, bacterial snot the situation will deteriorate significantly and this threatens with the complication of .

Warming the boiled egg

Folk remedies for the common cold in pregnancy

During the pregnancy , the use of almost all medicines is not recommended, and when there is such an unpleasant state as stuffy nose , then you can alleviate the condition by folk remedies. Of course, this should only be done by after consulting with the doctor , which will approve the method of folk treatment.

Among the folk remedies allowed for a pregnant woman with nasal congestion are:

  • herb juices
  • broths
  • heating of the nose
  • salt rinsing
Runny nose in pregnancy

In addition to frequent rinsing of the nose with saline solution , you can also instill it with the juice of house plants. If the mucus in the nose is already green or yellow , then it is possible to alleviate the condition if among your domestic plants there is a scarlet or Kalanchoe .

Squeeze the juice from the plant leaf and, using the pipette, drip two drops of into each nostril. Repeating the procedure 3-4 times a day can quickly achieve the desired result.

Pregnant also can be instilled in the onion juice, but it must be diluted with

oil. If breathing is difficult, then can be bunged with onion juice , but the prescription of this remedy for a pregnant woman will be slightly different from the traditional one:

  1. Peel and peel the onion bulbon the grater
    2. Pour out the juice
    from the gruel 3. Add 3 drops of concentrated onion juice to 1 teaspoon of olive oil( it should not be cold but slightly warmed up)

TapsYou can use 3 times for 2 drops of in each nostril.

When cold, accompanied by a runny nose, it is useful to breathe onions

There is also an alternative recipe for the preparation of onion drops .Grind the middle bulb and place it in the jar. To the onion add 100 ml vegetable oil and insist for 12 hours .The received means bury 4 times per day, one drop, but no longer than during the week .

Pregnant can also perform irrigation of nasal passages of by decoction of chamomile according to the recipe outlined above.

Video: How to treat a cold in pregnancy with folk remedies?

How to cure the runny nose of a nursing mother with folk remedies?

Breastfeeding women , like pregnant women, are very limited in medicines, since many of their components can penetrate into breast milk. Folk remedies of do not pose any danger to for crumbs.

Runny nose with breastfeeding

Mom, who is breastfeeding, can bury your nose with various broths: chamomile, turns, mother and stepmothers, thyme. Brew such herbs as follows: 1 tablespoon of collection pour a glass of water and boil for for 5 minutes .When the broth cools, you can dig in 2-3 drops of into each nostril of no more than 4 times a day.

To facilitate the condition will help and saline solution is absolutely harmless, which will not harm your health and kid's health, but will only benefit.

Nasal flushing is an effective remedy for rhinitis

How to quickly get rid of the common cold with folk remedies?

Completely get rid of the common cold in an instant , unfortunately is impossible .This is due to the fact that the allocation of mucus is not a disease, but a symptom that will only pass after eliminating the underlying cause of , usually a viral infection or allergen. It is possible only for a while to ease the condition with the help of a variety of folk remedies.

Traditional medicine therefore did not go into the official section due to the fact that its methods were not tested by anyone and was not proved. Therefore, before using any tool always consult with your doctor.

Menthol oil

Menthol oil can be used as nasal drops

For rapid penetration of the stuffy nose and temporary cataract removal, you can use menthol oil in its pure state or its mixture with camphor oil. Should not only instill the nose 2-3 drops of oil , but also wipe the forehead, the wings of the nose, the maxillary sinuses.

Ledum Lipstick

Ledgel Flower

2 tsp. of this plant must be filled with a glass of boiling water and cooked on low heat 15-20 minutes .The resulting broth is cooled and mixed with vegetable oil in a 1: 9 ratio .This mixture is digested by within 2 minutes of boiling and cooled. Bury the nose with three times a day for 2 drops.


Propolis is a valuable product of beekeeping

Propolis tincture dilute in water in a proportion of 1:20. From gauze folded several times, form tampon so that it fits into the nostril and blot it into the mixture. Alternately, place a swab of Propolis into each nostril of for a few minutes.

Treatment of chronic and protracted cold with folk remedies

If bacterial has joined the viral infection of and the mucus in the nose has become green or yellow-purulent, then such a runny nose has the chances of the moving to the chronic if no timely action is taken. In folk medicine, has several recipes for fighting and with such ailment.

Household soap

Soap from the past is relevant today and

Familiar to many since the Soviet times, grandmother's prescription for treating the common cold with soap does not lose popularity even today. If you have a bar of brown household soap in your house with 72% , then you can be considered that you are already saved and the disease is far behind.

Soak the cotton swab and soap it with soap. After this, carefully lubricate the nose from the inside, repeating the procedure up to 5 times a day .


Mustard powder

If the runny nose does not last a long time, then mustard powder will help in its treatment. Only in no case should it be pushed into the nose or prepared by inhalation( although such prescriptions exist, but they are most likely will do more harm than good for ) - it is necessary only to pour powder into the socks of ,tightly tie them. In mustard socks, the must be walked all day.

Onion Compress

Onion Blush Compress

can be prepared. Grate onion with and wrap in gauze or handkerchief. Apply the bundle to the maxillary sinuses for 15 minutes , covering the top with a diaper or a handkerchief. Duration of treatment - one week with regularity of procedure at least 3 times per day.

Onions can not be applied, but simply rubbed and inhaled its odor .The procedure is also repeated three times a day.

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis with folk remedies

If the runny nose is allergic to , then all of the above will not have the desired effect. In folk medicine, there are recipes for the treatment of rhinitis caused by an allergen, which are rational to use both alone and in a complex of general therapy.

Allergic rhinitis

Nasal can be treated with without a lot of medications and even without them, because there are a lot of useful plants and means around us that nature itself gave. Learn how to use folk remedies to benefit your health , but do not forget that if self-medication does not work, should seek qualified help.

Video: How to treat a common cold with folk remedies?

  • May 20, 2018
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