Ways of using crocheted water

In folk practice, a plant called Lobel's Champion was widely used. Today it is also used by traditional official medicine. Cessation water - an effective tool for combating pediculosis.

  • Composition and properties
  • Application
  • lice
  • For
  • hair acne
  • From
  • scabies from depriving
  • of pigment
  • spots from alcoholism
  • Contraindications
  • poisoning during pregnancy
  • Children
  • Analogs

used it and as a cosmeticfor skin care, despite its toxicity due to the high content of alkaloids. Due to the properties of water used in a variety of dermatological diseases, as well as to eliminate various spots on the body, successfully used chicken water to strengthen and grow hair.

Composition and properties of

The calcareous water is produced on the basis of the root of the Lobelian chebrake, also ethanol and purified water enter the preparation.

The tincture has the following properties:

  • Antiparasitic - the components of the product negatively affect the smooth muscles of the digestive tract of parasites, which disrupts the proper functioning of their reproductive organs and nutrition, resulting in a rapid loss of lice. The remedy can be used to eliminate pubic and parasitic parasites, it is also effective from underwear nits.
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  • Analgesic.
  • Antibacterial.

Also, caged water promotes vasodilation, positively affects the work of the nervous system and skeletal muscles. Alkaloids contained in a medical product, reduce blood pressure, slow the work of the myocardium and excite the nerve endings, thereby provoking sneezing and coughing.

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Application of

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From lice

When pediculosis, flask with chemically water should be shaken and apply liquid to clean dry hair with a piece of gauze or cotton swab. It is recommended to intensively process the area of ​​the temples and occiput. After processing the entire surface, the head must be wrapped with a towel or a tissue. After 30 minutes, wash hair well with a mild shampoo or baby soap.

Dry hair should be combed with a comb with frequent small teeth to get rid of dead parasites and their eggs.

If, after one-off use of the chicken water from the lice, the parasites do not disappear completely, the process can be repeated, but not earlier than 1 day later. Ineffective use of the agent for 3-4 days indicates that the procedure is not being performed correctly. In this case, it is possible to continue excretion of nits only after 7 days.

During the course of treatment you need to carefully monitor your well-being, as dizziness or nausea can talk about a slight poisoning with cynical water.

Also pay attention to the list of popular antiparasitic drugs of a wide spectrum of action http://woman-l.ru/antiparazitarnye-preparaty-dlya-detej-i-vzroslyx/
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For hair

Capricious water is successfully used to strengthen the hairbulbs and prevent hair loss. Due to its properties, water copes with a whole complex of problems - from dandruff to the restoration of the structure of the hair. It makes the hair thick, smooth and silky.

Often the agent is prescribed for use by people who have been chemotherapy or radiation for the early recovery of lost hair.

In men with baldness, this drug is able to irritate sleeping bulbs in the bald areas, encouraging their further growth.

After application of crooked water, hair is less susceptible to the formation of large amounts of sebum, oxygen is added to the scalp, which ensures normal nutrition.

Buying chinese water, do not forget that this is a highly toxic drug, which you need to apply with special care. Before use, it is best to consult your doctor.

Rules for the application of water for hair growth:

  • Wear gloves.
  • Shake the bottle with the remedy.
  • Divide strands and wipe the root zone with a swab moistened with a solution, treat the entire scalp.
  • Cover the head with a pack and wrap it with a towel.
  • After 30 minutes, wash the hair with hypoallergenic shampoo.

This procedure is recommended not more than 1 time per week.

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Circassian water is an antiparasitic agent, so it can help in the treatment of demodectic, acne and acne. Specific dosages and methods of use, unfortunately, no. However, doctors warn that with frequent use of the product, you can severely burn your skin.

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From scabies

To get rid of an unpleasant skin disease carried by an itch mite, it is also possible with the help of crooked water. To do this, you need to apply a cotton swab to cover the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day for a week. In addition, the patient must daily change bed and underwear, and if possible boil it.

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From depriving

Due to its toxic properties, the chinese water is able to get rid of the sterile( sunny) lichen, destroying the fungus itself, which in most cases becomes the cause of the development of this disease. To do this, the affected areas of the skin need to be wiped with a solution 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

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From pigmented spots

Affected areas of the skin must be moistened with a solution of water every day after taking a shower for 5-10 days. After the course of treatment, the spots disappear and do not appear throughout the year.

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From alcoholism

Water is unnoticeably added to 2 drops in alcohol, and the person who drinks it, greatly worsens well-being. The purpose of this application is to cause a strong and strong aversion to alcoholic beverages. However, this method is dangerous and prohibited by traditional medicine, which is due to the toxicity of the drug and the weakened body of the alcoholic. The consequences can be the most sad, up to a lethal outcome.

loading. ..

In addition to water for treating alcoholism, you can prepare a decoction from the root of the plant. To do this, 1 teaspoon of dried ground roots of the plant should be poured with 50 grams of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then drain and put in a cool place. The ready-made broth can be stored for 5 days.

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Add the product to drinks( non-alcoholic) and eat 2 drops. In those days when a person does not consume alcohol, the broth is not added to food for the correct production of laxative and emetic effects. If the expected therapeutic result from the use of the decoction is not present, the dosage can be gradually increased by 1 drop per day, but not more than 15.

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  • Propensity to allergic reactions.
  • Scratches, cuts, pustules, severe irritation of the skin.
  • Injuries to the scalp.
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With prolonged use of the drug in large quantities, active substances enter the systemic circulation, resulting in the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Thirst.
  • Severe burning in place of use.

In some cases, there are more serious symptoms of poisoning:

  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Convulsions.
  • Increased excitement.
  • Narrowing of the pupils.
  • Depression of the myocardium.
  • Visual disturbance.
  • Slowing heart rate.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Asthmatic respiration.
If a large amount of the drug has entered the bloodstream, then there is a chance of cardiac arrest, therefore the internal use of chlenic water is strictly contraindicated.

First aid in case of intoxication:

  • Washing of the stomach with an aqueous solution of tannin, which is characterized by good tanning properties.
  • Oral administration of a suspension of white clay or activated charcoal.
  • Reception of carminative drugs.
  • Saline laxatives.
  • Flushing with 2% Procan solution( if mucous membranes are damaged).

When poisoning with chemically water in medical conditions, palliative therapy is carried out, which consists in receiving:

  • anticholinergics.
  • Means to restore normal functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Cardiovascular drugs.
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No clinical studies have been conducted regarding the use of cotriparous water in pregnant and breast-feeding women. Therefore, treatment with a drug during pregnancy is prescribed in exceptional cases, when the benefit for the expectant mother exceeds the potential risks to the fetus. Treatment is carried out according to the indications and under the constant control of the doctor.

It is believed that with the milk and bloodstream of the mother, surpluses of the drug can enter the bloodstream of the baby, causing irreversible consequences for his health and development. If nevertheless it is necessary to carry out treatment with cotyledonous water to a nursing woman, then for this period, breast-feeding should be stopped.
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For children

The safety of using chimeric water in children is not proven. Therefore, it is prohibited to use the drug for patients under the age of 12 years without the appointment of a doctor.

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Potable water can in some cases be replaced with topical medicines with similar therapeutic effects:

  • Gel Benzyl benzoate.
  • Aerosol Spregal.
  • Ointments: Bensocryl, Antiscab, Benzyl Benzoate, Sulphocorothem, Wilkinson.
  • May 20, 2018
  • 36
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