What is a false pregnancy? In what cases does it come?

False pregnancy expresses a woman's mental imbalance. In addition, it is the cause of hormonal failures and nervous disorders.

Contents of

  • False pregnancy: an exceptional case or a mockery of nature?
  • The Psychology of False Pregnancy
  • What are the signs of a false pregnancy?
  • Can the period disappear for a false pregnancy. What are the real causes of loss of menstruation?
  • Suppressed sexuality and exhaustion of the body - causes of false pregnancy?
  • Is false pregnancy dangerous?
  • How is a false pregnancy?
  • How long does a false pregnancy last? What does it usually end with?
  • Treatment of false pregnancy. Will help only a psychologist?
  • How to determine if a pregnancy is false: advice and feedback
  • Video: Are pregnancy tests wrong?

Psycho-emotional state of a woman, in which she is confident that she will soon become a mother and already feels physically pregnant, but in fact she is not, is called a false pregnancy.

This is a rare form of mental disorder that is "backed up" by obvious plausible signs of pregnancy: a lack of menstruation, an increase in the stomach, morning toxemia. Some women who survived a false pregnancy are confident that they clearly felt the baby's tremors.

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Pseudobregnancy can go so far that a woman will need not only the help of a gynecologist, but also the advice of a psychotherapist.

False pregnancy: an exceptional case or a mockery of nature?

False pregnancy usually occurs in unbalanced, impressionable women. The impetus to the development of pathology can serve as any nervous shock or prolonged strong experiences. Most often they are associated with pregnancy and childbearing. For example, women aged 35-37 years are at risk, who have been trying to become pregnant for a long time, but are unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant and are very worried about this.

But there is a downside to the coin. If some women earn pseudopregnancy as a result of a strong desire to have a child, then in others it develops against the background of persistent fear of an accidental unplanned pregnancy.

Both these types of psychological shifts are accompanied by stress, anxiety, anxiety, which results in hormonal imbalance. In rare cases, a false pregnancy develops in women during menopause.

IMPORTANT: Close relatives need to understand this state of women with understanding and try to provide moral support.

Psychology of false pregnancy

In addition to a strong obsession or, conversely, the unwillingness of a woman to have a child, the factors that trigger the development of a false pregnancy can be:

  • miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy or the death of a child
  • problems with a husband that a woman subconsciously attempts to solve by giving birth to a child
  • unexpected news of the pregnancy of a best friend, colleague, sister or other close relative.

Similar events cause a woman to experience emotional shock,yvat feelings, capable of "projecting" the state of pregnancy.

What are the signs of a false pregnancy?

The signs of a false pregnancy are no different from the signs of a real pregnancy. Women note:

  • no monthly
  • tingling and sensation of "poured" breasts
  • nausea and vomiting that are taken for toxicosis
  • changes in shape and volume of the abdomen
  • fatigue, drowsiness, weakness
  • increase in body weight
  • feeling of stirring of the baby in the stomach closer to the 20th week "pregnancy »
  • appearance of new unusual taste preferences
  • change of psychoemotional state

IMPORTANT: All signs of imaginary pregnancy can be found if desired to find a logical explanation, proving the factm that the condition is false.

Is it possible to lose a month with a false pregnancy. What are the real causes of loss of menstruation?

The condition of false pregnancy is characterized by the absence of menstruation. In addition to the psychic, one or more of the following factors may serve as the cause of this phenomenon:

  • metabolic disorders of the body
  • increase in physical activity
  • lack of vitamins
  • endocrine disorders
  • rapid weight loss due to strict diet or other eating restrictions
  • ,for the recent abortion of
  • uterine damage due to
  • surgical intervention of inflammation of the fallopian tubes or appendages of
  • uterine fibroids
  • polycystosis andwhether the ovarian cyst
  • reception of the contraceptive tablets
  • amenorrhea

IMPORTANT: To determine the true cause of delay in menstruation in case of false pregnancy, you need to contact a gynecologist who will select the necessary treatment.

Suppressed sexuality and exhaustion of the body - the causes of false pregnancy?

One of the factors contributing to the development of false pregnancy, is the general exhaustion of the body, which occurs as a result of excessive physical exertion or moral oppression.

Depressed sexuality is the result of such a stressful lifestyle of a woman. This condition can worsen with the appearance of signs of a false pregnancy.

Is false pregnancy dangerous?

By itself, a false pregnancy will not pose a serious threat to health, but it can cause a lot of trouble. First of all, this is an increase in mental tension, aggravation of the uneasy emotional state of the pseudo-bred.

When a woman who lives in hope and dreams about the future baby, whom she already "feels" in the stomach, learns that the desired pregnancy is only an illusion, a figment of imagination, a self-deception, she falls into a deep depression.

IMPORTANT: This condition is most dangerous, since it can become a prerequisite for suicide attempts. Therefore, the first time after finding a false pregnancy, a woman should not be left alone.

Since false pregnancy sometimes occurs on the background of hormonal failure, the need for hormonal therapy may join the psychological trauma. All this can "corner" a woman who has just been preparing for a happy motherhood.

How is a false pregnancy?

The false pregnancy can occur in different ways, depending on the severity of the symptoms. If a woman experiences all signs of a real pregnancy, her condition fully corresponds to the condition of the pregnant woman.

In the first weeks there is a toxicosis and dizziness, an acute reaction to some smells, do not come monthly, from the mammary glands colostrum can be allocated. Then the "pregnant woman" marks changes in the figure and the appearance of "baby wiggling" in the abdomen.

If you do not help a woman out of the state of imaginary pregnancy in time, she can continue to make mistakes about her condition up to the expected delivery. This happened at a time when ultrasound and special test strips had not yet been used to determine pregnancy.

How long does a false pregnancy last? What does it usually end with?

If you do not determine a false pregnancy with an early test, the disease can progress and last for an average of 3 to 3.5 months. In most cases by this time the symptoms are weakening, the stomach no longer "grows", the menstrual cycle is restored and the woman realizes that her condition was imaginary.

However, self-deception can last much longer. The woman does not want to allow negative thoughts about the condition of the "fetus" and deliberately does not visit the gynecologist and does not do tests. In such cases, a false pregnancy is delayed for a longer period. Only a psychologist can help a woman out of this state.

Treatment of false pregnancy. Will help only a psychologist?

After examination by a gynecologist and confirmation of their diagnosis, a woman should visit a psychotherapist. It will help determine the true psychological causes of this disease.

After several interviews, the therapist will help a woman determine the right way out of the situation. Perhaps you need hypnosis or other professional methods of influencing the psyche.

IMPORTANT: If false pregnancy has occurred due to the presence of gynecological diseases and has nothing to do with the woman's mental health, it is possible to interrupt this condition with the help of medications. The endocrinologist appoints a complex of drugs that can normalize the balance of substances in the body of a woman. After the course of treatment, a false pregnancy ends.

How to determine if a pregnancy is false: advice and feedback

To determine a false pregnancy in most cases, you can use a test. If instead of the coveted two stripes a woman sees one and can accept it, everything will end at this stage. For "safety" you can take an analysis of hCG.

If the cause of a false pregnancy is a hormonal failure, the test can give a positive result. In this case, the gynecologist will need help. The doctor will examine the patient and find the absence of signs of pregnancy. If a doctor has doubts, he will send a woman to an ultrasound, the results of which are beyond doubt.

IMPORTANT: In difficult cases, an additional examination of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity may be necessary.

Anna: "It happens, my sister went through it. She dreamed of a child, but for a long time she could not get pregnant. On this ground, there was a delay. The sister rushed to the women's clinic for joy, but the doctor diagnosed the "false"

Natalie: "When I got pregnant, my colleague at work said that she also wants to give birth. By the way, she already has two children. A month after our conversation, the employee showed me a blood test, which confirmed her pregnancy. At the same time, her stomach began to grow almost immediately. But when she came on ultrasound at 10 weeks, it turned out that her stomach was empty. I still do not understand how this can be. My employee is currently on sick leave, experiencing a nervous shock. "

Laura: " My mother's friend had a false pregnancy. It happened, when the blood on HCG had not yet been taken, but about ultrasound did not even hear. This woman walked with a decent belly for about 5 months, even the child's wiggling felt. And then the menstruation began and everything. .. the "pregnancy" was over. After that incident, she endured and gave birth to two normal healthy babies. "

For every woman, the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy should be an occasion for immediate treatment to the gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the onset of a false pregnancy and designate an effective remedy that will help to eliminate this unhealthy state quickly and without consequences for the patient's health.

Video: Are pregnancy tests wrong?

  • May 20, 2018
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