What to give for a wedding? Original, funny and unusual gifts on the wedding day for newlyweds from friends: the best ideas

Several ideas of unusual and original gifts for the wedding.


  • Ideas for interesting gifts for the wedding
  • Gifts for yourself
  • How to donate money for a wedding and how much?
  • Gift for the wedding of money with their own hands
  • What gift to give to the wedding from friends?
  • Gift-surprise for the wedding
  • Funny gifts for the wedding
  • Unusual gift for the wedding
  • Original gift for the wedding
  • Musical gift for the wedding
  • VIDEO: Ideas for the wedding gifts

Wedding is a memorable event not only for the newlyweds, but also for the invited guests. The main concern of the guests is the choice of a gift. Very often a couple is given money, but it is better to present such a gift if you do not have the time and ideas to purchase or make a gift.

Ideas of interesting gifts for the wedding

Among the most common, you can distinguish such gifts:

  • Tour to hot countries .In advance, ask about the availability of passports. Most likely, the delivery of permits at the celebration will be symbolic, since the tours are issued directly by participants in the
    instagram viewer
  • travel Household Appliances .It is better to ask the newlyweds what they do not have. Since now in almost every family there is a multivark, bread maker and other assistants
  • Certificates .Choose a certificate, depending on the preferences of the pair. This can be a skydiving, a subscription to the gym or spa
  • Antiques. Purchase such valuable gifts only after talking with the newlyweds. Often in the apartment there is no room for such unusual things
  • Jewelry. This should be a kit for the groom and the bride. Looks good brooch and cufflinks in one style.
  • A set of utensils .Ask the newlyweds what they need. Hardly anyone refuses to recruit high-quality pots. If the bride loves cooking, give a set of split baking dishes
Interesting gifts for the wedding

Gifts with your own hands

Always very unusual and interesting look gifts made by your own hands. If you are good at embroidering, you can embroider a tablecloth or bed linen. This is a very expensive and valuable gift.

Gift ideas with your own hands:

  • Bouquet of sweets
  • Bouquet of money
  • Woven names
  • Time capsule
  • Wineglasses
  • Cake of money

If you adore handicrafts, be sure to make a gift for the newlyweds. It can be glasses for two. Draw them and paste the rhinestones. Often used for decorating glasses are flowers made of polymer clay, lace and ribbons.

Gifts for yourself

How to donate money for a wedding and how much?

The amount you want to give a newly-married couple depends on your financial situation. Also, the amount of money is affected by who you are a couple. Relatives should give more. If you are a friend or co-worker of a bride, the amount may be small. In megacities it is customary to give from 5000 rubles, but if you live in a small town, then 1500 rubles will suffice.

Options for donating money:

  • Money carpet .This product is made of transparent polyethylene and bills. They can be real and unreal. It is necessary that each bill is sealed in a separate compartment. You can order the stitching of the compartments with threads of
  • Bank. Take a large jar and place bills in it. Write on the etiquette something like "the most reliable bank".You can roll up the container with a lid and stick the
  • label. The money picture. You need to buy a picture or embroider it yourself. Instead of the leaves on the trees, attach the money
  • with the money. Buy a clay pot, put large bills on the bottom and fill the pot with a small change. Tie it from above with a cloth and write "money pot"
  • Umbrella with money .Get an umbrella, put a cellophane on it, and put bills on top. Re-wrap in a bag, then wrap with a maroon cloth or paper. Attach the label with the inscription "Sausage"
to donate the original money for the wedding

Gift for the wedding from the money with your own hands

Money is one of the best gifts, especially if you do not know what to give. But it is necessary to hand over an envelope with bills, but somehow it is interesting to present it. There are many gift ideas from money that you can make yourself.

Gift Ideas:

  • Money tree .Buy some kind of a tree in a flower shop. Fold the bills in the tubes and tie them with ribbons to the branches of the
  • tree. balls. You need to buy beautiful balls. Inside each ball put a bill and blow. Tie all the balls in an armful and give the newlyweds
  • Cake .Make a cardboard base for the cake. The cake can be three-tiered or two-tiered. Attach money to the base, wrap with plastic wrap
  • . Buy baskets from the vine. Put the foam in them and stick the bamboo skewers. Attach bills to skewers, these will be sails.
. A gift for a wedding from money with your own hands.

. What gift to give to the wedding from friends?

There are a lot of gift options. If you want to surprise your friends, then choose an unusual gift.

Presents for friends:

  • Swimming with dolphins or tickets to the water park
  • Wedding clip. Invite a videographer and in a comic form, write down a clip for the newlyweds
  • Sweet table. Ask beforehand which cafe the wedding will be in, and whether the newlyweds plan a sweet table. If not, arrange with the restaurant administration. Buy kapekiks, sweets and fruits. Put a table in the hall behind the curtain, and when the time comes for handing the presents, show the surprise
  • Wedding night at the hotel. It is worthwhile to ask in advance where the newlyweds plan to spend the night. If at home, the gift will be very handy
  • Salute .If the newlyweds do not plan to give a firework, give them his
a wedding gift from friends

A surprise gift for a wedding

If you do not want to give banal gifts, there are a lot of original ideas. Here are a few of them:

  • Shop with names. No need to carry a shop for a wedding. Simply install the shop and shifts, at some memorable place of the newlyweds. Present a photo of the store with the address where it is located
  • Hot air balloon flight .Unusual and very romantic gift
  • Drawing guests at the wedding. Prepare the rally in advance, it is better if it is performed by professionals. Contact the agency for organization of holidays and drawings
  • Family book. I'll have to try. Get a beautiful album or order it in a photo studio. Glue pleasant photos of lovers and supplement with extended comments
Gift-surprise for the wedding

Funny gifts for the wedding

  • The "Kamasutra" sheet with juicy images of intimate positions will bring a lot of merry minutes to the young
  • Souvenir saw. Handing over to the wife with the appropriate words: "I did not drink for firewood, for a matrimonial purpose: drank to it until the roosters sang!"
  • Certificate, confirming that a married couple receives a gift. .. a site on the Moon.
  • A pouch with the inscription "pud of salt" ( some originals present as a gift exactly 16 kg of salt) as a symbol that the husband and wife should eat just as much salt in order to get to know each other
  • Boxing gloves ( two pairs).You can play a gift, saying that it will come in handy for solving family disputes and troubles.
Funny gifts for the wedding

Unusual gift for the wedding

Want to surprise the newlyweds and guests, present an unusual gift. Here are some of the most successful options:

  • Family Emblem. Order in the atelier to embroider the family coat of arms. It can be designed in one of the design programs
  • Shards. This is a prelude to a gift. Take a large box and fold into it the fragments of broken bottles. Wrap it in a beautiful wrapper. When you hand, accidentally stumble and hand the box with broken glass. It is necessary that everything look natural. Then hand the envelope with the money or already a present gift
  • Casket. Buy the casket that closes on the key, and invest money in it. Hand in the box, and accidentally lose the key. Best of all, if it's an outing wedding, it's easier for a river to lose the key. The lost key must be unreal. Original key later hand the couple
Unusual gift for the wedding

Original gift for the wedding

  • Matryoshka. It is necessary to enclose a valuable gift in a small box, and put it in a larger box. It is necessary that there are several boxes. So, the pair will open one by one a box, until they get to this present
  • Pati-fountain. This is a multi-tiered construction of several vessels, in which alcohol is poured for parties. The gift will be appreciated by couples who love guests and noisy parties.
  • Butterfly Fountain .Bring a box of butterflies. After its opening the butterflies will fly out and decorate the hall
The original gift for the wedding

The musical gift for the wedding

If you are excellent singing or dancing, give the newlyweds a musical gift in their performance. Prepare suits in advance and arrange with the toastmaster and musicians about your room.

If you do not know how to sing and dance, you can give such musical presents:

  • KVN team performance
  • Dance team number
  • Number of the juggler
  • Number of acrobats
Music gift for the wedding

There are a lot of presents for the wedding, be creative. Give up banal presents, let your newlyweds remember your gift for life.

The articles on our website will be very interesting on this topic:

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  • « Cake from money for yourself «
  • « How to make a money tree from bills and coins? »
  • « How to make an original bouquet by yourself? Bouquets of money, tea, coffee, fruit, vegetables, newspapers «

VIDEO: Gift ideas for the wedding

  • May 20, 2018
  • 6
  • 514