Application of grass and root of the marsh bird in folk medicine

Air marsh is a representative of the Aronian family, a rather high perennial plant. The color of long( 1 meter) sword-shaped leaves is brown, the plant has a creeping and very thick rhizome, and there is a stalk with a large number of flowers. Air predominantly grows on moist soils, hence the name. Due to the root system, the length is about 3 meters. The plant is well strengthened in unstable soil. Air has long been known for its curative properties, so it is often used in recipes of traditional medicine.

  • chemical composition
  • Medicinal properties
  • Recipes
  • toothache and gum disease
  • Infusion
  • Tincture
  • When
  • hepatitis colic gastrointestinal
  • From
  • diarrhea from pain
  • gastric pancreatitis
  • When gastric ulcer
  • From fibroids
  • From Hemorrhoids
  • Eye disease
  • For eye repair
  • Decoction
  • Infusion
  • To increase appetite
  • With climax
  • With sexual impotence
  • With angina
  • Fresh root
  • Broth
  • For improvementcerebral activity
  • instagram viewer
  • In case of thyroid disease
  • Contraindications
  • Procurement and storage

Chemical composition

Rhizome of aira consists of many substances beneficial to the body: essential oil, protein, tannins, acorin, choline, resin, iodine, calamine, mineral salt, starch, alkaloid, ascorbic acid, lucenion, vitamins and glycoside.

The leaf plates of the plant contain essential oil and tannins.

Aldehyde gives the aroma a specific smell.

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Therapeutic properties of

The plant has a variety of pharmacological properties, for example:

  • improves the function of the digestive system;
  • promotes the production of bile;
  • normalizes the gallbladder;
  • helps to optimize the work of the nervous system;
  • tones up the whole body;
  • for lesions with infections has antiseptic effects.

Healing folk remedies from the aire are widely used with the following ailments:

  • heartburn;
  • is an intestinal disorder;
  • tuberculosis;
  • herpes;
  • liver disease;
  • Inflammation of the bladder;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of female genital organs.

And also the swamp calf has beneficial healing properties for men, its effect increases potency.

Learn also about the use in the folk medicine of aloe vera
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Recipes of

There are many medicinal recipes using this known plant because it is used in the presencevarious disorders of the body and ailments.

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From toothache and inflammation of the gums

To treat toothache with the use of calamus, you can use two methods.

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10 grams of dried leaves finely chopped and brewed with 200 milliliters of boiling water, for 40 minutes the liquid should be infused. The drug must be filtered and rinse the mouth 5 times a day until the inflammation passes.

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20 grams of dried root finely chopped and 100 ml of alcohol( vodka) to pour. The resulting liquid should be left in a dark place for 14 days, the mass should be shaken regularly. After the expiration of the period, tincture is filtered, then squeezed out all the contents and filtered. To rinse the mouth, it is recommended to dilute 5 milliliters with 200 milliliters of warm water, another way: a cotton swab soaked in tincture is applied to the tooth that hurts.

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With hepatitis

3 grams of roots to mix with 200 milliliters of steep boiling water and about 20 minutes to brew. The means to use a one-time norm filtered through gauze is 100 milliliters, 4 times a day, it is desirable to take a healing infusion before eating.

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With colic of

0.4 liters of boiling water should be poured 10 grams of chopped dry roots. Mass should be insisted about 8 hours better for this use a thermos, after which the strained product can drink 100 milliliters before meals( 30 minutes).

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From diarrhea

Root the ground into a powder with a coffee grinder or food processor, then 10 grams of raw material is poured into 200 milliliters of steep boiling water and 2 hours in a container with a tightly closed lid the mass is infused. A strained remedy is recommended to drink before meals, a one-time dose of 300 milliliters.

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From stomach pains

Brew in a standard glass of boiling water 5 grams of chopped root, overnight the liquid must be infused. Take the remedy recommended warmed up before meals, a one-time dose of 50 milliliters.

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With pancreatitis

Grind 50 grams of calamus roots and 25 grams of mint leaves, herbs of thyme, nettles, hops( cones) and 45 grams of dandelion( root) into a powder state with a coffee grinder. Stir all ingredients until smooth, then mix 100 grams with 200 grams of honey. Receive the funds to make 20 grams 2 times a day for a long period of time.

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With gastric ulcer

20 grams of crushed leaves mix with alcohol( vodka) in the amount of 100 milliliters. For 14 days in a dark place, the mass should be infused preferably in a glass container. Before consuming food three times a day, drink ready tincture of 25 drops.

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From fibroids

Root the plant with a coffee grinder to powder. Then 20 grams of raw material mixed with honey in an amount of 50 grams and 50 milliliters of aloe juice. About 3 days the mass should be infused in a dark room, shaken regularly. Reception to spend before eating 25 grams of funds.

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From hemorrhoids

Take 30 grams of chopped root and mix with 1 liter of boiling water, 2 hours the liquid will be infused. Filtered infusion pour into a container of heated water, then proceed to receive a sedentary bath, perform the procedure for not more than 10 minutes. Before withdrawal signs of an exacerbation should take a bath with infusion every day.

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From eye diseases

300 milliliters of grape wine( any color) pour 3 grams of the root of the plant, then put the container with the mass in a dark room for 21 days. For the reception should mix 20 milliliters of water and 10-30 drops of tincture.

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For hair restoration

Decoction and infusion of plants can be used to treat damaged hair.

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Root the plant in an amount of 15 grams to powder or grind in a coffee grinder, then cook the raw material in a saucepan with 300 milliliters of water for no more than 10 minutes. Filtered broth after complete cooling to put in the refrigerator, use as a conditioner after the shampoo, after a week of unused liquid is no longer suitable for treatment.

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10 grams of leaves brew 100 milliliters of steep boiling water and press for 1 hour. A strained agent needs to spray the roots of the hair several times a day, it is recommended to use a nebulizer for the procedure.

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To increase the appetite of

5 grams of chopped root is placed in a thermos bottle and added 200 ml of boiling water. The mass should be infused until it cools completely, take the medicine warm for 50 milliliters before meals( 30 minutes).

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With climax

25 grams of chopped root must be mixed with cold water( 500 ml), 8 hours the mass should be infused. At the end of the period, boil the liquid for about 30 minutes, preferably in a water bath. Chilled and filtered through gauze means drink 200 ml 2 times a day preferably before eating.

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With sexual impotence

Mix 1 liter of vodka( alcohol) with 100 grams of rootlets, then it is recommended to leave the mass in a glass container for 14 days, the liquid should be in a dark room with an air temperature of 18-20 degrees. Reception tincture should be a daily 30 ml each 3 times a day.

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With angina

For treatment of the disease, ayr is used in two ways.
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Fresh root

A small piece of small root must be chewed 6 times a day no more than 15 minutes, this procedure should be performed every day, the duration of the course for a chronic ailment is about 6 months.

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Mix 20 grams of finely chopped root with 200 milliliters of boiling water and cook for about 30 minutes preferably in a water bath. After complete cooling with strained broth rinse the sore throat three times a day.

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To improve cerebral activity of

Finely chop the root of the plant and 10 grams of raw material to fill with water, 400 milliliters is enough for this. Boil and cook the mixture for 15 minutes. A strained broth is taken before eating 100 ml.

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For thyroid diseases

30 grams of dry leaves of the aura mix with 20 grams of perforated St. John's wort, 10 grams of valerian( root) and 5 grams of spring adonis, then grind all the ingredients.30 grams of manufactured raw materials put in a thermos, pour 1 liter of steep boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 hours. A filtered means to drink 20 minutes before the start of eating 50 milliliters.

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The use of medicinal products that are made from ara is contraindicated in such cases:

  • to pregnant women;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • with an increased level of acidity in the stomach;
  • for inflammation of the kidneys;
  • with nosebleeds;
  • for hypotension.
Excessive use of calamus may cause vomiting.
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Procurement and storage of

The leaves of the airstrip are beginning to be collected between July and August. For drying, you should choose a shaded well-ventilated place, and the raw materials should be laid out in one thin layer. For storage of leaves, preference should be given to paper boxes and packages. In a dry room its properties persist for 3 years.

In autumn or early spring, you need to harvest the roots of calamus. They are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, then washed and cut into small pieces. Drying is similar.

  • May 21, 2018
  • 90
  • 154