In which country it is better to live: advice to immigrants

Proverbs "Where was born, there and it came in handy," "Houses help the native walls," "It's good where we do not exist" and similar not very impressive modern people.

The practically open borders of many states, loyal migration legislation and a high standard of living attract those who are not satisfied with life in their homeland.

But how to determine, in which country it is better to live , how to make the right choice for moving, then not to regret it?

To get acquainted with the rating of the most comfortable countries for living, which appear regularly in the mass media.

Do not think that everything is limited to Europe.

To the services of future migrants - Asia, Africa, America, Oceania and other parts of the world.

What should you orient yourself in, choosing which country to live better in?

There is an opinion that immigrants are not from a good life.

It can not be said that this statement is untrue, but it is, as for me, a little one-sided.

Yes, indeed the majority of people who leave their homeland and move to other countries, do so because of the desire to earn more than at home, to build a more powerful material base.

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But this is not the only reason people become emigrants. There are others:

  1. Desire to be realized in the profession.

    Often our sportsmen, all of whom are trying to be branded as traitors, take the citizenship of another country and start to act under its flag not because of greed, but because their native country does not invest enough in their development, so they can not showits maximum in competitions.

  2. Striving to live in a more developed country.

    I'm talking not only about the level of salaries, but also about the attitude to the law, the level of culture, corruption, environmental safety, etc.

  3. Security.

    Europe is now inundated with immigrants from Syria, who are fleeing the war in their homeland.

    Exploding bombs, constant skirmishes, military coups are what makes you flee to another country, rushing headlong, without looking at where to live better.

How to move to another city?

If you are not pressured by circumstances and you do not need to escape saving your life, you should seriously consider which country you will better live in, where you will be able to realize your potential to the maximum, where without long delays get citizenship.

When choosing a country for further residence, you should pay attention to:

  • crime rate;
  • migration legislation;
  • environmental performance;
  • climatic conditions;
  • attitude towards immigrants;
  • property prices;
  • infrastructure facilities;
  • transport connection;
  • the amount of wages;
  • level of medicine and education;
  • political and economic stability. What country is better to live in Europe?

    It is not surprising that most often the views of immigrants from the former Soviet republics are turned to Europe.

    There are a number of reasons for this:

    • , many republics have already become members of the European Union, which means they were able to move freely between countries;
    • climatic conditions and time zones do not shock so much;
    • conditions for life are almost familiar( of course - better, but nothing shocking or exotic);
    • high level of development, etc.

    Today, the EU is going through hard times. He:

    • is not economically and politically stable;
    • is bursting at the seams - following the UK and other members are threatening to leave the European family.

    But still it remains an excellent option for immigrants from poorer countries.

    If you believe the rating of the non-profit organization Social Progress Imperative, then the top 3 European countries where it is best to live, looks like this:

    1. Norway.

      Safe, environmentally friendly and economically developed country knowingly attracts foreigners so much - here you can live happily and happily to a very old age.

      Alas, complicated migration legislation does not give everyone such chances.

    2. Sweden is another Scandinavian country whose standard of living, medicine, education, ecology and safety is highly appreciated by immigrants.

      Alas, it's not easy to find a job here - the language is difficult to learn, it's almost impossible to obtain citizenship.

      By the way, in other ratings Sweden is moving to the 4th place Denmark.

    3. Switzerland.

      A very cheap country for living, which will suit non-poor immigrants, which is immediately ready to invest in its real estate and state treasury. From the pros: safety, a high standard of living and medicine.

      Of the shortcomings - dearness in everything.

    In which country is it better to live in America?

    America is not only the US, but also other states that are located on the South and North American continents.

    If you think which country is better to live in this part of the world, then consider as options:

    1. to Canada.

      This state is one of the world leaders.

      Here is the world's supply of drinking water, enough resources to provide its population with everything needed, relatively honest politicians, citizens tolerant of foreigners, loyal migration legislation.

      And yet there is a huge Ukrainian and Russian-speaking community that will not allow you to feel lonely.

      The climate in the winter, however, is very severe, but it's trifles, compared to the bonuses that you can get by moving here.

      How much can you learn English?

    2. USA.

      In my opinion, it is not even necessary to explain why the United States is in the top 10 countries where it is best to live and the easiest way to get a job.

      Hundreds of thousands of immigrants who flock here are clear proof of this.

    Alternatives can be considered Uruguay, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and others.

    These states can not compare, of course, with the United States and Canada in terms of living standards and security, but they have quite attractive sides for foreigners. In which country is better to live in Asia?

    Recently, more and more of our fellow citizens decide that it is better not to live in Europe, but in one of the countries of Asia.

    Indeed, property prices are lower here, the attitude towards immigrants is more loyal, getting citizenship is easier than simple, and the rules that need to be followed are less.

    Top-5 attractive for life in Asian countries looks like this:

    1. Singapore.
    2. Japan.
    3. South Korea.
    4. Thailand.
    5. China.

    What is Thai Massage?

    You can consider other options, for example, more closely located Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan or very exotic - Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines.

    All these countries are rapidly developing economically, and it is not difficult to find a job here.

    We offer you to watch a video with a selection of exotic countries,

    where you can enjoy life at low costs:

    Africa, Oceania, Middle East - in which country is it better to live here?

    If none of the proposed options suits you, and you continue to rotate the globe in search of the country in which it is best to live, here's the 3 more good options for immigration:

    1. Australia.

      A very mysterious continent, unevenly populated and located far away.

      Still, the emigrants who decided to live here are satisfied with everything, like the Australians themselves, who adore their country.

      Of the shortcomings - a lot of dangerous living creatures.

    2. New Zealand.

      Here are wonderful climatic conditions and a fairly high level of economy and security.

      The prices for real estate differ moderation, and the migration legislation - relative loyalty.

      The main drawback is too far from us.

    3. United Arab Emirates.

      The UAE has become the second home for many domestic businessmen and people of other professions.

      The standard of living and security in the Emirates is the highest.

      Despite the fact that the UAE is a Muslim country, here they are loyal to the Gentiles.

      Has, however, this state and its shortcomings:

      • it is impossible to obtain citizenship;
      • has many limitations;
      • is a complex climate.

    Of course, this is incomplete information about how in which country it is better to live .

    In principle, if you want, you can successfully find a job in any state.

    A person quickly gets used to good things, especially if at home this very good was deprived.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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