Lightening of hair with lemon juice is so popular due to soft and delicate effect on curls and scalp. Citric acid only partially affects the pigment in the structure of the hair, in contrast to ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which destroy it completely. Thus, lemon juice produces a gentle lightening.
- Masks
- Shampoo
- Rinser
- Spray
Home clarifying masks based on lemon juice are rather gentle, but nevertheless, after using them, do not forget about the care, nutrition and moisturizing of hair, because the bleached locks are in great need of it.
Recipe 1.
For the most rapid and noticeable change in shade, you should use pure lemon juice without additives. You should cover them with the desired strands of hair and go out into the sun or dry curls under the ultraviolet lamp in the solarium. As a result, you can lose 1-2 tones.
A similar mask can be done after 1-2 days, and in the intervals it is desirable to apply restorative balms to neutralize the aggressive effect.
Blonde girls will have one procedure. Brown-haired and red-haired will have to repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the effect becomes noticeable.
Recipe 2.
- 1 medium lemon;
- 2 tablespoons of camomile flowers;
- 1 gram of saffron;
- 2 drops of lavender oil;
- 200 ml of hot water.
Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Pour the mixture with boiling water and insist until it cools down for about 30 minutes. Without filtering, apply a mask on the hair, cover the head with a film and a hat. After 20 minutes, wash the head with a mild shampoo with conditioner.
After applying the mask, the hair can become stiff and it is difficult to comb. Use this mask can be a day before obtaining the desired shade.
Recipe 3.
Combine in equal proportions freshly squeezed lemon juice and vodka. Apply the product to the hair and wrap the head with a film and a towel. After 20-30 minutes, the mask should be washed off with shampoo and apply restoring balm.
Recipe 4.
- juice of one lemon;
- 3 tablespoons of liquid honey.
Composition apply on hair, cover with cellophane cap and towel, and leave for 8 hours.
Recipe 5.
Mix and beat well:
- juice of one lemon;
- 100 ml of kefir;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 1 tablespoon of cognac.
With the medium to process the hair along the entire length, cover with cellophane and leave overnight. This mask nourishes and strengthens hair well, and also speeds up blood circulation.
Recipe 6.
- 1 lemon;
- 3 tablespoons of cinnamon;
- 100 ml of olive oil;
- 6 tablespoons of hair balm.
Mix cinnamon and butter. In the resulting thick mixture add lemon juice and balsam.
. The hair should be treated with a mask, covered with polyethylene and a towel and held for at least three hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
Recipe 7.
- 1 lemon;
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 6 tablespoons of dried camomile flowers;
- 200 ml of water.
Camomile pour boiling water and hold in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Decoction cool, strain and mix with lemon juice and butter. Apply the mask to the hair. The exposure time is 45 minutes. After all, wash your hair with shampoo.
to table of contents ^Shampoo
Recipe 1.
For gentle lightening of hair, you can add a few drops of lemon aether to a normal shampoo. With regular application, this will help preserve the shade and lighten the tone a little more.
Recipe 2.
For easy clarification, you can wash your hair with soda and rinse with an aqueous solution of lemon juice in a 1:10 ratio. Then wrap the head with cellophane and a towel and go to bed. In the morning rinse your hair with plain water.
Rinse aid
Recipe 1.
To lighten the ringlets, rinse your head with water, adding a small amount of lemon juice and chamomile broth - 1 liter 2 tablespoons. This simultaneously will nourish the scalp and smooth the structure of the hair.
In addition, it is convenient to wash off the remnants of nutrient masks based on oils with a similar composition.
Recipe 2.
- 4 lemons;
- 30 grams of rhubarb root;
- 500 ml of apple cider vinegar;
- for 20 grams of dried flowers of chamomile and calendula;
- for 50 ml of liquid honey and alcohol.
From lemons squeeze the juice. Rhubarb together with lemon peel chop in a blender. The resulting gruel pour the vinegar and boil on low heat for 10 minutes.
Then add chamomile and calendula, and boil for another 5 minutes. Cool the broth and drain. Mix it with lemon juice, honey and alcohol. Keep it in a closed glass container.
Rinsing with this product is based on 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. To achieve the effect of burnt hair, you can lubricate the tips of the curls with an undiluted composition. This remedy requires mandatory flushing.
to contents ^Spray
Recipe 1.
- 100 ml of lemon juice;
- 50 ml of water or conditioner for hair.
With very dry hair, it is desirable to use the conditioner.
Mix components and pour into a spray gun. To process hair with the received means, deviating from roots of 10 centimeters. Exit to the street and stay in the sun for 1.5-2 hours to dry your head.
Then re-treat the curls with the same composition and stay in the sun for another 30 minutes. After all, wash your head with shampoo and moisten with balsam.