The conception of a boy. How to conceive a boy of 100 percent? How to calculate the sex of the child for the renewal of blood, according to the date of conception? Table of conception of the child

Want to conceive a boy and do not know how? In this article you will find several techniques by which the probability of conception of a male child will be almost 100 percent.

Contents of

  • How to conceive a boy of 100 percent?
  • How to conceive a boy by blood?
  • How to conceive a boy by ovulation?
  • Calendar - how to conceive a boy? How to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception?
    • Japanese calendar
    • In which days to conceive a boy?
    • Table №1.Japanese method of sex determination
  • How to conceive a boy: Table of conception and sex determination of a child
    • Table # 2.Japanese method of determining the floor
    • Chinese calendar
    • Table. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child
    • Lunar calendar
  • How to eat to conceive a boy?
  • Popular signs how to conceive a boy
  • How to conceive a boy 100 percent: advice and feedback
  • VIDEO: What to do to make a boy?

The birth of a child is a very important event in every family. Many couples prepare before pregnancy and undergo a medical examination, drink the necessary vitamins, treat chronic diseases - and this is very correct, they are responsible for planning pregnancy.

instagram viewer

But there are many couples who want a child of a certain gender. They also prepare in advance, study various techniques, calculate days, check with calendars, eat certain foods.

How to conceive a boy of 100 percent?

To conceive a child of a certain sex is not so easy, because in the end, it's not the parents who decide who will be born. But there are several ways and statistical tables that will help you increase the likelihood of conception of a male child.

A boy or a girl?

How to conceive a boy by blood?

There is such a thing as the age of the blood, and his planning will help you get pregnant precisely as a boy.

There is such a theory: if the father has blood younger than his mother at the moment, then the probability of conceiving a boy is higher. This is because at the beginning of each cycle, the blood is strong and powerful, so if the blood of a man is stronger at the moment, then the child will be male and vice versa.

In order to calculate the favorable period, the age of the future mother should be divided by 3, and the father's age by 4. This is due to the fact that the woman's blood is being renewed in 3 years, and the men through 4. Compare the figures obtained:will be younger, then most likely you will have a boy.

Newborn boy

However, there are exceptions:

  • if a woman has a negative Rh factor, then the values ​​are interpreted exactly the opposite.
  • if there were serious injuries or operations with blood loss, then the count is taken not from birth, but from the date of this event

On the Internetyou will find special programs in which it is only necessary to enter the dates of your birthdays( or the dates of the last big blood loss) and the probable date of conception. The program will calculate the age of the blood and give out the estimated sex of the child.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

One of the most proven and scientifically proven methods is calendar, which comes from the date of ovulation.

The method is based on the statement that Y-spermatozoa( male) are very active, but they live less, but X-spermatozoa( female), on the contrary, live longer, but not so active. From this it follows that if the sexual intercourse was 10-20 hours before the ovum left the follicle( ovulation occurred), then the probability that the embryo will be male is larger, i.e. Y-spermatozoa will get to it first. But if more time has passed, 2-3 days before ovulation, the probability of a girl's birth is more likely.

Ovum and spermatozoa

It seems that everything is simple, but there is another problem - how to determine the day of ovulation? There are several ways to determine this day, but for more accurate results it is recommended to use them all.

Baseline Temperature Measurement Chart
  1. Use the ovulation calculator .This method is very simple, you enter the first day of your last monthly and supposed( average for the last several months) cycle time in the program. The program calculates the day when ovulation will occur. But this method has a serious drawback - it does not take into account the characteristics of your body, but simply by averaged data makes a rough calculation. In addition, the cycle is not a permanent business, it can be lost due to stress, changes in weather conditions, illness, acclimatization and a bunch of other causes.
  2. Baseline temperature measurement .This method is quite reliable, but it gives some inconvenience to need to measure the temperature in the rectum. And you do not need it when you want it or it will be time, but every day, at about the same time, in the morning, without getting out of bed and preferably without making any movements, except by reaching out with a hand behind the thermometer, which should lie no more,than at arm's length. In this case, several hours before that, you should not get up, for example, to the toilet or to the child, otherwise the measurements will not be reliable. Do such measurements need at least three months and draw on them the graphs of the dependence of temperature on the day of the cycle. According to the schedule, you will see that approximately in the middle of the cycle the temperature rises sharply, it occurs just before ovulation, after it the temperature will gradually fall. So you can predict the day of ovulation, and, accordingly, the probability of giving birth to a boy you will have higher
  3. Tests for ovulation. There are special tests, the principle of their work is similar to the tests for pregnancy. Every day in the middle of the cycle( when ovulation is supposed to occur) do the test, if you see 2 strips, then ovulation is about to happen or has already occurred. But these tests are not cheap enough pleasure
  4. Folliculogenesis .This is a type of ultrasound examination, when the doctor determines the onset of ovulation in the size of the follicle. Reaching certain values, he bursts and leaves the egg. Also on ultrasound, the doctor will be able to tell whether there is enough endometrial layer in the uterus to attach a fertilized egg, if not, then you need to contact a doctor for treatment. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to go for a test several days in a row or a day in the middle of a cycle, as the doctor
will say Menstrual cycle

Calendar - how to conceive a boy? How to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception?

There are several calendars and tables designed to plan the sex of the child. Below are some of them, the most reliable and reliable.

Japanese calendar

The Japanese have developed a table for predicting the sex of the child, tk.they are more than all other peoples are asking the question "How to conceive a boy?".To be precise, there are two such tables. To determine the sex of the planned child, you need to know the date of birth of his parents.

In which days to conceive a boy?

In the first table, choose the month to which the future mother was born, vertically and the month in which the father was born, horizontally. At the intersection you will see a cell with a number. Remember it and go to the second table.

Table number 1.Japanese method of sex determination

How to conceive a boy: table of conception and sex determination of a child

In the second table, choose a column with the desired number. In it you will find the names of all the months, and opposite them are crosses in the columns "boy" and "girl".The month where the crosses opposite the boy will be more, choose to conceive a male child.

Table number 2.The Japanese method of sex determination

The Chinese calendar

In Chinese culture, there are many ways how to calculate the gender of the child, but they are mostly not logical and scientifically unjustified. However, there is a method that gives its results, and statistics and figures are stubborn, they can not be deceived, and they say that the probability of this method gives 98% of the result!

So, this method is a table, by which you can calculate the month you need. In this table for planning the sex of the child plays the role of the month in which the conception and the number of years of the future mummy occurred. Below is a table where, M is a boy, and D is a girl.

Table. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child

Lunar calendar

The lunar calendar can also be used to determine the best time for the conception of the boy. To do this, find out which of the 12 signs of the zodiac is the moon. If you want a boy to be, you need to choose the day when the moon is in some male sign, Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Gemini.

It is these days most likely to become pregnant by a boy. In addition, the sex of the child can be calculated by knowing how many years of the future mother and the month to which the conception occurred. So, if the mother's age is an even number, then in odd months the boy is most likely to be conceived, and if the age is an odd number, then the boy should be scheduled in even months.

Moon phases

How to eat to conceive a boy?

It is believed that the sex of the child can be planned by eating certain foods. The diet for the birth of a boy or girl is different.

In order to conceive a boy, one should eat the following foods one month before conception:

  • meat, in any of its forms: pork, veal, chicken and other varieties
  • different fish: flatfish, salmon, trout, mackerel and other
  • any fruits andas well as dried fruits
  • practically any vegetables and greens
  • from cereals can be oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rice and semolina
  • from drinks drink mineral water, coffee, tea
Special food for conception of boy

The following products are not recommended:

  • dairy productand whole milk
  • milk porridge and any pastry on milk
  • bread and other pastry, any baking
  • seafood
  • salad, dill, beans
  • any nuts
  • use as little salt as possible
  • calcified mineral water

REMEMBER: It is not recommended to follow a diet after conception, t.the first months are very important for the formation of a healthy embryo, and this requires the intake of all vitamins and microelements into the body.

Popular signs how to conceive a boy

For centuries, people's signs were formed, which it is desirable to perform for the conception of a child of a certain sex.

So in order for a male child to be born, there are following signs.

  1. During sex, a woman needs to lie in a room with cool air, head towards the north, while she should be dressed in woolen socks and lie on her right side.
  2. . Before conception, about 5 days, there should not be sexual relations among partners
  3. .put a thing that is associated only with men, for example, a bow or ax
  4. Sexual intercourse should occur in the morning or in the afternoon on the following days of the week: Saturday, Thursday or Tuesday
  5. Before going to bed, for 20 minutes, drink a glass of jelly from the cranberry
  6. The man needs to walk barefoot on the day of conception
The position at the sexual act for the conception of the boy

How to conceive a boy of 100 percent: advice and feedback

  • Psychologists advise to think all the time that you want a boy, and believe in these thoughts, you must yourselfprogram
  • There is one more such opinion that the future sex of the child is determined by who in the family is the main and more active. Let the man be the leader at home, at work and among friends.
  • . More chances to conceive a boy for women, whose weight is more than 54 kg.
  • Probability that a child will be male higher in a family in which both parents do not smoke
  • Prefer to rest in a hot country, solar activity increases the possibility of a baby boy
  • Children of the weather are usually of the same gender, so if you have the first female child and you wantboy, wait at least 3 years after the first birth
Woman waiting for the boy

We hope that this article will help you, and soon you will be holding your son's arms. However, you should understand that no method gives 100% guarantee in determining the sex of the unborn child. The main thing, nevertheless, is to give birth to a healthy child and make him happy, regardless of his gender.

VIDEO: What can I do to make a boy?

  • May 21, 2018
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