How to become smarter? What to read and what exercises to become smarter?

Englishmen, masters of idioms and authors of many winged expressions, argue that death is a temporary phenomenon, but stupidity is forever. Is it so? And if not, then you can become smarter? What do I need to do? Look for answers in the article.

Contents of

  • Why do people become smarter?
  • How to become a smart girl or an intelligent guy?
    • Types of intelligence
    • Features of the brain hemisphere
    • Features of brain work
  • Tips to become smarter for 5 minutes a day
  • What to read to become smarter?
  • Games that develop the mind
  • Exercises for the brain to become smarter
  • How to become smarter in life?
  • Video: How much percent of the brain do we use?
  • Video: BBC: The Mind of Man. Be smarter than 1 part of

This article contains general guidelines for developing mental abilities and does not take into account the individual personality development features of

Why do people become smarter?

Although the capabilities of our brain are great, we usually do not use all of its potential. It follows that each of us has a chance to significantly increase the efficiency of our thought processes.

instagram viewer

What is known about the brain of modern science
  • It is very important to constantly make your brain work. For example, the more we do exercises to master simply the word and oratorical art, the better we perceive oral and written speech, the deeper we get into the essence and meaning of words and the more meaningfully and accurately we use them
  • The more we practice in mathematics, the more confidencewe find when we have to deal with numbers, and the more we train our ability to work with hands( that is, develop fine motor skills) and manipulate small objects, the more dexterously we perform operations that requirefork of a similar type
  • Our brain is undoubtedly our most important asset. Nevertheless, most of us perceive it as the part of our body that requires the least attention to itself.
The connection between brain activity and muscular activity
  • Our brain, just like any other part of our body, needs care and work.
  • We are correctWe eat to keep the heart healthy, we moisturize the skin to protect it from drying
  • Athletes, at whatever level they perform, strive to improve their results and for this they train, sparing themselves, and perfectusing our special exercises
  • Exactly, there are exercises and gymnastics for the mind that we can do to improve our brain and speed up the thinking processes of
  • . Modern science has proven that our brain cells continuously establish new, more and stronger connections and maturethe brain of an adult is able to grow new cells regardless of age

Important. A person is able to use his brain much more fruitfully and discover talents he does not know, if he constantly explores new ways, acquires new experience and new knowledge.

  • Any of us are able to continuously activate the huge potential of our brain, establish new and stronger links between cells and as a result achieve higher welfare not only intellectually but physically
  • It has long been proven that our mental abilities are determinednot biological heredity, but social factors, for example, such as upbringing and education

How to become a smart girl or a smart guy?

  • We all have some idea of ​​what and to what extent we are capable of. For example, someone can be a great musician, but it's utterly hopeless to make a helpless gesture when you have to repair your
  • . There are people who have linguistic and mathematical abilities, but are completely lost when they have to publicly speak at least with a short speech
  • The fact is,that no one can have universal abilities, but there are no people who can not at least do something
  • Determine which of the abilities you have developed in greater, and to a lesser extent

Kinds of intelligence

Professor of pedagogy at Harvard University Howard Gardner identified seven different types of intelligence. Briefly this "classification" is as follows:

  1. Linguistic and linguistic intelligence, ie
  • language proficiency
  • speaking language skills
  • ability to conduct verbal debate
  • written creativity
Simple ways to develop speech
  1. Muscle-kinematic( motor) intelligence that includes
  • facial expressions
  • sign language
  • dance art
  • physical exercises
  • acting skills
  1. Musical-rhythmic intelligence, i.e.
  • game on various musical instruments
  • singing
  • musical composition
  • highly developed sense of rhythm

If you do not have the opportunity to attend music classes, it does not matter. Use the mental training

The impact of mental training on the development of the cerebral cortex
  1. Logic / mathematics
  • computing abilities
  • problem solving skills
  • decoding codes
  • abstract symbols
  • memorizing formulas, etc.
  1. Visual-spatial intelligence, ie
  • ornaments
  • patterns
  • design
  • painting
  • drawing
  • visual imagination
  • sculpture
  • color schemes
How to develop visual-spatial intelligence
  1. Interpersonal intelligence( relationships with others)
  • interpersonal contacts
  • ability to empathize
  • groupprojects
  • cooperation
  • response speed
  1. Interpersonal intelligence( self-awareness and intuition)
  • strategy thinkingFIR circuits
  • awareness of emotions
  • introspection
  • attention / concentration
  • thoughtfulness

These categories can also add creative thinking, which is sometimes called the "eighth intelligence" and memory - the ninth.

  • There is an opinion that each of the above-mentioned intellects "lives" in one or more, specifically for it, the brain area of ​​the
  • . Some evidence of the validity of this statement is given by studies of people whose brains were partially damaged - either as a result of a stroke, or somehowOtherwise
  • Such people, for example, having lost the ability to speak coherently, can still sing the words of the vocal works of

. Important. Work with each of the intellects. Only in this way you can become a harmoniously developed personality with a high level of intellectual development

Features of the cerebral hemispheres

The right and left hemispheres of the brain perform different functions. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for emotions and intuition, association and creativity. The priority of the left is iron logic and structure. It looks something like this

How the left and right hemispheres of the brain interact

It has been scientifically proven that one of the hemispheres of our brain, as a rule, is better developed and is leading. Depending on which of our hemispheres is leading, we divide into right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere people. This affects our intellectual and psycho-emotional development

Left-hemispheric and right-hemisphere people: the features and differences

Important. Develop both hemispheres of the brain! The easiest way: become a person who equally owns both right and left hand

Features of Brain Functionality

The brain is part of an organism that has its own biological rhythms of activity and passivity. Consider them while working on training the intellect

Brain operation mode

Tips to become smarter in 5 minutes a day

In 24 hours. Use every free minute for self-development

  1. Train neurons
How to train neurons and develop the brain's hemisphere
  1. Change the reading technique
How to learn to read faster
  1. Learn how to determine the amount of visual
How to learn to visually determine the amount of something
  1. Learn how to memorize verses. Even simple reading of poetic lines has a beneficial effect on the brain
  2. Listen not only to music, but also to audio books. In music, give preference to classical works, because the existence of the "Mozart effect" is a scientifically proven fact.
  3. . Extend your vocabulary: Learn not only to pronounce words correctly, but also to find out their meanings.
  4. Develop sensory perception.
. How to develop sensory perception.
  1. . Play games. The top intellectual games of all time looks like the following
  • checkers
  • chess
  • backgammon
  • Sudoku
  • poker and other card games

The list of intelligent games can also be attributed

  • puzzles
  • tantagrams
  • crosswords and skanvordi
  • puzzles
  1. Stop being slave to habits. From time to time, change the situation in the residential space, your daily menu, image, favorite chocolate, perfume, etc.
  2. Do not use gadgets when counting. Try to perform mathematical actions in the mind
  3. Get used to paying attention to trifles

By and large, it is impossible to describe all methods of development of intelligence. Take the first step along the way, and the world around will offer you a huge number of options to achieve the stated goal of

. To prepare yourself for a new activity, be sure to perform a simple exercise

. How to tune in to a brainstorming

A unique mini-meditation will help you to get rid of the troublesome problems and tune yourselfon brainstorming

What to read to become smarter?

Noisy "Twilight" and "50 shades of gray" are not included in the list of books recommended for reading. However, even from the ladies' romance novel, you can make a simulator for the mind.

Reading books, pay attention to unfamiliar words, place names, dishes, historical events. Be sure to find out everything about an unfamiliar word / concept. Find the recipes of your favorite dishes of sympathetic literary heroes, be sure to cook them and appreciate the taste.

And, of course, read not only light "tabloid" reading. Among the books you read should be

  1. Works belonging to the world classics, because classical literature is one of the cornerstones of intellectual development
  2. Memoirs
  3. Biographies / autobiographies of famous people
  4. Psychological literature

.Intellect is determined by the number of books understood, not read! Remember this, "swallowing" books from the next list "must read"

Games that develop the mind

Use the achievements of civilization for yourself for the good! Open smartphone search engines not only to explore season trends or sports competitions ratings

Sites with simulator games for developing memory, logic, attention, thinking will help keep the brain functioning

List of platforms with exercise equipment for the mind

  • Brainexer
  • Brainscale
  • Chisloboi
  • Cognifit
  • Fitnessbrain
  • Happymozg
  • Litlbetr
  • Mnemonica
  • Mozgame
  • Petruchek
  • Quantified-mind
  • S-mind
  • Uplift
  • Wikium
  • Zanimatika

Exercises for the brain to become more intelligent

According to Nobellaureate of Rita Levi-Montalcini, the guarantee of preventing brain degradation is the constant enthusiasm and active state of the latter. Ms Levi-Montalcini can be trusted, because several months before her 100th birthday, she made a report at the medical congress

. Several exercises presented in the article will show you the direction in which to move

How to become smarter in life?

  • Errors are lessons that allow an individual to grow and become better. Have you made a mistake? Draw conclusions and move on
  • Focus your thoughts on the positive. Look at the children: their inquisitive mind is open to joy, laughter, creativity and love.
  • . Do not run away from problems. Solve even the most unpleasant questions as soon as they arise. This will save your nerves and time
  • Surround yourself with people who can learn something. Avoid skeptics, cynics, pessimists.
  • Learn to set the right goals. Do not spend your life on other people's dreams
  • Rest, because without a full rest will not be a full-time job.
  • Do not count on instant luck. Thomas Edison - the author of more than 4,000 patented inventions - claimed that his mind is only 5% of God's spark and 95% of the hard work of
  • . Do not be discouraged because of things that you can not control or change. Remember, we are not subject to rain, but we can take an umbrella and put on a raincoat
  • Smile around the world, and the world will smile at you

Video: How much percent of the brain do we use?

Video: Air Force: The Mind of Man. Be smarter than part 1 of

  • May 21, 2018
  • 11
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