Dehydration in the child: the first symptoms, causes, treatment. What if the baby has dehydration during vomiting, temperature and diarrhea?

Many infectious diseases are accompanied by dehydration. Parents often underestimate the danger of this condition, not knowing that it has irreversible consequences for the child's body.


  • How to understand that a child has dehydration?
  • Symptoms of dehydration
  • Causes of dehydration in children
  • Dehydration in a child up to the year
  • Dehydration in a child when vomiting
  • Dehydration in a child with diarrhea
  • Temperature and dehydration in children
  • What if the child has dehydration?
  • Treatment of dehydration in children
  • How to solder the child during dehydration?
  • Consequences of dehydration in children
  • Video: Dehydration of the body: what are its symptoms and what to do?

When the required is dehydrated, the water level in the body drops below the norm. This is a dangerous sign, which, with a significant decrease in fluid, leads to death or serious disorders in the body.

This is especially dangerous for young children, their child, immature organism. This article discusses

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signs, the causes of dehydration of the body in a child and the treatment options and restoration of water balance in the body.

How to understand that a child has dehydration?

If the is a toddler, and lies quietly in the crib, then many parents think that he is just tired, capricious for weather change or just in a bad mood. Do not frighten some parents and cold feet of the child - hide it and wait for the baby to get warm.

But if even under a warm blanket the baby has cold limbs, and the mood still does not exist, then it can be as a sign of dehydration of the body in a baby.

Lethargy, cold extremities and rare urination - obvious symptoms of dehydration

Understand that the baby can be dehydrated for such symptoms:

  • strong thirst - the child drinks two or even three times more liquid than usual;often complains that he wants to drink - thus the body tries to compensate for itself the lost water reserves
  • chair up to 5 times a day , most often liquid - this should be the first alarm bell for you, because, most likely, the child has an intestinal infection
  • vomiting
  • cyanotic skin tone
  • restless or vice versa sluggish behavior child

It is important to consider that dehydration is of three types:

  1. Easy( if the fluid loss in the body is not more than 5%)
  2. Medium gravity( loss of fluid within 5-10%)
  3. Severe degree( fluid loss more than 10%)
Mean and severe dehydration is treated in a hospital

For each of these types of dehydration, the symptoms described earlier may manifest in one or anotherdegree of complexity of or frequency. If, with mild dehydration, there can only be thirst and frequent stool, then with severe form the child's condition can go right up to loss of consciousness.

Therefore, if you see uncharacteristic manifestations in your child's behavior - immediately contact with the child's doctor , because the child's health is the most valuable and you can not risk it in any case.

Signs of dehydration

With severe dehydration, the child will be very sleepy - it will be difficult for him to wake up and he will constantly want to sleep. Also you will see that even with a strong thirst, a few minutes after he drinks the water, the mouth of the will again be parched.

Till two months the child has no tears , but if he is older and, for some reason, will cry, and you will not see tears, then this will also be a disturbing signal that there is a water imbalance in the child's body.

If crying in a child older than 2 months does not have tears, this may be a sign of dehydration

Absence of micturition for more than 8 hours is a serious cause for excitement. If, with such signs, vomiting or diarrhea is also manifested, then viral intestinal diseases should be excluded.

Feel the pulse and listen to the breath of the child - if you hear heart palpitations and breathing , if you have any of the above symptoms - call a doctor immediately.

With , the average degree of dehydration of the retains almost all the features that were described earlier, but at a lower frequency and not in such a strong manifestation.

For all stages of dehydration, be sure the is looking at the fontanel .A hollow fontanel on the vertex of a child is one of the main signs of an average and severe degree of dehydration of the body.

Fatigue of the fontanel in dehydration

Easy dehydration of is not so serious and with proper treatment, all symptoms pass quickly enough. With easy dehydration, is thirsty and an easy lethargy .If viral infections are not expressed, then to restore the lost rate of water can and in the home, without resorting to a doctor.

Despite the complexity of the disease, if you can not cope with the treatment yourself, should not be delayed by contacting your doctor .Dehydration of the body is a dangerous progressive process and, if the time is not taken, consequences for the organism can be very severe.

Causes of dehydration in children

In almost every viral disease or intestinal infection of , the child suffers from dehydration. From such diseases, children often experience vomiting or diarrhea, which causes loss of water and nutrients in the body.

The cause of dehydration may be an increased temperature

In viral diseases, has a high temperature , which also contributes to dehydration of the body. If your child is sick - try to bring down his temperature and watch him drink plenty of water.

In infants, dehydration with is very rapid.

It is compulsory during the treatment to solder the child with water or compote from dried fruits to restore the body's water balance.

If the child has been for a long time in the sun without a headdress , this can also be the cause of dehydration and another dangerous phenomenon - sunstroke. Therefore, parents should be vigilant and do not leave the child in hot weather outside without a hat or cap.

Dehydration can occur due to sunstroke

Dehydration of the child is a serious reason to consult a doctor because the lack of the necessary amount of water disrupts the internal organs and worsens the general condition of the body, which must necessarily be corrected.

This is a very dangerous phenomenon that can not be eliminated without the intervention and treatment of .Be vigilant to the health of the child and pay attention to any deviations in his behavior.

Dehydration in a child before the year

For the body's water balance of infants, the should be carefully monitored .After all, the younger the child, the less time in his body the water lingers. For comparison, in an adult human water molecules remain up to 15 days , in children up to a year only up to 3 days, and fluids in the child's body as much as 75%.

Dehydration in a child before the year is extremely dangerous

If the amount of fluid decreases more than by 5% , then the body will be saved by its redistribution in the amount that remains in the body. And this will also contribute to the decrease in the volume of blood circulation .All this will lead to problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract and will affect negatively the body of the child as a whole.

Very carefully monitor the dosage of liquid for a child up to a year. At the age of a month to six months daily, give the child 150 ml of fluid as an additional component to breast milk. After reaching half a year and up to the year , double the dosage of .

Soldering the baby for up to a year with water dehydration

When you notice that a one-year-old child exhibits signs of dehydration , contact the pediatrician immediately. Until the doctor comes to the examination, give the child a little bit of every half an hour of and try to keep the baby in a cool place to reduce the loss of fluid through the skin.

Children under the age of one year are very vulnerable to to viruses and other infectious diseases .Take care of your baby's health, and pay attention to his behavior. At this age, children still can not complain of pain or malaise, so only unusual behavior or unhealthy symptoms will become for you indicators that the child needs to show specialist .

Dehydration in the child with vomiting

If a stomach upset occurs in the form of vomiting , which can occur due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning or high fever, the child should be immediately provided with qualified care. Since vomiting is not only extremely unpleasant, but also quite dangerous.

Dehydration during vomiting is dangerous in that it is often impossible to take a liquid

Try to keep the baby sipping with a small sip of not more than 40 ml of liquid at a time .Do this is not more than one time for 10-15 minutes .The liquid should be at room temperature and not in any case soda.

If the child refuses to drink everything except the cold of sparkling water - pour it into an open beaker and let it brew that all the gas is released by and the water has acquired room temperature.

You can not drink a lot of water at a time , because if you drink fast and a lot - the baby's stomach will swell up from the received fluid, and the vomiting will again be felt. Monitor the color and amount of the child's urine - if urination after drunk frequent and urine has a light yellow color, the situation has become normal. If these parameters are unchanged, then you should call a doctor and apply medication methods for its intended use.

Dehydration in a child with diarrhea

When poisoning or intestinal diseases of a child, can not only vomit, but also diarrhea .This is no less dangerous condition, since it also causes dehydration, due to fluid loss.

Dehydration with diarrhea
  • If due to diarrhea the child loses weight per kilogram for a few days , this is a very dangerous symptom and it is better not to bring to such a situation, as a violation of the water balance in the body leads to renal failure, whichharmful to health and life-threatening.
  • . If you observe strong thirst, diarrhea, darkening of urine and high temperature in a child - do not postpone the call to the doctor. By itself, diarrhea is more 3-4 times per day is also an alarm to parents - it can be about poisoning, intestinal infection and dehydration
  • To restore fluid loss with diarrhea, give the child 30-40 ml water every 10 minutes.Eliminate all foods except water, compote of dried fruits and breadcrumbs from white bread

If after the measures taken the symptoms are still pronounced - severe diarrhea , drowsiness, moody behavior - it is necessary to call a doctor to prevent the deterioration of the child.

Temperature and Dehydration in Children

  • With virus diseases, the temperature rise is common. But the negative consequence of the disease, in addition to viral symptoms, is also the dehydration of the body.
  • When the child has a high fever, the body tries to dump her with the sweating .And of course with such a manifestation the body loses fluid
  • To restore the lost fluid, it is necessary to give the child a little to drink. Do it often enough , because this way the water balance will be restored and the body will better fight the
virus. Temperature and dehydration in the child

It is best to give the baby teas with lemon or raspberries is the best tool in the fight against viral diseases- teas will not only restore the lost liquid, but also create a warming effect. Do not add a lot of to drinks - glucose is an additional medium for feeding bacteria.

At temperature and dehydration, replenish the stock of the liquid with a slightly warm bath, rubs and compresses with . So the body will receive fluid through the skin.

Elevated temperature is a rather unpleasant and dangerous symptom. If it is high and the body can not cope with the disease itself, you should call an ambulance to get the recommendations for taking medications.
Before the arrival of the doctor, try to prevent dehydration of the child's body and make sure that the temperature does not rise to a critical level.

What if the child has dehydration?

If you notice the first signs of dehydration in a child - first of all consult a doctor about treatment. Be sure to be examined by a doctor if your baby is not yet a year old, because infants have a very fast metabolism and fluid loss can be very rapid.

The doctor will decide if home treatment is possible or requires hospitalization, because parents often underestimate the severity of the child's condition.

Basically, dehydration is manifested by in a viral infection. Therefore, the primary task of parents is to identify the cause of dehydration and to conduct proper treatment of the child. During treatment, if medications are prescribed, should be restored in parallel in order to restore the lost fluid.

It is best to solder a child not with a sweet compote

If the doctor has detected an easy degree of dehydration, then the restoration is performed at home by soldering the child with water, with unsweetened tea or mors.
With an average or severe degree of dehydration, depending on the prescription of the doctor, the restoration of the water balance can be carried out by injecting the fluid intravenously.

In any case, these questions and methods of treatment should be discussed with a doctor, , as in no case can you risk your own child's health.

Treatment of dehydration in children

First of all for the treatment of dehydration of , it is necessary to pay attention to the attendant symptoms. If the child is suffering from vomiting and diarrhea - it is necessary to provide a diet, if high temperature - keep the baby's body broths and tea.

The doctor can assign the to the child for the baby, but this remedy can be prepared at home according to this recipe:

  • A half teaspoon of salt
  • A half teaspoon of soda
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
Treatment of dehydration in the child

This mixture must be diluted inliter of water and drink the baby every 2 hours .Also, you need to gradually drink non-carbonated water and low-fat soups on the water. If the child does not have vomiting, you can feed him with bananas, apples and potatoes. During 2-3 days it is not necessary to add anything to the specified menu.

If the degree of dehydration, according to the doctor, is severe and can only be restored on an outpatient basis, the treatment will be carried out within the walls of the hospital. Treatment will depend on the degree of dehydration:

  • with an average degree of a child is injected with an infusion solution, and if the condition improves, release home;
  • for a severe degree of dehydration, the solution is administered for several days under the supervision of a physician.
with symptoms of dehydration should consult with an expert

You can not protect the child from all diseases. Therefore, if you notice signs of a viral infection and the initial stage of dehydration of , first consult your doctor in order to be able to be treated at home, and not to allow a neglected situation and the need for hospitalization.

How to solder a child during dehydration?

If you have found the child to be dehydrated, you must immediately restore the lost fluid. You can drink a child decoction with rice , not carbonated water, unsweetened tea, compote. Very useful in such cases is the compote from raisins of white grape varieties, containing potassium in large quantities, which is "washed away" from the body for diarrhea and vomiting.

In the pharmacy you can buy a special solution, which is represented by such preparations:

  1. Regidron
  2. Galactin
  3. Citroglucosalan
Soldering the child with the

regimen. Also useful is a decoction of raisins or carrots. To prepare carrot broth you will need:

  • Pour a liter of water with 200 grams of chopped carrots;
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes;
  • Wipe the carrots and pour into the cooled water.

Cook the raisin from raisins as easily: 100 g of washed raisins pour a glass of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, dilute the broth with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and let's drink to the baby. The broth has a favorable effect on the intestinal flora, it freshens and saturates the body with spent vitamins.

Soft and soothing for the digestive tract will be broths from dried fruits - the simplest set of which will be apple and pear.

When recovering lost fluid, exclude from the possible variants of juices from stores. Since, with symptoms of dehydration, the body could weaken sufficiently and it needs vitamins, rather than preservatives and dyes. Take care of your own child, and the young organism will quickly grow stronger and conquer all diseases.

Consequences of dehydration in children

  • If the child had an easy degree of dehydration, then with proper and timely treatment for the body this will not leave serious consequences for
  • The more the volume of lost liquid, the more serious it affects the body's state
  • If even one percent of water is lostfrom the body in the brain are irreversible changes. Water is one of the main nutrients for the brain, along with oxygen
  • And reducing such nutrition for a long time can lead to a number of diseases - sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's
Dehydration affects the work of all organs, but most of all it suffersBrain

Violation of in the functioning of the immune system due to dehydration also occurs. After such violations of , the child is more likely to get sick with with viral infections, bronchitis, asthma and other serious illnesses.
This is one of the most serious problems that can lead to dehydration of the child's body.

Dehydration can also cause less serious, but no less unpleasant diseases, such as obesity, thickening of the blood and other .

Do not clutch at the heart by reading these lines. Dehydration of is a serious signal to call a doctor. But, fortunately, this is a symptom that, with proper and timely treatment of , will not leave serious consequences to the for the child's organism.

Keep track of your child's condition, do not brush off complaints of poor health. If the child is helped in time to restore the lost fluid, the child's health will be out of risk.

Video: Dehydration of the body: what are its symptoms and what to do?

  • May 21, 2018
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