Why take children at home?100 ways to take a child

What activities and entertainment can be offered to children in different periods of their development?

Contents of

  • What can I do for young children?
  • How can I take a child in 3-4 months?
  • Than to occupy the child in 5-6 months?
  • Than to occupy the child in 7-8 months?
  • Than to occupy the child in 9-10 months?
  • How to take a child in 11 months-a year?
  • Than to occupy the child in 2-3 years?
  • How to take a child in 4-5 years?
  • Than to occupy the child in 6-7 years?
    • Video: Than to occupy the child?
  • Mothers of children of any age are constantly racking their brains over what they occupy their favorite crumbs. Firstly, a child is very often bored, and he begins to be capricious.
  • . Secondly, my mother does not have even a moment to give herself and home affairs. It should be understood that the kid is not interested in just sitting and doing nothing.
  • He needs something to do, he is interested in all the new, unexplored and fascinating
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What's left for moms to do? How can they diversify the leisure time of their children? Than them to occupy though for some minutes?

What can I do for young children?

Than in general it is possible to occupy children? Of course, the best activity for children is walking outdoors. This is both informative and healthy. During such promenades, it is necessary to show the child different objects, call them clearly and tell a little about them. The rabbit will learn to imitate animals' voices and animals faster if they find him on the street, and the mother will make the characteristic sounds of the
  • . If the child is already walking, then it should be attached to the collective. Therefore it is better to go to children's playgrounds, where the same age-old children are walking. In the process of communication, the child develops personal qualities - he tries to defend his position and at the same time to be in friendship. Children who often communicate with their peers are much quicker to talk
  • If the weather on the street does not allow you to walk, you can spend time at home. To help my mother, of course, can come the good old TV.While a pet looks at a favorite cartoon, his mom will have time to do something of their own. However, when watching kids on television you need to follow certain limits. Up to two years the child is better not to watch television at all. If the baby really likes a cartoon, you can see it no more than half an hour
  • After two years, children are allowed to watch TV or play on the computer for no more than two hours. At what, these two hours should be broken into several calls with long breaks.
  • Children of all ages and sexes always like ball games very much. They can be organized, both in the open air, and within the apartment. Only here at home you need to be careful to not love your mother's vase from the table
  • The ball is the best friend of young children
    • Many babies like to listen to music and dance. This pastime should be liked not only by the crumb, but also by its parents. After all, the first children's dances often look so funny
    • As for such creativity as drawing and molding from plasticine, you can experiment with it at any age. True, acquaintance with plasticine should be carried out under the strict guidance of parents, because a kid can try to try the unusual material to taste. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, and the crumb was completely not interested, do not despair. Everything in its time
    • Drawing today you can do at any age. For babies there are special finger paints. They can draw, even sitting in the bathroom. The bathroom itself will serve naturally. Such colors are very easy to wash off and do not eat into its surface
    • You can also draw on paper. The kid will be very interested in using his fingers as a brush. He can leave small circles on paper, and my mother will need to call the color of the paint, in which the baby has been dipped by the finger

    . How can I take a child in 3-4 months?

    Exercises for developing the crawling skill

    3-4 months is the period when the kid just learned to hold his head and turn over. He can already hold rattles in his hands and swing them in all directions.

    The horizon of crumbs has also expanded - it can see at a distance of one meter. This allows him to view the mobile over the crib and reach for it with his hand. In addition, the baby begins to talk a little. True hoot and agukanie still difficult to call a conversation, but this is one of the steps to the long-awaited word "mom."

    The main tasks of this period are preparation for crawling, sitting and talking.

    • In order to push the baby to crawl, you can use unfamiliar and familiar objects. Putting a crumb on the tummy, you need to place in front of him interesting toy
    • The kid will reach for her, and you can gradually push him from behind. For this purpose, you can use jumping or springing objects. For example, a ball or a wooden painted egg. Reaching for the subject, the baby will see that he has slipped away again, and will again try to get it
    • . It is necessary to give your pet rattles of various colors, sizes and textures. It will be interesting for him to examine and feel them. In addition, the sound produced by them, will enthrall your "button"
    • A wonderful activity with the baby at all stages of its development are songs, rhymes and rhymes. It is desirable that the mother sang or spoke them, bending over to the crumbs. He must see her lips and learn the art of pronouncing various sounds. In addition, for the baby there is no sweeter music than the beloved and native mother's voice
    Mom's voice - the best melody for the baby
    • Will help the development and knowledge of his body baby rhyme with the names of body parts. Mom can pronounce the rhyme and at the same time show, touch or pinch that part of the child's body that is at issue.
    • You can diversify the horizon of the baby by putting him literally for a few minutes in pillows and having rested on the bedside of the bed. If we are talking about a girl who can not be planted, she simply can be vilified around the apartment, pointing at objects and calling them. It is only necessary to clarify that the objects should be at a distance of no more than 90 cm from the eyes of the baby. By the way, kids love to look at their reflection in the mirror
    • Kids at any age are very fond of playing hide and seek. Mom covers her face or the face of the child with her hands, and opening it, says "ku-ku".As a rule, crumbs from this laugh and descend the legs

    You can play with the child in "Goat-dereza" or "Soroka-Beloboku".

    Than to occupy the child in 5-6 months?

    • If the crumb already knows how to sit, you can play with him in the sandbox. Only instead of sand you can use a variety of cereals. Such games should be conducted under the strict control of the parents, since the child will in any case try to try what he was given, the taste of
    • Experienced mothers recommend at first only use salt. Having tried it once, the baby is unlikely to still want to taste loose mixtures. Such an occupation very well develops the fine motor skills of
    . The development of fine motor skills.
    • . Children at this age also like to crumple and tear paper. Do not regret and for your crumb a couple of leaves. It will be very interesting to watch how he perfectly copes with this task
    • By the looks will be similar to how office workers prepare for the arrival of the tax inspection. True, such activities should also be supervised. As a rule, in the end, the baby will solve all traces and try to eat the paper
    • . As for the spoken language, parents should continue singing crumbs of the song, telling poems and poteshki
    • It is desirable that any actions of the parents are accompanied by comments. It is necessary to explain to the child that now his mother is changing his clothes or washes the
    • . In 5-6 months some babies are already beginning to sit and crawl. But not all. It is necessary to continue with them exercises with attempts to reach your favorite toys, but you do not need to push it anymore - you just need to give his legs to lean on the hands or the bedstead of the bed
    • . The child loves to play fretshki, "Soroku-Beloboku" in 5-6 months. At what, all the movements he can already perform himself
    The game in the "Soroka-Beloboku"
    • Playing hide and seek now can look a little different. You can cover an item with a handkerchief or diaper and ask the crumb where he went. Then you need to tear off the veil and say "ku-ku"
    • . Probably, at once the kid will not understand what exactly is happening, but eventually he will trace a certain chronology and regularity in your actions. As the desired subject, you can use anything that makes a sound. So the crumb will hear the sound and orientate on it, where the
    • is located. You can play hide and seek in another way. When the child is in the crib, you need to leave for a second from the field of his vision and from under the crib ask "Where's Mom?".Then you need to look and say "ku-ku".The kid will be incredibly happy, and can laugh gaily

    Than to take the child in 7-8 months?

    In 7-8 months, almost all the kids are already sitting and trying to crawl. These skills and aspirations can be used. It is necessary to continue the game with the movement of toys.

    Playing with loose
    • For a child who already sits, it's much easier to find interesting tasks and games. For the development of fine motor skills, you can continue to give him a different size of capacity with loose grains. If the crumb turns out to hold a spoon in your hand, you can show him how to pour the crook of
    • . If it does not work out, you can give him a large capacity, where he can pour all the cereals in turn, and then try to separate them from each otherfriend. This game is also called "Cinderella"
    • In addition to cereals, a box or jar( not glass) can be applied in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes of objects that could be very interesting to the baby. Let him take out these items one at a time, and then fold them back
    • An excellent effect is obtained from a metal jar from under the baby food. The objects, falling to the bottom of the cans, strike against it and emit a sonorous sound, which also attracts the child's attention. If the objects in the bank are very small, then it's better to play games under the care of the parents.
    • Babies at the age of 7-8 months like to throw everything and watch where and how the object being dropped will fall. If you put a crumb into the crib and tie the discarded items by strings or ropes, you can teach them to return items to the crib
    • . By the way, very often the same kids like to do with a cork on a chain in the bathroom. Throwing her over the side of the bathroom, they then happily pull the chain, and the cork reappears in front of their eyes.
    Ball Games with the Toddler
    • . Putting the baby on the floor, you can roll a ball with him. Dad can sit in front of the crumbs, and my mother insure him from behind. Dad will throw the ball to the kid, and mom will help him to return it back
    • As for creativity, it is already possible to introduce crumbs to wax pencils. Naturally, the baby will not immediately become a great artist. Not the fact that he will do anything on his own. At first, my mother will have to drive her hand with a pencil in her hand. However, over time, the crumb will be more and more interested in this type of activity
    • In 7-8 months you can start the game with the dice. It is desirable that the cubes are soft( plastic, rubber or rag).You can show your child how to build a tower or castle. Of course, at first its function will consist only in destroying the newly constructed object. But over time, he himself wants to put the cube on the cube, and create turrets
    • Very amusing small children in the cups-liners. They gladly dismantle their stack and try to assemble them again in a bunch.

    insert cups The bathing process can also be turned into a fun pastime. For this, in addition to ducks and dolphins, you can use special stickers for the bathroom, a sponge and all the same cups.

    Stickers baby can sculpt on the walls of the bathroom, and then just as joyfully tear them away.

    Sponge game:

    1. We buy one or more sponges of different colors and shapes
    2. We lower the sponge into the water, we take it out and squeeze it out in front of the baby from it the remains of water
    3. Let the crumb do everything the same


    • We take liner cups or usual disposable cups
    • We collect water and pour it from one glass into another
    • Let the crumb try to pour the water itself

    How to occupy the child in 9-10 months?

    By nine months, many kids are already crawling and are trying to stomp a little. To speed up the process of walking, you need to improve the crawl. To do this, you can build for the child a variety of barriers in the form of pillows, yourself, rollers or other improvised means. You can buy a tunnel for him.

    Not all babies are so brave that they can get into the tunnel on their own. To stimulate courage in a child, parents sometimes have to act as an example and climb into the tunnel first.

    Games with toilet paper

    Since the kid at this age is very fond of tearing and kneading paper, you can invite him to play with toilet paper. In addition to the development of motor skills, toilet paper provokes the child to follow the running roll and chase him. Such a game can for a long time entice the crumb and free his mother.

    At the age of 9-10 months, kids try to imitate their parents in everything. Because in this period, you can give the crumb( regardless of gender) his first doll. The child will display on the doll all the actions that mom does with him( feed, kiss, iron, comb, put to sleep).To begin with, of course, my mother will have to show the crumb how it's done.

    You can start to develop in the baby associative series:

    1. We put in front of the baby two different or distinctive in color identical figures
    2. We get the same figure from behind and ask the crumb to find her a pair of
    3. In the process we explain to him according to which attributes these items are a pair of
    4. Use as objects can be cubes, balls, socks, shoes

    A complex hide-and-seek game

    • In a deep container pour a rather high layer of groats
    • In the groin in front of the baby, bury one or more objects
    • Let kpoha himself will try to find these items
    • You need to be prepared for the fact that the cereal will be scattered or specially scattered around the room
    Playing with paints

    Playing with paints

    1. Take two transparent cups with water and paint
    2. We put the baby's finger, for example, in redand drop it immediately into one glass, and then to another
    3. Immediately add a blue paint to one of the glasses and observe the changes
    4. In the second glass we drip green paint and wonder why the colors differ
    5. Next time the baby can yourselfMen colors that he wants
    6. Over time, he will be able to anticipate what shade formed by mixing different colors

    As the clay is still quite dangerous for children of this age, you can try its counterpart - salt dough. The baby can rub it in his hands, pierce with a finger, leave a fingerprint in his test or even a foot. Of course, all these manipulations must take place under the strict control of the parents.

    Than to occupy the child in 11 months-a year?

    11-12 months - it's time for many undertakings - speech, walking, independent food and hygiene.

    Teeth cleaning
    • As for hygiene, at this age the baby can already start his personal toothbrush. While there is no point in buying toothpaste - let's first learn how to simply brush your teeth
    • At first, teeth cleaning will take just a couple of seconds - two movements in one direction and the other. But over time, the baby will imitate his parents and long brush his teeth. It is necessary to praise the crumb for his desire for cleanliness
    • More and more children in 11-12 months are interested in independent movement around the apartment. If in the walker his movements are constrained, then there is no restriction in walking without a walker.
    • Now he can safely turn on and off the light, reach for the door handle and keys in the lock, the table and what lies on the table. Because in such a critical period, parents should be very careful and prudent - you need to remove far more dangerous, beating, cutting and pricking objects.
    • Many mothers and dads have to tie closet handles so that their baby does not open them. To avoid such actions, it is better to allocate one locker in the kitchen and in the room, where there will be safe, but interesting for the crumbs things
    • These can be multi-colored kapron lids folded into a cardboard box, colored plastic or metal bowls, mugs and spoons. Forks and knives, even plastic ones, it is better to keep away from the child
    Baby box
    • As for kapron caps, the baby can sit with them for a long time - he likes to take them out of the box one by one, take them out and put them back in the box. The same can be done with lids from plastic bottles. By the way, 11-12 months is a suitable age for the ability to surround and twist the lids on bottles. Kids try very hard to learn this complicated case of
    • . For the development of speech, one should continue singing to the crumbs and telling rhymes with rhymes. The kid will already be interested in colorful books with large images. Reading a book, it is better to put the child in his arms so that he can see both the picture and the mother's mouth during the pronunciation of words. This is how babies learn to speak - they need to understand how the tongue between the teeth should be located and what shape the lips acquire when pronouncing certain letters and syllables
    • . Closer to the year, one can begin to learn crumbs with sorter. To begin with, you need to show it several times and voice it to him, what you need to insert in order for the figure to be inside the toy. It is desirable to apply to the hole of the sorter and inappropriate figures, so that the kid understands that this shape will not pass through the window. At the same time, you can negatively wave your head and say that this choice is wrong. Shortly, the crumb itself will begin to orient in shapes and colors suitable for certain holes.
    • Children at that age are very fond of puppet theaters in the performance of their beloved parents. Therefore, you can buy or sew a pair of dolls, dressing on the arm, and show the baby presentation. In this case, it is not necessary to hide behind a screen - a crumb and so will look at the moving toy and take the words spoken by the mother of words for the speech of the little
    • . In order to make a toy for a puppet theater, you can use an old toe. You only need to sew or glue a spout, eyes and mouth to it. Everything else depends only on your imagination.

    . How to take a child in 2-3 years?

    Child Creativity

    Age 2-3 years is a great time for creative activities with the baby. In the course can go all the known methods - crayons, plasticine, paints, pencils and markers. Today in the shops special coloring for kids is sold. You can find the same pictures on the Internet and just print them.

    It is advisable to follow the children at the time of their creation, because the canvas for their creations can be wallpaper, doors or floor.

    In 2-3 years a child can play with a designer for a long time, building high towers and castles.

    • During all these activities the kid can include children's songs and sing along with him. You can also dance. Kroha will very much like the famous "Dance of small ducklings" or a parody of "Swan Lake"
    • The so-called "developing boards" for children are becoming very popular today. Examples of such boards can be found on the Internet. Order a board for your father or grandfather, and you will have just a lot of free time
    • On the development board you can place several options for locks( latch, hook, padlock, etc.), zipper, light switch, bell, bell, a disk from the phone and a lot of things that will interest your baby. Under the small doors with locks, you can paste your favorite cartoon character crumbs. Having coped with a complex lock, the kid will be rewarded with a meeting with his pet
    Developing board

    At the age of 2-3 years, many parents start to drive their kids to a variety of clubs - dancing, swimming, wrestling, learning foreign languages. A small child is like a sponge. He absorbs very quickly everything and learns everything. However, it's worth keeping an eye on the state of your crumbs. If the kid looks sluggish and tired or does not want to go to classes, it is better not to force him to do it.

    Generally, it is advisable for the child to spend more time in the open air. On the street, especially during the warm season, crumbs are much easier to find a job. This can be a sandbox, swings, children's playgrounds, which are now located almost in every yard. Playing in the open air, the kid simultaneously has fun and tempers his body.

    Than to occupy the child in 4-5 years?

    In 4-5 years the child is very difficult to stay in one place. You can invite him to paint, polpit or make an applique. Appliques can be done with the help of purchased magazines, in which you just need to cut out the objects and paste them in the allotted places.

    Children's applications
    • For applications, you can also use improvised means( leaves dry or fresh, flowers or their petals, cereals, coffee grains, etc.).Mom-needlewomen always have a lot of various elements of decor, from which, together with the child, they can create an interesting picture or hand-made article. Subsequently, such a masterpiece can decorate a child's toddler
    • As a material for handicrafts, cones, acorns, matches and clay are often used. From these simple materials, you can make a zoo
    • to children aged 4-5 years, especially those who do not draw well, will like drawing for a copy. Everyone can feel like a Picasso or Dali. Also, artists-untruths will approach drawing by points. Such blanks can be found in the store, or you can create it yourself, using a simple drawing, and using a tracing paper
    • You can give the kids pencils and a sharpener - they will be happy to sharpen each pencil, and even several times
    Magnifier ormicroscope for children

    Children in 4-5 years are very curious and they are interested in everything unusual. You can give out a crumb of a magnifying glass and give the opportunity to examine everything under it. Very instructive and exciting at this age will be a microscope.

    Today on sale there are special children's microscopes. Consider such a miracle machine you can do anything. As a rule, kids are very surprised at what they saw, because their usual objects under the microscope look completely different.

    Than to occupy the child in 6-7 years?

    Children of elementary classes
    • Since at the age of 6-7 years old children are either preparing for school or already starting to walk in it, it is better to give their child a break from brain activity in their spare time. It is also desirable that the child moves as much as possible, since regular sitting at the desk in the same position can adversely affect the posture of the crumbs
    • . Parents need to give their kid more time to walk and play sports. Boys for this age are suitable dances, karate, football, basketball, volleyball, swimming pool visits
    • Volleyball and football are also recommended for those boys whose growth does not exceed the average. Such kinds of sports will help them to be stretched upwards and grow to average, and even above growth. Very fashionable today are sections of hockey and tennis
    Tennis is an excellent sport for a child of any gender

    Girls in 6-7 years can be given to the same dances, gymnastics, in the pool. A great popularity for today among young ladies enjoy a lot of tennis. Each girl dreams of becoming the second Maria Sharapova or Anna Kournikova.

    Summing up, it's worth saying that no matter how much the parents of the kids are busy, they should always devote time to their crumbs. After all, it may happen that when you finally take the time and want to play with your baby in the ball, he may already be uninteresting. The computer and the tablet will interest him a lot more, and you will not have time to enjoy his awkward first movements.

    Video: Than to occupy the child?

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