Allergy is a common disease, the timely diagnosis of which will help change life for the better. About that, what analyzes can be handed over for ElenaaViktorovnaa( elenaaviktorovnaa) revealing of allergens read in this article.
- What is the name of the allergy test?
- Types of analyzes for allergy
- Video: Allergy analysis
- What analysis should I take for an allergy to a child, an adult?
- Analysis for allergy to metals: decoding, norm, diagnosis
- Analysis for allergy to cats and dogs: decoding, norm, diagnosis
- Video: Allergy to pets
- Analysis for allergy to cow's milk protein: transcript, norm, diagnosis
- allergy to food allergy: decoding, norm, diagnosis
- Gluten analysis: decoding, norm, diagnosis
- Where to do the allergy test?
- Video: Gluten and gluten intolerance: what you need to know?
The world around us is not so safe and harmless as it seems and even dust, food, animal hair and many other things can lead to a dangerous deterioration in health.
Allergy can significantly impair the quality of life, so it is incredibly important to diagnose it in time. About that what analyzes will help to define allergens we will tell in this article.What is the name of the allergy test?
Allergy is an increased, excess reaction of the of the organism to any substance. Unfortunately, this ailment is quite common among adults and children. Allergies cause not only discomfort, but can even lead the to death.
It is very important to recognize and diagnose the disease in time. It will help to understand this only specialist - allergist doctor.
The allergist will tell you how and what kind of analysis you need to take to determine exactly what is causing the allergy. With the help of a special diagnostic called allergic test, the the doctor will determine which particular chemical causes individual intolerance and will prompt how to facilitate life by having an allergy.
Types of analyzes for allergy
Allergy tests can accurately determine which substance causes the specific reaction in the body. Diagnosis is necessary to determine the method of treatment of allergic reactions in patients, as well as to test medicines and new cosmetics.
Let's consider what types of allergodiagnostics exist:
- Blood test. This method of allergodiagnostics is used for various types of allergies. Determines the presence of serum antibodies to allergens. A limited list of allergenic substances that are included in the test kits is checked. Thanks to this, the first case of establishes a general possible group of allergens, and then a narrower mix
- Skin tests. The easiest and fastest way to diagnose. The essence of the method is that by injecting or scratching subcutaneously or on the skin, allergens are injected. The result can be considered after 30 minutes .If there is sensitivity to the allergen, the inflammatory reaction
appears on the site of its administration. In turn, the skin tests are divided into 4 types: scarifying, application, prik test, subcutaneous. The specialist will determine which type of skin test should be performed by a specific patient.
- Nasal Allergodiagnostics. Used to detect allergic rhinitis. Allergen is injected into the nasal passage, followed by the body's reaction
- Conjunctival allergodiagnostics. The aim of the method is to detect the presence of allergic conjunctivitis. Allergen in the form of a solution is instilled in the eye bag and the immune response is observed.
- Inhalation allergodiagnostics. The essence of this technique is the determination of the presence of bronchial asthma. It is carried out exclusively in a hospital. The patient is offered inhalation with a solution of allergens and follows the breath indicators
- Sublingual allergodiagnostics. With the help of this type of diagnosis, you can identify food allergies, medications and dental materials. Under the patient's tongue, material impregnated with an allergen is placed and the body's response to the
is read. Video: Allergy Analysis
What analysis should I take for an allergy to a child, an adult?
Allergy tests for children are given only on the advice of the allergist or pediatrician .The child can take the same tests for allergens, as well as an adult.
It is very important to determine precisely what substance causes sensitivity in you. It is not worth it to make a diagnosis for yourself, and even more so to prescribe any treatment - this is fraught with quite serious complications. Especially when it comes to children.
Therefore, the hike to the doctor does not escape the .He will orient, what kind of analysis you need to pass and how to do it correctly, so that the answer is as accurate as possible.
Of course, the blood test is widely used. It accurately allows you to determine what exactly causes hypersensitivity. The prevalence of use is also due to the fact that the blood test is the safest method of allergens, as it excludes the interaction of the organism directly with the allergen. This method is used for all types of allergic reactions.
Do not concede for their infallibility and skin tests .Unlike the blood test, this technique can lead to unforeseen excesses, since the body is directly in contact with allergens. Therefore, all allergic tests are carried out only in the clinic under the strict supervision of a specialist.
. As for small patients, it is necessary to act with extreme caution. Children's immune system is only developing and can behave quite unpredictably. During one procedure it is recommended to check no more than 5 allergens .
This can be done using types of skin tests:
- scarification - allergens are applied to the skin in drip form, make an incision and read the reaction
- application - the skin is applied from a solution of allergens
- prik-test - allergens are injected under the skinin the form of injections
- subcutaneous - allergens are injected under the skin in small portions
Assign such samples in food,ergiyah, allergies to plants, dust mites, pets and in diseases of the respiratory system and skin .All procedures are carried out immediately after consultation with a specialist and under his watchful control.
As a rule, the allergen manifests itself after 15 minutes in the form of redness and swelling of the skin. In principle, the children's body tolerates these procedures quite well. Contraindications to such analyzes can serve as the children's age up to 3 years old and rashes on the skin. In such situations, skin tests are replaced by a blood test.
Babies infants do not take blood sampling. In the blood, the child has antibodies to the mother, which he receives along with breast milk. The way out here is to revise your mother's diet for your diet and exclude all potential allergens from .
Analysis for allergy to metals: transcript, norm, diagnosis
A typical manifestation of metal allergy is contact dermatitis .Allergy to the metal occurs when the skin contacts with jewelry, jewelry, plaque strap, as well as with dental interventions. In most cases it appears after skin piercing.
Patients with this diagnosis are most often found among women and children adolescence, and the allergy itself can be hereditary.
Contact dermatitis manifests itself in the form of itching , redness, swelling, rashes at the point of contact of the allergen with the skin. The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after the tests:
- tests for the level of antibodies of immunoglobulin in the blood
- skin tests
In a healthy person, the level of antibodies of immunoglobulin is small . If it is elevated, diagnoses allergy.
. It is necessary:
- to exclude the contact of the patient with metal
- to exclude metal from entering the body with food
- to observe antihistamine therapy
The peculiarity of allergic dermatitis is that atcomplete elimination of the contact of with a provoking substance, clinical manifestations of the allergy pass without drug treatment.
Analysis for allergy to cats and dogs: interpretation, norm, diagnosis
It is a fairly common opinion that an animal's allergies in animals are provoked solely by the animal's fur. But few people know that there are other factors of influence:
- Saliva contains a large number of protein enzymes that have increased allergenic properties. Tiny droplets of saliva, not visible to the human eye, are floating in the air. Inhaling them, the allergic gets the body's response
- Unlike human urine, urine of animals has high acidity and also like saliva, contains protein. The animal washes, carries the particles of urine along the wool. Along with the dust, these particles are carried by air and penetrate the human respiratory tract
- Feces .The principle of interaction with the human body is the same as with
- urine particles. skin cells are constantly updated. Old cells exfoliate and enter the air. Sensitive immune system will necessarily react to such a factor by the allergic reaction of
- Wool - nothing more than a modified skin. Only in contrast to the skin, wool has a denser composition and more substances that cause allergies. And cats and dogs have different wool structure and, accordingly, different chemical composition. Therefore, there are often cases where a person is allergic only to cats or only to dogs
To determine the condition of the body, tests will help:
- Complete blood count. First of all determine the color indicator. In an allergic this indicator will have deviations. Next look the number of white blood cells .Normally the indicator should not exceed 4-10 thousand per 1 mm of blood. Then is evaluated for the number of eosinophils - a healthy person has a norm of no more than 5% of the total number of leukocytes. And, finally, calculate the number of basophiles , the limiting limits of which should not exceed 1%.A higher percentage indicates the presence of an allergic reaction
- A blood test of for the presence of immunoglobulin antibodies. Immunoglobulin is produced in the blood and mucous membranes. In the blood of a healthy person, the level of this indicator is insignificant. Increase in the norm indicates a tendency to allergic reactions
- Skin tests. Precisely determine the substance that provokes hypersensitivity. In a healthy person, the sample site does not give reactions in the form of redness and swelling. Such a result is regarded as negative. If the area of redness and swelling exceeds 3 mm - the result is positive
Video: Allergy to pets
Analysis for allergy to cow's milk protein: transcript, norm, diagnosis
Allergy to milk occurs in both children and adults. The main thing is not to confuse the allergic reaction with intolerance to milk protein. Intolerance to the milk protein is due to the lack of a special enzyme in the body, which causes an intestinal disorder. The allergic reaction of also develops due to ingestion of milk protein or casein present in dairy products.
The blood test, which is taken from a vein, will help diagnose the disease. Serum is detected by the presence of specific IgE antibodies .The results are evaluated based on the age of the patient:
- children under 2 years old - 0-64 m IU / mL
- children 2 to 14 years old - 0-150 m IU / mL
- children over 14 years of age - 0 to 123 m IU / mL
- adults under 60 years - 0 - 113 m IU / mL
- adults over 60 years - 0 - 114 m IU / mL
Studies are conducted in a short time and have a high degree of accuracy.
Allergy analysis for food allergy: decoding, norm, diagnosis
Food allergy - intolerance of food products used in the daily diet. Diagnose food allergy by the method of immunological analysis by venous blood sampling .
At one time, you can test from 10 to 300 types of products. No contraindications to this type of allergodiagnostics. The data on the analysis results are formed in the form of a list with potential allergens, in front of which the antibodies IgG are exposed. There is a three-level reaction evaluation scale:
- low - less than 1000 ng / ml - this product is not an allergen, exceptions from the diet do not require
- average - range from 1000 to 5000 ng / ml - this type of product can be consumed no more than 2 times inweek
- high - more than 5000 ng / ml - this product should be excluded from the diet, this is the same provocateur, which reacts to the body
Analysis should be analyzed by a specialist. He will appoint treatment and adjust the daily diet of the patient.
Gluten analysis: interpretation, norm, diagnosis
Gluten allergy or, according to medical terminology, celiac disease is inherited. Allergic reaction to protein( gluten) contained in cereal products( wheat, rye, barley, etc.).Provokes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, by destroying its tissues. This diagnosis requires a comprehensive examination:
- Immunological study of for antibodies against tissue transglutaminase( special enzymes) and IgA and IgG antibodies against endomisis( connective tissue).Blood sampling is made from the vein. Elevated levels of antibodies indicate a positive result
- Biopsies of intestinal tissues and histological analysis of . Allow to deliver the final diagnosis. However, this type of examination is a rather complicated procedure, and it is performed only in patients with a high risk of predisposition to this disease.
- Genetic analysis. Detects genes such as HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8, which are responsible for genetic predisposition to celiac disease. A negative result indicates that the patient does not have heredity for this disease. Accordingly, there is no need to conduct a histological analysis. If genes are found, the patient undergoes further examination.
Where is the allergy analysis done?
Allergic tests are performed only in specialized clinics or laboratories, under the supervision of an allergist. The specialist will give advice on preparation for diagnosis, because correct preparation is the key to properly assessing the body's response to allergens and diagnosis, which allows you to assign adequate treatment.
Do not assume that you can determine the presence of allergies yourself. Save your health and entrust specialists with their work - this will help to avoid many troubles and worsen your condition.
Video: Gluten and gluten intolerance: what you need to know?
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