The article presents the terms of sowing seeds and planting seedlings of various garden crops in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar and the North.
- Terms of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and pepper ground in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, the North, Chernozemye, Krasnodar Territory
- Video: When to plant pepper for seedlings?
- Video: Peppers. Simple sowing on the seedlings of
- Video: Seedling of pepper - When to plant? Pepper planting times for seedlings
- Timing seeds and planting seedlings in a greenhouse and tomato soil in the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia, the North, Chernozemye, Krasnodar Territory
- Video: Correct seedlings in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East
- Video: WhenYou need to plant tomatoes?
- Terms of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and soil of cucumbers in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
- Video: How and when to plant cucumbers?
- Video: The latest planting date for cucumbers
- The timing of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and the priming of colored, early and late cabbage in the suburbs, in the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
- Video: When to sow cabbage for seedlings
- Timingseeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and aubergine soil in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, the North
- Video: When and how to sow the eggplants for seedlings
- The timing of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and onion soil in the suburbs,to the Uralse, in Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
- Video: Landing onions for the winter. A simple and reliable method of
- The timing of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and celery soil in the suburbs, in the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
- Video: We sow celery on cheesecloth
- Duration of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and strawberry soiland strawberries in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
- Video: Gardens of the Urals. Strawberries
The timing of sowing seeds and planting vegetables for different regions is very different. At a time when in the north truck farmers are only planting fragile shoots under the film, summer residents of the south are already preparing salads with fresh vegetables grown on the site.
Having made a mistake and planted seeds or seedlings not in time, you can not only waste your time and money, but also completely left without harvest. Therefore, before embarking on landing operations, it is not superfluous to make sure that they are carried out on time.
Terms of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and pepper ground in the suburbs, in the Urals, Siberia, the North, Chernozemye, Krasnodar Territory
In Moscow region seeds of pepper are planted in late March. But this is only in case if further planting of young plants follows immediately in the open ground. If is planned to plant seedlings under the film, seed sowing in the Moscow region is carried out at late February - early March .
Northern regions of Russia belong to the zone of risky farming, where unexpected returns of colds can spoil the harvest. Weather conditions in the North do not have to grow heat-loving pepper in the open ground, since the frost-free period here lasts only 70 days a year. But good results are obtained by the cultivation of pepper in the Urals in greenhouses and greenhouses.
Seeds of pepper in the Urals, in Siberia are sown in pots or boxes during the period from February 20 to March 15 , but the optimal terms are considered the second and third decades of February. If you plant seeds of pepper later, there is a possibility of not having time to harvest. If you hurry and plant the seeds earlier, you will need several transplants, which once again traumatizes the tender root system of pepper.
Video: When to plant pepper on seedlings?
Video: Peppers. Simple seeding for seedlings
In the Black Earth pepper for seedlings for open ground sow in late February - early March .To get the seedlings for greenhouses and greenhouses, it is best to drop the pepper seeds in mid-February .
In the Krasnodar Territory paprika seeds sow on January 20 - 25 if they want to obtain seedlings for the and greenhouses 1 - 28 February if it is necessary to grow seedlings for open ground . In the open ground here plant pepper seedlings from April 25 to May 10, in greenhouses - from 5 to 30 April .
IMPORTANT: In any region, pepper seedlings are planted in a permanent place 62 to 67 days after sowing the seeds. However, it is necessary to independently adjust the timing of transplanting, taking into account the type and arrangement of the greenhouse, pepper and weather conditions.
Pepper seedlings grow well and develop at an air temperature of 21 - 28 ° C, if the temperature drops to 13 - 15 ° C - ceases to grow, below 3 ° C - perishes.
Video: Seedling of pepper - When to plant? Terms of planting pepper for seedlings
Timing seeds and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and tomato soil in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, the North, Chernozemye, Krasnodar Territory
In the Moscow region tomatoes for growing in the greenhouse sow in late March - early April .The earliest varieties sow in the middle of March , provided that the seedlings are moved to the hotbed. Seedlings are transplanted into the open or closed ground in the last days of May .
In the north, in the Urals, in Siberia , medium-ripening varieties of tomatoes are sown by on March 15-20, early in early March of , late-ripening varieties in the North are not cultivated. Since recurrent frosts in the northern regions sometimes occur even at the beginning of June, it is not worth hurrying to plant seedlings in the soil.
Video: Correct tomato seedlings in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East.
. Truck farmers know the right sign: "The poplar flew down - the weather has settled."As soon as the poplar fluff swirls in the air, you can plant the seedlings, without fear that it will kill the frost. From the shoots to the transplanting of tomato seedlings, 54-58 days pass into the soil.
In the Black Earth region of tomato seedlings can be planted in the open ground early - already in mid-May .Sowing seeds follow 65 days before the proposed date of disembarkation.
In the Krasnodar Territory seedlings of the tomato are planted in the soil from April 25 to May 10 .If the weather makes its own adjustments, the landing time is shifted to the middle of May. Accordingly, seeds of tomatoes are sown in early March .
If the temperature of the air is below 15 ° C at the time of the tomato planting, the seedlings are protected with a temporary film shelter.
IMPORTANT: Do not rely solely on the given average statistical data. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each individual type of tomato, indicated on the reverse side of the package with seeds.
Video: When to plant tomatoes?
Terms of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and soil of cucumbers in the suburbs, in the Urals, in Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
Cucumbers do not tolerate the cold. A soil temperature of less than 15 ° C can kill tender seedlings, so cucumbers are planted quite late.
In the suburbs of seeds of cucumbers sow in greenhouses and greenhouses from the middle of May to June 1, and from June 1 to June 5 - in open ground .The seeds are pre-germinated.
If cucumber seedlings are planted in the open ground, then this should be done after 10 June. Temporary film shelters from cucumber beds are also removed in the first half of June.
Video: How and when to plant cucumbers?
National sign: seedlings of cucumbers can be planted in the ground when the dandelions blossom.
In the northern regions, cucumbers grow only in greenhouses, where the seedlings are planted from the end of May to June 10.In the Urals, in Siberia, in the North , the soil in the greenhouses is preheated. As soon as the snow comes down, the beds are spilled with boiling water and covered with cellophane.
In order to collect the harvest of cucumbers as long as possible, in the Urals only early, resistant to unfavorable weather conditions are planted in 3 sets: May 20-25, June 1-5, June 10-15 .Thus, the fruiting period is stretched to September.
In the Krasnodar Territory seeds of cucumbers are planted immediately in the open ground from the end of April to the middle of May .If you plan to plant cucumbers seedlings , the seeds are sown by in early April.
Also in Chernozemye - for crops of cucumbers caught in the open ground in beginning of May , one can not survive. If you plant cucumbers a little earlier, it is likely that the seeds, without developing, just lay in the holes before the heat comes. Plants of later crops usually do not lag far behind in growth from those planted in late April-early May. Seeds of cucumbers for seedlings are planted in Chernozemye on April 26 - 28 .
Video: The latest planting date for cucumbers
The timing of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and the priming of colored, early and late cabbage in the suburbs, in the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
Timing of seeding for Moscow Region , onseedlings and in the soil:
- cabbage color - from the end of March to the middle of May
- early - 10 - March 25
- later - April 10 - May 1
In the Urals, in Siberia, in the North , the sowing season of cabbage is shifted by almost a month:
- color - from the endApril to the end of May
- early - 10 - 20 April
- later - April 25 - May 15
In the Black Earth and Krasnodar Territory cabbage seeds land:
- color - from late February to late March( early April)
- early - from 5 to 25 February
- later - from February 15 to March 15
IMPORTANT: In southern regions, cabbage of early varieties can be sown with seeds in warmed soil. To do this, in the first days of April, the future crop is covered with cellophane and left for 4 to 5 weeks. Once the weather is established, you can film and sow seeds.
In open ground cabbage of any kind in the North is not planted. In the greenhouses the seedlings are transferred in June.
Video: When to sow cabbage on seedlings
But on the in the south of Russia it is already possible to relocate seedlings of cabbage to the open ground at the age of 45-55 days already in late April or early May. In the suburbs of cabbage seedlings should be on the beds in late May - early June .
IMPORTANT: Cabbage sprouts will stretch out and turn yellow in a hot, darkened room. Optimum conditions for obtaining strong seedlings with a well developed root system - good lighting and air temperature + 17 ° C.
Seedlings and planting time for seedlings in the greenhouse and aubergine soil in the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar region, the North
Climatic conditions The Moscow region allows planting seedlings of eggplants in heated greenhouses and greenhouses at the end of March -early April .In this case, the age of the seedling should be 45 - 50 days. If the hothouse is not heated, plant 65 to 70 day seedlings, at an air temperature of at least 15 ° C.For normal growth and development of young plants, the aubergine needs a daytime air temperature in the range of 24 - 26 ° C, night temperature is not lower than 15 ° C.
To obtain seedlings for a heated greenhouse, the eggplant seeds sow 10 - 15 February , for open ground and greenhouses without heating - February 20 - 25.
In the North, in the Urals, in Siberia , you can get a good harvest of eggplant if two important conditions are met:
- planting of eggplant seedlings is allowed only in a heated, securely protected greenhouse
- early eggplant varieties( Robin Hood, Bagheera, Vera, Nutcracker and others)
Seedlings of seedlings for seedlings are carried out here by from 5 to 20 March .Young shoots are necessarily hardened - taken out on the street at an air temperature above 15 ° C, while protecting from sunlight and wind.
Given that it takes 45 days or more from the planting of eggplant until the first harvest, optimal is the time for moving the seedlings to the greenhouse - the end of May - the beginning of June .The temperature of the air in the greenhouse should not fall below 20 ° C.
In the Black Earth and Krasnodar Territory , the seeds of eggplants for seedlings can be sown by in the third decade of February .Until March 10 sprouts will appear, and after 65 to 70 days( approximately from 10 to 20 May ) seedlings can be planted in the greenhouse or the open ground .If the spring is early and warm weather is established already at the end of April or beginning of May, the period of planting the eggplant seedlings into the soil can be shifted to the first ten days of May.
IMPORTANT: Eggplants have a long growing season. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the seeds of an eggplant earlier than the seeds of other vegetables.
Video: When and how to sow an eggplant for seedlings
Time for sowing seeds and planting seedlings in a greenhouse and onion soil in the suburbs, in the Urals, in Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
To obtain the autumn harvest of onions in in the Moscow region ,to appear in the open ground during the period from April 20 to May 5 .Until the shoots appear, the bed is covered with polyethylene. If you need hothouse early greens onions, you need to plant it in early April.
National sign: The onion is planted in the open ground when the first leaves are unfurled on the bird cherry.
Onions are grown in the North, Siberia, Urals onions for 2 years. The first year of black cherry grows sowok, the second year they plant a seedling and receive a large onion crop.
IMPORTANT: Not all onion varieties are suitable for growing under risky farming conditions. The best, according to the experienced gardeners, are varieties: Red Baron, Buran, Bothers, Aramzas, Rostov, Danilovsky.
Onion is planted in the soil or greenhouse from 7 to 15 May , when the soil temperature warms up to 5 - 8 ° C.If the onions are planted later, the harvest may not justify the hopes.
IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the optimal temperature for the onion germination is 20 - 22 ° C, the short-lived light frosts to -5 ° C tolerate the plant safely.
Chernozem and Krasnodar Territory blacks are sown in the warm February and March days in moist soil. In July, they remove the ready sowing, when onion greens begin to slope to the ground.
Onion in Krasnodar and Black Earth is also planted for winter, from late October to mid-November, no later than a month before the onset of the first frost. If you plant the onion earlier, the onion will have time to germinate, it will not hibernate well, and the spring shoots will be very weak.
Video: Bow landing for the winter. A simple and reliable method
The timing of seeding and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and celery soil in the suburbs, the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
Celery can:
- leaf
- petiolate
- root
Often farmers prefer growing root celery,because it is from this type of plant that you can get both juicy greens and large roots at the same time. The most important thing is to choose a good variety and in time to plant the seeds or seedlings of celery into the soil.
As the crop of celery will appear not earlier than six months after the appearance of the first shoots, it is necessary to sow seeds early enough. In near Moscow, the seeds of celery are sown in boxes at the end of February - early March .Before emergence, the boxes are covered with polyethylene and left on the windowsill at room temperature.
IMPORTANT: Root celery is characterized by uneven sizing of seeds and growth of young seedlings. While in some plants the first real leaves are already formed, the second ones have not even yet penetrated, and still others have hardly come out of the earth.
Dive the celery seedlings in mid-April .Picks celery carries very well.
Planting celery seedlings into the soil ( for mixed beds) in the Moscow region begins at the end of May , with steady warm weather. If there is a danger that the frost will return, seedlings of celery in the garden are covered with cellophane.
Term sowing of celery seeds in the North, in the Urals, in Siberia - March 10 - 20 .The air temperature required for seed germination is 20 - 22 ° C.Dive when the plants will appear on 2 - 3 leaves. After 60 to 70 days after sowing( from 10 May to 1 June ) is planted in a greenhouse young seedlings .
soil. In the Black Earth and Krasnodar Krai , celery seeds are sown from from 1 to 15 February in boxes .If you sow seeds later, you can not have time to get a crop. Seedlings appear 10 to 20 days later.
In mid-March, diving or transshipment of plants is carried out, and at the end of April, planted seedlings in open ground.
IMPORTANT: The date of planting of any vegetable crops can be calculated by the formula: the date of disembarkation to the ground minus the days from emergence to disembarkation, minus the number of days for seed germination.
Video: We sow celery on cheesecloth
Duration of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the greenhouse and strawberries and strawberries in the suburbs, in the Urals, Siberia, Chernozem, Krasnodar Territory, North
The seedlings of strawberries and strawberry in the Moscow region can be planted at any timeyear, however the most favorable months are March, August and September .If you plant the seedlings in late spring and summer, the harvest of berries from the bush can only be obtained the next year.
Seeds of strawberries and strawberries in the suburbs are sown in boxes under the film from late January to early March. The film is removed when a third pair of leaves appears, and when four pairs of leaves are formed on the plants, a dive is performed.
In the Black Earth and Krasnodar Territory , strawberry and strawberry seedlings of are planted in the open ground by in late August - early September or early spring. If an early crop is needed, the plants are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses. Seeds strawberries and strawberries sow in February - early March .If you sow before, without additional illumination, you will not be able to do.
Strawberries and strawberries can be grown outdoors in in the North, the Urals, in Siberia , but only in those regions where there is enough snow in winter. Severe winters without snow destroy plants. Deep freezing of the ground does not leave chances for a life to these cultures.
In the northern regions young strawberry and strawberry bushes are planted from mid-August to September 10 .Also, the seedlings are planted in late April - early May .However, some experienced truck farmers say that in the Autumn the planting is not permissible, so plant strawberries and strawberries in spring only.
Seeds of strawberries planted in January - February , must be covered with film and provide additional lighting. The first shoots appear after 14 to 30 days.
IMPORTANT: For growing in the Urals, in Siberia, in the North, select fast-frozen frost-resistant varieties of strawberry and strawberry resistant to putrefactive diseases.
Video: Gardens of the Urals. Strawberries
The timing of seeding and transplanting may differ from the above. If the spring is early and warm - the plants are planted somewhat earlier, if the cold - later. However, it is not recommended to greatly shift the planting time. To get a good harvest, it is enough to adhere to the rules of planting horticultural crops and carry out all work in the allotted time.