Sinusitis is a disease that occurs quite often. It is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are located to the right and left of the bridge of the nose. The cause of it can be viruses, bacteria, allergic reaction. Sinusitis can become a complication of flu or other colds. It can be acute, and can be lethargic. There are cases when the body quickly copes with this scourge, but often the sinusitis turns into a chronic form.
Is it associated with sinusitis? Doctors do not consider him to be a contagious disease, but if someone has a sinusitis in the family, the risk of other people's illnesses increases, because they are constantly in contact with the infection.
Symptoms and signs of sinusitis in adults
The diagnosis should be consulted to a doctor, because the symptoms in different diseases can be similar. To suspect a genyantritis it is possible at any protracted rhinitis. If it lasts more than a week, with the nose embedded, then this is a serious signal.
How the sinusitis manifests itself:
- The nose is laid, nasal breathing is difficult, there is a nasal voice.
- Nasal congestion is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or pain and swelling in the eyes and nose, which are less pronounced in the morning.
- Pain in the face increases when the head is tilted down.
- There is often a headache with sinusitis.
- Discharge of mucus from the nose of a yellow-green color.
- Cough is possible, especially in the morning and at night.
- Deterioration of general condition, fatigue, poor sleep and appetite, possibly a fever.
- In the acute form of sinusitis, pain in the face is often felt, which sometimes is given in the teeth.
Symptoms and signs of sinusitis in children
In children, the main symptoms are the same as in adults.
Parents should pay attention and suspect sinusitis if:
- The child has a fever that rises 5-7 days after a cold or acute respiratory disease,
- Blowing does not bring relief,
- Not both nostrils are laid, but alternately,
- After the onset of the disease, a week passed,from the nose remain yellow-green,
- The voice became nasal,
- The general condition of the child has changed, very young children can become very moody, refuse to eat.
How to treat sinusitis?
All who are facing this disease are interested in how to cure sinusitis. This problem is curable, but in some cases it is necessary to apply various methods, and the process of treatment can be long.
Methods of treatment of sinusitis:
- Drug treatment: vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic agents, antibiotics,
- Treatment with folk remedies,
- Surgical intervention( puncture in the sinus of the nasal cavity, through which pus is pumped).
As additional methods of treatment apply various physiotherapeutic procedures.
Treating sinusitis with antibiotics
With antibiotic treatment, you need to be careful. These are serious medicines that should be used only on indications. Do not prescribe antibiotics to yourself, because they have side effects. To help antibiotics can only in those cases when the disease caused bacteria. If the genyantritis is viral or allergic, then antibiotics will be useless.
Today is produced a great variety of antibacterial drugs. Among them there is absolutely universal. In order to choose a suitable antibiotic, a smear from the nose is tested for sensitivity to these drugs. However, this analysis is not done immediately: it takes 48 hours, plus time for the information to reach the doctor. In cases of acute sinusitis, there is no time to wait for tests, so most often immediately prescribed preparations of a wide spectrum of action.
Which antibiotics are most often prescribed for sinusitis?
- Bioparox is a topical preparation, it is injected into the nose.
- Dioxydin is a medicine that contains not only an antibiotic, but also hormones( hydrocortisone and adrenaline).It is used to instill the nose and to rinse the maxillary cavities, if the treatment is in the hospital.
- Augmentin - tablets from sinusitis for adults, drops for children or powder for injections.
- Isophra - spray for injection into the nose.
How to treat sinusitis in adults?
The most common scheme of treatment of sinusitis in adults is the combination of drug treatment and physiotherapy. If these methods do not help or develop a very strong inflammation of purulent nature, then perform a surgical intervention - a sinus puncture.
Before starting treatment, a comprehensive diagnosis is prescribed. It includes:
- Survey and questioning the patient,
- Blood test,
- Smear from the nose for sensitivity to antibiotics,
- X-ray of the sinuses,
- Computer tomogram of the facial part of the skull.
Based on the results of the examination, the necessary medicines are prescribed: antibiotics( if necessary), mucolytic and vasoconstrictor agents. As an auxiliary treatment, physiotherapy is used.
Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of sinusitis:
- Electromagnetic waves. This procedure improves microcirculation and promotes the fastest recovery.
- Diadynamic impulse currents give a good anti-inflammatory effect, has an analgesic effect, so it is often prescribed for sinusitis, which is accompanied by pain.
- Electrophoresis is a classic procedure that is done on the nasal sinuses, it helps to remove inflammation and restore the normal state of the mucous membrane.
- Ultrasound has an effect similar to massage. This leads to increased microcirculation, acceleration of metabolic processes, so the recovery is faster. Ultrasonic procedures have an analgesic effect.
Laser treatment
Laser treatment of sinusitis is one of the most modern methods. Treatment is carried out with the help of a special device, which produces a laser beam of the necessary size and temperature. It is directed to the mucosa of the maxillary sinus. From the effects of high temperature, microscopic burns occur on the surface of the mucous membrane. They are practically not felt by the patient. In the process of healing of these microburns, the mucous membrane becomes denser, its puffiness goes away, and breathing becomes free.
As a result of laser exposure, mucosal cells are more active in producing enzymes that promote more active oxygen uptake and more intensive cell renewal. Processes of tissue regeneration proceed faster, microcirculation improves, and the mucous membrane of the nose and maxillary sinuses recovers and successfully performs its functions.
When you need a puncture with genyantritis?
One way to treat sinusitis is to puncture the maxillary sinus and remove everything that accumulates there. Usually this method is resorted to when the outflow of contents from the sinuses is violated, the inflammatory process continues and threatens with the proliferation of purulent contents in the brain.
How is the puncture made?
The operation is performed both out-patient and in-patient. Local anesthesia is carried out, then through the nasal passage with the help of a special needle the doctor penetrates into the maxillary sinus and sucks the pus that accumulates there. Now, if necessary, you can send it for analysis. Through the puncture, rinsing the cavity with drugs is done. In severe cases, if a long-term treatment is necessary, a special tube is installed by rinsing the cavities so as not to injure the nasal passages each time.
Indications for puncture
- No effect of conservative treatment,
- Severe pain in the area of one or both sinus sinuses,
- State when purulent contents do not leak out but accumulate in the sinuses,
- If the X-ray shows that there is a horizontal surface in the maxillary sinus, which greatly worsens the outflow,
- Unpleasant odor from the nose.
How to treat sinusitis in pregnancy
Treatment of sinusitis in pregnancy is a rather difficult task, since most drugs prescribed for sinusitis are contraindicated. Especially dangerous is the use of drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy, as the future baby's organs are formed. Side effects from medications can have a very negative effect on the development of the fetus. Diagnosis of sinusitis can also be difficult, since the X-ray( the basis of diagnosis of sinusitis) to pregnant women is also highly discouraged.
What remains to treat sinusitis in pregnant women? It is recommended to use washing, inhalation, thermal procedures, but sometimes more serious treatment is needed.
One of the main methods is puncture( puncture of the maxillary sinuses).This procedure is not dangerous for either the child or the mother. With a special needle, the doctor sucks the pus, and then fills the sinuses with a healing solution. After this procedure, the woman immediately becomes easier, since the headache and nasal congestion will disappear. In those cases when other methods do not work properly, and the inflammatory process does not stop, with the help of puncture it is possible not only to carry out diagnostics, but also to organize local application of medicines, that is, to perform lavage of maxillary sinuses. This effect directly on the inflammation focus most often gives a positive result. To wash the cavities use herbal preparations, saline and antiseptic solutions. Of the pharmacological drugs most often used Miramistin.
"Cuckoo".It is carried out this way: a woman should lie on her back so that her head is lower than all other parts of the body. In one nostril the doctor pours in a special disinfectant solution, and from the other nostril extracts the purulent contents. At this time, you need to say "ku-ku", since such a sound will help to create a negative pressure, at which pus is well pushed out.
Treatment with folk remedies during pregnancy
When pregnant, many medicines are prohibited, and folk methods will help get rid of sinusitis.
- Rinsing the nose with salt or mineral water, water with a marigold extract is suitable. Before washing it is required to drip into the nose drops that narrow the blood vessels.
- Compress from clay. A small amount of clay dilute with warm water, the mixture should be like a steep dough. This mass is wrapped in gauze and slightly moistened with sunflower oil. Then warm up the nasal sinuses for an hour. Usually this procedure continues for three days.
- Other folk remedies( see the recipes below): these are inhalations with propolis, potatoes and menthol. Beet juice or a decoction of pine buds is useful. You can drink tea from raspberries and limes, these are excellent sweatshops.
Treatment of sinusitis without puncture
In the treatment of sinusitis without puncture, it is important to ensure the outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinuses. In many cases, this is possible using the method of vacuum displacement of liquids. This method is used in otolaryngology in order to remove everything that has accumulated in the sinuses and improve nasal breathing, to stop the inflammatory process. Such treatment is performed in the doctor's office with the help of a special device called "cuckoo".This name was given to him, because during the procedure the patient should say "ku-ku".This is necessary to ensure that the liquid that is used during the procedure does not hit the larynx.
A special solution is supplied to the nasal sinuses, which is mixed with pus accumulated in the sinuses. All contents are sucked into the tank. Thus, the nasal sinuses are not only released, but also washed with medications. This contributes to a speedy recovery.
"Cuckoo" with genyantritis gives a positive effect after the first procedure. However, many patients are afraid of her. The device itself looks frightening, the procedure for flushing the nose, which is the basis for the use of the device, in most people causes discomfort. In the case when the doctor recommends such a procedure, one should be guided by common sense and weigh the consequences of its application and the possible consequences in case of failure. Still, most people prefer to decide on the "cuckoo", rather than on the puncture of the maxillary sinuses.
Treatment of chronic sinusitis
Chronic maxillary sinusitis does not cause such significant ailments and pains as acute. Nevertheless, it needs to be treated, and try to do it as quickly as possible. Because the presence of purulent contents in the maxillary sinuses( which is always accompanied by sinusitis) means that the body has a foci of infection that can spread.
Possible complications of chronic sinusitis:
- Inflammatory processes in the throat,
- Pneumonia, bronchitis,
- Otitis,
- Inflammation of the meninges,
- Joint damage,
- Kidney diseases.
How to cure chronic sinusitis? To do this, you need to carefully and thoroughly follow the instructions of the attending physician, to perform all necessary procedures on time and in the right amount. As a rule, the treatment of any chronic processes is carried out in a complex way and is associated with the support of immunity. Therefore, in the treatment of chronic sinusitis, drugs are prescribed to improve immunity, the most common of these are herbal preparations based on echinacea.
Complex treatment of chronic sinusitis:
- Ingestion of anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics,
- Use of drops and nose spray,
- Physiotherapy,
- Use of traditional medicine,
- Hygienic procedures,
- Vitaminotherapy,
- Complete nutrition.
Drugs used to treat chronic sinusitis:
- Sinuforte .A modern herbal preparation, based on a water extract of cyclamen. As you know cyclamen has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the nose and maxillary sinuses. Sinuporte is used as a spray and penetrates deep into the nasal passages.
- Sinupret is a combined herbal preparation. It is available in tablets or drops for oral administration. In addition to improving the outflow and anti-inflammatory effect, Sinupret removes mucosal edema, improves local immunity, and also has an antiviral effect.
- Rinoflumacil is a preparation in the form of a spray that dilutes mucus and promotes its elimination, and also has a vasoconstrictive effect.
- Oil of thuja - strong enough natural anti-inflammatory agent. It makes the phlegm less viscous, so it is easier to move away. In addition, the action of tuja oil is antiseptic, antiviral, tonic. Its use is possible in the presence of polyps and adenoids. Under the influence of thuja oil, the mucous membrane is restored. The use of this remedy is to drop a few drops into each nasal passage.
Treatment of sinusitis in children
All questions about how to treat sinusitis in children should be decided only by a doctor, because the consequences of improper treatment can result in serious complications.
In general, the treatment of sinusitis in children is carried out according to the same schemes as in adults. Medicines for oral administration to children are most often prescribed not in tablets, but in the form of syrups or drops. Modern pharmacology lets out special children's forms of preparations which possess good taste, therefore parents should not long persuade the child to accept a medicine.
Feature of treatment of sinusitis in children is the restriction in taking medication. Not all antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be given to children, when a spray is prescribed for sinusitis, too, age restrictions must be taken into account.
A good effect is provided by the use of physiotherapy procedures, however, young children are often afraid of various devices and manipulations. Therefore, the main emphasis in their treatment is done on folk remedies, various washing, inhalation, thermal procedures.
In severe cases, of course, children are prescribed antibiotics. Even a puncture of the maxillary sinus can be prescribed, but this is often done for children under general anesthesia in a hospital rather than outpatiently.
Of the available procedures to improve the condition and accelerate the recovery of children, you can advise breathing exercises and acupressure. These drugs do not have side effects, if one of the parents will do them together with the child, this can become an interesting game, especially for kids.
It will be useful for such a breathing exercise: tightly pressing, one nostril with your finger, you need to do 10 long breaths and exhalations. This exercise will enrich the blood with oxygen and activate the body's work.
Acupressure with sinusitis
Conceiving acupressure is a time for rest. We need to sit down and start massaging the points. In the case of a child, this can be done by a mother, older children, and they themselves do a good job, but they need a company to carry out the procedure. Each point is massaged for 1-2 minutes by rotational movements. The course of therapeutic massage is 15 days, first by 1 procedure a day, then by 2 procedures and by 3.
Location of points:
- Internal edges of eyebrows,
- In the grooves under the eyes, about 12 mm below the eyes, directly under the pupils,
- Between the eyebrows,
- To the left and right of the wings of the nose.
To determine the points for massage is simple: they are more sensitive to pressure than neighboring tissues. Influence on massage points is carried out by a fingertip.
What are the best drops in the nose for sinusitis
This question is always of interest to people who suffer from sinusitis. Unequivocally, you can not answer it. First, the doctor must decide this question. Secondly, not necessarily those drops that have approached the neighbor, just as well will help you.
It is very important to know that you can not take drops from the cold for a long time. Timing should be in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and instructions to the drug. Most often used vasoconstrictor drops. It is necessary to understand that this is not a means of treatment, but only an opportunity to temporarily ease the condition. Drops of the first generations, such as Galazolin and Naphthysine, are addictive, so they generally need to be cautious.
The use of drops containing antibiotics or hormonal components should be justified by the need, because even with topical application these agents have side effects.
The use of oil droplets is good in cases where the acute process has already passed, and the mucous membrane of the nose needs to be mildly affected.
How to treat genyantritis with folk remedies?
Information on how to treat genyantritis with folk remedies is pretty much. Often doctors recommend the use of traditional methods of treatment as an additional therapy, which will help to recover faster with fewer medicines.
Folk methods of treatment:
- Compresses to the area of maxillary sinuses from onions, garlic, honey,
- Nasal instillation of herbs( St. John's wort, chamomile and others), onion juice, beets mixed with honey,
- Nasal washing with saline solutions, herbal decoctions,
- Inhalations of decoctions of herbs, pine needles.
For an example of how to treat genyantritis with folk remedies, we will give a prescription for treatment with bay leaf. This tool is available to everyone and is quite inexpensive. Treatment of sinusitis with a bay leaf is easy: you need to make compresses from his broth.
Preparation of decoction from bay leaves:
- Three packs of bay leaf must be crushed, it is best to wipe them off in a mortar,
- Fill with water so that it only covers the crushed leaves,
- Now put on fire and bring to 100C, but do not boil,
- Holdunder the lid for 10 minutes,
- Warm another 30 minutes in a water bath.
Now you can do a compress by moistening a napkin or towel. The compress is superimposed on the area near the nose and on the forehead. Keep it until you cool, 3-4 times again, wet the napkin or towel in a warm decoction of bay leaf.
Garlic from sinusitis
Garlic, rich in phytoncides and herbal substances of antibacterial action, perfectly copes with sinusitis, here are some folk remedies:
- Garlic chop into gruel, add a little vodka( 1 tablespoon).Make compresses on the area near the nose for 2 hours 3-4 times a day. Or lubricate the area of the nose and maxillary sinuses with an alcoholic tincture of garlic.
- A mixture of juice of garlic and aloe juice, taken in equal parts, bury in each nostril 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. Or you can take a cotton wool, soak it in this solution and put it into the nostril. To sleep it is necessary on that side, from which side the vatka is. Next evening insert another wadding, soaked in fresh solution, into the other nostril and sleep on the other side.
- Skin the nose with garlic, then rub a mixture of birch charcoal with the root of the burdock root for 20-30 minutes.2-3 procedures are recommended.
- Take a tablespoon of butter and chopped garlic head. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Oily oil the nose area with garlic oil and leave overnight. Lubricate the feet with garlic butter and put on them warm socks
Eggs from sinusitis
Egg has a pulling force, in a row you can warm their nasal sinuses several times a day for 5-6 eggs. This method of influence is used at the earliest stages of the disease or at its final stage.
- Eggs boiled in a steep, hot to attach to the maxillary sinuses and keep until they cool down completely.
- Boil the hard-boiled egg, peel it, wrap it in a handkerchief and roll it over the bridge of the nose. The egg cools slowly, heating is obtained deep for 15 minutes.
Treatment with folk remedies - Propolis
Propolis is effective against sinusitis because it has a depressing effect on a wide range of microorganisms, including influenza and hepatitis viruses, fungi, protozoa, tubercle bacillus and others. In other words, propolis is capable of destroying and eliminating any infection.
If you are talking about the medical properties of propolis, we can distinguish among them:
- Bactericidal and bacteriostatic
- Blocking the growth of viruses
- Strengthening the action of synthetic antibiotics
- Antitoxic action
- Pain medication
- Regenerating effect
- Increasing of immune forces
- Provision of anti-inflammatory effect
- Strengthening of vessel walls
- Stabilization of cellularmembrane many other properties.
Folk remedies for propolis
- Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 1/2 teaspoon of 30% alcohol propolis tincture. Breathe in steam over this pot, covering yourself with a large towel.
- 10% alcoholic tincture of propolis is used for punctures in the maxillary sinuses, which are performed every 2-3 days. The course of treatment includes 5 procedures. Before use tincture is filtered and heated to 35-35 degrees.
- 20% alcoholic tincture of propolis in half is diluted with sea-buckthorn and vegetable oil, and then buried in the nose.
- Shredded propolis is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 3:10, then buried in the nose
Treatment with folk remedies - Aloe
- Mix in equal parts by volume aloe juice, celandine grass and honey. Bury 3-5 times a day for 5-10 drops in each nostril.
- Mix aloe vera and honey in equal amounts, then bury the resulting mixture 2 drops twice a day in each nostril.
- Squeeze the juice from the three leaves of Kalanchoe and Aloe, add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of honey. The received mass to dig in on 2 drops twice a day.
- Mix in equal quantities the juice of aloe and onion. The resulting mixture must be buried in the nose two drops three times a day.
Radish from sinusitis
- Wash the untreated root of black radish on a fine grater, wrap 1-2 tablespoons of gruel in a piece of cloth and put it on a sore spot, having previously greased it with vegetable oil or baby cream. Top cover the towel and wrap it with a scarf. Such a compress is done before bedtime for 10 minutes with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The procedure is done before going to bed, and after it you can not go out into the cold.
- To the radish add 2 tablespoons of honey and 150 gr of flour. Stir and form a thin cake, then attach to a sore spot.
- Skip the black radish through the meat grinder, then take this rubbed mass in both hands and warm it. Radish should be the same temperature as the body. After that, put a warm radish on the nasal sinuses and over the eyebrows. Close the face with a thick towel and lie down. The compress should be kept for 15 minutes. Will pinch, but we must endure. Such compresses will need no more than 3-4.
Honey from sinusitis
- 1-2 drops of honey honey to enter into one, then into another nostril every 3-4 hours. Treat the treatment until you feel relieved.
- Boil an incomplete kettle of water, put into it 1 tablespoon of honey, cover with a large towel and breathe one or another nostril. Carry out 9 procedures.
- From 3 sheets of calanchoe and 3 sheets of aloe juice squeeze. In this juice add 1 teaspoon of natural honey and a pinch of salt. Stir well until smooth. Several times, strain and apply this liquid in the form of instillation of 3 drops into each nostril. The procedure should be carried out until the disease is completely eliminated.
- Take a small bottle from under some medicine and fill it with honey halfway. Add to honey 16 drops of eucalyptus tincture or 1 drop of eucalyptus oil. Then fill the bottle with strong and fresh brew. Thoroughly blanch the bottle to get a homogeneous mass. With this mixture, dig in 2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Then you can take a break for a month and then go through a course of treatment.
- Application of ointment, which is prepared from: 8 g honey, 8 g propolis, 10 g vaseline, 25 g lanolin and 2 g anestezina. The whole mixture should be put on a water bath and with constant stirring to bring to a homogeneous mass. This ointment should be placed in the nasal passage 2 times a day for 12 days.
Butter from sinusitis
- In the morning or evening lie on the pillow and, throwing back his head, instilled in each nostril for 5-7 drops of melted butter. Then be sure to lie down for about 5 minutes.
- A piece of butter( fresh), the size of a pea, put in the nostril and go to bed. The next night, do the same, just to another nostril. Thus, treat the sinusitis, changing the nostrils alternately every night.
Vegetable oil from sinusitis
- For acute and chronic sinusitis, dig in the nose 6-8 times a day, sea buckthorn or dog rose oil.
- Take 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and put in your mouth. The oil should be kept in front of the mouth and sucked it like a candy. Just do not try to swallow butter! Slowly, with pleasure, you need to suck oil for at least 20 minutes. Oil in the mouth first thickens, and then on the contrary becomes liquid, like water. That's as soon as the oil has become liquid, you need to spit it out, it's better to go to the toilet( if you spit it out in the sink - you can get infected again).Spilled liquid should become white, if it remained yellow, then you sucked little oil, you need to continue the process. After the termination of sucking it is necessary to rinse your mouth with warm water. The procedure is carried out once a day in the morning on an empty stomach, but if you do not have time in the morning, you can do it at night. If the genyantritis is very worried, then this procedure can be done several times a day.
Treatment with folk remedies - Spruce gum
200 g of crushed spruce, 1 onion, 15 g of copper sulfate and 50 g of olive oil, mix and bring to a boil, cool. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with the resulting ointment. Ointment has a warming property, so it can also be used to treat bruises, abscesses and bone fractures.
Treatment of sinusitis in the home
We know a lot about how to treat sinusitis at home. However, you should not do this without consulting a doctor, because sinusitis can become a dangerous disease that gives complications. Undoubtedly, everyone needs to know how to treat genyantritis at home. After all, in most cases, patients are not put in a hospital, but left for outpatient treatment and additional home procedures will benefit.
Genyantritis: treatment of the house
- Implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician,
- Nasal flushing,
- Thermal procedures,
- Application of folk remedies,
- Inhalations.
It is often possible to hear disputes, whether it is possible to warm sinusitis. As a rule, doctors recommend thermal procedures for sinusitis, but not in the acute period of the disease. When acute symptoms are removed, the body temperature becomes normal, then you can also get warm. Warming the nose with sinusitis will have a positive effect on the recovery stage.
How to arrange warming up
- With warm compresses,
- Hard-boiled eggs( they need to be wrapped in a towel so as not to get burned),
- Pouches with salt, heated in a frying pan.
Nasal lavage with sinusitis
There are many recommendations for nasal lavage. This is done with the help of salt solutions, herbal decoctions, special products containing antiseptics or antibiotics. However, this procedure in many causes discomfort. To facilitate it, various devices and devices were invented.
We do not always wash the nose at home with the exact procedure, so there are cases when the washing liquid enters other cavities and causes inflammation there, in particular, otitis. If the nose is flushed by a specialist in a hospital or doctor's office, as a rule, everything runs smoothly and brings only a positive effect. So, if you feel discomfort or fear of independent washing of the nose, it is better to entrust this procedure to professionals.
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