Determine the blood group, sex and Rh factor in the child from the parents

When used in relation to a person such a concept as the blood group, we mean groups designated by the system AB0 and Rh, which means the Rh factor. The first is calculated by the presence or absence of certain antigens in the blood, the second sign is lipoprotein, a special protein, either it is in the blood or not. Is the blood group passed to the children? How do you know which group is inherited by the baby? To these questions, which are of interest to many parents, today there are answers.


What are the blood groups
  • What determines the blood group of the child
  • Blood group from the parents
  • Rh factor is
  • Rh-conflict is
  • Influence of the Rh factor on the blood group
  • Inheritance of the Rh factor
  • Determination of the sex by groupblood
  • What are the blood groups

    The developed system AB0, according to which for today the calculation of the blood group is based on the order of the location of antigens, which conditionally denote A, B and 0. They are located on the outsideth shell of red blood cells, often we hear the name of the red blood cells.

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    This system identifies four groups:

    • l( 0) - the absence of A and B antigens;

    • ll( A) - the presence of only A antigen;
    • lll( B) - there is only antigen B;
    • lV( AB) - both antigens are present.

    This division occurs according to the principle of blood compatibility, since a person with a certain group is not recommended to transfuse inappropriate blood, which does not suit him. When carrying out such a procedure, the body will have to fight with antigens, absent in its blood.

    The test for determining the blood type of a person and such an important characteristic as a Rh factor is easy to carry out, specialists in a conventional laboratory simply add antibodies to the patient's blood and observe the reaction to them.

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    What determines the blood group of a child

    Everyone should know their blood group in case they have to perform a transfusion procedure, especially for young children, parents must know the group of their children. In the maternity hospital, the child immediately after childbirth is given an analysis to calculate the blood group index and the Rhesus factor inheritance. And too curious parents even before the baby is born can determine with a high probability what kind of blood will get to the crumb, because, of course, that the blood group of parents affects the result of the child. How? Everything happens according to the laws of genetics, since genes A and B are considered dominant, and recessive is 0. Man always gets one gene from each of the parents, therefore, in simplified form, the genotypes are as follows:

    • the first( l) -00: children will inherit 0;
    • second( ll) - AA or A0;
    • the third( lll) - BB or B0: inheritance can occur in equal measure;
    • the fourth( lV) - AB: the child will receive A or B.

    Based on which group belongs to the parents, it is possible to calculate the children's blood variants, and basically it will coincide, there are exceptions when the child's blood group differs from the parent.

    Learn also about the evaluation of the health of a newborn baby on the Apgar scale

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    Blood group from the parents

    The table shows the ratio of the blood group of parents and theirfuture children.

    Mom + Pole Possible options for the preparation of the I group Possible options for the preparation of the II group Possible options for the preparation of the III group Possible options for obtaining the IV group
    I + I I( 100%) - - -
    I + II I(50%) II( 50%) I( 50%) II( 50%) I( 50%) I( 50%) I( 50%%) -
    II + II I( 25%) II( 75%) - -
    II + III I( 25%) II( 25%) I( 25%) IV%)
    II + IV - II( 50%) III( 25%) IV( 25%)
    III + III I( 25%) - III( 75%) -
    III + IV - II( 25%) III( 50%) IV( 25%)
    IV + IV - II( 25%) III( 25%) IV( 50%)
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    The Rh factor is

    The lipoprotein is a protein, it means the Rh factor, thisprotein is very specific and for the most part of humanity( 85%) on the membranes of red blood cells is present and these people are Rh-positive, and those people in whose blood it is absent are considered Rh-negative. The absence and presence of this protein does not affect human health, but with the Rh factor incompatibility of the blood group, in some cases, parents may have some problems with conception and even with fetal bearing.

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    Rhesus conflict is

    When the Rh blood of the mother is negative, and the result of the father of the future child is positive against the background of incompatibility, the Rh syndrome can develop. In the prevalent number of cases, according to statistics, 75%, the future fetus receives a paternal rhesus, this incompatibility causes the aggression of the maternal organism in relation to the red blood cells of the child, which she considers to be alien. Immunity begins the production of antibodies and seeks to destroy the "enemy".

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    Losing red blood cells, the fetus's organism tries to produce new ones, this process leads to problems with the liver and spleen, they begin to increase in size and often the situation ends with brain damage or even fetal death.

    Usually, at the first pregnancy, the risk is not so great, but with each subsequent it is constantly increasing.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences of a woman with the possible development of Rh-conflict should be constantly observed in specialists and do tests for the presence of antibodies.
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    Influence of the Rh factor on the blood group

    It is not difficult to determine the inheritance of the Rh factor, if there is no protein in the blood of both parents, it will also be absent from the child, if it is in the blood of the parents, in 4 out of 5 cases it is inherited by the toddler, there is also an exception when there is no protein, but this occurs in only 1 out of 5 cases. If the mother + Rh, and the papa -Rh or vice versa, the absence or presence of protein in the blood of the unborn child determines the probability( in percent).

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    Inheritance of the Rh factor of

    To determine which Rh factor the child inherits, there is a simple table.

    Father Mother child probability of conflict
    Plus Plus 75% plus
    25% minus
    Plus Less 50% plus
    50% minus
    Less Plus 50% plus
    50% minus
    Less Less Less than No
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    Determination of sex by blood group

    There is a theory that it is possible to know the sex of a future child by the ratio of blood groups of parents. Probability, of course, is not absolute.

    Blood mother father's blood group is the most probable sex of the baby
    I I Girl
    II I Boy
    III I Girl
    IV I Boy
    I II Boy
    II II Girl
    III II Boy
    IV II Girl
    I III Girl
    II III Boy
    III III Boy
    IV III Boy
    I IV Boy
    II IV Girl
    III IV Boy
    IV IV Boy
    • May 21, 2018
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