The lunar seasonal calendar of the florist 2017. Favorable days for sowing, planting, transplanting, fertilizing and watering flowers in 2017 according to the lunar calendar

The lunar-sowing calendar of the flower grower will help to grow beautiful flowers in your summer cottage, at home or in the winter garden. Adhere to the advice of the lunar table, and bright and healthy buds will please you all year round.


  • Seasonal calendar of the florist 2017: table
  • Favorable days for planting flowers by the lunar calendar in January 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in February 2017
  • Favorable days for sowing flowers by the lunar calendar in March 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in April 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in May 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in June 2017year
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in July 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in August 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in September 2017
  • instagram viewer
  • Favorable days for sowing flowers on the lunar calendar inOctober 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in November 2017
  • Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in December 2017
  • Video: How does the moon affect a person? Lunar cycles and health. Life on the lunar schedule.
  • There is no such city, village or village on our planet where people would not like to grow flowers. And this is not accidental, because the decorative plantations due to their original flowering, are able to give positive, healing the body and soul.
  • Color specialists know that the best time for planting flowers is spring, summer and autumn. But every culture needs a certain care. Climate conditions in almost all regions of our country also do not always allow planting flowers, for example, in the fall.
  • In addition, it is necessary to listen to the advice of astrologers who have learned to determine the favorable days for planting green spaces.

Important: The lunar calendar contains fertile and infertile days for planting indoor plants, plants for a winter garden, greenhouse and garden ornamental plantings.

Lunar Seed Calendar of the Florist 2017: Table

Lunar Seed Calendar of the Florist 2017: Table
  • Astrologers and other experts who study the influence of the moon on the growth of green crops, have noticed that on the growing Moon, the plant juice rises and begins to feed the stems, leaves andbuds.
  • On the waning moon, on the contrary, the culture nutrients go to the root system. Therefore, flowers are planted when the eternal satellite of the Earth finds in the ascending phase.
  • Growing beautiful flowers will help the lunar-sowing calendar of the flower grower of 2017.


Month Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
January 1-11, 28-31 13-27 12
February 1-10, 26-28 12-25 11, 26
March 1-11, 28-31 13-27 12
April 1-10, 26-30 12-25 11
May 1-10, 25-31 12-24 11
June 1-8, 24-30 10-23 9
July 1-8, 23-31 10-22 9
August 1-6, 21-31 8-20 7, 21
September 1-5, 20-30 7th,19 6
October 1-4, 19-31 5
November 1-3, 18-30 5-17 4
December 1, 2, 18-31 4-17 3

Important: It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers and other ornamental plants on a full moon. At this time the sap flow is slowing down, and nutrients are sent to the root system.

On this day it is recommended to plant plants in which the root is valued.

It is worth remembering: Do not plant any plants on the days of solar and lunar eclipses. In these days, nature seems to freeze in anticipation of something new. Such periods are also noted in the lunar calendar.

Now it is worth considering favorable and unfavorable days for each specific month of 2017.

Favorable days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in January 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in January 2017

In the winter months, most plants are slowing down in growth. During this period, minimal maintenance is carried out - feeding, watering and processing from various bugs.

Vaccination and pruning should be postponed until February. But, if you still need to plant some kind of culture, then do it at the appropriate time.

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in January:

Month of 2017 Fertile Days for Flowers
Infertile Days for Colors
Strongly forbidden to plant flowers
January 1-11, 28-31 13-27 12

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in February 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendarplanting flowers on the lunar calendar in February 2017

In February, more bright days are already beginning. Therefore, flower growers and other gardeners, amateurs begin to transplant the plants and perform the division of rootlets.

Important: This month there will be a solar and lunar eclipse, therefore on unfavorable days and days, when planting plants is strictly prohibited. Also, it is not necessary to plant seedlings, sow seeds, perform rejuvenating pruning and even loosening the soil.

Favorable days for lunar flowers in February:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
February 1-10, 26-28 12-25 11, 26

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in March 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in March 2017

In March, gardeners sow seeds for seedling flowers, so that in a month it can be planted in the ground. On excellent days for planting, it is possible to fertilize and trim plants.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar in March:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
March 1-11, 28-31 13-27 12

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in April 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in April 2017

This spring has come. At noon it's already hot, which means you can plant annual flowers in the ground.

Seedlings are planted on a permanent place two weeks after sowing the seeds in the soil. Choose favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in April and plant crops:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
April 1-10, 26-30 12-25 11

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in May 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in May 2017

This month the perennial bushes are divided and the annual planting is plantedcolors. Asters, marigolds, daisies, cornflowers are planted in May.

Flowers that are planted with seedlings and tubers will also be better to blossom and grow if planted on suitable days on the Moon.

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in May:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
May 1-10, 25-31 12-24 11

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in June 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in June 2017

Every grower knows that in summer there is an active growth phase of many plants and flowers. But it is necessary to know when it is possible to plant green crops, and when it is better to abstain from it.

Important: Planted plants at a certain time, will get well and will bloom until the fall, pleasing the soul.

Favorable days for planting lunar flowers in June:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers Strongly forbidden to plant flowers
June 1-8, 24-30 10-23 9

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in July 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in July 2017

This month, cuttings of roses and phlox are produced. You can already start digging bulbous flowers, because by this time the leaves of many of them have already turned yellow and withered.

During this period, gardeners produce a division of irises and other similar colors. Remove faded flowers, cuttings and produce the division of rootlets only at suitable times for this.

Favorable days for planting lunar colors in July:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
Strongly forbidden to plant flowers
July 1-8, 23-31 10-22 9

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in August 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in August 2017

The summer is coming to an end, but the "hot" time for summer residents is in full swing. At this time, plant tubers of perennial flowers, so that they blossom next year.

Important: At this time, flowers are planted, which are unpretentious in care. For example, daisies, carnations, mallow, delphinium and others.

Follow the advice of the lunar calendar and your flowers will please the eyes of all passers-by. This month will be a solar and lunar eclipse. This period is indicated in the column of prohibited days for disembarkation.

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in August:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
Strongly forbidden to plant flowers
August 1-6, 21-31 8-20 7, 21

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in September 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in September 2017

Gardeners celebrate their pluses of planting flowers in the fall. Plants grow hardened, and they adapt better in the ground. In spring such flowers blossom faster and pleasing with their beauty.

Tip: On suitable days by the lunar calendar, plant all bulbous flowers - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops and others.

Favorable days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in September:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
September 1-5, 20-30 7-19 6

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in October 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in October 2017

This month the garden has already been emptied. Removed all the vegetable crops and the earth is covered with fallen leaves.

In October, they dig up tubers of perennials and plant the last flower bulbs that were not immersed in the ground in August and September.

Favorable days for planting flowers in the lunar calendar in October:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
October 1-4, 19-31 6-18 5

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in November 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in November 2017

Weather in November is unstable, but despite this, gardeners can do their favorite thing - to grow flowers. Under the winter sow asters, calendula, marigolds, lavateru, reseda and others.

Shoots of these flowers will appear early in the spring, when the earth is still wet and cold. It is very good for germination of flower bulbs.

Favorable days for lunar flowers in November:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
November 1-3, 18-30 5-17 4

Favorable days for sowingflowers on the lunar calendar in December 2017

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in December 2017

In winter, flowers are planted on the balcony and in the winter garden. In December, you can begin to sow seeds for seedlings. This month they are taking care of house plants and flowers.

Many gardeners sow seeds directly in the snow if their layer has reached a height of more than 20-25 cm. The seeds are sown in the snow, and then they are covered with a layer of earth and again covered with snow. This will help protect crops from rodents and birds.

Favorable days for planting flowers on the lunar calendar in December:

Month of 2017 Fertile days for flowers
Infertile days for flowers
It is strictly forbidden to plant flowers
December 1, 2, 18-31 4-17 3

Now you know,in which days it is possible, and on what days it is not recommended to plant tubers, bulbs and seedlings of flowers. This will help make a beautiful garden in your summer cottage or at home.

Video: How does the moon affect a person? Lunar cycles and health. Life on the lunar schedule.

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