Aquamarine is a stone of "sea water", its unique properties, crystal clearness and fascinating blue color scale excited the imagination of connoisseurs of beauty for more than one century in a row.
The ancient Greeks believed that the soul of the sea is enclosed in the stone, the romantic French saw in the stone the embodiment of true love, and contemporaries attribute the magical and medicinal properties to aquamarine.
- Stone history
Description of mineral- Varieties of aquamarine
- Chemical composition and physical properties of stone
- Deposits of aquamarine
- The healing properties of mineral
- Magical properties of aquamarine
- Aquamarine and zodiac signs
- Application of gem
- Interesting facts about stone
- How to distinguish natural aquamarine from a fake
- Stone Care
- Photos of the stone of aquamarine and its products
History of stone
The history of aquamarine originates moreFrom the times of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. The sailors believed that the stone was the gift of Poseidon himself - the god of all seas. Going on long and dangerous trips, the Greeks necessarily replenished their amulets with a stone of "sea water".
The aquamarine carving was popular among ancient masters. Archaeologists have found many figurines of mythical monsters, gods and even rulers of those times made of aquamarine. Thus, among the exhibits of the Paris National Museum, is an intaglio with the image of Julia Domna, which was made in 210 AD.
In the Middle Ages, the aquamarine has gained popularity in Europe and there are many examples:
- Mineral served as decorative accents in the famous "headdress Gizella" and decorated with a tiara of Pope Julius II.
- The famous scepter of the Polish King Stanislav, who still adorns the collection presented in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin, is made of one-piece aquamarine. The length of this unique product is approximately 30 cm.
- In France, in 1867, the world was presented with the bust of Napoleon III, chisel from a single aquamarine weighing about 6 kg.
- In 1891, Emperor Alexander III ordered the master craftsman Karl Faberge famous Easter egg. During the making of the masterpiece, the brilliant master surpassed himself. The product was made of heliotrope, gold, platinum, diamonds, and when choosing the material for the plate, which depicted the sea surface, the author preferred aquamarine.
- The exquisite parlor of Queen Elizabeth II is decorated with aquamarine and is one of the most famous modern products. The President of Brazil presented this precious gift to the queen in the middle of the 20th century.
Description Extremely beautiful aquamarine stone is quite popular because of its clean, crystal-clear transparency and unique shade of aqua blue. The value of a mineral depends on the saturation of its color. The best samples of aquamarine are considered to be specimens of a gently blue hue.
So, for example, the most expensive kind of stone is a mineral with a dark blue color, while the greenish aquamarine has a price much lower. Interestingly, even the largest specimens of aquamarine are characterized by crystal transparency and purity. Often this mineral is confused with a tarnished topaz or sapphire.
The name aquamarine received from the confluence of two words "aqua" - water and "marinus" - marine, which in Latin means "seawater".And although this name was given to the stone by the famous ancient Roman sage Pliny the Elder, it came into use, thanks to the scientific works of the Belgian scientist and doctor Anselm Boetz de Boota, only in 1609.
In addition to the name "aquamarine", the name "noble beryl" is also used for the mineral.
to contents ^Varieties aquamarine
There are blue, light blue and blue-green aquamarine, however, these color varieties of stone have their own special names. As, however, and varieties of aquamarine, containing inclusions, which create a rare effect of the "cat's eye" and asterism( the optical effect, which consists in the appearance of a star-shaped figure with a certain illumination of the cut of the crystal).
It can often be observed in crystals of aquamarine and inclusion of phlogopite, biotite, ilmenite and pyrite crystals.
The only species of aquamarine that has a separate name is the maxis-aquamarine, the name comes from the name of the Maxis mine( Brazil).This mineral gained special popularity due to its unique sapphire blue color.
to contents ^Chemical composition and physical properties of the stone
Aquamarine is one of the varieties of beryl. In its chemical composition, this mineral contains beryllium and aluminum silicate. Its chemical formula: Al2Be3 [Si6O18]
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The chemical composition of aquamarine includes:
- beryllium oxide( BeO) - 14.1%;
- aluminum oxide( Al2O3) - 19%;
- silica( SiO2) - 66.9%.
Marine color aquamarine has due to the content of iron impurities( Fe).In addition, potassium( K), vanadium( V), lithium( Li), rubidium( Rb), sodium( Na), cesium( Cs), and occasionally chromium( Cr) are often found in the stone.
Coarse-grained granites and hydrothermal veins usually serve as the place of formation of aquamarine. In nature, this mineral is a hexahedral prism or long-stemmed crystal.
A distinctive feature of aquamarine is the noticeable pleochroism( two-color) from soft blue to sapphire blue, which can easily be observed with a change in the angle of view. Some specimens, like tourmalines, have the so-called "cat's eye" effect.
Also for aquamarine are characterized by small needles that are parallel to the axis of the crystal and give them an unusual silvery white light effect. Such natural defects are usually called "rain".
Mineral is sensitive to direct sunlight, with prolonged exposure to sunlight, its color intensity is significantly reduced.
When heated to 400-500 degrees, aquamarine acquires a distinctive pronounced blue color.
The mineral has a high hardness on the Mohs scale of 7.5-8 units, but despite this, the stone is light and brittle enough.
to contents ^Aquamarine deposits
Aquamarine deposits are known on all continents, the largest of which are in countries such as Brazil( Bahia, Minas Gerais), Russia( Transbaikalia, Ural), Madagascar.
Also known aquamarine deposits in Australia, India, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Ukraine, USA and Sri Lanka.
to contents ^The healing properties of the mineral
In modern lithotherapy, it is commonly believed that aquamarine helps cure:
- of the thyroid gland;
- toothache;
- skin diseases;
- lung diseases;
- allergy.
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Also decorations with aquamarine favorably affect:
- vision;
- removal of toxins from the body;
- strengthening of the immune system;
- the work of endocrine glands;
- intensive work of the adrenal glands.
Mineral allows you to get rid of seasickness attacks and is an effective biostimulator.
to the table of contents ^Magical properties of aquamarine
Since the time of Ancient Greece, it is commonly believed that aquamarine symbolizes the soul of the sea. It not only serves as a reliable talisman in all sea voyages, but also allows to maintain a connection between two lovers, not allowing them to forget about each other.
In everyday life aquamarine served as a talisman of true friendship and wisdom. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on happiness in a married life.
Some people believe that the mineral:
- gives its owner a charge of positive energy;
- eliminates laziness;
- improves mood;
- enlivens the mind.
However, always wear an ornament with aquamarine is contraindicated, becausesometimes a stone provokes its owner at an unjustified risk and contributes to unexplained bouts of longing.
to the table of contents ^Aquamarine and zodiac signs
Sometimes aquamarines are mistakenly attributed to the sign of Libra, but modern astrologers believe that the stone most favorably affects people born under the sign of Aquarius. It has relaxing properties and helps to quickly get out of stress.
Also astrologers recommend wearing aquamarine as an ornament to such zodiac signs as Cancer and Pisces. Experts say that the stone is best removed at night, since prolonged contact of aquamarine with the body can be detrimental to the state of mind.
Astrologers do not recommend wearing aquamarine as an amulet to people born under the sign of Scorpio and Gemini.
to contents ^Application of gem
For more than one century people have been using aquamarine as a natural biostimulator. Lithotherapists believe that it can help to increase resistance to various infectious diseases and significantly improve the immune system.
For an extraordinarily beautiful color of aquamarine, ranging from light blue to greenish blue, many jewelers appreciate the stone and often use it in their products. Having poured a diamond with a diamond cut, aquamarine wizard inserts encrust rings, brooches, necklaces, earrings and other jewelry,
The "sea wave" stone in any jewelry looks fresh and noble, giving the image integrity and inimitable chic. But it is best to wear aquamarine in the form of a suspension, because this mineral, like the sea, soothes and gives inner strength.
to the table of contents ^Interesting facts about the stone
- The unique aquamarine was found in 1917 at the Maksis mine( Brazil), although its unique sapphire blue color turned out to be unstable. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the stones found here have become discolored or have acquired a yellowish tinge.
- There are aquamarine crystals that have record sizes. For example, in St. Petersburg in one of the collections there is an aquamarine crystal, the length of which is 125 cm.
- Indian aquamarine weighing 200 grams adorns the crown of English kings.
- In 1910 in Marabani( Brazil) was discovered an amazing find. From a depth of five meters, a huge hexagonal aquamarine was extracted from the pegmatite vein, the length of which was 48.3 cm. The total weight of the giant was 110.2 kg. The stone has an unusually beautiful color scheme - its light-blue central part gradually changes from light-green to yellowish tint. An unusual mineral was purchased by German jewelers for 85,000 marks.
- In the Eastern Transbaikalia in 1796 aquamarine was found, its mass is 82 kg, and in 1843 in the Ilmensky Mountains beautiful blue-green specimens were found 20 cm long.
How to distinguish natural aquamarine from a fake
Artificially grown aquamarine is notThere is, therefore, a forgery is easy enough.
- Aquamarine has pleochroism( two-color), and if you change the angle of the mineral, it will play a different shade. This is the main distinguishing feature of the mineral. There are also samples that have a zonal color.
- Natural stone should be transparent and have a clear glass shine.
- Attention should be paid to the fracture of the stone. It must be uneven.
- Aquamarine is characterized by various natural inclusions. Most often in its crystals there are inclusions in the form of so-called "chrysanthemums" or "snow signs".If the mineral has similar inclusions, there is no doubt, it is a natural stone.
Stone care
Aquamarine has sufficient hardness, but when storing it is recommended to keep the jewelry with it wrapped in a soft cloth. The stone is sensitive enough to open sunlight, in order to avoid discoloration the mineral is best kept in a closed case.
Aquamarine requires regular and thorough care, but it is best to do the cleaning as needed and do not overdo it.
Ideal for cleaning a stone - with a toothbrush and warm soapy water.
to the table of contents ^Photos of the aquamarine stone and its products