20 years of marriage together: what kind of wedding, what is it called? What to give to her husband, wife, friends, parents for a porcelain wedding 20 years? Congratulations on the anniversary, the anniversary of the porcelain wedding of 20 years beautiful, touching, funny in verse and prose

The article offers you options for congratulations and ideas for organizing the anniversary of the "porcelain" wedding.


  • Why is the wedding of 20 years of life together called porcelain?
  • What to present for a porcelain wedding 20 years for a family of friends: gift ideas
  • What to present for a porcelain wedding 20 years to your beloved wife: gift ideas
  • What to present for a porcelain wedding 20 years to an expensive husband: gift ideas
  • What to present for a porcelain wedding 20 years for parents: ideasgifts
  • Beautiful congratulations with a porcelain wedding 20 years for friends in verse and prose
  • Touching congratulations with a porcelain wedding 20 years for a wife in verse and prose
  • Beautiful and touching congratulations with a porcelain wedding 20 years oldI am a husband in verse and prose
  • Beautiful and touching congratulations with porcelain wedding 20 years for parents in verse and prose
  • Funny congratulations for spouses on their wedding day 20 years
  • instagram viewer
  • Cake for 20 years of marriage: ideas of
  • Scenario of porcelain wedding of 20 years
  • Video:How to make a script for a wedding: 10 rules »

Why is the wedding of 20 years of marriage called porcelain?

At the age of 20 years of joint family life, the couple celebrate the anniversary, which is called "Porcelain Wedding".The main tradition, which should be adhered to this holiday - table setting with porcelain dishes or decorative objects, for example, statuettes. It is believed that porcelain, as the main symbol of the holiday, brings good luck and harmony in the relationship. It is good to use porcelain, donated to a wedding and kept intact in everyday life.

It is customary to celebrate a porcelain wedding, as they say, "on a grand scale".The celebration should invite all close friends and relatives, accept gifts and congratulations, organize a reception, dancing and even competitions with the help of a hired toastmaster. Many prefer to celebrate a porcelain wedding not at home, but in nature( if the time allows), or for more pretentiousness - in a restaurant or a cafe.

There are no restrictions in the choice of gifts for the spouses, but it should be noted that such a big date does not accept pettiness and greed. Just do not skimp on flowers, pleasant words and dresses, as the 20th anniversary should be taken no less seriously than the wedding itself 20 years ago. The fact is that the name of the anniversary is a very justifying date, because porcelain is an expensive and noble material.

Porcelain tableware is always appreciated and not used for everyday use, but is put on a sideboard to admire it. So the marriage, which managed to survive for 20 years, is venerated with respect and respect, value and beauty, like porcelain dishes. However, we should not forget about the fragility of porcelain and this is comparable to how tender and even "dangerous" the relations of spouses become. If there is no trust in the relationship, they can just as easily break as a porcelain cup.

INTERESTING: One of the traditions in the porcelain anniversary since ancient times was a symbolic tea party from a porcelain service. Tea was drunk with a lot of sweet treats, symbolizing the "sweet life".Cooking was done by children. Often on this tea party, the children introduced their parents to their "second half."

What traditions and customs accompany the porcelain wedding? When is the porcelain anniversary of the wedding celebrated?

What to donate to a porcelain wedding for 20 years to a family of friends: ideas for gifts

As already mentioned, you can give anything on the porcelain anniversary of the wedding, which corresponds to the date and celebration. A gift can be expensive with its value, or at the same price. Give a gift should every guest or couple present at the holiday - a sign of attention and respect for the family.

What gifts are the most popular:

  • Services tableware sets. This can be like expensive porcelain dishes, but also ceramic, but high quality: tea sets, coffee, dinner plates and tureens, vases, decorative plates for the kitchen and living room, dining room.
  • Figurines and decorative objects. They can also be made of porcelain or ceramic, clay or glass. You should choose what the couple will like and what will really decorate their house( ask questions in advance and be interested in preferences).
  • Glass. In this case, we are talking about quality products for home: dishes, glasses, sets, pots, vases, bowls, dishes. If you have the opportunity, acquire crystal, which, like porcelain, is respected and appreciated all over the world.
  • Pictures and panels. Here, too, should be attentive to the choice of a gift and buy only high-quality products, products of manual or design work, caskets and boxes for storing things.
  • Household appliances for home. As a rule, for many years, many of the equipment has become unusable and therefore it must be renewed, for which the spouses do not always have enough money. Suitable: food processors, blenders, vacuum cleaner, TV and other equipment.
  • Home textiles. This is always the right thing, but here you should also proceed from the rule that "more expensive" and buy bedding, towels, curtains, blankets, tablecloths and napkins, bedspreads and other items of only high quality and of natural materials.
  • Books and albums. Special editions or books of great value, with leather and thick bindings, gilded pages. The book should be a family value, albums can be used to store family photos.
  • Silverware. It is silver or special alloy for high quality service items in special wooden boxes.
  • Furniture. If you have the opportunity to deliver this gift home, then use freight. If not, choose something that can be delivered independently in hands or on the car: chairs, rocking chair, pouf, thumbs, chest of drawers, coffee table and other items.
  • Photo frames and mirrors. These are design products that are hung around the house or placed on furniture. A mirror is also a good gift, but it should be given with a pure heart and thoughts, so that the gift brings only joy and carries with it a good aura. Tickets for the trip. Such a gift is often given to children by parents, by sending them on a cruise or on vacation somewhere on the sea, in a sanatorium or a resort town. This gift will show how important and loved the parents are. If you can not afford a trip, tickets to the theater, a concert of famous stars or a significant exhibition will also be relevant. It is also good to give a season ticket to the SPA-zone, so that parents can at any time afford a massage, health and beauty treatments.
Gifts for spouses for a porcelain wedding: ideas for

What to present for a porcelain wedding 20 years to a beloved wife: ideas for gifts

In addition, that incoming guests must bring gifts to the celebration, the spouses themselves should think about surprises to each other. This is a special case of thanking your "soul mate" for 20 years of understanding and reciprocity, so pay special attention to the choice of gift.

What a husband can give his wife for a porcelain wedding:

  • Porcelain cup and saucer. Such a mini-kit should not be an "exhibit of a sideboard", but a thing of daily use. You can also give two identical cups to drink from them together. It is believed that porcelain, by virtue of its "nobility" and naturalness, purifies any drink and food, instills in them a positive energy.
  • The subject of the wardrobe. Unlike other guests, only a husband is able to give such personal and even an intimate thing. It is necessary to ask in advance what his beloved would like and not to stint on a gift, even if it is a fur coat, a suede coat or crocodile skin shoes.
  • Accessories. Any woman loves accessories, but not everyone can afford exactly what they dream about: a stylish Swiss watch on a bracelet, a leather bag of a famous brand or a fur mink hat. Such an object will be an excellent gift from her husband, who will show that a woman is very important to him.
  • Jewelry gifts. This is the most popular kind of gift for women from loving men: earrings, bracelets, rings or chains. Thus, a man equates his beloved to jewelry and emphasizes its importance.
  • Trip abroad. Modern tourist operators will pick up for you any route: affordable, not expensive, far away or to a neighboring state, will advise the hotel and help prepare the documents. Any woman will appreciate this sign of attention.
  • Romantic evening. This is an affordable gift and a way to celebrate the anniversary, but just like on other gifts, it should not be stingy. Order a table in an excellent restaurant and plan your own menu of delicious dishes, organize everything so that a woman enjoys: pleasant waiters, chic bouquet of flowers, expensive champagne.
What to give to his wife on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the wedding?

What to donate to a porcelain wedding 20 years old dear husband: gift ideas

In turn, a woman should think about what she can give to her beloved spouse, thanking him for his help and support during all 20 years of marriage. A woman's gift can be simple, but not devoid of the main thing - attention and love.

What to give to her husband on the anniversary of the porcelain wedding:

  • Porcelain figurine. This is a symbolic gift, which can be very relevant if you select it, focusing on the preferences of men. Perhaps he is a fisherman, and a statuette of an angler, or in the form of a fish will please him. If he is a hunter - a figure of an animal, a hunter or a hunting dog. If he is a collector, then in pawnshops or from buyers you can buy a vintage statuette that will become a part of his collection.
  • A wardrobe item or an accessory. It should also be based on the concept of "the best" and buy only high quality products: leather belts, briefcases or bags, satin or silk ties, shirts, costume or shoes. Perhaps your husband has long dreamed of a good watch on his arm or on the desktop.
  • Subject of everyday life. As a rule, people always try to save on important things, especially those people who care for their grandchildren and children. You can please your man by giving him a comfortable reclining chair, an office chair, a rocking chair. Think, maybe the husband is worried about back problems, then he definitely needs a quality mattress or a bed( a gift very popular for people aged 40 to 60) to improve sleep and well-being.
  • Dream. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, every man necessarily has a childhood or youth dream that he has not realized yet. Perhaps he dreams of a slingshot to "drive domestic cats" from the balcony when no one sees it or an air rifle to hunt small game in the country. Perhaps he still could not afford spinning, or you always forbade him to keep animals in the house.
  • Technology. Every man likes to listen to music and watch movies. Modern manufacturers have long learned to create unusual and necessary gadgets that adorn and complement the life of a person. You can please your husband with a modern phone, an e-book, a tablet with an Internet connection, a music column or a tape recorder, a laptop.
Than to please the husband on porcelain anniversary of wedding?

Gifts for a porcelain wedding 20 years for parents: gift ideas

Children congratulate their first parents on the 20th anniversary of the wedding. As a rule, they are about 20 years old( maybe more, but also less).Depending on the age, as well as material wealth, gifts from children are different.

What can I give to my parents on the porcelain anniversary: ​​

  • Thematic cake. Now it is a popular gift, as confectionery skills have moved to a new level and cakes have become not just tasty, but also incredibly beautiful. Confectioner you can ask to give any form, even a "porcelain teapot" or heart. Such a cake will please parents and guests at the holiday. Going to the theater or restaurant. This will distract parents from everyday life and allow them to relax in a romantic atmosphere. Try to take into account the tastes of your parents when choosing a gift, so that he will definitely like it.
  • Home comfort items. Such things are necessary in order to make life more comfortable, and the eyes more pleasant. This can be a bed-set, a set of quality bath towels, a rug in the bedroom or living room, dressing table, housekeeper in the hallway, a picture on the wall with a family portrait, travel bag, a frame in the form of a collage on the wall, heater, air conditioning, fan and more, what is necessary. Pajamas or T-shirts. Required pair. This is a textile in which people can rest, stay at home or take with them on trips."Pair" sets are made of the same material of the same color, can have inscriptions or prints.
  • Animal. As a rule, when parents celebrate 20 years of joint marriage, their children are already growing up and are thinking about their own lives. That's why they can plan a house separately, live in another city in a university dorm, marry and marry. To brighten up the life of parents, taking from them sadness and longing for children, you can give them not a troublesome animal, for example, a dog or a cat, a parrot. It is important only to make sure that parents are really good at animals and are not allergic to wool.
  • Nice little things. These are affordable and dear to the heart gifts that bring the family together and give it a lot of pleasant joint moments. Modern polygraphy can produce for you to order: charms with personal photos, puzzles with family photos, panels, cups and dishes with photos, pillows and much more.
Gifts for parents in honor of porcelain wedding anniversary: ​​ideas

Beautiful congratulations with porcelain wedding 20 years for friends in verse and prose

Being present at the celebration on the occasion of a porcelain wedding, every guest who is present must say a toast. It can be poetry or prose( it does not matter), you must touch the hearts of loving spouses and pay them tribute. Congratulations should be read in the ear at the table with a raised glass, poems can be written on the greeting card. Small quatrains are usually sent in SMS messages or read by heart in a phone call( if you are not present at the celebration or the anniversary is not celebrated).


Dear, the culprits of the celebration! Sincerely I want to tell you "THANK YOU" for the fact that you are submitting the a perfect example to everyone who surrounds you today and in your life. Twenty years of love and understanding is a great date, worthy of such a celebration as we see today. May your life be full, like this table, beautiful, like these bouquets of flowers, and drunk with love, like champagne! Bitterly!

Today I want to congratulate you on an important date - "20 years of living together."Most likely, you did not notice these ready and this is not the fault of life and not fatigue, but the harmonious, happy, happy life of two faithful hearts. You are as young and happy as 20 years ago. Today, at the same table, the most faithful friends, children, native people have gathered with you and we all appreciate how much you keep your union, to inspire and please us!

Dear( surname of spouses)!Let me congratulate you on such an event as the "porcelain" anniversary of the wedding. You have lived "soul to soul" for exactly 20 years and for all this time have not lost, but found love. Everyone present, believe me, is equal to you. In the future, I wish you a lot of family happiness, the realization of everything you wish, great health for many years!

Happy to you not just days, but whole years,
Let your grandchildren please you with a sonorous laughter,
Let in life you do not encounter hindrances,
And let the days fill with joys!

Happy you porcelain wedding,
Each other you are loved, dear. Let there be a happy future,
Do not hang over you clouds!

Porcelain today is a symbol of celebration,
Let there be a happy fate for you!
Love you each other 20 years,
Gave a tenderness of love in return!

Once you met each other,
Each other found and did not lose,
Relatives and relatives inspired
And they invited us on the anniversary!

I want to congratulate you with kind words,
Let there be peace and feelings between you,
Eyes of happiness filled with tears,
And the sun does not hide behind the clouds!

Porcelain your let does not beat, does not get dark,
Let it be strong, let it flicker glare.
Family let your every day becomes stronger,
And life will be happy, peaceful, quiet!

Let the symbol of the anniversary protect you,
Family let your strong be forever!
Love you, the world, the dream accompanies,
And happiness will be, like, endless!

I heartily love and respect you,
Today I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you a lot of happiness,
I do not know other such lovers!

Wedding today is kind,
Anniversary you have porcelain,
Let happiness be long,
The soul will be yours free!

Take a beautiful and bright bouquet,
He wishes you many years,
Porcelain wedding there is no more beautiful and sweeter,
Let the family every day, your beauty!

How to congratulate relatives with a porcelain wedding?

Touching congratulations with a porcelain wedding 20 years for his wife in verse and prose

Favorite! Thank you in exactly 20 years of happy and strong marriage , which you kept all this time with your heart and soul. Thank you for believing in me and helping, inspiring and loving. Let, like porcelain, our family be gentle and precious! I promise to keep to you that trepidation and sensitivity that I gained when I met you one day!

Dear wife! Thank you for showing me how much a woman can love .Thank you for the children and the warm home, thank you for replacing the whole world with me. I'm incredibly lucky that once you agreed to marry me and today, after 20 years of our marriage, I only dream of one thing - to live as much and more together, side by side, hand in hand!

Porcelain today is the symbol of our wedding .
I congratulate you, my dear.
We met with you on a clear day,
Today, 20 years old, like you.

Porcelain wedding is very fragile,
But we are together for 20 years.
Favorite, flower, forget-me-not!
You opened the whole magic light for me!

Today 20 years of a joint life
And I want to thank you
For kind words, deeds and thoughts,
You are exactly 20 years old soul and heart dear.

We have a porcelain wedding,
We are with you for a long time,
You're cute, tender, touching,
With you I have a lot of happiness!

Congratulations, my dear wife ,
Us with porcelain our date,
Let love be strong with us,
Let all our life be sweet.

Twenty years flew by,
Today we are triumphing with you
That love that bore inspiration,
Our nice porcelain wedding!

Twenty years have passed, but you have not changed.
Our small family, already 20 years. ..
I'm in love with you and you've fallen in love with me,
For twenty years I've been giving you the light!

I want to congratulate you with my whole heart,
You gave me a happy 20 years.
Your hand is in my hand and my heart is melting,
Let the joy shine us, like the light of the sun.

Wedding porcelain, noble!
Year passed like a fast day.
You are beautiful, like the sky, fresh, like nature,
We have a lot of happiness yet to come!

I hasten to congratulate my beloved
With the fact that we lived together for 20 years.
You in the shower could leave the heat,
Well, in the heart of a kind bright light!

You are a woman, lovely, beautiful,
You are a native woman to me,
With you for 20 years, my happy
Gone, as one moment, the love of keeping.

I'll give you a porcelain cup,
You smile, take it with your soul,
And take care of it, as if our happiness,
How you protected the whole 20 years of love!

I'm better than a woman in the world have not met!
You are a kind and faithful friend.
We have love for 20 consecutive years
And we probably will not be able to without each other!

I was lucky to find a wife like this,
We lived together a happy 20 years.
I love you, I embrace and kiss,
Thank you, that gave hope to the light!

You gave me a simple human happiness.
Thank you for 20 years in a row
Rescued from any and evil rage,
You're good, like many years ago!

Beautiful congratulations for his wife on the day of a porcelain wedding

Beautiful and touching congratulations with a porcelain wedding 20 years for her husband in verse and prose

Liked! All these 20 years you serve me as a hope and a support. I congratulate you on our anniversary, which is called "porcelain".Like porcelain, we have achieved many honors: respect, love, recognition. I want to wish you great health, which will allow you to long rejoice in our happy family life!

I want to say that people like you, beloved, can not be found in the world! You gave me not only the happiness of love, but also a dream: a strong happy family. I hope that in the same mood the next years of our life will pass.

Darling, you are handsome and young, as before
And the time did not affect you.
You gave me happiness, peace, warmth, hope,
I still love you!

On the day of our porcelain wedding
I want to wish my dear,
From happiness only cry joyfully,
I always want to be with you!

For twenty years we are married to you ,
We are in love and now, as before,
Let us have a whim before
And we are buried in love with you!

I have the best husband in the world,
He will warm me from all the colds,
He's been saving me for 20 years,
He loves me every day!

I do not want to part with you,
I love you insanely and anxiously,
Thanks for the happy 20 years,
What kept me from the most terrible troubles!

Our luck with you, porcelain,
We kept it for 20 years,
And it's me, beloved, so expensive,
Like a sunny warm light!

Thanks for the kisses, flowers and gifts,
With you my love is 20 years hot,
I adore you with my heart,
You are my, my affectionate, very much in love!

I look into your eyes for 20 years,
You keep and protect me tenderly,
Your heart gives a bright, warm light,
My happiness is affectionate, boundless!

Congratulations, my dear husband,
That today we are 20 years together,
I'm happy, loved with you
And gay as a bride!

God sent me like this man,
To inspire and do very strong.
And so it goes on for twenty years,
Let fate not decide to change!

How to congratulate you on your husband's porcelain wedding?

Beautiful and touching congratulations with a porcelain wedding 20 years for parents in verse and prose

Today is magnificent and beautiful,
You have an anniversary today!
Accept all you wishes
And do not know the parting!

Be Happy Forever,
Betrayed Infinitely,
Be Supported by Each Other,
Do not know any troubles, no quarrels!

Let you be all right,
Let your soul shine in the shower,
Let the sun shine over the house,
Let love fall like a waterfall!

Our parents are a subject for imitation,
They gave us love and upbringing.
Today they celebrate the anniversary
And we congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts!

Mom and Dad, we are proud of you,
. Like you, we all want to be.
With a porcelain wedding you, our parents,
You are so good and so adorable!

Dear our! Thank you for being able to show by your own example how deep and strong love is. We wish you many very long happy years of marriage, many grandsons and great-grandchildren, pleasant moments of life and more than one anniversary of the wedding!

Congratulations to parents from children on the porcelain wedding

Funny congratulations for the spouses on the wedding day 20 years

You have a wonderful event today,
Children and parents sat at the table,
. Everyone took up glasses and everyone is waiting,
For kisses of festive minutes!

The native people are hurrying you,
With which life ties you,
Look there, on the main dish,
All the goodies from the boss are gathered!

Porcelain wedding - it's fun!
For us - fun, you - great sweetness!
You saved it and give an example to us,
How to be happy, caring. Faithful!

Cake for 20 years of wedding: ideas of

Cake is an obligatory sweet dish of any holiday, and especially, anniversary. To order a cake on this occasion you should have a professional confectioner who will make it according to your design and preferences.

Ideas for cakes for a porcelain wedding:

Porcelain heart cake
Unusual cake decor for a porcelain wedding
Variety of cakes for a porcelain wedding

Scenario of a porcelain wedding for 20 years

If you organize a celebration for a "porcelain" wedding( without the help of a toastmaster), you should know the structure of the event. This will help you to make a correct and interesting scenario for the guests and the initiators of the celebration.

What the script should consist of:

  • The first part of the "Greeting". This part includes the congratulatory speech of the facilitator, a greeting from all the guests and sitting at the festive table. Pick up collapsible and funny poems to set the mood for the whole holiday.
  • The second part of "Congratulations". Each guest should personally congratulate the couple and give them gifts. You can read poetry and toast, and wish for a happy life.
  • The third part is "Entertaining". Here the script should be filled with jokes, you can use scenes with guests and arrange a viewing of an entertaining film( which should be the partners of the spouses themselves).
  • The fourth part of "Dance." As a rule, not a single wedding and anniversary can not do without dancing. Between ordinary dances you can also insert dance contests and jokes, parodies and skits.

Video: "How to make a script for a wedding: 10 rules"

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