Jam from rhubarb is good and bad. How to cook rhubarb jam: a recipe with orange, lemon, banana, apples, kiwi, in a multivariate?

How to cook jam from rhubarb. Popular recipes for preparing rhubarb jam with different berries and fruits.


  • Rhubarb jam: use and harm
  • When collecting rhubarb for jam?
  • Rhubarb jam in the multivariate: recipe
  • Jam with rhubarb with orange: recipe
  • How to cook rhubarb jam with a banana?
  • How to cook rhubarb jam with lemon?
  • Rhubarb jam with apples: recipe
  • Rhubarb jam with kiwi: recipe
  • How to cook jam from rhubarb and strawberry? How to cook rhubarb jam with ginger?
  • How to cook rhubarb jam with currants?
  • How to cook jam from gooseberries and rhubarb?
    • A fast variant of rhubarb jam with red currant berries, video

Traditionally, jam, jams, confitures from your favorite garden berries and fruits are made: strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherry plums, apples. Jam from the inconspicuous petioles of rhubarb for many is considered almost a delicacy from overseas fruits. When the riddle of ingredients is guessed - there is no limit to admiration! We offer a selection of the best recipes of rhubarb jam with various fruit and berry fillers.

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Rhubarb jam: benefit and harm

Many do not even suspect what a storehouse of vitamins contains a garden plant rhubarb. Fleshy juicy stems of green with a red or burgundy tinge from the base to the middle of the petiole have a pleasant, sourish taste, with a scent reminiscent of the smell of apples.

Rhubarb stems
  • Unfortunately, few know how to use rhubarb in cooking in a variety of dishes, thereby depriving themselves of many useful substances contained in the rhubarb.
  • But in Europe and America rhubarb is considered a favorite plant, from which the hostesses prepare a variety of dishes: various pie fillings, jams, jam, confiture, drinks, sauces for meat, fish and dessert dishes, summer cold soups.
  • Even rhubarb wine and beer are prepared. The dishes with rhubarb are tasty and healthy, they are rich in a lot of vitamins, organic acids, microelements, despite the fact that they have undergone thermal treatment.

Rhubarb contains many useful substances:

  • ascorbic acid - antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, is essential for connective and bone tissue, participates in the metabolic processes
  • vitamin A improves vision, affects the skin and hair condition
  • rutin has P-vitamin activity, strengthens capillaries and prevents their fragility
  • mineral salts Ca, Mg, P are required for bone, dental and nervous tissues
  • organic acids ( apple , amber , lemon , oxalic ) maintain the acid-base balance in the body
  • pectins - polysaccharides that act as sorbents for the removal of toxins and toxins
  • Organic sugar ( up to 2%) is easily digested and supplies energy for all biochemical processes

IMPORTANT: In terms of vitamin C content, the rhubarb surpasses some varieties of apples.

Jam with rhubarb in the jar

Why should rhubarb jam be included in the ration?

  • Jam contains vitamins and minerals necessary for maintaining health.
  • During catarrhal diseases, sweet and sour jam with tea quenches thirst, increases immunity, strengthens the body.
  • Tea with rhubarb jam facilitates breathing and relieves cough in infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • Moderate doses of goodies have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract with atony and constipation.

What is the danger of rhubarb?

  • Oxalic acid and its salts : a rich content of oxalic acid in the plant can cause the deposition of its salts in the form of calcium and potassium oxalates in the kidneys and bladder. Especially it is dangerous for people with kidney disease, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes.
  • Calcium oxalate crystals is able to clog the kidney ducts or form accumulations in the form of salts, causing urolithic pathology with painful attacks of renal colic.

IMPORTANT: According to medical statistics: 80% of kidney stones consist of calcium oxalate.

Rhubarb in the garden

Irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract : excessive consumption of rhubarb dishes can provoke processes in the form of diarrhea and intestinal colic. Therefore, it is better for pregnant and lactating women to give up food containing plant stems or use it in moderate amounts with great care.

Bleeding is possible in people suffering from hemorrhoids, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines when abusing dishes from rhubarb.

When to collect a rhubarb for jam?

Fresh petioles of rhubarb for billets
  • The feature of rhubarb is the correct time for collection of petioles for the preparation of various dishes and preparations for the winter. The fact is that the high temperature of the air contributes to the accumulation in the plant of oxalic acid, which can be deposited as salts in the kidneys. This is especially dangerous for people with urolithiasis.
  • As the leaves grow, the amount of citric and malic acids decreases, but the accumulation of oxalic acid at the end of summer and in autumn reaches a maximum. Therefore at this time it is not necessary to conduct the preparation of leaf petioles. In addition, during this period they become coarse, stiff and fibrous, completely unfit for eating.

IMPORTANT: Prepare the rhubarb leaves 20-25 days after emergence, until about mid-June, when the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.

Classic recipe of rhubarb jam

Jam from rhubarb stalks can be cooked all year round. In spring, fresh petioles are used, and a delicious vitamin preserves can also be cooked from frozen rhubarb. This workpiece is good with fritters, pancakes, it suits and for filling into sweet pies.

Rhubarb jam

You need to take :

  • rhubarb stems - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g

Preparation of

  1. Peel the lozenges from the films and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Fall asleep with sugar and stand until the rhubarb begins to release the juice.
  3. Jam is cooked on low heat, constantly removing the foam for 30 minutes before the ready condition.
  4. Cooled jam is placed in clean dry jars and covered with lids.

Juvenile rhubarb in the multivariate: recipe

Rhubarb jam in the multivariate

Tasty and useful jam without hassle can be prepared in a multivark.

Need to take :

  • rhubarb - 500 g
  • sugar 750 g
  • water 350 ml


  1. Rinse the petioles of the rhubarb and remove the upper fibers.
  2. Cut the stems into small pieces and blanch for 1 minute in boiling water.
  3. Chilled rhubarb is spread into a bowl of multivarques and filled with pre-prepared sugar syrup from 350 ml of water and 700 g of sugar.
  4. Turn on the "Quenching" mode for 40 minutes.
  5. Cooled jam is laid in sterile jars.

Jelly with rhubarb and orange: recipe

Jam with rhubarb and orange

Jam with rhubarb and orange is a delicious treat with the aroma of orange and sour-apple flavor of rhubarb.

Need to take :

  • rhubarb stems - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • large orange - 1 pc.

Preparation of

  1. The washed rhubarb stems are dried on a towel.
  2. Remove the upper shell from the petioles and cut into small pieces.
  3. Rhubarb is covered with sugar, covered with a towel and left for 12 hours before the appearance of juice.
  4. Semi-prepared meat from rhubarb is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  5. Boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat and turn off the fire.
  6. A bowl with jam is set aside for 6 hours to stand.
  7. The orange is washed, dried, peeled and added to the mixture.
  8. Cook the jam after boiling for 10-15 minutes before thickening.
  9. Squeeze the juice from the peeled orange and pour into a rhubarb jam, bring to a boil and turn it off.
  10. Chilled jam is spread in sterile jars.

How to cook rhubarb jam with a banana?

Rhubarb jam with banana

Unusual aroma and flavor attached to the rhubarb jam of bananas. Try to make a jam on this recipe and surprise your family and friends.

Take :

  • rhubarb stems - 500 g
  • bananas without skin - 250 g
  • sugar - 500 g

Preparation of

  • Peeled rhubarb stems are cut into 2 cm pieces and covered with sugar for 2 hours.
  • Bananas are cut into thin plates and spread to rhubarb.
  • The contents are gently mixed and cooked over a small fire for 40 minutes until cooked.
  • Jam in a cooled form is laid out on cans.

How to cook rhubarb jam with lemon?

Rhubarb jam with lemon

Lemon gives rhubarb jam with a pleasant citrus aroma and flavor.

Need to take :

  • rhubarb - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.4 kg
  • lemon - 1-2 pcs.

Preparation of

  1. Fresh rhubarb is washed, cleaned from the top layer and cut into 1-1.5 cm pieces.
  2. The gherkins are sprinkled with sugar and allowed to stand out the juice for 10-12 hours.
  3. Before you put the jam, the contents are gently mixed.
  4. Lemons are washed with water, cut into pieces, remove the bones and scroll through the meat grinder.
  5. The lemon mass is added to the rhubarb with sugar and boiled over a small fire 40 minutes, stirring all the time.

Jam with rhubarb with apples: recipe

Jam preparation with apples and rhubarb

A fragrant jam with jam, you can surprise your guests by offering you a delicious treat of rhubarb, apples and citrus. With this jam, you can bake a sweet pie and soak biscuit cakes for a cake.

IMPORTANT: For jam recommended flavored varieties of apples: "White filling", "Antonovka", "Cinnamon", "Golden Delicious", "Gala."

You need to take :

  • rhubarb stems - 2 kg
  • apples - 4-5 large
  • orange - 1 large fruit
  • lemons - 2 pcs.
  • water - 250 ml
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • peppermint leaf - several branches

Preparation of

  1. The rhubarb fillets are washed and dried.
  2. The stems are cleaned from a thin shell and cut into slices 1.5 cm.
  3. The apples are released from the bones and cut into slices of 1.5 cm. If the skin is tough, it is cut off.
  4. With orange and lemons remove the zest.
  5. Rhubarb mixed with apples, zest and chopped mint sprigs, covered with sugar.
  6. After 10-12 hours, when the juice appears, the jam is put on a strong fire and brought to a boil with stirring.
  7. After 3-5 minutes, remove from heat and allow to stand until cooling.
  8. The procedure is carried out three times.
  9. In the end add the squeezed juice of orange and lemons, once again bring the jam to a boil and turn it off.
  10. After cooling, spread out to the banks.

Kiwi rhubarb jam: recipe

Kiwi jam

Kiwi and rhubarb are harmoniously combined in taste and color. Jam-jelly in a combination of rhubarb and kiwi, as a rule, becomes one of the favorite recipes of blanks for the winter.

Universal sweetness will appeal to adults and children alike. Jam can be used as a filling for pancakes, pies and other pastries.

Need to take :

  • rhubarb stems - 500 g
  • kiwi - 500 g
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • pectin - 30 g

Preparation of

  1. The rhubarb stems are peeled from the films and cut into pieces.
  2. With kiwi fruit cut the peel and cut into circles or slices.
  3. The rhubarb is covered with a small amount of sugar and left for 7 minutes until the juice appears.
  4. Sugar is mixed with dry pectin. Pectin is added to the sugar as a thickener. You can do without it, lengthening the time of cooking jam to the necessary density.
  5. Rhubarb is heated on the stove until the softening of 5 minutes and kiwi slices are added to it.
  6. The mixture is stirred and brought to a boil. Heat at boiling for 1 minute and add sugar to the fruit mixture with pectin.
  7. Then the jam is again brought to a boil, all the time stirring with a wooden spoon until the sugar dissolves completely.
  8. Jam boil for 1-2 minutes and turn it off.

IMPORTANT: To obtain a homogeneous jam-jelly, rhubarb and kiwi jam can be ground in a blender and spread over jars.

How to cook a rhubarb and strawberry jam?

Strawberry jam with rhubarb

You can prepare jam from rhubarb, strawberry and a piece of fresh ginger. In addition, the jam will be filled with vitamins and all the useful substances contained in the rhubarb and strawberries. Adding a fresh ginger root will increase immunity, and hence susceptibility to colds.

You need to take :

  • rhubarb - 300 g
  • fresh strawberry - 300 g
  • sugar - 300 g
  • ginger root - 3-5 cm

Preparation of

  1. Strawberries are washed with running water and remove "tails".
  2. The rhubarb cheeses are peeled and cut into small pieces.
  3. Half of the ginger root is cut into thin strips.
  4. All the ingredients are covered with sugar and leave for 30-40 minutes before the littering. Jam jam on low heat until thick.
  5. At the end of the preparation, add a second part of the ginger root, rubbed on a fine grater.

How to cook rhubarb jam with ginger?

Rhubarb jam with ginger

Jam made from rhubarb with ginger will save in the cold, it will warm well and help with colds. Such a delicacy-medicine can be used for breakfast with cottage cheese, oatmeal, yoghurt.

Jam can be used to grease grain loaves or water ice cream. Piquant and original taste of delicacies like even the finicky gourmets, who do not tolerate the acute taste of ginger root.

Need to take :

  • rhubarb - 4 thick petioles
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons with slide
  • water - 50 ml
  • fresh ginger root - 1.5 cm
  • vanilla essence

Preparation of

  1. The rhubarb cheeses are washed and cleaned.
  2. Cut into pieces in 1.5 cm and placed in an enameled basin.
  3. Add water and sugar. Jam is cooked on low heat, constantly stirring.
  4. After boiling, the amount of liquid increases due to the released juice from the rhubarb stalks.
  5. The ginger root is rubbed on a fine grater and added to the jam.
  6. When the pieces of rhubarb become transparent and begin to break down into fibers, the jam is ready.
  7. Add a drop of vanilla essence to the finished dish and cool.

How to cook rhubarb jam with currants?

Toast with jam

Another good combination: jam of rhubarb and black currant. Berry gives the delicacy not only an unusual currant flavor, but also a beautiful color shade. Such jam can lubricate toasts, toasts, whole-grain buns and bread to tea during breakfasts and snacks.

It takes :

  • rhubarb stems - 800 g
  • black currant - 200 g
  • sugar - 1,5 kg
  • water - 250 ml

Preparation of

  1. From the water and sugar, syrup is cooked.
  2. Purified petioles of rhubarb are cut into pieces and dipped together with currant berries in sugar syrup.
  3. Jam is cooked on low heat for 30-40 minutes until ready, with a constant stirring with a wooden spoon.

How to cook jam from gooseberry and rhubarb?

Jam with rhubarb and gooseberries

Sweet delicacy from a jar - rhubarb and gooseberry jam will delight you with aroma and taste in the winter months and remind you of sunny warm summer days. For jam and jam from rhubarb and gooseberries, the berries of the latter are used unripe and strong to the touch.

Take :

  • rhubarb - 900 g
  • gooseberries - 900 g
  • sugar - 1,350 g
  • juice and lemon peels

Preparation of

  1. The rhubarb is cut into pieces, mixed with gooseberry berries, chopped lemon zest and poured with lemon juice.
  2. The mixture is covered with sugar for several hours before the littering.
  3. Jam brought to a boil on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally.
  4. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the fire is strengthened and the jam continues to be cooked on a strong flame of the burner under strong boiling.
  5. During the boiling remove the foam and all the time stir with a wooden spoon.
  6. When the jam thickens, the fire is turned off.
  7. Warm jam is spread over sterile jars and tightly closed.
Rhubarb shavings

A memory knot: cunning rhubarb preparation

  • You should choose juicy and firm to touch leaf petioles with a pink-burgundy hue. Thin green stems are excessively fibrous.
  • Leaves of the leaves must be cleaned from the top of the peel before cooking. Prepare rhubarb in stainless steel pots, in enamel or glass containers, in containers with ceramic or Teflon coating. Otherwise, the acids contained in the plant react with the unprotected surface of the metal dishes. There is a distortion of the taste, the color of the dish and the accumulation of toxic components in it.
  • When cooking jam, use a wooden spoon for stirring.
  • Store fresh unwashed petiolate leaves in the refrigerator for a month, tightly wrapped in food film.

Quick variant of rhubarb jam with red currant berries, video

  • May 21, 2018
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