What distinguishes sclerotherapy from other methods of treatment of veins: types and reviews of the procedure

sclerotherapy of veins Sclerotherapy is the possibility of inoperative treatment of the human vascular system and certain vascular formations. Therapy is effective in varicose veins, vascular networks and asterisks, hemorrhoids.

Active substance during the procedure is sodium tetradecyl sulfate, which is injected into the necessary vessel protruding on the surface of the body. The substance affects the inner walls of the vessel.

And during the self-restoration, so called, scarring of the vessel occurs. Because of the scars that appear, the vessel narrows significantly, the blood flow stops on it, and it becomes less noticeable.

This method of treatment allows you to cope with the initial and intermediate stages of varicose veins, without resorting to the complete removal of the diseased vessel.


  • The main types of procedure
    • Microsclerotherapy
    • Foam sclerotherapy
    • Laser treatment
    • Sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids
  • Procedure procedure
  • Reviews of the procedure
  • The cost of the procedure
  • Conclusions
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The main types of procedure

Sclerotherapy of veins can be of several different types, let's consider the main ones.


Microsclerotherapy has a more cosmetic character. It is often resorted to by women who have vascular asterisks or mesh in certain areas of the body.

Special small catheters are involved in the procedure, ultra-thin needles that inject the drug into the lumen of the vascular network.

In most cases, the mesh disappears, but in its place, temporarily, there is local irritation and swelling. This method has almost no side effects.

Foam sclerotherapy

This type of sclerotherapy is used in more serious cases for treatment of large dilated vessels .

The introduction of the drug into the vessel as a foam, allows you to keep the concentration of the active substance, since there is no dilution with the blood. Also, the foam form of tetradecyl sulfate is better spread and affects a large area of ​​the vein.

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Reviews indicate that patients who underwent venous sclerotherapy with veins experienced side effects in the form of a recurrence of the dilated vein, the appearance of dark spots in the area of ​​therapy.

In the video, you can see how the sclerotherapy of veins passes in real time.

Laser treatment

In cases where foam sclerotherapy does not yield results, laser removal of the vessel is resorted to. Laser glazing

Using a laser, it is also possible to inoperable removal of an enlarged vein, or vascular retina.

The laser method is the least painless of the existing ones.

Sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids

Sometimes this method is used to control hemorrhoids( hemorrhoids).Sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids is similar to ordinary sclerotherapy.

The needle with substance is injected directly into the unit itself, after which it is destroyed under the influence of acid.

Procedure of

Preparation for sclerotherapy begins in a few days. Stop taking anti-inflammatory, contraceptive, hormonal drugs. Refuse alcohol and smoking .

The hospital comes in spacious clothes and shoes with pre-washed, soap, feet( or other part of the body).

Sclerotherapy of the veins of the lower extremities is almost painless and does not require anesthesia.

The doctor treats the antiseptic with the necessary space, and introduces the needle, an elongated-serrated part upward to prevent the piercing of the opposite wall of the vessel.

The active substance sclerosant is supplied to the vessel through the needle, it can be the previously mentioned sodium tetradecyl sulfate, or the other, which also provokes the death of the vessel.

After sclerotherapy on the foot, a special compression stocking is put on and removed only after the doctor's instructions.

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Reviews about the procedure

Let's study the responses of patients who underwent sclerotherapy of veins.

I am a very pretty girl, but I had a flaw in my face in the form of a face on the skin of numerous sosudikov. It did not look very nice, given that over time their number increased. But one day I learned about the possibility of removing such vascular congestion, with the help of microsclerotherapy.

I decided to conduct this procedure. The result is very satisfied. Everything went without pain and without side effects. Now my face looks almost perfect. And even if there are repeated occurrences on the skin of these vascular asterisks, then I am ready to undergo treatment again.

Olga, 24

Even in my youth on my leg a little vein got out of me. Neither I nor my relatives paid any attention to this. And, nevertheless, it resulted in a problem in the form of venous expansion of veins along the entire leg. I do not care about the visual aspect of my illness, but only the physiological, then it's very painful and unpleasant. Sometimes, with loads or shocks, these veins burst and hematomas appear.

As a result, I decided to conduct sclerotherapy. Already for a year I enjoy healthy and smooth legs. I was afraid of relapse and the appearance of new veins in other areas. But there is nothing like that yet, which is extremely gratifying.

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. The opinion of doctors. .. "

Constantine, 45

By the age of thirty, horrible-looking black vessels appeared in the popliteal fossa. The doctor said that there is nothing terrible in this for health. But he did not reassure me, because it looked very, very painful. I was like clinics and salons, and I came to the conclusion that I would undergo a session of microsclerotherapy.

After the procedure, the vessels did not completely disappear, but their number decreased significantly and they did not become so blatantly black.

Elena, 39

I have a fairly rare varicose veins, namely, on the hands. It all started back in my youth, when my hand looked bumpy from behind the veins. Then it was, in a sense, even attractive.

But with age it began to get more and more painful appearance and by the age of fifty even pain appeared. One day at a doctor's reception, on a very different occasion, he drew attention to my hands, and said that we should not continue to run the problem. He advised me with the help of sclerotherapy to remove several of the largest and bulging veins.

Of course, I was not particularly concerned with the aesthetic aspect, I was hoping only for the disappearance of pain. And I can say that the pain stopped, although I removed and not all veins.

Dmitry, 55

Cost of procedure

The average price of sclerotherapy in Moscow clinics varies in the following framework:

  • foam sclerotherapy of varicose veins - from 2000 rubles to 15000;
  • microsclerotherapy - from 5000 to 30,000 rubles.

In general, the price depends on the area of ​​the vessel, location and method of treatment.


sclerotherapy process This method was invented a long time ago, about a hundred years ago. But in connection with the lack of an effective substance without side effects, as well as a lack of technology, sclerotherapy remained in the background for a long time, and was conducted only for scientific and experimental purposes.

So, at the beginning of the XXI century inoperable removal of the vessel began to gain momentum. Special active substances with a minimum toxic effect have been adapted, ultra-thin needles have been invented to remove microscopic vesicles, and invaluable experience in carrying out the procedures themselves.

And now, patients with the problem of veins have excellent, effective treatment of a complex and unpleasant disease.

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  • Mar 05, 2018
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