How to raise a good son? Sex education of boys

In every family where a boy is born, sooner or later the question arises - how to properly educate him, how to make him a real man. Not every parent can answer this question unambiguously.


  • How to properly raise a boy?
  • Peculiarities of education of boys
  • Rules of education of boys
  • How to bring up a boy from 1 year to 3 years?
  • How to raise a boy 4 years - 6 years?
  • How to raise a boy of 7 years - 10 years?
  • How to raise two sons?
  • How to raise a boy without a father?
  • How to raise a boy a real man?
  • How to raise a boy father?
  • How to raise a boy's mother?
  • Gender education of a boy
  • Physical education of boys
  • Psychologist's advice on how to bring up a boy
  • VIDEO: How to raise a successful man from a son?

How to properly raise a boy?

It is necessary to start a boy from birth. As he grows up, more and more efforts must be made to this process. But, whatever it is, with the right approach, your work will always yield positive results.

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How to nevertheless educate a boy, directly depends on his age.

Features of education of boys

About the peculiarities of education of boys in more detail you can read in the article What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to educate a boy and a girl

Rules for the education of boys

On the rules of educating boys read in the sections below and in the article What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

How to raise a boy from 1 year to 3 years old?

At this age, in the matter of raising a child, sex has absolutely no significance. As a rule, the child is always with his mother. Between the baby and his mother there is a thin, but very strong connection.

As though the father actively did not take part in the life of mother and child, the kid continues to be only my mother's son, her joy, a vent. The child quite acutely perceives even a short separation from his beloved mother.

IMPORTANT: Dad should not feel offended for such behavior of the child. This period in the life of the baby will not last very long. There will come a time when the pope will have to become a key figure in the child's upbringing.

Mom should behave in such a way that:

  • The child knew and felt that he was safe
  • The child learned to trust others
  • The child was always surrounded by the love and care of his mother

IMPORTANT: If possible, up to three years, kindergartens should be avoided,in connection with the fact that the baby will feel abandoned there. His behavior may change - there will be anxiety, aggression.

As studies show, parents are much less likely to hug their child-boy and are punished much more often than a child-girl. To give confidence in the life of your child, increase his self-esteem, you should do the opposite.

IMPORTANT: If you deprive your child of attention and care, he can feel unnecessary, devoid of love.

By three years the child begins to distinguish between people by gender, realizing that he is a boy. At this time, it is worth emphasizing his masculine qualities - strength, courage, dexterity. This will allow him in the future to quickly come to how good, important and responsible it is to be a man.

Unlike girls, boys need more effort to develop their speech. Therefore, parents should spend a lot of time on games and conversations with their child, in order to help him learn the skills of communication.

It should be remembered that having realized his belonging to the male sex, the boy will begin to show interest in the opposite sex. The closest representative of the female is his mother. By the way, this explains the boys' strong attachment to their mothers.

During this period it is very important to choose the right toys and games. Do not forbid the child to play with dolls, or a bowl. This will not affect his social role in society, but it will help start the development of a comprehensive personality.

How to raise a boy 4 years - 6 years?

The process of raising a child at this age is practically the same as the period considered in the section above. The most important thing that the boy's parents can do is to surround him with immense love and care, to give him the opportunity to feel safe.

IMPORTANT: Your behavior will help the baby to walk forward with a sense of confidence.

How to raise a boy of 7 years - 10 years?

During this period of life the boy gradually begins to approach his father and move away from his mother. Sometimes it happens that there is no father near. In this case, the child pays attention to other men from his environment - grandfather, uncle, elder brother, neighbor, etc.

IMPORTANT: During this period of the life of the child, in no case should the father ignore his son. This can affect the behavior of the child.

Father needs to get as close as possible to his son. This will help him to form a trusting relationship with the child, which will more clearly manifest in the adolescent and older age of the boy.

IMPORTANT: A man should not be too strict with a boy at this age. He can start to fear him, to become locked in himself.

A child at this age likes to feel like a man, he becomes comfortable with this understanding.

The distinctive features of this age period are as follows:

  • The boy begins with great interest to pay attention to men's activities, toys
  • Begins to watch more closely the pope, his interests and deeds
  • Begins to fight, defending his opinion, defending himself and his territory

IMPORTANT: Nonein any case do not interfere with the expression of negative emotions. We need only explain how otherwise he can achieve what he wants without using his fists.

Try to comprehensively develop your child. At this age, much attention should be paid to the development of the child's personality:

  • Read good books, select films
  • Already by the age of 7 the child can independently choose a sports section. Support it. Spore lessons help to become more organized, purposeful, persevering, confident
  • Always support your child if he is interested in something. This will help his personality to develop comprehensively. Encourage him, for example, if he is interested in astronomy, buy him a children's encyclopedia
  • Teach your child to be noble. Encourage in every way the kindness and openness of
  • Teach respectful attitude towards girls, to mother, grandmother, aunt. The boy must understand that all women are allowed to be weak
  • Make a responsible person from the child - do not be afraid to entrust small responsibilities. For example, instruct to wash dishes, remove toys
  • Learn to be independent. For example, do not rush to help with the homework decision. Provide an opportunity to do it yourself, help to sort out the errors
  • Give the child the right to choose. Thus, he learns to be responsible for the decisions taken
  • Teach you to take care of others. For example, you can have a pet
  • Plant a sense of compassion. Explain that the weak need help and support. Praise if your child helped the old lady to cross the road

If you deprive the child of maternal love and care during this period of his life, the boy will most likely have problems in the family relationship in the future. He will be rude and harsh with his wife and children.

IMPORTANT: Mom continues to play an important role in the life of the child, although at the same time, her role is receding into the background. A child should be sure that his mother will always accept and support him.

How to raise two sons?

Raising one son is a responsibility, and raising two sons is a double responsibility. The characteristics and rules of education of boys are the same, the main thing to remember some principles. If you are raising two boys of the same age:

  • Educate your sons with the defenders of your family. An example for imitation, if possible, is to become the father of

  • . Never single out one of them. They should be absolutely equal for you. Otherwise, one of them may have a sneaking insult in the soul. This is sure to manifest itself in adulthood. For example, a man can become aggressive towards his children
  • Do not postpone the resolution of conflicts for later. Learn on the spot
  • Teach children to find a compromise. Such skills are sure to be useful in the life of a man.
  • Teach children to spend time together. For example, watching movies, cleaning the apartment. This will help them to get attached to each other, instill a sense of kinship
  • Distribute your time so that you can be alone with each of the boys. This will help you enter the zone of trust of each of them. And they, in turn, feel loved by the
  • Do not impose on children the interests of each other. They can be diametrically opposed. One - draws, the other - plays the guitar. Respect the needs of each person
  • Every boy should be endowed with a certain set of rights and responsibilities. They must be equal. For example, everyone can view their favorite cartoon, but everyone should wash the dishes.

If you bring up sons of different ages, in addition to the above tips, you should consider:

  • With the advent of a younger child in the family, the older boy may feel not entirely necessary,not exactly loved. It should be explained to the older child that he still occupies an important place in your life.

IMPORTANT: Do not be jealous of you. Every child should feel necessary and important.

  • If the second kid is still very small, you should ask your eldest son to help you take care of him. This will help bring up a sense of responsibility for the neighbor

IMPORTANT: If the older child does not have a desire to take care of the younger, do not force. This can cause negative feelings for the baby. The elder child himself must come to help you.

  • The rights and responsibilities that you allot children should be equal, but given the age of

How to raise a boy without a father?

As practice shows, a single woman can quite cope with the education of her son - to grow a real man. However, you should remember some rules:

  • Mom should take care of her health - she will have to spend a lot of effort on raising a boy
  • . During the growing up of a boy, the most important thing for a mother is to choose the right model for imitation in the person of a certain man. For example, it can be Uncle
  • Mom should certainly remain itself - be a woman, be weak. Give love and attention, take help from the child. A loving and caring mother for a child is an ideal image of the idea of ​​a woman

How to raise a boy without a father can be read in more detail in the article. What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

How to raise a boy a real man?

How to raise a boy a real man read in the article What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

How to raise a boy's father?

In order to create and throughout life to maintain a strong bond between father and son, a man should begin to make efforts before the birth of the baby. It is necessary to support the pregnant woman in every possible way - to dream and make plans.

To raise a boy, the father must:

  • At an early age to take care of the baby and his mother, to help in the care of the child. This will help a man to get involved, not to feel unnecessary, to become disciplined and more responsible
  • As a boy grows up, it is worth staying alone with him. Giving time to mum to have a rest, the man already at such age of the kid will feel the close connection with it
  • Always find time for performance of the paternal duties. Despite the fact that at an early age the child is closely connected with the mother, he should not feel the deficit of the father's attention.
  • . Whenever you want, show emotions - do not be afraid to hug, kiss your son, say how dear you are to him. This will help the child learn to be sensitive and attentive.
  • Play with your child, frolic. Thus the child also knows the world

IMPORTANT: The child loves those people who play with him

  • Pay attention and discipline. Do not put this duty on the shoulders of the mother. The child must know the rules that are observed by all, and be prepared to be held responsible for their failure. Try not to beat the child, but to solve the problem peacefully
  • If possible, dedicate the child to their affairs, join him to the solution of the feasible age for his age.
  • Listen to the son, take interest in his deeds and thoughts.

. How can mother raise a boy?

As for the boy's upbringing by the mother, psychologists believe that the following rules should be adhered to:

  • Your son is a child. Avoid unnecessary responsibility. This is a serious burden on his mental state. For example, he may be afraid of making a mistake, becausewill think that you will stop loving him
  • Your son is small, but a man. Respect respect for him. Remember that your thinking is fundamentally different from his thinking.
  • The child must necessarily communicate with his father, and in his absence with any other, but only a positive male figure
  • . Do not overload many household chores. A boy is not a girl. Give him more freedom, let him want to help you
  • Show interest in the affairs and interests of your child, support him
  • Talk with the child, teach him to pronounce his emotions. This will help you enter the zone of trust, and the child will avoid emotional turmoil.

Gender education of the boy

Gender education is the formation of the idea of ​​boys and girls, about men and women. The boy must understand what his sexual role is, how he should behave, to be called a boy, and later a man.

Sex education begins with a family. After two years, the baby is just beginning to understand that he is a boy, but after three years is seriously engaged in gender education.

Parents should adhere to some rules:

  • Never compare a boy with girls
  • Guide a child to certain actions, actions, characteristic men. Do not forget to praise the child
  • On a personal example, show how a particular gender should behave

  • Give the child the initiative, support it
  • Let the child have the opportunity to communicate with male males of different ages
  • Let's choose, let us take responsibility for our actions
  • Do not imposeson a lot of household chores, give him more freedom

IMPORTANT: If you treat your child's sex education seriously, then help your child avoid mistakes in the future, not withTo be an outcast in a team.

With the gender education of your child, it is important to use the following methods and techniques:

  • Conversations using pictures, books
  • Discussion of thematic problematic situations
  • Didactic and story-role games. For example, "Who am I?", "Family"

Participants of your child's gender education, in addition to you, are pedagogical collectives of kindergartens, doctors, the environment of the child.

The physical education of boys

Everyone knows the fact that boys are more physically developed than girls. They are more nimble, they choose more active games.

However, parents should take care of the physical education of the boy. After all, the life of a small man will not be limited to games. In the future, he will have to perform more serious physical work.

  • From the first days of life it is necessary to accustom the boy to hygienic procedures.
  • . From the early childhood it is necessary to carry out tempering of the child, selecting the necessary temperature regime of bathing water.
  • . Always wear the baby in the weather, do not overheat the baby. In the future, he learns to dress himself, on the comfort of
  • . Starting from three years, it is worthwhile to introduce the boy to sports. At the initial stage there will be enough small charge in the mornings

IMPORTANT: If on a par with the baby, the adult from the boy's environment will be charging. A personal example will help the child stay away from this occupation.

In case your child shows interest, for example, to football, then you should consider determining it in the sports section.

In elementary school, a child can already independently choose a sports section. Be sure to support it. In addition to physical development, this will contribute to personal development.

IMPORTANT: Do not let your kid become a great athlete, but he will learn how to properly manage his personal time, his life.

Psychologist's advice on how to bring up the boy

Read more in psychologists' advice on the education of the boy in the article What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

Your desire to grow a good person, a well-developed personality, as well as your boundless love will help overcome all difficulties and raise a real man. Approach the issue of educating your son with understanding.

VIDEO: How to raise a successful man from a son?

  • May 22, 2018
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