Cream Clean Legs - a modern approach to the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common disease in a wide population, especially the female sex. The reasons for its occurrence may be different.

These are mainly hereditary factors. Women often develop this disease during pregnancy. The most common varicose veins of the lower extremities, but this condition can be observed on internal organs.

Symptoms of the disease are noticeable to the naked eye. This is the deformation of the veins on the legs due to a decrease in the tone of the walls of the vessels. First, a varicose reticulum becomes noticeable, the appearance of which is the first reason for concern and referral to a specialist.

In later stages of the disease, the veins acquire a lilac or purple hue, the veins look twisted and swollen from the side. The disease brings not only an unaesthetic appearance to the legs, but also is accompanied by pain and discomfort.

There are several different methods of treating varicose veins.

Earlier, surgical intervention was more often used, which in some cases leads to complications. Modern methods are softer, but this does not mean that they are less effective.

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They are characterized by the use of medication, which includes drugs for internal and external use.


  • Preparations for external effects
  • Preparations for external effects
  • Cream for varicose Clean Legs
    • Composition of preparation
    • How to effectively use the composition
    • Contraindications and cautions
    • What people say that used the cream
    • Where to buy medicinal cream
    • Instead of a resume

Topical products

The safestThe point of view of negative influence on the whole organism is the use of external preparations( ointments, creams, gels).

They penetrate the skin directly to the walls of the vessels, without affecting other organs. Used in the early stages of varicose veins, as an independent tool and in combination with other drugs in later stages of the disease.

The main advantage of such drugs is that they have virtually no contraindications, which means that the use of most of them will not harm a pregnant woman or a nursing mother.

The main contraindication is the individual sensitivity to the components of the cream, which rarely occurs if you use drugs with natural bases.

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Cream for varicose cleaner Clean Legs

Clean Legs is one of the modern drugs that are used to treat varicose veins. The market appeared relatively recently.

is recommended for use as an independent agent or as one of the components of complex treatment. Its action has long been appreciated in many countries of Europe.

Composition of the preparation

Clean Legs contains carefully selected natural ingredients:

  • horse chestnut extract;
  • anticoagulant;
  • salts of the dead sea.

It is thanks to the balanced effect of the three components that this rapid effect can be explained:

  1. Extract of horse chestnut has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, venotonic properties. It has also been proven that escin, which is an active ingredient in horse chestnut extract, enhances the cell's ability to self-renew and regenerate. These properties have long been studied and widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology.
  2. Dead sea salts have the ability to saturate the body with essential micronutrients. Also has regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects. They have long been used in the treatment of varicose veins and have shown their effectiveness in the form of compresses.
  3. As part of the cream - balm Clean Legs anticoagulant prevents the formation of blood clots, normalizes the flow of blood through the veins, has a resorption effect, that is, it eliminates the already appeared stagnation in the vessels.

The cream has a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma and soft texture, thanks to which it quickly penetrates the skin and immediately has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect.

How to effectively use

As with most drugs of this kind, Klin Legs cream should be applied a thin layer on clean, dry skin several times a day.

It is good to combine the procedure with a light massage for several minutes to improve blood flow in the limbs. The course of treatment is 1 month. You can also repeat the procedure periodically to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

The cream is indicated for those who strive to improve their legs and give them a more attractive look, getting rid of the ugly venous network, improper skin pigmentation resulting from varicose veins.

Effective operation with advanced varicose veins spreading safenectomy - everything you need to know about the procedure you will find in our article.

Varicobuster cream is also an innovative method of prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Instruction, reviews, pluses and minuses, as well as other useful information about the medicine.

Contraindications and cautions

The drug does not require a prescription from a doctor, but there are at-risk groups who should consult a specialist before using Clean Legs:

  • pregnant;
  • nursing mothers;
  • having damaged skin;
  • having a predisposition to allergic reactions.
It should be remembered that varicose veins are not only a cosmetic problem, but also a serious disease that can not be eliminated without eliminating the primary causes.

If you find the first signs of the disease should consult a doctor , who will appoint a set of measures. The use of external drugs is effective only if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

This means that the food should be balanced, the sedentary lifestyle should be accompanied by adequate physical loads.

You should also take a daily shower and do a little warm-up or massage after a long stay on your feet.

Women who celebrated the appearance of unaesthetic small blue stars should be discarded for a while from shoes with high heels and try to fully rest after a hard day.

What people say that used the cream

The positive effect of using the Clean Legs cream is noted by many. Here are a few product reviews.

I encountered the problem of varicose during pregnancy. Like, and age is not yet for such diseases, but somewhere from the sixth month on the legs there were characteristic asterisks.

Naturally, without the appointment of a doctor, I would not have risked using any drugs. The doctor who led my pregnancy already dealt with the Clean Legs cream and advised him. I enjoyed until the very birth and during the feeding until my weight returned to normal. Now nothing disturbs.

Veronica, 25 years old

I work as a trucker. Most of the time I'm behind the wheel. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is not included in the routine of my day. Here also the heap of illnesses or diseases by forty years, including and varices has got out.

But my wife does not let me relax. Has planted on a diet, has forced to be engaged in gymnastics and has bought or purchased this cream. I do not know what all this helps, but I do not have any external signs of varicose veins, and my legs are no longer cramping, which in my profession was simply dangerous.

Pavel, 40 years old

I was diagnosed with varicose veins for another thirty years. Since then, I've tried several different ways of treating varicose veins: folk and medicines.

Klin Legs cream was ordered by my daughter. Frankly, if you use only this cream and do nothing more, you will not get any effect. But along with other drugs and a set of exercises, he quite suits me.

Alla, 54 years old

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For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. "

My varicose veins were already at that stage, that it was simply impossible to use creams. I had to resort to surgery.

Decided not to risk their health any more and began to use the Clean Legs cream for prevention. At first I used another, but he did not fit me in composition. And this girlfriend advised with the same problem.

Most of all, its pleasant smell is pleasant, and then some directly let know that it is a medical preparation. As if the smell could affect the result.

Tatiana, 42 years old

Based on reviews of the product, it can be concluded that when used correctly, the Clean Legs cream does help with varicose veins.

But, it is worth considering that this disease occurs against the backdrop of other health problems. And in this case, one cream can not do. It does not cause any negative effect if the person using it does not have allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

As an independent treatment it can be used exclusively for preventive purposes with a set of special exercises, a properly selected diet and a sleep schedule.

Where to buy medicinal cream

Drug from Varicose Clean Legs can be purchased at online stores that distribute products for health and beauty.

Most of these stores offer a cream at the price of 2500 rubles per tube .On the official website there are stocks, and its price drops to 1200 rubles .In addition, the official website is responsible for the quality of the products it offers.

Special price 990r is available for visitors of our site!

Instead of a resume

If you feel fatigued in your legs after a prolonged stay in an upright position and noticed the appearance of signs of varicose veins, you should try using the Clean Legs cream.

But it's worth remembering that the problem needs to be removed from within and one can hardly do with one cream .For greater effect, revise your lifestyle and focus on health. This is the only thing in life, which is very difficult, and sometimes impossible to buy at all.

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