Sandwiches on the festive table( recipes)

  • Recipes for sandwiches on the festive table
  • Sandwiches in haste
  • Sandwiches for the New Year
  • Sandwiches for the birthday
  • Sandwiches with kiwi
  • Sandwiches Ladybird
  • Sandwiches with avocado
  • Sandwiches with shrimps
  • Sandwiches with cheese and garlic
  • Sandwiches with sausage
  • Sandwiches with cheese
  • Video: hot sandwiches with ham and cheese
  • Sandwich with ham and brynza
  • Sandwiches with pineapple
  • Sandwiches with tomatoes
  • Sandwiches with crab sticks
  • Sandwiches with mushrooms
  • Sandwiches with eggs

All brilliant is often the easiest. Therefore, many people prepare delicious sandwiches on the festive table. Of course, you can not do without a main dish, if it's a solemn occasion. But festive sandwiches also help the hostess, since at least a small amount of money, ingredients, strengths and time is spent on their preparation. And yet this dish is a real wand-zashchalochkoy when the guests came without warning or you decided to arrange a buffet table for some reason.

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Holiday sandwiches recipes provide the most diverse. The main thing is that the fantasy is enough, if you want something to surprise and please your guests or relatives. But the basis of any sandwiches is bread. To prevent it from falling apart during cooking, serving, or consuming, it must be dried in a dry griddle or in a toaster. When heated, sugar, which is contained in the bread, caramelizes, which will greatly facilitate the work of the digestive system. But it is better to use grain or rye bread.

And to make delicious sandwiches as natural and homemade as possible, bread can be replaced with flat cakes made with your own hands. For this, mix rye flour with 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 grams of kefir, 50 g of vegetable oil and 2-3 eggs. Add a little water to the mixture, so that the dough acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. You can also add bran or sunflower seeds. Then carefully mix the dough and let it "rest" for half an hour. Dipped in a spoonful of water, place the dough on a baking sheet, sprinkled with flour or covered with baking paper. Pancakes should be baked in the oven at medium temperature until cooked. The main thing is not to dry the base for future sandwiches.

Recipes of sandwiches on the festive table

"Curly" sandwiches on the festive table |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko
Sandwiches on the festive table - appetizer with egg is simple and tasty
snacks sandwiches on the festive table recipes with photos

There are a lot of ideas how to prepare sandwiches for the holiday. We offer you some original and delicious recipes.

  1. You will need white bread, one can of sprat in oil, 2 tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, mayonnaise. Pieces of bread fry on both sides in butter until a golden crust forms. Finish the bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise. On the bread spread sprats and top with sandwiches finely chopped circles of eggs, and then tomatoes.
  2. Snack sandwiches on the festive table can be prepared with herring, eggs and beets. To do this, prepare the bread, cooked beets, fillet salted herring, boiled eggs, onions, dill and mayonnaise. Slight pieces of bread with mayonnaise. Top with a ring of onions and a piece of fillet salted herring. The sides of the sandwich should be decorated with two variants of the mixture: boiled beets and mayonnaise, boiled egg yolk and mayonnaise. Mixture of bread is applied with a fork. Garnish with herring. Cook these sandwiches quickly and simply, but they are very delicious.
  3. Another version of sandwiches with herring provides the presence of white bread, butter, lightly salted herring, two eggs and one bunch of green onions. Herring clean from the entrails and skins, profile the fish and cut into small pieces. Eggs boil hard, butter bread and put herring( for each sandwich for two pieces of fish).Treat the dishes on a large dish and sprinkle the herring with grated eggs on top. Then add the dish to finely chopped green onions.

Video book of sandwiches on festive table

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Sandwiches in a hurry

Hot sandwich in 5 minutes.
TOP5 ways to make a very TASTY Sandwich
Pizza sandwiches in 10 minutes. Juicy filling on crispy loaf.

Often in the morning you want something fast to refresh yourself and run on business. Or you need to take lunch with you to work or study, and there is no time for cooking. Therefore, the question comes up: how to prepare quick sandwiches "in a hurry"?There are several options:

  1. Prepare a loaf, sausage, cheese, ketchup and mayonnaise. Cheese and sausage cut into cubes, mix them with mayonnaise. On a plate lay out pieces of bread, from above evenly arrange a ready mix of cheese, sausage and mayonnaise. Cook in the microwave for 1-2 minutes at an average power( 450w).Get delicious sandwiches.
  2. Sandwiches with curd cheese are prepared from sour milk cheese( 200 g), sour cream( 3-4 tablespoons), medium-sized bell pepper( half or one piece), greens, garlic( 1 clove), bread( can be replaced with a cracker,loaves or a loaf), salt and black ground pepper. Cottage cheese rub with sour cream or whisk with a blender. In the mixture, add the Bulgarian pepper, previously finely chopped. It is better to take a multicolored pepper to make the sandwiches look more interesting. Also add a mixture of finely chopped herbs, black pepper and squeezed through the garlic press. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly with a spoon. With the mixture obtained, cover the bread slices and decorate the sandwiches with a piece of fresh radish or cucumber.

Sandwiches for the New Year

Sandwiches for the New Year 2017 "Roosters"
Sandwiches on the festive table - appetizer with egg is simple and tasty
"Curly" sandwiches on the festive table |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko
  1. New Year's sandwiches in the form of watermelon slices will surprise you and make the table festive. For their preparation, you need 4 toasts, 2 tomatoes, 1 green sweet pepper, 4 slices of hard cheese, 2 olives without pits and 2 tablespoons.l.butter. This dish will take 15 minutes to prepare and you will get 4 servings. Cut the olives into small pieces. From a slice of cheese and sweet pepper, cut 4 identical strips. For each strip of pepper, place the cheese in such a way that watermelon crusts are produced. Then pick a suitable tomato and cut it into slices. In the improvised watermelon crusts, put on a slice of tomato. Top the pieces of olives in the form of pits. Slices of a loaf oil and place on them on a water-melon slice. Such sandwiches for the New Year can be decorated with twigs of parsley or dill.
  2. Sandwiches for the New Year's table with kiwi, melted cheese and kiwi. The combination of these products is very interesting. So, you need 300 g of processed cheese, 3 cloves of garlic, one baguette, lettuce leaves, 3 kiwis, lemon and mayonnaise. Pre-cool the frozen cheese in the freezer for half an hour. Then grate it on a large grater. Garlic let through the garlic and add it to the cheese. Supplement the mass with mayonnaise. Thin slices should be cut into lemon and kiwi, and slices - a loaf. On the bread lay washed salad leaves, and on top - cheese mass. Decorate the cold sandwiches to the festive table with kiwi and lemon slices.

Birthday sandwiches

Birthday sandwiches simple and delicious recipes photo
Sandwiches of ladybugs
"Curly" sandwiches on festive table |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko

Enjoy your guests, who will come to congratulate you on your birthday, sandwiches with yolk paste. Ingredients of this dish: wheat bread of the 1st grade, one boiled egg yolk, 4 g of butter, grated cheese, black olives, lettuce leaves. Mix the egg yolk with the softened butter. Stir thoroughly to achieve a uniform state. From the received weight form cakes and lay out them on the cut long loaf. If you are thinking about how to decorate sandwiches so that they look festive, then you can take any greens to your liking and you will surely achieve thus a solemn look for your dish.

Baby sandwiches for birthday

Children's canapes on skewers for birthday recipes with photo
Children's birthday. How to decorate a table
The recipe for a sandwich "Mouse" - a children's table for a birthday.

To treat guests of their little birthday boy, prepare children's sandwiches for them on the festive table in the form of "mobile phones".Prepare such constituent dishes: bread, cheese, smoked sausage, gherkins. Slice the bread and cheese in half. From cheese cut a small strip for the future antenna of the phone. Bread can be oiled. Slice the cheese on the bread and add the antenna. From a piece of sausage you need to cut a rectangle - this will be a mobile screen. Cut the cucumber into cubes to complete the original sandwich with the buttons of the phone.

Video selection of original children's sandwiches and canapes on the festive table:

Sandwiches on skewers

5 types # Canapes on the festive table. Mini sandwiches on skewers |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko
Canape on skewers on a festive table. A simple recipe for canapés on skewers.
Simple recipes // Canape on skewers
  1. The variant shown in the photo is a fried in a dry frying pan, on top are put pieces of chopped salmon. Then mix the finely chopped egg whites, sour cream and dill. For one tablespoon, lay this mass on each sandwich. Boil an egg on a skewer and attach it to a sandwich.
  2. The simplest sandwiches on skewers for a festive table consist of cheese, ham and olives.
  3. Another simple option - several types of cheese( brynza and hard) and olives.
  4. You can alternate the sausage cubes with cheese, cucumber and bread.
  5. Slice the sausage and add it to pieces of potatoes boiled in a uniform.
  6. A simple and elegant version of fast sandwiches on skewers for a festive table is a canapé with grapes and cheese. Cheese is also perfectly combined with cherry tomatoes, cherries and figs.

Sandwiches with kiwi

Sandwiches with kiwi on a festive table |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko
Kiwi sandwiches I Combine the incongruous

subscriber's recipe. Kiwi sandwiches are not an ordinary, but very pleasant dish. Yes, and looks very smart, and for easy assimilation - the very thing! You need one medium sized kiwi, baguette, melted cheese, 2 tsp.mayonnaise and black ground pepper. Out of so many products, you will get 7 servings. The cooking will take about 15 minutes.

  1. Grate cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Add the mayonnaise, pepper and mix.
  3. Peeled kiwi slice across to rings of medium thickness.
  4. Place the baguette in batches.
  5. Slice each slice with cheese mass.
  6. Put the cheese on a kiwi ring.

Sandwiches with kiwi and cheese

Sandwiches with kiwi on a festive table |READY-HOUSE with Oksana Pashko
Sandwiches with kiwi I Combine incongruous
Sandwiches with cheese and kiwi

Take salty cracker, melted cheese, butter, kiwi with sour, walnuts, mayonnaise and garlic. Serve with butter in the freezer until they become firm. Rub them on a grater and mix with mayonnaise. Add the ground walnuts and crushed garlic to the mixture. Mix all the ingredients and grease the finished product with a cracker. For each unusual sandwich, put the kiwi and serve to the table. This is a very original, tasty and beautiful dish. Such an exotic treat will bring a bright and unusual note to the decoration of the festive table, diversify everyday life and give a great mood.

Sandwiches with kiwi and garlic

Kiwi sandwiches I Combine incongruous
Sandwiches with kiwi on a festive table |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko
Kiwi sandwich with garlic sandwich sandwich with garlic

Canapé sandwiches with kiwi, garlic and crab sticks are a very original, tasty and appetizing dish. You will need a loaf, sliced, crab sticks( 100 g), hard cheese( 70 g), garlic( 2 slices), mayonnaise( 100 g), kiwi( 2 pcs.), Black freshly ground pepper.

  1. Finely chop the crab sticks.
  2. Grind the hard cheese with a very fine grater.
  3. Peel the garlic and chop it in garlic.
  4. In one container, mix the crushed ingredients: crab sticks, garlic. Add mayonnaise, pepper and salt to taste. A homogeneous mass should be obtained.
  5. Peel the kiwi peel and cut the fruit into thin semicircular slices with a sharp knife.
  6. With the resulting mass, spread the slices of bread and top with kiwi sandwiches.

Sandwiches Ladybug

Ladybird sandwiches
Ladybird sandwiches
Ladybird sandwiches

If you want to make interesting sandwiches, the Ladybug is a great solution. Such original canapes will undoubtedly decorate the festive and casual table. Especially they will be pleased with the children, but adults will appreciate such an unusual supply of simple sandwiches. Such a snack is prepared on crackers or slices of white bread. If you still choose a cookie, then immediately after the preparation, give simple sandwiches to the table, since the cracker, after lubricating with cheese, quickly becomes soft. Therefore, if you want the dish to retain its attractive look and taste for a long time, then it is better to choose in favor of bread.

To make "Ladybug" sandwiches( 12 pieces) you will need cherry tomatoes( 6 pcs.), Cream cheese( 100 g), bread( 12 slices), olives without pits( 5 pcs.), Parsley and dill.

  1. Thoroughly rinse the greens with water and dry it. Dill finely chop with a knife to make it look like grass.
  2. Cream cheese, combine with dill and mix thoroughly. Here, if desired, you can add chopped garlic.
  3. To create the "head" of the ladybug, it is necessary to cut the olives in half, and then cut each half into two parts. The body of the "bug" will be cherry, divided in half.
  4. Begin assembling sandwiches. For bread, spread a thick layer of prepared cream cheese with dill. Then lay a couple of sheets of parsley and half a tomato. Along the center of the vegetable, make an incision to look like it is the open wings of an insect. True, you can not cut it if you're not going to immediately serve sandwiches on the table. Otherwise, the tomato juice will soften the bread, and the dish will lose its attractive appearance.
  5. Give a quarter of an olive to a tomato - this will be the head of a ladybug. With the help of a toothpick and mayonnaise, put two white dots in the form of beetle eyes. And black dots on the "back" of the insect are made from finely chopped olives.

Video with a recipe for sandwiches "Ladybug"

Sandwiches from pita bread

SANDBOOK OF LAWASH.How to cook hot sandwiches in pita bread.
Top 5 toppings for pita bread
Rolls of pita bread with filling. The recipe for fast sandwiches for 10 minutes

These delicious and nutritious sandwiches will suit lunch for work, as a snack on the road or just for a hearty breakfast. To prepare this dish you will need pita bread, from which you will get about 5-6 sandwiches, sausages, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard and greens to create the sauce.

  1. Lavash cut the squares on the folds. They should be 6.
  2. Cheese in pieces, and sausage and tomatoes - circles.
  3. Now start to add sandwiches: put a circle of ham in the square of the pita bread and smear it with sauce. Then a circle of tomato and cheese. The edges of the pita bread wrap the sandwich.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the sandwiches on both sides. The dish is served hot.
More recipes for delicious hot sandwiches see here

Sandwiches with avocado

Delicious sandwiches with avocado
Diet! A quick and useful snack from avocado!

Breakfast itself is very useful for the human body. And especially if it's also a healthy meal. If you want to start the day with a beautiful, healthy, tasty and satisfying meal, then prepare sandwiches with avocados. It is a very useful exotic fruit that is valued for its vitamin E, vegetable fat, high content of antioxidants and potassium. With this wonderful product, many vegetarians successfully replace meat.

Cooking sandwiches with avocados is easy and fast. You will need one fruit, whole wheat bread, 1-2 tbsp.l.extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the avocado into 2 halves. Remove the stone and clean the fruit from the rind.

  • Pour the flesh of the fruit with lemon juice so that it does not oxidize and does not lose its tender olive hue.
  • With avocado, mash with all the ingredients. If desired, you can use and pressed garlic. Olive oil is necessary, since it helps any food to be better absorbed. And in such light sandwiches this product acts as an additional source of vitamin E.
  • Now from the bread make toast in the oven or toaster.
  • Combine the toast with the filling, decorate the lemon and enjoy a healthy breakfast, getting the energy charge for the whole day.
  • Sandwiches with shrimps

    Sandwich with shrimps
    "Studio of Julia Vysotskaya": a sandwich with shrimps and a base wardrobe
    Sandwiches with shrimps recipes with photos

    This dish is for the closest and loved ones,as sandwiches are made in the form of a heart. Prepare bread or a loaf, 200-300 g of shrimp, 80-100 g of caviar of any fish, mayonnaise.

    1. Boiled shrimp in salted water. Let them cool and clean them.
    2. Bread cut into small slices( about 1 cm thick).Of them, cut out the heart. In order to be symmetrical, use special metal forms for baking cookies. It is better to take a sliced ​​loaf so that the slices of bread do not crumble, do not break down and do not disintegrate.
    3. The heart of the loaf is smeared with a thin layer of mayonnaise( or butter with butter and fry the bread in a frying pan) and lay the peeled shrimps on them, repeating the heart shape. Place the caviar between the shrimps. An unusual, bright and very tasty snack on the festive table is ready!

    Sandwiches with cheese and garlic

    How to cook sandwiches with cheese and garlic
    Festive sandwiches with grated egg and garlic.
    Sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese

    These snack sandwiches perfectly decorate the table, do not require much time and money for cooking. Take a loaf or cut bread( 8 pieces), garlic( 2 cloves), hard cheese( 100 g), tomato( 2 pcs.), Mayonnaise( 150 g), greens( 1 bunch).

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and lay the slices of the loaf on the baking tray. Hold them in the oven for about 10 minutes to lightly brown the bread.
    2. Grate cheese on a medium grater.
    3. Through the press, skip the garlic.
    4. Mix the cheese with garlic and mayonnaise.
    5. Cut the washed tomato into small rings.
    6. Sliced ​​loaf with mayonnaise and cheese mass.
    7. Top with a tomato, salt and decorate the sandwich with greens.

    Sandwiches with sausage

    Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese are TASTY BEERBOATS in the oven! SIMPLE RECIPE!
    Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese for 20 minutes! !!Fast, very tasty and satisfying.
    HOT SANDWICHES with sausage, vegetables and cheese - it's DELICIOUS SANDWICHES in the oven!

    This recipe is the simplest and fastest. You need a loaf or baguette, smoked sausage, fresh cucumbers, butter and dill for decoration.

    1. Bread bread with butter.
    2. Sliced ​​sausage with thin slices or buy it already sliced. Put the sausage on the bread.
    3. Place cucumber circles on top and decorate sandwiches with dill sprigs.
    4. The dish can be served on the table.

    Sandwiches with sausage and cheese

    Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese are TASTY BEERBOATS in the oven! SIMPLE RECIPE!
    Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese for 20 minutes! !!Fast, very tasty and satisfying.
    HOT SANDWICHES with sausage, vegetables and cheese - it's DELICIOUS SANDBOOK in the oven!

    These sandwiches in the oven are a simple recipe for every day. But if you add olives, cucumber, tomatoes or caviar to the standard list of ingredients, then you will get an excellent snack to the festive reception. Prepare the components of future sandwiches: 3 slices of boiled sausage, 200 g of goat cheese, one baguette, 2 sprigs of parsley and basil.

    1. Sausage the sausage into small pieces.
    2. Sausage with goat cheese and mix until smooth.
    3. Cut the baguette with the same slices, each of which must be lubricated with sausage-cheese mass.
    4. Place the sandwiches on a baking tray and place in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.
    5. Before serving, the dish is decorated with greenery.

    Sandwiches with cheese

    Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese are TASTY BEERBOATS in the oven! SIMPLE RECIPE!
    Very tasty sandwiches with cheese

    This dish will take only 10 minutes to cook. Prepare 100 g of sausage, 2 cloves of garlic, one chicken egg, 100 grams of cottage cheese and hard cheese, loaf, chopped greens, curry, pepper and salt.

    1. Through the sieve, skip the cottage cheese, add the egg and mix thoroughly.
    2. Hard cheese grate on a large grater and send to the curd mass.
    3. Add salt, pepper, greens, curry and crushed garlic to the mixture. Mix everything.
    4. Sausage the sausage on a fine grater and add it to the mass. Stir gently and apply mass to the bread.
    5. Put sandwiches on a baking sheet and send to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. The cooking time is 7 minutes.
    6. Everything's ready!

    Sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes

    RECIPE Hot Sandwiches with Cheese and Tomatoes
    Sandwiches with Tomatoes and Cheese
    Fried sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes

    Sandwiches made of rye bread with flavored cheese filling and tomatoes are an option for a light snack. Take half a tomato, 30 grams of cheese, 4 small pieces of rye bread, 1 clove of garlic, fresh herbs and salt. These are products for one serving. The cooking will take 10 minutes.

    1. Scrunch the cheese and garlic.
    2. Add the chopped greens and mix the ingredients.
    3. Slice the tomatoes with thin slices.
    4. In a frying pan without oil, dry the bread.
    5. For still hot bread, put the filling together with a circle of tomato and salt the sandwich.

    Video recipe for sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes

    Sandwiches with pineapple and cheese

    SANDBEARS with cheese and pineapple
    SANDBEARS with cheese and pineapple |Just delicious
    Sandwiches with pineapple and cheese

    These hot sandwiches with pineapple and cheese can be served on a festive table with champagne. Such an unusual snack will make your holiday special. For 10 servings you will need a stock of the following products: 1 can of canned pineapple in the form of rings, 300 g of hard cheese, 10 slices of toast bread or a loaf, 50-100 g of butter, 30 pcs.pomegranate seeds.

    1. Oil the bread.
    2. Place the bread on the heated frying pan downwards.
    3. Place the pineapple rings on the bread.
    4. Cover the pineapple with a plate of cheese and in the middle lay 3 grains of pomegranate.
    5. Cover the frying pan with a lid and fry the sandwiches until the cheese melts, and the grains do not fall inside.
    6. Sandwiches are served hot.

    Video: sandwiches with pineapple and cheese

    Sandwiches with cheese and eggs

    Festive sandwiches with grated egg and garlic. Hot sandwich with egg and cheese.
    .Hot sandwich with cheese and egg.

    These sandwiches for a buffet table are very tasty, hearty, mouth-watering and quickly prepared. They can also be prepared for breakfast. To prepare the dish you will need 4 eggs, 8 slices of white bread, 150 grams of cheese, a pair of cloves of garlic, mayonnaise, butter, parsley, salt and pepper.

    1. Bread evenly lubricate with a thin layer of oil and fry in a pan until a crispy crust is formed.
    2. Cook hard-boiled and peeled eggs with a fork to obtain a homogeneous mass. Mix them with grated cheese and pressed garlic. Stir thoroughly, season with salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise, mix and grease with a toast. Sandwiches should be sprinkled finely chopped parsley and can be served on the table.

    Sandwiches with curd cheese

    7 ideas for appetizers for a party with curd cheese
    // Sandwiches with cottage cheese //
    Sandwich with cheese cheese and salmon

    Prepare 4a slice of rye bread, 100 g curd cheese, 2 tomatoes, 10 grams of green onions.

    Cut the onion into rings, and the tomatoes into thin slices. Sliced ​​bread, grease with curd cheese. Before serving, decorate sandwiches with tomatoes and onion rings.

    Sandwiches with melted cheese

    Sandwiches with melted cheese
    Sandwiches with melted cheese: recipe overview

    You will need one loaf( not fresh so that it does not crumble, or fried in a toaster), 2 processed cheese, 2 eggs, one bunch of green onions, 2 cloves of garlic.

    1. Scrive the boiled eggs, lightly frozen cheese and cut the onions.
    2. Grate the toast with garlic on one side and spread it with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with finely grated eggs and cheese.
    3. Add a little greens for decoration.

    Video: hot sandwiches with ham and cheese

    Hot sandwiches with ham and cheese. Very simple. Hot sandwiches with ham and cheese.
    Sandwich with Ham and Cheese( Vucky) / Sandwich with Ham and Cheese / Simple Recipe

    Sandwich with ham and cheese

    Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese are TASTY BEERBOATS in the oven! SIMPLE RECIPE!
    5 types # Canapes on the festive table. Mini sandwiches on skewers |PREPARED HOUSES with Oksana Pashko
    "Studio of Julia Vysotskaya": bread with ham and music therapy

    Purchase products in such quantity: 4 slices of ham, 4 tsp.chopped cheese and butter, 2 tsp.dill and basil, 2 cloves garlic, 1 cucumber, 4 slices of black bread.

    Crush the garlic, mix it with herbs and chopped cheese. Cut the cucumber into thin slices. Bread grease with butter and put on it a mixture of brynza, greens and garlic. Put a cucumber and a slice of ham for each piece.

    Sandwiches with ham and pineapple

    Sandwiches with Ham and Pineapple culinary video recipe
    Sandwich with ham and pineapple. Fast and tasty! Morning at 5
    Sandwiches with ham and pineapple The most delicious sandwiches

    For cooking 4 sandwiches you will need 4 slices of white bread, 4 slices of ham, 4 rings of canned pineapple, 100-200 g of hard cheese, greens, butter. Lubricate the pan with butter.

  • Put the bread, and on it a ham and pineapple ringlets.
  • Sandwich top with cheese.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the dish for 10-15 minutes.
  • Decorate sandwiches and decorate with greens.
  • Sandwiches with pineapple

    Delicious sandwiches with pineapple, recipe
    Sandwiches with Ham and Pineapple culinary video recipe
    Sandwiches with pineapple.

    To realize this recipe, buy a can of canned pineapples( rings), 10-12 royal shrimps, 100 grams of hard cheese, mayonnaise and garlic.

    Prawns cook for 3 minutes, allow them to cool, peel and cut along. Grate cheese on the grater, add garlic and mayonnaise. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Put pineapple, dried with a paper towel, cut into a plate, cut them in half. For each half lay a mixture of cheese, mayonnaise and garlic. Top the halves of the shrimps. As an ornament, you can use olives.

    Sandwiches with tomatoes

    Sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese
    RECIPE Hot Sandwiches with Cheese and Tomatoes
    Well, very delicious - Sandwiches with Squash and Tomatoes!

    Prepare one loaf, 2 hard-boiled eggs, one tomato, 80-100 g of cheese, mayonnaise, green onion, black ground pepper.

    1. Grate cheese and eggs on a large grater.
    2. Finely chop the green onions. Combine all the ingredients in one dish and add the pepper, mix. Leave some greens for decorating sandwiches.
    3. Put the resulting mass on slices of a loaf.
    4. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and lay them on top.
    5. Sandwiches put in a microwave and bake at full power for 40 seconds. Garnish with onions.

    Sandwiches with crab sticks

    SANDWICHES WITH Crab sticks
    Simple and delicious sandwiches on the table. We prepare holiday sandwiches very QUICKLY
    Sandwiches with crab sticks

    You will need such ingredients: crab sticks, slices of bread, cucumber, apples, dill and mayonnaise.


    1. Peel the apples and finely chop them. Dill and crab sticks finely chop.
    2. Cut the cucumber into small cubes.
    3. Prepared foods combine with mayonnaise.
    4. In a toaster, in an oven or on a dry frying pan, fry 2 slices of bread.
    5. Put a mixture on one slice and cover it with another slice of bread. Slightly squeeze. Your sandwich is ready!

    Sandwiches with mushrooms

    Delicious hot sandwiches with mushrooms. Hot sandwiches Hot sandwiches
    Hot sandwiches with champignons and cheese - simple recipe
    Sandwiches with mushrooms - VERY FAST AND DELICIOUS

    Such a mushroom snack in cold or hot form will fit any table. Take 10 slices of bread, 500 g of champignons, 300 g of cheese, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp.l.light mayonnaise, 1 bunch of parsley, dill or green coriander.

    1. Cut the greens finely. Thanks to her delicious sandwiches will acquire a piquant taste.
    2. Use a large grater to grind the cheese.
    3. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry them in vegetable oil.
    4. Press garlic through the press.
    5. Finely chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until golden.
    6. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Mushroom mass evenly distribute on slices of bread and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes. You can use a microwave, cooking sandwiches in it for 1 minute at maximum power.
    7. You can take out sandwiches when the cheese melts. And immediately serve the dish to the table. But even in a cooled form, the snack remains delicious.

    Sandwiches with egg

    How to cook hot sandwiches with egg - simple recipe
    A hot sandwich with egg and cheese. Hot sandwich with egg and cheese
    Hot Sandwiches with Eggs( Very Hearty and Delicious) / Hot Sandwiches With Egg / Simple Recipe

    If you are tired of eating scrambled eggs or an omelette, replace these dishes with egg sandwiches. They are prepared quickly and are very tasty and satisfying. You will need a loaf, 4 eggs, parsley and salt.

    1. Slice the loaf into thick pieces.
    2. With a knife, remove the pulp from the bread, leaving the bottom.
    3. Put slices of the loaf on the frying pan heated and greased with sunflower oil.
    4. Eggs are better to take small, from young chickens. Quickly beat them and salt. Pour into the holes of the loaf.
    5. Sandwiches fry on low heat with the lid closed.
    6. Dish sprinkle the chopped parsley and serve to the table.

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