Ringing in the ears is called scientific "tinnitus", it can be a symptom of many health problems, including those not related to hearing organs. This is not an independent disease, but merely a symptom that indicates the damage or pathology of an internal system. Ringing in the ears can be different - and depending on the characteristics of this ringing, an experienced doctor can already understand what mechanism has failed in this case.

In this article we will consider the peculiarities of ear ringing: we will find out what causes this symptom can cause. And also find out what medications and methods of traditional healers will help to eliminate an unpleasant harassing ringing.

  • 1 Content Description and types
    • 1.1 Types
      • 1.1.1 Short
      • 1.1.2 Pulsating
      • 1.1.3 Whistling
      • 1.1.4 Humming
      • 1.1.5 Mixed
    • 1.2 reasons
      • 1.2.1 Otosclerosis
      • 1.2.2 Drinking Drugs and Drugs with Quinine
      • 1.2.3 Edema
      • 1.2.4 Taking Medications
    • instagram viewer
    • 1.3 Treating
    • 1.4 General Tips
    • 1.5 Medication Treatment
    • 1.6 Folk Treatments

Description and Species

Often times, Nitus is not a pure ringing. And it is combined with various crackles, noises, sometimes - buzzing and other sounds. Even there is such a ringing, that he is heard not only by the person himself, but also by people close to him at the given moment. But similar, all the same, is rare, and in most cases only the owner of the data of the auditory organs "enjoys" the ringing solely.



This type of ringing has a second name - transient or tone. Every time in his life every adult heard him. The peculiarity of the transient ringing is that it is audible only in silence, but it can appear anytime. Just on a noisy street or in a many-voiced office, we simply will not hear it. Such a ringing is a necessary sign of the health of the auditory organs, and its absence can indicate problems with the ears.

Surdologists say that if a person does not hear periodic intermittent ringing, this can indicate that he has problems with: short-term tinnitus

  • eardrum;
  • with auditory ossicles;
  • with an ear snail;
  • auditory nerve.


In this case, the ringing is intermittent, similar to the pulsation of the heart. Often, by the way, the tone of this ringing coincides with the heart rhythm.


As you can see from the name, in this case, the ringing is accompanied by characteristic whistling sounds. ringing in the ears and buzzing noise


The ringing can be compared to the horns of car horns or musical notes.


The type of ringing, in which several previous ones were mixed.

As you can see, the ringing has several different types, and it is necessary to establish exactly which of them you have. Each species can mean different diseases and pathologies, so this factor is important.

The video rings and the noise in the ears:

Reasons for

Let's find out what causes the ringing in the ears.

Constant background loud sounds.

This is one of the most common causes of ear ringing. A visit to a rock concert or an explosion of firecrackers on New Year's Eve may well lead to the appearance of ringing in the ears. If loud background sounds a person must listen constantly, then in time it can lead to deafness. It is known that for this reason many former employees of weaving mills suffer deafness in retirement.


In this case, ringing causes disease, which results in spongy bone tissue growing in the inner ear, filling the entire hollow space. The presence of this bone tissue and becomes the cause of sounds in the ears. otosclerosis

Drinking beverages and preparations with quinine

This substance is known for its excitatory properties. Quinine is present, including, in coffee, energy cocktails and other not the most useful drinks, and also in medicines. If you take medications with quinine or drink often energy, it can cause sounds in your ears, and even lead to a decrease in the level of auditory perception.

Swelling of the

Sometimes acute respiratory infections and inflammatory infections can cause swelling in the tissues of the inner ear. This is the cause of an unpleasant symptom in this case.

Taking medications

Some medications may well be culprits for ear ringing. This, most often, antibiotics, and also taken in large quantities of aspirin.

Injuries to the head or hearing organs can also cause this unpleasant symptom. medication

Some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels lead to ringing in the ears. In this case, the ringing type will be pulsating. Atherosclerosis is a disease of the vessels, leading to a narrowing of their lumen. As a result, the blood is forced to flow with obstacles, which generates a characteristic ringing in the ears. Hypertension can also cause an unpleasant sound. If the structure of the capillaries is broken, for example - shunts appeared in them, this too can cause the appearance of a symptom.

In addition to the above, tinnitus can cause:

  • neoplasm of the head or neck region;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney pathology;

As you can see, the diseases that cause ringing in the ears are serious enough that you can close your eyes to this symptom. We recommend that when a regular ringing occurs, a doctor should be examined for the cause of the troubling symptom.

The video is constantly ringing in the ears:

Treatment of

We learn how to cope with this troubling symptom with the help of medicinal therapy and folk methods of healing.

droplets in the ears Which drops from the plugs in the ears are the best and most popular, will help to understand this article.

Why the ear was stuffed with a cold and which treatment is the most effective, is described in detail in this article.

And here's how the inflammation of the ear is treated with folk remedies and how effective this treatment will be is described here: http: //prolor.ru/u/ lechenie-u / vospalenie-uxa-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

And that's why he lays his ears for colds, andwhat medicines are most effective in fighting this disease, is described in great detail in this article.

General advice of

The first thing to be done is to establish exactly what causes the ringing in the ears. For this it is required to go to the reception to the appropriate specialist. The doctor will conduct the examination, you may need to pass some tests, take tests from other doctors to get a complete and reliable picture of the disease.

After diagnosis, the doctor already prescribes adequate treatment, eliminating not the symptom itself, but the cause that caused it. It should be noted that in some cases, medicine will not help: for example, if the ringing is caused by natural age changes or trauma.

It is necessary to clean the ear canals, saving them from accumulation of sulfur. It is possible that one of this measure will be enough to get rid of the annoying sound.

If cardiovascular pathologies are detected, then without eliminating them you will not be able to get rid of the ringing. And in the event that the ringing caused the receipt of certain medicines, it is necessary to replace these funds with others.

Drug treatment

If the symptom appeared against the background of the VSD, reception of restorative drugs is necessary. The doctor must appoint them after the appropriate examination and diagnosis.

To improve blood circulation in the brain, also affecting the occurrence of ringing in the ears, usually prescribed the following drugs:

  • Tsinaresin;


  • Pyracetam;


  • also helps the vitamin B group.

Inflammation of the eustachian tube is removed with antibiotics: Flemoxinum, Amoxiclavum( which is better to use with angina Amoxiclav or Sumamed, will help to understand this article) Ampicillin et al.

If fluid congestion in the ear is detected, antihistamines. Such as:

  • Pipolphen;


  • Diprasine;
  • Atarax, etc.

If the sound is caused by nervous disorders, appoint tranquilizers and antidepressants. Suitable tools such as:

  • Nortriptyline;
  • Amitriptyline.


These drugs can cope even with prolonged depression and severe nervous breakdown. Only a doctor can prescribe them, and taking medication is carried out in strict dosage and under the supervision of a doctor.

If ringing is associated with otitis, appropriate ear drops with antibiotic content are prescribed:

  • Cefuroxime;


  • Ceftriaxone( and here's how to use the antibiotic Ceftriaxone for sinusitis, described in detail in this article);
  • Drops in the ear of Levomycetin, etc.

The ring caused by a cold is treated with such ear drops as:

  • Drops in the ears with otitis media;


  • Ear drops Otofa;


  • Sofradex;
  • Otinum, etc.

In addition to the listed medicines, the following methods are used to get rid of this unpleasant problem:

  • head massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • reflexology and other physiotherapy.

Folk treatment

As an additional treatment can be used and recipes of alternative medicine. We give examples of the most effective of them. Dill broth .To prepare the broth, you need to pour two cups of boiling water three teaspoons of dill seeds. Infuse the agent for two hours in a thermos bottle, and then take half a cup before eating. dill broth

Yarrow .This medicinal plant can also be of great help in this problem. But you need a fresh yarrow, and not the one that is sold in pharmacies. To cook, fresh plants are ground in a meat grinder, and then squeezed out the resulting juice from the resulting mush. This juice is digested in the ears for three drops to completely eliminate the sound.

Propolis tincture .Spirituous tincture of propolis is useful in many ear diseases: it will help in this case. Tincture should be mixed with refined vegetable oil in a proportion of 1: 4.propolis tincture

The resulting mixture is moistened with cotton turuns, which are then introduced into the ear canals for the night. It helps with ringing caused by colds or inflammatory infections. Course - 10-12 days.

Drops from Thyme .To prepare this product, you need to take the seeds of dill and thyme, and grind them in a coffee grinder. Add the calendula oil( marigolds) to the mixture. All mix and insist next week in a closed container away from the light. Then the received agent should be instilled in three drops in the ear canals until sound is eliminated.

Kalina. This plant is known for its medicinal properties. It is useful also for eliminating the ear ring. To prepare a remedy, pour a handful of berries with boiling water, and bring to a boil. Then pour out the water, and mash the berries, and add a little honey to them. This composition is put in a gauze pouch, which is then inserted into the "ringing" ear for the night. tincture of viburnum

Onion .To get rid of an unpleasant symptom it will be necessary to prepare onion juice by push-up. The resulting juice( without pulp) is instilled into the ear canals several times a day.

Potatoes and honey .The raw potatoes are ground on a fine grater, and mixed with liquid honey. The mixture should then be placed in cheesecloth or bandage, and put on the night in the ear. This procedure can be performed until the symptom is completely eliminated.

Attention: any folk method of treatment should be first notified to the doctor, and only then to start the procedure. In no case should you take home remedies as a panacea, and replace them with basic treatment.

We examined the peculiarities of ringing in the ears. Now you know that many diseases, including serious ones, can mean this sign. If it rings in the ears, as usual, then in this symptom there is nothing terrible, rather, on the contrary - the absence of such a bell speaks about pathology. But if the ringing has acquired an unusual tone, has become hissing, wheezing or booming, appears more often - this is already a good reason to visit a specialist, and conduct a full examination of the body.