Pyroplasmosis( babesiosis) in humans: symptoms, ways of infection. Can I get pyroplasmosis from a dog?

A person can get pyroplasmosis after a tick bite. The article tells about the peculiarities of the disease and the methods of its treatment.

Contents of

The fact that a dog can be affected by pyroplasmosis from a tick bite is known to all experienced breeders. On the peculiarities of the course of this disease, read in the article Dog bitten by a tick - pyroplasmosis( babesiosis): the first signs, consequences. Pyroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention. However, few people know that pyroplasmosis is dangerous for humans.

Pliers - carriers of pyroplasmosis

Because of the fact that cases of infection of people are infrequent, no one thinks about the probability of pyroplasmosis development to the last. But the time missed on the diagnosis can cost the life of the infected person.

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Pyroplasmosis( babesiosis) is dangerous to humans?

Microorganisms that cause the development of canine pyroplasmosis, do not pose a danger to humans. However, there are pathogens( B. divergens, B. rodhaini, B. microti), which affect human blood.

When bites of infected ixodids and argasid mites, pyroplasms penetrate into the blood and begin to multiply and parasitize there, destroying the red blood cells.

The bite of a mite infected with pyroplasmosis

IMPORTANT: In the case of asymptomatic disease and the absence of treatment, pyroplasms can persist in the body for life and be transmitted to future offspring.

If a person has strong immunity, pyroplasmosis can occur without symptoms or as a common cold. But if immunity is lowered, infection with pyroplasmosis may result in death of the patient.

should be the most prudent in nature:

  • HIV-infected
  • to the elderly
  • to
  • farm workers

shepherds IMPORTANT: About 8% of existing mites can infect a person with pyroplasmosis.

You can protect yourself from pyroplasmosis by exercising caution on nature

Can I get pyroplasmosis from a dog?

From contact with a dog patient with pyroplasmosis, there will be no harm to the person, as babesia parasitizing in the blood of animals do not take root in the human body.

However, a dog and a person can get infected from the bite of the same tick. This is explained by the fact that the tick can be a simultaneous carrier of various kinds of babesias.

Pyroplasmosis: pathways of infection

A person can become infected with pyroplasmosis in 2 cases:

  • with a bite of an infected
  • mite with blood transfusion from a pyroplasmosis carrier
The bite of an infected tick can trigger the development of pyroplasmosis

Pyroplasmosis in humans: symptoms

Symptoms of pyroplasmosis in people with good immunity:

  • slight weakness
  • anemia
  • slight short-term temperature rise

IMPORTANT: Probably completely asymptomatic disease course.

The severe form of pyroplasmosis in people with weakened immunity is characterized by:

  • temperature increase to 40 ° C
  • chill
  • brokenness, body aches
  • muscle aches
  • headaches
  • nausea,
  • vomiting by
  • weight loss
  • mucosal constipation, alternating diarrhea
Nausea, vomiting, weakness may be symptoms of pyroplasmosis

.Establish the nature of the disease will help microscopy of blood in the laboratory. Complications of pyroplasmosis leading to patient death can be:

  • uremia
  • hepatic and renal failure
  • bacterial infections( blood infection, pneumonia)

Pyroplasmosis in humans: treatment of

Light asymptomatic uncomplicated forms of pyroplasmosis in humans do not require the treatment of .

In case of severe leakage, specific therapy is necessary. To disinfect pyroplasm, patients are given at the discretion of the doctor the drugs from the list:

  • clindamycin + quinine
  • azithromycin + atovaquone
  • pentamidine
  • diisocyanate and co-trimoxazole
The drug for the treatment of pyroplasmosis in humans

In many cases, the condition of the patient is complicated by the anemia .To eliminate it, iron preparations are prescribed. If develops kidney failure in acute form - conduct hemodialysis.

Despite the fact that human pyroplasmosis is a very rare seasonal disease, one should not forget about it. From time to time an insidious illness reminds of itself and surprises even experienced doctors.

It is difficult for physicians to detect pyroplasmosis

After tick bite, special attention should be paid to your health and, if you have the slightest suspicion of pyroplasmosis, immediately go to the hospital.

Video: What to do and where to go if the tick was bitten?

  • May 22, 2018
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