Walnut: useful, medicinal properties, use, contraindications. Properties of green walnut. How to take walnut oil?

Walnut is the most unique representative of the plant world. Virtually all parts of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. This kind of nuts can relieve many ailments.

Walnut is used to maintain health for more than one millennium. The great historian of antiquity, Herodotus endowed these fruits with special strength, and Avicenna advised using this product to restore lost energy due to illness. Today, these nuts are used to prevent heart disease, kidney problems and improve brain activity.

Contents of

  • Benefits of walnut: useful and curative properties
  • Benefits of green walnut
  • Harm of walnuts: contraindications
  • Can walnuts be for pregnant and nursing mothers?
  • Is it possible to have a walnut in diabetes mellitus?
  • Oil of walnut benefits of
  • What are the vitamins in walnut oil?
  • How to take walnut oil?
  • Oil of walnut harm
  • Cosmetic oil of walnut for face
  • Oil of walnut for hair
  • Tips and reviews
  • Video. Useful properties of the unique vegetable oil
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Benefits of the walnut: useful and medicinal properties

The benefits of this nut is huge
  • Its nuclei contain all the amino acids that are irreplaceable for humans. And their proportions are so successfully "matched" by nature, that the nutritional value is 8 times higher than in this indicator meat
  • In walnuts a rich vitamin composition. And most importantly, the compound that gives us this product is tocopherol. Vitamin E is able to fight free radicals and prevent the earlier aging of
  • He is helped in this by linoleic and linolenic acids. They are in the oil of this fruit contains up to 80%.Taking this product as food can remain young for a very long time.
  • In addition, the substances entering into the oil will help to remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and activate brain thinking processes.

Do not forget about the mineral composition of this product. It contains a lot of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, sulfur, etc.

Using this product as food can:

  • Normalize metabolic processes in the body
  • Strengthen the vessel walls
  • Increase hemoglobin
  • Improve reproductive function
  • Improvethyroid, pancreatic and other endocrine glands

Benefits of green walnut

A green nut is the unripe fruit of a normal walnut we eat
  • It contains sodaThere are also a lot of useful substances. Some of which are lost during its aging
  • There is a lot of information about the benefits of the "milk" nut. Surprisingly, without modern knowledge this product was treated several thousand years ago. Healers of the Ancient World "prescribe" it for tuberculosis, worms and colds
  • The unheated nut has antimicrobial properties. With its essential oil can clean the air and scare off insects
  • With the help of preparations based on such a nut can improve the liver, heart and kidneys. Substances that are part of the green walnut, improve many internal processes in the body
  • With the help of an unripe nut can improve memory, remove toxins and toxins from the body and improve the general state of the body.
. In pure form, you can not eat a green nut
  • Therefore, from itmake various decoctions, tinctures and other medications. Many of them proved to be effective in the treatment of oncology
  • To strengthen the immune system or purify the body of toxins and toxins, a tincture of green walnut with honey

IMPORTANT: Unlike a mature walnut, green fruits in their composition have a unique juglon compound. It is capable of restraining the development of cancer cells and destroying them. In a green nut this substance is represented in large quantities. According to its content, the green walnut is second only to the American black walnut.

Harm of walnuts: contraindications

Preparations and medicines based on walnuts must be taken with caution. People with increased coagulability of blood should be discarded. In addition, it is contraindicated to eat such nuts for people with acute pancreatitis and intestinal diseases.

Excessive eating of such nuts can cause psoriasis and other disorders. Some people may have allergic reactions to eating such foods.

Can I get walnuts for a pregnant and nursing mother?

Use of nuclei of such nuts is possible and during pregnancy
  • Nutrients of this product will saturate the future mother and baby with useful compounds. If during the gestation of a child the future mother experiences problems with sleeping, then eating only a few cores can get rid of insomnia
  • In addition, walnuts can strengthen the cardiovascular system and have a favorable effect on the development of the fetus. Also with the help of this product you can remove headaches. That is especially important during pregnancy. After all, many medications are forbidden for future mothers.
  • If during pregnancy mother "pulls" on sweet, then you can also reduce this desire with nuts. It should be remembered that excess sugar can harm not only the figure, but also the future baby
  • Since walnuts have a diuretic property they can be used to remove excess fluid from the body. Swelling during pregnancy can cause negative consequences of
  • . Also, the expectant mother needs to monitor her hemoglobin level. During gestation, this indicator may decrease. In order to restore it back to normal, it is also necessary to consume walnuts
. Also with the help of these healthy nuts, it is possible to strengthen the immunity of
  • . Various diseases during pregnancy can harm not only mother, but also a child.
  • Walnuts are rich in iodine. Therefore, they will be an excellent prevention of thyroid disease during pregnancy
  • But, with all the positive aspects of eating walnuts in food, you need to know and negative factors. Since this product contains a very high content of vegetable oil, excessive consumption of nuts can lead to the formation of locks
  • Also walnuts can irritate mucous and cause allergic reactions
  • How many walnuts can be eaten per day
Unequivocally answer the question about how muchnuts can be eaten per day, you can not
  • Each of us has his own, unique organism. Someone can eat 40-50 nuts, and the other and 3-4 kernels will become bad.
  • Nuts are extremely caloric, and this is inferior only to chocolate. But, do not look at the calorie content of this product as a drawback of
  • . The fact is that most of the vegetable fat, which make nuts such a high-calorie, not only does not affect the body weight, but on the contrary, can burn extra pounds
  • Healthy nutrition specialiststhe optimum number of walnuts per day was calculated. When eating no more than 5 cores, you can benefit from these nuts and eliminate their shortcomings.

Is it possible to make walnuts with diabetes?

Diabetes is a disorder associated with a metabolic disorder
  • Such a violation can lead to the risk of developing other diseases. That is why it is extremely important for diabetics to control the level of sugar in the blood. After all, in the first place, with metabolic disturbances, the insulin balance changes. You can keep it normally with the help of nuts
  • . In order to make good walnuts, you need to buy only a quality and fresh product. You can store them in the refrigerator. Thus, nut nutrients will last much longer
  • In case of diabetes, you can consume walnuts in the amount of 50-70 g per day. If this disease provoked obesity, then the number of nuts should be cut into two.

In diabetes, not only the kernels of nuts, but also the septa are useful. They contain many compounds that can lower high levels of sugar. From these partitions you need to make a thick broth and take it on a teaspoon twice a day. To be treated with such broth it is necessary on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a meal.

Oil of walnut use

Vegetable oil of a walnut is a storehouse of useful substances
  • It can even be said that it is the concentrate of all the benefits of this nut. Its main merit is immunomodulating functions. One - two tablespoons of this oil will be an excellent prevention of viral and colds
  • In addition, walnut oil has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. It can be used in the treatment of burns, strong calluses and healing of wounds
  • . Also this unique product is able to remove toxins, rejuvenate the body, carry out antitumor "cleansing" and adjust the sexual function of
  • . Thanks to such qualities of walnut oil it is used in cosmetology. This component is included in many products for the care of dry and fading skin. At home, you can take care of your skin with funds prepared from it yourself. This oil is well combined with apricot, almond and olive oil. When applied to the skin, it quickly absorbs and feeds it with nutrients
You can use walnut oil as a means for a beautiful tan
  • It protects the skin from sunlight and helps tanning better lie on the skin
  • With this oil, fight with a capillary mesh on the face,eczema, psoriasis and varicose veins
  • This product is also used in cooking. Oil of a walnut add in salads, from it prepare sauces to meat and fish and use in a batch. This oil is desirable not to be subjected to heat treatment, but to use in its original form

What are the vitamins in walnut oil?

Walnut oil is primarily poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids. Among them:

  • Omega-3( about 15%)
  • Omega-6( about 49%)
  • Omega-9( about 24%)
  • Palmitic acid( about 7%)
  • Stearic acid( about 5%)

Also rich invitamin composition of the product:

  • Vitamin K phylloquinone( 2.7 g)
  • tocopherol Vitamin E( 0.4 mg)

Macro- and micro elements:

  • Iodine Iron
  • Calcium Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Phosphorus Selenium zinc

Other useful compounds:

  • Phospholipids
  • Beta-sitosterols
  • Sphingolipids
  • Phytosterols
  • Carotenoids
  • Coenzyme Q 10

With such a large amount of nutrients, the benefit of walnut oil lies in the successful combination of all components.

How to take walnut oil?

This product is universal. It can be added to salads, increasing their quality composition
  • But, if you want to strengthen your health or cope with the discovered disease, then such a remedy can be used as part of the tincture. Also shown is the external application of walnut oil for skin problems and some dermatological diseases
  • For arthritis, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, it is necessary to rub the mixture of this product with cedar oil in the same proportions
  • To reduce the level of cholesterol and help the body with hypertension, you can take 0.5 tea spoons dailythis oil together with one teaspoon of honey
  • Well this product helps with constipation. To do this, you need to eat half a teaspoon of this oil at night. The same dosage is used for tuberculosis, thyroid diseases and colitis

IMPORTANT: Regular intake of walnut oil will help reduce the risk of developing cancer.

  • With prolonged non-healing wounds, burns and suppuration, you can use compresses with this oil. Lubricating lesions on the skin with acne, eczema, psoriasis and various types of dermatitis can reduce these problems or completely get rid of them.
  • . Such masks are made for face and lip masks. Help your dry skin and tone it up using a mask of mixed in equal proportions cedar, sea-buckthorn and nut oil. This means you need to wipe the skin before going to bed. Surpluses of this oil can be removed after 15-20 minutes with a napkin

. For dry skin of the lips, half an hour before leaving the house, it is possible to apply this vegetable oil.

It is especially important to do this in the winter season.

  • You can use this oil during massages. With the problematic skin, walnut oil mixed with the essential oils of thyme, tea tree and mint
  • proved to be good. With this oil it is possible to strengthen the nails. For this, it is necessary to mix a few drops of lemon juice in a walnut oil and apply such a remedy on the nails for 20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week

Oil of walnut harm

  • Of course, this product has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is very caloric( 884 kcal per 100 g).However, like any other oil. But, calorie calories are different. As you could see, walnuts contain a lot of substances useful for the figure, and most of them are concentrated in
  • oil. Secondly, such oil should not be taken to people suffering from duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and erosive gastritis
  • . Soas in this product a lot of allergens, use this oil with caution. If you have an allergic reaction to nuts, then you are contraindicated with oil.

Face walnut oil

Regular use of walnut oil for cosmetic purposes can soften and saturate dry withering skin that lacks moisture. This oil is recommended for use on rough parts of the body( knees, elbows, feet, etc.).

Thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, walnut oil has rejuvenating properties of
  • It has a tonic effect on the skin, which lost the elasticity of
  • . If a capillary mesh appeared on your face, you can fight it with this oil. In addition to strengthening the vessels that have lost their elasticity, this agent can improve the complexion and texture of the skin.
  • Walnut oil is very well combined with other types of vegetable oils used for cosmetic purposes. With its help, you can dilute the more fatty oils of jojoba, cocoa and flax

You can lubricate damaged skin areas 2-3 times a day with walnut oil.

Oil of walnut for hair

Another sphere of application of walnut oil is hair

With its help you can make your hair beautiful and healthy. For this purpose, you can use this mask. Mix one mixer with an egg, walnut oil( 30 ml) and honey( 10 g).The resulting mass must be applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp. To wash off such mask it is necessary not earlier, than in 30 minutes.

This hair conditioner can improve blood circulation, nourish hair with beneficial substances and improve their structure.

Tips and Feedback

Xenia. Before, olive oil was added to all vegetable salads. But, a friend gave a bottle of oil from walnuts. I tried to fill them with a salad. It was very tasty. Yes, it has a specific nutty flavor, but it rather even gives a certain piquancy to the dish.

Andrew. In high school, I had problems with the skin. Mom somewhere got this oil, and I began to smear my pimples. It seemed to help. Now there is so much money for the problem skin, and earlier only with this oil and saved.

Video. Useful properties of unique vegetable oil

  • May 22, 2018
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