Uiji's board for spiritualistic sessions: true or false? How to make a spiritual board of Uigi yourself or buy it on Alyexpress?

Find out what Wigi board is, whether it works, how it can communicate with spirits.

Contents of

  • Is there a board of Uigi?
  • What does Wija look like?
  • Uiji's board for communicating with spirits: true or false?
  • Does the fortuneteller work? Is it really possible to contact spirits with it?
  • VIDEO: Spiritism, Spiritist board
  • Can and how to play with the Wiji board:
    • rules Storage of the Widgea board
    • Participants of the session with the Wigi board
    • The venue for the
    • spirits session Beginning of the session with the Widge board
  • VIDEO: How to use the board correctly?
  • Witch board for spiritualism - divination
  • How to make a spiritual board of Uigi himself?
  • How much does the Wigi board cost?
  • How to book for Aliexpress?
  • VIDEO: Board for Spiritual Sessions

Mysticism. How attractive she is! Who, being children, in a camp or with friends did not try to summon the Queen of Spades or the spirit of Napoleon?

Some adults also have an irresistible desire to comprehend the incomprehensible, to communicate with those with whom, alas, in real life no longer communicate, learn their future. To look into the world of the other world or invite its inhabitants to themselves, people use various attributes - crystal spheres, pendulums, charged crystals, amulets, etc. One of these attributes is Wija. This fortune-telling board is shrouded in so many stories that it is no longer clear where the truth is, but where the fiction is.

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Is there a board of Wigi?

Of course there is. Only it is difficult to understand what it is, a toy or a link between the world of people and the world of spirits.

The board of Wige.

IMPORTANT: Widz called differently: Egyptian board, witch board, fortuneteller, yes-netka. The first name is the most mysterious, but also the most deceptive.

In the XIX century, Eastern Europe and America were covered by a fashion for spiritualistic sessions. Substantial ladies and gentlemen were searching for mediums, people who could communicate with spirits, and then gathered in the evenings for each other at a party and arranged sessions of "dacronation."
In order to enable live communication with the dead, the medium entered a trance-like state. There are reports that his eyes were rolling at that moment, the voice was changing. To communicate with the one who called him, the spirit could directly through the medium, speaking for him, dictating to him the answers( this was called an unconscious letter), sending impulses to his body.

Spiritist session of the XIX century.

After catching the fashion for spiritualism, resourceful US resident Elijah Bond offered the public an "Egyptian board" with the enticing, mysterious, exotic name of Uigi. He positioned it as an ancient Egyptian artifact, which thousands of years ago the priests used. Very smart was the step, because simultaneously with spiritualism people in the XIX century were interested in archeology, the study of ancient Egyptian pyramids and tombs began.

An ancient witchcraft.

In fact, the board for fortune-telling, in the form in which E. Bond presented it is exclusively his invention. Yes, and the name of her with a dirty trick: Bond "advertised" the board, telling that "uidzha" from the ancient Egyptian translates as "luck", but in fact "Ouija" was a synthesis of the French and German versions of the word "yes" - "oui" and«Ja».

IMPORTANT: But something similar to Uige really existed. The same ancient Egyptians used a field with hieroglyphs and a pendulum suspended on a string to communicate with spirits. And the Slavs were guessing, using a glass or a saucer.

What does Widge look like?

It consists of two mandatory elements: a board and a pointer.

  1. The board is usually made of wood of any breed. It is written with letters of the alphabet, numbers from 1 to 9 and 0, the words "Yes", "No", "Possible", "Farewell" and any others at will. The surface of the board is varnished so that the pointer moves better on it. At home, it is possible to produce boards - fields from plywood or cardboard.
  2. Pointer. This tablet on three wheels( alternatively, with two wheels and a pencil).The shape of the tablet can be different, the main thing is to make it clear which letter, digit or word it points to. Most often the tablets are made pointy( triangular, in the shape of the heart), then the sharp end will be a pointer, or round, with a hole in the middle.
  3. The decor of the board is very different. Egyptian drawings and hieroglyphs, abstract patterns or occult symbols are applied to it.
The board of Wige with the Russian alphabet.
Pointer for the Wyge board with a hole inside.

Uiji's board for communicating with spirits: true or false?

But how does the fortuneteller work? The pointer starts to move and begins to move around the board.

IMPORTANT: The tablet really moves as if by itself. Even skeptics were convinced of this.

There are two explanations for the phenomenon:

  1. If a person believes in the otherworld, for him, Uijah is the link between the worlds of the living and the dead. Touching the index tablet, the medium or all participants in the spiritualistic session, come into contact with the spirit. He, moving the tablet from letter to letter, answers their questions.
  2. There is a so-called ideomotor effect. It seems to man that he hardly touches the tablet with his fingertip, and even more so does not move it. And the tablet begins to dance under his hand. This happens unconscious contractions of muscles, inspired by the expectation of spontaneous movements of the pointer.
Scientists believe that the movement of a pointer over a fortunetelling board is provided by an ideomotor effect.

Does the fortuneteller work? Is it really possible to contact spirits with it?

Scientists provide a lot of evidence that even if the world of spirits exists, it will not be possible to contact a person. Also, skeptics, like trumps in the sleeve, have facts confirming the quackery of mediums or self-deception of participants in the spiritualistic session.

It is believed that with the help of a witch board you can get in touch with spirits.

On the other hand, mystics vied with incredible, sometimes terrifyingly terrible stories in which they contacted Widz with spirits, what exactly happened at the moment of the session around them and how this communication affected the future.

To believe or not is a private matter for everyone. But it's better not to use the witch's board for fun or "to check."It is not known how this entertainment will turn out if you do not take security measures.

VIDEO: Spiritualism, "spiritual board"

Is it possible and how to play with the board of Uigi: the rules of

If a person is a skeptic, Wigi, he just plays, then the rules for using it for him does not exist as such. If you treat it as an attribute of the mystical, you need to be very careful.

Storage of the Widgea board

A purchased or manufactured self-made Uige board may not work. The fact is that the magician or the medium can contact spirits. For this, he charges the board with his energy.

  1. Store the board in an opaque box or a linen bag closed in a shelf or drawer.
  2. During storage, the tablet is placed in a separate box or purse. You can even in another closet. If they hold it together with the board, they turn the wheels upside down.
The Wijge board is stored in an opaque cover.

Participants of the session with the board of the Wiji

"Play" with the board is definitely not for children.

  1. Firstly, it is very easy for them to summon the otherworldly, and it may not be enough to drive back its forces.
  2. Secondly, the spirits, not restrained for one reason or another, can meet in the energy field of the child, which is fraught with illness and even death.
  3. Thirdly, children often violate the rules of the spiritualistic session, as they flirt with spirits or are asked to give physical confirmation to their presence.

After all, a spiritualistic session, especially successful, can frighten a child and irreversibly disrupt his psyche.

You also can not use the board alone. Of course, if a person is not a strong medium or magician, he does not have much experience with the spirits.

Simultaneously with Wija, 2 to 10 people can be manipulated, they all need to know the rules for working with it.

It is better to hold a session with the Wijge board with a group of participants.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that a spiritual session with a witch board will not take place unless there is a magician or medium among its members. But for communication with the spirit, collective energy is enough.

Participants in the session should be sober and healthy. They should tune in to a positive mood, get rid of burdensome thoughts, do not wish anyone evil. It must be remembered that it is forbidden to harm the enemies with the "hands" of spirits. Such ways to get revenge are fraught with big problems for both sides.

The location of the communication with the spirits

  1. The place of interaction with the otherworld by means of the Uige board should be secluded and secluded.
  2. The session can be held indoors or outdoors.
  3. In a house, it is better to call a perfume in the living room or in the kitchen. In the bedroom they are not recommended.
  4. In the cemetery, in places with poor energy, you can not use Wigi. It is not known who will come to the call and how it will be set up.

IMPORTANT: If there is no clear intention to communicate with something dark or tickle your nerves, it is better to perform the ritual of cleansing the room before using the spiritual board in it.

Beginning of the session with the Widz board

In the room or on the street of Wija, put on a flat surface - floor or table. Putting her on his knees is unreasonable.

  1. In order not to release perfume for certain chapels, it is possible to outline a circle with chalk around the board and participants in the session.
  2. Ask questions to the spirit, communicate with it should only one of the participants. The rest just touch the tablet with your finger and make sure that the session is under control.
  3. Participants touch the tablet with the tips of the index fingers or little fingers.
  4. They loudly welcome the spirit. If the medium is strong, he can communicate with someone specific. But most often on contact are nameless creatures or larvae, living in the energy field of the thought-form.
  5. The medium asks the spirit the question, he answers it, sending the message to the pointer. The pointer moves on the board. The participants of the session watch the letters or figures to which the tablet moves. One of the participants can record for the tablet.
  6. Sometimes it happens that the pointer produces a meaningless set of characters. Mystics attribute this to the fact that the spirit who came to the call, owns a different language than the language of the Wyge board, or participants in the session "ran into" the larva. Skeptics have one opinion - this is how the unconscious muscle contraction works.
  7. When the necessary information from the spirit is received, or something went wrong during the session, it must be completed. Now, consciously, participants move the pointer to the word "Farewell", the medium in the voice says goodbye to the spirit. After that, the pointer is turned with the wheels upwards.
  8. After the session, the board is cleaned. It is especially important to do this if a bad spirit has come on contact. A real magician or medium knows how to do this.
  9. The board is fixed to the storage location.
During the session with Wigi, the pointer moves along the board to letters and numbers: this is how the spirit communicates with people.

VIDEO: How to use the board correctly?

Witch board for spiritualism - divination

Before you start a session with a witch board, you need to know clearly what you can not do during it, and that can alert.
You can not in any case:

  • ask the spirit to manifest oneself physically or prove its presence
  • pronounce your name or the names of other participants in the
  • session ask for evidence of the existence of God and the Devil
  • joke with the spirit or mock him
  • disrespectfully talk to the spirit of
  • find out when someone should die
  • askspirit to hurt someone
Sometimes something goes wrong, and a session with a witch board has to end urgently.

The session immediately needs to be terminated if:

  • to some of the participants became badly
  • the environment changed, for example, the
  • became sharply cold. The pointer started uncontrolled "rushing" on the
  • board. The pointer seemed to want to break off the
  • board.then from

participants IMPORTANT: If the medium lost control of the session, it can not complete it. One of the participants or all of them together must come to the rescue. Actions must be coordinated.

How to make a spiritual board of Uigi himself?

It's easy to make a Uije board yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • a wooden board of rectangular shape measuring 50 cm by 30 cm or more
  • smaller wooden board for the
  • wheel indicator
  • pencil
  • wood burner
  • marker
  • acrylic paints
  • wood varnish
  • screwdriver and bolts
The Wige board producedown hands.
Simple homemade Widzha.
  1. First, a sketch is put on the board: the alphabet, the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0, the words "Yes", "No", "Farewell to others, decor if desired. Arrange the letters and numbers at a distance from each other, so that then the pointer clearly shows them.
  2. Burn letters, numbers, words and ornaments. You can paint them with colors.
  3. Color the board. Cover the board with a varnish.
  4. Saw or cut the pointer. He and the board should be from the same tree. First, decorate it in the form of a sketch, and then burn or paint it.
  5. Attach three casters from furniture or children's typewriter.
  6. If the pointer is with a hole, its diameter should be slightly larger than the size of the letters and numbers on the board.
Uige is made of wood with a metal decor.
Uige with the symbol of Baphomet.
A beautiful pointer for the board of Wige.

How much does the Wigi board cost?

The Wiji board can be bought on the Internet or in the store of occult goods. Price depends on:

  • wood species
  • size
  • design

The set can include the board itself, an index and instructions for use.

The board of Wige for 500 rubles.

Prices range from 500 to 5000 rubles. For exclusive design options, you can lay out a lot more.

How to book for Aliexpress?

It seems that the Uige board has nothing to do with China. But where there is demand, there is a proposal. The witch's board on Alyekspress can not be bought. But in the shops of the trading platform a huge number of thematic accessories, from pendants to the neck to rugs for a computer mouse.

IMPORTANT: In the article "The first order for Aliexpress" there is a detailed instruction for those who make the first purchase on the site of the trading platform. Also worth seeing is the video on Ali itself.

To order an accessory with a witch board, enter the query "Ouija" in the search line on the main page of the website Alyekspress.

Mouse pads in the form of Wige on Aliexpress.

VIDEO: Board for Spiritual Sessions

  • May 22, 2018
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