Article will tell you about what berries are useful and what berries are harmful during pregnancy.
- Viburnum in pregnancy: useful properties and contraindications
- Viburnum from cough during pregnancy
- Blueberry during pregnancy benefit and harm
- Side effects of using blueberries during pregnancy
- Benefits of blueberries during pregnancy
- How to use blueberry leaves during pregnancy?
- Blueberry useful properties in pregnancy
- Fresh berries of cowberry in pregnancy: benefits and contraindications
- Leaves of cranberries application in pregnancy from edema: recipe
- Cowberry in early pregnancy
- Morse and compote from cowberry in pregnancy: recipe
- VIDEO: Useful properties of blueberry
Delicious and vitamin-rich berries, such as: viburnum, cowberry, blueberries and blueberries during pregnancy very often become an obsession for expectant mothers. This is not surprising, because these sweet and sour fruits contain a whole storehouse of useful substances, of which, as from bricks, a new organism is being built.
But not all the berries listed are completely safe in the period of gestation: blueberries and blueberries can be eat without fear, but the use of Kalina can cause such grave consequences that it is better to exclude it from the diet of a pregnant woman in general.
Kalina in pregnancy: useful properties and contraindications
Kalina has long been known as a very potent and extremely effective remedy for many ailments:
- It helps to cure a cold because it contains shock doses of vitamin C
- Treats digestive tract diseases
- Strengthens the immunity
- Raises the levelhemoglobin, due to the high iron content
- Beneficial effect on kidney function
- Reduces blood pressure, which can be very limitedRecreatives Products plant
But the very substance that lowers blood pressure, namely viburnin , is dangerous for pregnant women.
IMPORTANT: Viburnum during pregnancy is contraindicated because its bark and fruits contain Viburnin. This substance increases the tone and contractility of the uterus. And this, in turn, is practically a synonym for the threat of miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy, and the threat of premature birth at the end.
From several berries, for sure, nothing will happen, and even from a handful, if it was eaten at a time - probably, too. But here's to drink Morse from the viburnum during pregnancy, and regularly, just not worth it. It is this opinion that can be found in literary sources. In the Encyclopedia "Medicinal Plants", edited by Ilyina, it is written that it is undesirable to take pregnant guarana at all.
The fact that the viburnum provokes the tone of the uterus and stimulates its contractions is very bad for pregnant women. However, these same properties will be useful in childbirth!
Viburnum berries mixed with sugar or a decoction of raspberry crust will speed up the process of the baby's appearance, therefore will be useful for weak labor activity.
Kalina is also used in other cases, when it is possible to increase the tone of the uterus, for example, with profuse and painful menstruation and immediately after childbirth.
Viburnum from cough during pregnancy
To prepare a vitamin cough drink from a viburnum do the following:
- Put fresh or unfrozen berries in a cup of
- Rub them with sugar
- Add boiling water or warm boiled water
But, given that the viburnum can harm during pregnancy, do not use a whole bunch of berries, as advised in the usual cough recipes. For pregnant women, only 6-7 calyx berries are put into the drink, and even this is associated with certain risks. Some, instead of diluting the water with water, add it to the tea. For the treatment of colds, both the first and second option are equally effective.
Blueberry in Pregnancy Benefit and Harm
Blueberries are very useful and able to cure many diseases, in olden times in Russia it was even called a "juvenile berry".In our time, bilberry extracts are part of many pharmacy products. So why not use natural blueberries as a medicine?
Side effects of using blueberries during pregnancy
Contraindications for taking blueberries during pregnancy are minimal. Berries and decoction from the leaves have astringent effect, which is not very good for pregnant women, as they tend to have a tendency to constipation. In addition, blueberries are contraindicated, in cases where the future mother suffers from urolithiasis or liver diseases.
Benefits of blueberries during pregnancy
The magic combination of vitamins, trace elements and other essential substances makes blueberries an excellent medicine. For women who are expecting a baby, such useful properties of this berry are particularly relevant:
- Blueberries stimulate metabolic processes, which means that it will help to easily cope with hormonal reorganization during pregnancy.
- This plant helps to get rid of toxins, has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Without harmful substances, the body will be much easier to cope with the double load. But these same properties of blueberries make it dangerous for women who suffer from urolithic or cholelithiasis because they can trigger an attack of
- Blueberry is a dietary and simultaneously tasty product, so it is suitable for those who are afraid to gain weight
How to useleaves blueberries during pregnancy?
For the preparation of medicinal raw materials, almost all parts of the plant are used: berries, twigs, leaves and even roots. Bilberry leaves should be harvested in May-June, when they already contain many useful substances, but still quite fresh.
- To make the broth, pour 100 g of dried blueberry leaves with a liter of water, then bring the pan to a boil, cover and insist for at least 15 minutes.
- Bilberry leaves can be brewed and straight in a cup like regular tea. For 200 ml of water you need to take a tablespoon of dried leaves. First, the leaves are poured with a small amount of boiling water and insist 15 minutes, then add the remaining water and sugar
Bilberry leaves during pregnancy are used as a natural and harmless anti-inflammatory drug:
- For colds drink infusion or tea from the blueberry leaves
- With angina and stomatitisthe same broth rinses the throat
- In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract drink tea from the leaves of blueberries
- Sometimes a decoction of the leaves of blueberries is used and externally,to remove from the skin inflammation
Blueberries useful properties during pregnancy
- From berries blueberries and sugar make jam and canned compotes, which are then used as vitamin blanks. For pregnant women it is especially important that blueberries contain iron and B vitamins, which are so important in the first trimester.
- A decoction is made from blueberry leaves. Two tablespoons of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, then the broth is insisted until it cools. Such a decoction is used as a mild laxative and helps to normalize the intestinal function.
Fresh berries of cowberry in pregnancy: benefits and contraindications
Fresh cowberry is an excellent remedy for strengthening immunity and a source of vitamins necessary for pregnancy.
- In these berries there is a lot of vitamin C necessary for everyone, especially future mothers.
- Cranberry is also rich in Group B vitamins, which are not only important for the development of the nervous system of the fetus, but also help the future mother stay in good spirits. A good mood is very important for pregnant women.
- The content of carotene, useful for vision, is even higher in cranberries than in carrots.
- The complex of vitamins contained in this berry makes it an excellent tool for maintaining immunity and fighting the cold
But cowberry has its drawbacks. These berries are sufficiently acidic, so they are contraindicated in gastric ulcer and gastritis, which is accompanied by high acidity.
IMPORTANT: Even women with a healthy gastrointestinal tract are not recommended to eat cranberries on an empty stomach
In addition, cranberries are contraindicated in pregnancy for women prone to uterine bleeding and future mothers who have low blood pressure.
Cowberry leaves application in pregnancy from edema: recipe
Two tablespoons of leaves should be thrown in 200 ml of boiling water and half an hour warmed in a water bath. After this, the broth is infused for 2 days and filtered. Ready infusion take 50 ml 2-3 times a day.
Cowberry in early pregnancy
Among gynecologists, there is no unambiguous opinion about the use of cowberry during pregnancy: some advise it all, as it is an excellent source of vitamins, others - are strongly opposed to the use of cowberry pregnant, especially in the early stages. The reason for fears is that cowberry can increase the tone of the uterus and dilute the blood, which increases the chance of bleeding.
Morse and compote from cranberries during pregnancy: recipe
Make compote of cranberries is very simple:
- You need to take 200-300 grams of berries per liter of water, depending on how rich the compote you want to get.
- Bring toboil and cook for another 7 minutes
- Add sugar to taste, per liter do not need more than a tablespoon without a slide
- If desired, you can add other berries to the cowberry: rose, raspberries or currants
To prepare the cranberry mors:
- 200 g of berries wrinkle
- Combine cranberries sugar, in the ratio 2: 1
- Pour the mixture with water( water must about 300 ml)
- Simmer, stirring constantly