Methods of home hair lamination

  • Lamination - what is it?
  • Indications and contra-indications
  • Indication and contra-indications
  • Lamination procedure - for and against
  • Hot and cold method
  • Lamination of hair by hot method - video
  • Lamination variants
  • Lamination technology
  • Gelatin method
  • Lamination of hair with gelatin at home - video
  • Recipes for laminating compounds

Specialists in the field of cosmetologyand trichology offer more and more effective methods of preserving and restoring female beauty. Laminating hair at home or in the salon is a caring procedure, thanks to which the curls look healthy, radiant. And all thanks to the laminating composition, which has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and protects the strands from aggressive attack.

Many women have learned to carry out this procedure at home using conventional gelatin. How does this happen? What is better - gelatin or professional remedies? This will be discussed later.

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Lamination - what is it?

The surface of a healthy hair is completely covered with small scales( keratinous plates), which are attached to its trunk and fit tightly to each other. Frequent stowage with the use of a curling iron, a hairdryer, a straightener adversely affects the hair: they become dull, lifeless, the ends are split.

This is due to the fact that as a result of the aggressive action flakes exfoliate, the integrity of the structure is violated, the reflectivity decreases, the hair is poorly combed, confused. Make the strands beautiful will help the procedure of lamination in the cabin or at home.

  • During the procedure, a special compound is applied to the strand, which has a protective and moisturizing effect.
  • The film completely envelops every hair, penetrates into its structure, as if it seals it.
  • Strands acquire brightness, smoothness, shine, look healthy and well-groomed.

The effect of lamination lasts about a month, but with frequent hair washing the composition goes off faster. To extend its effect, the procedure can be done after 15 days. If you have thick, naughty hair, then the composition must be applied thrice, before you see any result.

You do not need to prepare for the procedure, the main thing is to choose a trusted master. If you decide on home lamination, then just follow the recommendations of experts, do not skip a single step.

Indications and contraindications

Laminating composition - hypoallergenic, it has no pronounced flavor. This procedure is necessary for owners of thin, dry and rare hair, since after it the curls become more voluminous, shining. And it does not matter, straight or wavy your hair, the effect will still manifest.

Basic indications for lamination:

  • seks tips;
  • overdried hair;
  • strands brittle, dim;
  • thin hair;
  • curls are electrified;
  • hair has a porous structure.

Lamination should be carried out after applying the drug to the curls. Thanks to the film, which covers every hair, the drug will not disappear after the first washing of the head.

If you are going to a resort, then you need to help your hair to survive acclimatization. Solar radiation, wind, salt water, dryness aggressively affect the curls.

This procedure can be carried out if you have recently painted, discolored the hair or made a perm.

Thanks to the laminating composition, the new color, shine and curl shape will delight you for a long time.

Basic contraindications:

  • thick and stiff curls simply do not lend to lamination;
  • is not recommended to perform the procedure if the strands are weakened: curls covered with a film become heavy and drop out, this is because the roots are weak, and therefore, first of all, they need to be restored;
  • skin diseases;
  • scalp is damaged( wounds, abrasions, scratches, etc.).

Before lamination, visit the trichologist. The specialist will assess the condition of the hair, give useful recommendations.

Lamination procedure - Pros and Cons

Before laminating, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this popular procedure.

Main advantages:

  • Appearance of the head of hear is improved( smoothness, glossy shine).
  • Curls are easy to stack.
  • After staining, the color does not wash out for a long time.
  • Curls are protected from aggressive action.
  • Due to the film, the diameter of each hair is increased.
  • Laminating composition contains useful substances, due to which the hair looks healthier and well-groomed.
  • High humidity, strong wind do not spoil the hair.
  • There are no acids or oxidants in the composition, which damage the structure of the hair.
  • Antistatic effect.
  • The cases of supersaturation are unknown, and therefore locks can be laminated quite often.


  • The lamination effect will not appear if the strands are dry, porous or severely damaged.
  • If you decide to dye your laminated strands, be prepared for the color to be uneven, and it will wash faster.
  • The film receives too little oxygen, and therefore the curls become weak.
  • After rinsing the laminating composition keratin plates are damaged, the hair becomes brittle.
  • If you want the styling to be perfect, lamination should be done every 3-4 weeks.
  • Several procedures are needed to achieve an ideal result.
  • In a salon, lamination is expensive.
  • The procedure lasts 3 hours.

Hot and cold method

The way of applying the laminating composition can be cold and hot.

Hot method

This is the most progressive and complex version, and therefore it can only be carried out by a professional.
  1. Clean semi-dry strands are treated with a compound, then it is necessary to wait until it is absorbed.
  2. After that, the curls are warmed by means of a special apparatus through a polyethylene cap or the strands wrapped in foil are straightened, the rectifier - it all depends on what components are included in the composition.
  3. Thanks to the hot method, useful substances penetrate deeply into the structure of each hair, and therefore the effect is even more noticeable.

If the curls are weak or severely cut, this method is contraindicated. The effect of high temperature can adversely affect their condition. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to assess the condition of the head of hear.

Hot lamination of hair - video

Cold lamination

It is not that complicated, and therefore it can be carried at home.

  1. First, you need to thoroughly wash your hair.
  2. Secondly, apply a nourishing mask.
  3. Third, treat the strands with a laminating compound, soak it for half an hour.
  4. And finally, you need to apply a repair mask to fix the effect.

If you do the lamination for the first time, then start with the cold method, it is more simple and safe. However, before applying, carefully read the instructions, because the holding time of different compositions is different. Do not interfere and help someone from your friends.

Types of lamination

Laminating formulations allow not only to restore the structure of hair, protect them from aggressive action, but also make it volumetric, shiny. And some formulations have a coloring effect. In the latter case, the composition includes a special pigment. Different compositions have their own characteristics and in their own way affect the curls.

Types of lamination:

  1. Conventional. Strands are sealed in a protective film, the proteins penetrate into the structure of the hair, restoring them from the inside. This is a healing procedure, for which colorless preparations are used, although some of them are intended for easy toning. In this case, natural and synthetic substances are used.
  2. Biolamination of hair. The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients. The principle is the same: the hair is covered with a protective film, useful substances penetrate inside. There are compositions with a light coloring effect.
  3. Phytolamination. This procedure is similar to biolamination, the only difference is that during the procedure the master uses professional means based on phytoextracts, vitamins. Toning effect is possible.
  4. Glazing. Helps to restore the structure, dyes the hair. The means for laminating are represented by transparent compositions and semi-stable paints without ammonia, which include ceramides.
  5. Gloss. The strands are treated with a tool, wrapped in foil, heated. There are 2 types of gloss - molecular and cuticular. In the first case, the agent is applied only to curls, and in the second - to the scalp. With the help of gloss, treat dandruff, itch, activate hair growth.
  6. Elution. The procedure is similar to glazing, allows you to restore curls and tint them. The paint works perfectly without oxidizer, since it has a very acidic environment.
    Elumination guarantees a rich and persistent color for a long time.
  7. Shielding. This way of laminating hair deeply restores, protects, strengthens the curls.

Lamination Technique

  1. Thoroughly wash hair. If you did not buy a professional kit, use a shampoo for deep cleaning. It allows you to wash the hair with dirt, dust, stowage. Repeat the procedure 3 times, rinse.
  2. Then apply a hair mask with the effect of lamination, wash it off. Rinse hair thoroughly.
  3. Dry curls with a towel, use a hairdryer is prohibited.
  4. Take the special brush and apply "laminate" on semi-dry strands according to the instructions. Retreat from the roots 3-4 cm, otherwise the skin will peel, itch, there will be dandruff. Except for formulations that are intended for application to the scalp.
  5. Then proceed in accordance with the chosen method of lamination: warm the curls or just put on the polyethylene cap, and on top - a towel or scarf.
  6. Then you need to wait a certain time( in accordance with the instruction).
  7. Gently wash the contents to avoid tangling curls. To do this, use a nourishing shampoo and conditioner.
  8. Dry the strands with heated towels, the hairdryer after home laminating is prohibited.
To keep the effect long, do not use a hairdryer, curling iron, straightener, or thermobooth for 2 days, especially if you were making gelatin lamination.

Gelatin method

The procedure for laminating in salons is quite expensive, that's why women have found an alternative. Gelatin has a suitable consistency, contains protein, collagen, amino acids, vitamins. This product balances the curls, makes them bulky and shiny. This is why homemade lamination is carried out mainly with the use of gelatin.

The main ingredients are gelatin and water, proportions depend on how long and thick the hair is. Variants of the ratio of gelatin to water: 1: 3, 2: 6, 3: 9.If the hair is short and sparse, then one packet of gelatin is enough.

Hardest to wash the mixture off hair, so that they do not get mixed up. To facilitate this procedure, add a little bit of balm or conditioner to the gelatin mask. Use warm water for rinsing.

  1. Pour the required amount of gelatin into a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Boil the water, cool, pour the powder over it, stir well. Cover, leave to swell for 10-17 minutes.
  3. Then mix again. It is important that the mass is homogeneous, if the lumps do not dissolve, then put the container on the steam bath and stir. The mixture can be slightly heated, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. Cool, add balsam, conditioner or mask, stir.
  5. Treat the strands with a "laminate".

Instead of water, you can use milk, chamomile broth or lemon juice for blondes, oak broth or carrot juice for brunettes. So, the curls will get even more useful substances.

Laminating hair with gelatin at home - video

Recipes for laminating compounds

Recipes for masks with gelatin:

  • Dilute gelatin in water, as in the main recipe above, add 20 ml of thistle oil or castor oil.
  • In the gelatin mixture add yolk, mix, treat the composition with hair.
  • Dilute 1 packet of gelatin in 60 ml of lemon juice, add there the yolk and 15 ml of shampoo.
  • Mix the ingredients, put the mixture on the steam bath until the lumps disappear completely. Done!

Masks without gelatin:

  • Mix 60 g of hops and flax fruit, pour 1 l of boiling water. After it is infused, strain, dilute with warm water. Rinse the hair in the pelvis for 10 minutes, then gently rinse.
  • Stir 120 ml of lemon juice with 30 g of starch, add 90 ml of coconut milk, 15 ml of any essential oil. Preheat the mixture on a steam bath, constantly stir so that lumps do not appear. Mask cool, apply on semidry clean curls. After 2 hours, wash with a special degreasing shampoo.
No matter which laminating method you choose( home or salon), after it, use only professional hair care products with a minimum percentage of alkali.
Discard aggressive shampoos, styling agents with alcohol in the composition. In general, treat your locks carefully, and the effect will please you for a long time.
Laminating hair at home
How to do hair lamination at home
Laminating hair with gelatin, fast and reliable way
  • May 22, 2018
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