Hydradenitis, or "bitch udder."Treatment of hydradenitis with folk and medicamentous agents

Appearing unexpectedly in the form of a slight reddening on the skin, hydradenitis develops rapidly and delivers many unpleasant sensations. If you do not take measures in time, the "bump udder" will turn into a huge cone filled with pus, which after the opening can give a relapse.


  • Reasons for the appearance of hydradenite: what provokes hydradenitis?
  • What are the symptoms of hydradenitis?
  • Types of Hydradenitis
  • Axillary Hydradenitis: Causes and Symptoms
  • Video: Underarm Hydralenitis
  • Inguinal Hydradenitis: Causes and Symptoms
  • How to treat hydradenitis? Methods for the treatment of hydradenitis
  • How to treat hydradenitis at home?
  • Antibiotics for hydradenitis
  • What should I do for the prevention of hydradenitis?
  • Treatment of hydradenitis by folk and medicament means: advice and feedback
  • Video: Treatment of hydradenitis

Hydradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat glands. Externally manifested as a seal on the skin pink or red. Gradually developing, the compaction increases in size, changes color to purple-crimson and gives a strong pain. The popular name of the disease is "bony udder", hydradenite was obtained due to the form of the abscess.

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IMPORTANT: The difficulty of treating hydradenitis is that, unlike a furuncle, the abscess does not have a rod, but infects and fills multiple sinuous sweat glands.

Reasons for the appearance of hydradenitis: what provokes hydradenitis?

Hydradenite does not occur "on level ground".The appearance and development of inflammation of the sweat glands is facilitated by factors such as:

  • infection with golden staphylococcus
  • immunodeficiency disorder
  • thyroid disease
  • diabetes
  • inadequate hygiene of the affected area
  • abuse of deodorants or other cosmetic products
  • excessive sweating( often as a result of excess weight)
  • addictionskin to rashes
  • hormonal imbalance
  • reduced skin barrier function

IMPORTANT: Hydradenitis nevere occurs in elderly people and young children. This disease in most cases affects women and men between the ages of 18 to 50 years.

What are the symptoms of hydradenitis?

Hydradenite is easy to recognize even at the very beginning of development( at the stage of infiltration).On the skin of the affected area there is a small round seal, which is easily felt with pressure and brings unpleasant sensations.

After a few days the compaction increases in size and changes color to dark pink. The pain is markedly amplified.

By 4 - 6 day, the color of the purulent cone becomes darker, and the size increases. On the surface one or several purulent heads are formed, from which a small amount of pus can be released upon pressing. There is a feeling that the abscess is already ripe, but it is not. In the hypodermic layers the process of pus formation continues. If you try to remove the non-ripened abscess of hydradenitis on your own, it will not work out completely.

By 9 - 12 the cone ripens and bursts. Its contents are a large amount of pus, in which an admixture of blood can be present. Sometimes it is possible to independently extract from the skin a yellow-green jelly-like mucous mass. After its removal, there is a void under the skin, which disappears after a few days.

After complete healing of the wound on the skin, there is an uneven scar or scar, sometimes with dense inclusions of dark color.

IMPORTANT: The closer the abscess to maturation, the less pain it delivers. Disappear or significantly reduce redness, swelling and inflammation around the outbreak. At the time of opening the abscess, you need to wash and rub the skin around the wound as often as possible to avoid infection of the neighboring sweat glands.

Hydradenitis can take chronic forms, spreading to neighboring areas. If treatment is not carried out, the disease is often complicated by the appearance of many purulent formations in various stages of development. This situation is dangerous with a high probability of infection in the blood.

Types hidradenitis sup-

hidradenitis sup- type depends on the localization of ulcers:

  • in
  • groin to the abdomen in the area of ​​armpits
  • in the anal area
  • holes on
  • genitals on his chest

According extent of hidradenitis distinguish one-sided and double-sided.

Axillary Hydradenitis: Causes and Symptoms of

  • In addition to general, the reasons for axillary hydradenitis may be a sloppy shave that results in cuts and wounds on the skin.
  • The appearance of a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands under the armpits can also be accompanied by wearing tight clothes, using deodorants, shaving aids, lotions
  • The disease begins with a mild discomfort in the armpit area. The patient begins to feel the affected area and discovers a small subcutaneous nodule, the size of a pea

IMPORTANT: If you use applications from Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol at this stage, further development of the disease can be avoided.

  • In the future, the size of the nodule increases, soreness increases, the appearance of the ulcer becomes frightening. On days 4 to 6, the pain becomes unbearable and the patient usually seeks help from a surgeon who opens the abscess and removes the contents of the abscess.
  • Often, several purulent nodes develop at the same time under the armpits. Treatment of multiple formations is performed in the surgical department. It is very dangerous to start a disease or self-medicate in such cases.

Video: Hydraliditis of axillary areas


Inguinal hydradenitis: causes and symptoms

Inguinal hydradenitis, as well as axillary, develops quite often due to the location of a number of sweat glands in the designated area. Purulent cones of hydradenitis ripen in the groin in the same scenario as the armpits. The causes are usually:

  • hygiene non-compliance
  • severe sweating
  • sloppy shave
  • ingrown hairs
  • hormonal failures
  • wearing close synthetic pants

IMPORTANT: Inguinal hydradenitis often acquires chronic recurrent forms. Because of the "intimacy" of the disease, not everyone turns to the doctor, missing valuable time and contributing to the further development and spread of hydradenitis.

Inguinal hydradenitis is one of the most painful. It is very difficult to independently carry out proper treatment and skin care in this delicate place. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of inguinal hydraenitis only with the help of an operation.

How to treat hydradenitis? Methods for the treatment of hydradenitis

Cure hydraenitis can be either alone or by surgery. If the disease is in the initial stage of development, even self-medication can give a good result. For this, you can use folk or medicines. Proceed with the treatment immediately after the detection of the compaction.

If attempts to get rid of hydradenitis were unsuccessful, and on the site of a small nodule a huge painful cone has already formed, only the surgeon can provide the necessary help. He will open an abscess, remove the contents and put the drainage in the wound. After removing the cone, several more times will have to go to the dressing and treatment of the wound.

IMPORTANT: The surgeon can not only remove the painful abscess, but also in time to notice new formations in neighboring areas, and also to assess the overall condition of the skin and subcutaneous layers around the wound.

If the disease continues to remind of itself from time to time, the patient is prescribed a course of autohemotherapy( blood transfusion), vitamin therapy, immunostimulating drugs.

How to treat hydradenitis at home?

Ilod - one of the best modern natural remedies in the fight against hydradenitis can help to quickly get rid of hydradenitis at home. Promotes the dissolution of pus in the cone or the early maturation and opening of the abscess. Relieves pain and inflammation, prevents the spread of the disease and the infection of neighboring sweat glands. At the very beginning of the disease completely "extinguishes" the focus of inflammation. Ointment is translucent, light green, has a pleasant smell of needles. The only drawback of the drug - a high price compared to its analogs

Ichthyol ointment - antiseptic, which has anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves or significantly relieves pain in an inflamed area. Apply twice a day, directly on the seal, a thin layer. Ointment is black, has an unpleasant odor.

Ointment Vishnevsky( liniment Vishnevsky) - penetrates deep inside the affected area. Has antimicrobial and drying effect, forms a protective film on the wound surface, relieves pain. Promotes rapid release of pus and tissue regeneration. It is applied to the wound twice a day. Ointment of brown color with a pungent odor, is affordable.

Levomekol - antibacterial immunostimulating agent, has antimicrobial anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid regeneration of tissues. It is applied to gauze wipes, which cover the wound after dissection and complete or partial exit of purulent contents from it. Napkins should be changed once a day.

In the initial stage of the disease, warming up the seals with dry heat is helpful. To do this several times a day, you need to apply a heated diaper to the inflamed area, folded several times.

IMPORTANT: During the treatment of hydradenitis, it is necessary to exclude from the diet acute and sweet dishes, alcohol, spices and carbonated drinks.

For those who trust the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, recipes of traditional medicine will suit:

Recipe # 1. Make a cake of honey, garlic and crushed laundry soap( 1: 1: 1).Cake put on the seal, twice a day to prepare fresh.

Recipe # 2. Mix a tablespoon of homemade sour cream with chopped garlic( 1 tsp).With the resulting slurry lubricate the affected areas.

Recipe # 3. Peel the cleared bulb in half and bake in a preheated oven. One half of the hot bulb should be wound with a bandage to the sore spot for the night.

Recipe # 4. Fry the chopped onion in butter. In "podzharku" add a laundry soap( 1ch.l.), grated on a large grater. Apply the mixture to the purulent cone and fix it with a fixative bandage.

Recipe # 5. Alternately apply clean sown leaves of cabbage and plantain to the wound. Such "compresses" will help the abscess to break through quickly.

Recipe # 6. Writing a wound to a dog that already had puppies. According to popular beliefs, the "bony udder" after that will never again make itself felt.

IMPORTANT: To prevent infection of neighboring sweat glands, the hair around the wound is neatly trimmed, and the skin is treated three times a day with alcohol or green.

Antibiotics for hydradenitis

Antibacterial agents are used to treat hydradenitis. Usually it is doxycycline and erythromycin, but other variants are possible. Only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug and its dosage after it has become familiar with the results of the tests.

What should I do to prevent hydradenitis?

Hydradenitis is easier to prevent than treat. Especially cautious should be those who are already familiar with the purulent inflammation of the sweat glands and its consequences. The main preventive measures of the disease are:

  • adherence to personal hygiene
  • careful selection of cosmetics or complete rejection of cosmetic products
  • control of blood sugar level, exclusion of staphylococcal infection
  • neat hair removal in "risk zones": underarms, in the groin, on the stomach and chest
  • axillary treatment of alcohol in momentsstrong sweating
  • avoiding contact with dusty and dirty sweaty skin

Treatment of hydradenitis with folk and medicament means: advice and feedback

Alina, 30 years old : A month after childbirth, IAn awful abscess rose under his armpit. Immediately I did not pay attention to a small painful pink spot, and when I realized that I needed to do something, it was too late. The stain turned into an abscess, color and size strongly resembling a ripe plum. At that time, I did not know anything about hydradenitis and was very frightened. My mother-in-law said that this was my "bitch's udder."On her advice, I applied onions to onion, mixed with laundry soap. I remember that it was very uncomfortable: I could not fix the bandage with the "medicine" in the right position. I suffered six days. When white heads appeared on the abscess, I tried to squeeze it out. From the wounds poured thick dirty white contents with an admixture of black blood. However, no matter how I tried, I could not completely squeeze it out. There was a feeling that there was something inside the cracked cone. In the end, I was in the surgeon's office. He anesthetized the wound and cut out the abscess, warning that it is possible to repeat this situation. Since that moment, more than a year has passed, nothing else has happened to me. I learned that hydradenite "loves" weak immunity. And he just could weaken after my birth.

Svetlana, 42 years old : For 5 years I suffer from recurrent hydradenitis. During this time, I learned to quickly recognize and prevent the development of seals at the very beginning of their inception. Ilon's ointment helps me in this. I densely lubricate the ball of hydradenite twice a day. If the process has not yet managed to go far, then after 3 days the ball disappears completely.

Katya 29 years: Surgical removal of inguinal hydradenitis has terrified me. Worse than that, nothing happened to me in my life. On the recommendation of the doctor, I submitted tests for which I was diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus. The doctor prescribed me a course of antibiotics. Now I'm just finishing taking prescribed medications. Then I will again take tests to determine if I have conquered the causative agent of hydradenitis. If staphylococcus is found again, you will have to change the treatment. I know for sure, I will go to anything, just to prevent the appearance of new abscesses on my body.

Hydradenitis is only a consequence of the action of any provoking factor. He is treated quite successfully, if the patient does not lose faith and finds the true cause of the disease. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is better to treat the "bony udder" under the supervision of a doctor who can detect the occurrence of complications in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Video: Treatment of Hydradenitis

  • May 22, 2018
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