There are times when the monthly should not start on time. Usually this should happen before the competition, vacation or filming. That's why actresses, sportswomen and ordinary women sometimes want to delay the monthly.
- How to delay the monthly for a week?
- How to delay the menstrual period for 3 days?
- How to delay monthly birth control pills for several days?
- How to delay the monthly Yarin?
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- How to delay the monthly Zhanin?
- How to delay the monthly Dufason?
- How to delay monthly Jess?
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- How to delay monthly for a week folk remedies?
- How to delay menstruation with a lemon?
- How to delay menstruation with parsley?
- VIDEO: Delay the monthly
How to delay the monthly for a week?
This can be done with the use of folk methods and hormonal drugs. Folk recipes are not always effective, but safe. Hormone preparations work smoothly, but they can cause health problems.
Common ways to delay menstruation for a week:
- Monophasic birth control pills
- Progestins
- Combined oral contraceptives
- Hemostatic drugs
Progestins are the most safe, they have virtually no effect on the menstrual cycle. After stopping their intake, menstruation will begin in a few days.
How to delay the menstrual period for 3 days?
There are several ways to move the monthly offensive by a few days. Traditional medicine offers safe, but not always effective methods. Usually recommend the use in large doses of "water pepper", ascorbic acid and nettle. If you want to delay the "red days" for 3 days, contact your gynecologist. He can prescribe such drugs:
- Vikasol
- Norkolut
- Dicycin
These are hormonal and hemostatic medicines. Dicycin forms blood clots, because of which the monthly lingers. But you can use the medicine no more than once a year.
How to delay monthly contraceptive pills for a few days?
It all depends on what drugs you take. Here is an approximate instruction on the delay of monthly contraceptives:
- Three-phase .You need to continue to drink the preparations of the third phase at the end of the cycle, that is, before the supposed start of the menstruation. That is extend for 3-4 days. After drug cancellation, a couple of days later, the monthly will begin
- COC. You need not stop taking medication after the whole package is finished. Start receiving a new pack and continue for 3-4 days. After that, take a break for 7 days, as usual. In this case, for several months the cycle may be slightly longer than usual, for example, instead of 28 days, 32
- Minipili. These are single-phase preparations, which are often prescribed during lactation. To delay the monthly, you just need to extend their intake
How to delay the monthly Yarin?
Yarina is a combined oral contraceptive. In order to delay the monthly medication, it is necessary to complete the first package( 21 units) and start a new one without taking a one-week break. After drinking 3-7 tablets, take a break for a week. At this time, bloody discharge should begin. Then again start the reception and so 21 days, again make a week break.
How to delay the monthly Zhanin?
Jeanine - this is also a COC, with his help you can postpone the monthly periods. In total there are 21 tablets in the package, all pills are the same in composition. Accordingly, you need to start receiving from a new package, after you have drunk all the old one. You can completely finish all the new packaging and take a break for 7 days. But it's better to just take 3-4 pills and make a normal week break. So, you will not move the menstruation much, and the cycle will recover faster.
If you have never before taken Janine and purchased the packaging to delay the monthly, then start taking the first day of the cycle of the supposed monthly, it will stop the bleeding.
How to delay the monthly Dufason?
Dufaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. This drug is prescribed for the threat of termination of pregnancy. He makes the endometrium in the uterus more porous and supple for conception. In addition, it slows the process of maturation of the egg and thickens the cervical mucus. With the help of this drug, you can delay the onset of menstruation.
Instruction for receiving Duphaston for delaying menstruation:
- 10 days before the expected monthly drink drug 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening
- Continue to take medicine until the first day of menstruation
- On the day of menstruation stop taking
- Monthly starts in 3 days
How to delay monthly Jess?
J's packaging is slightly different from the standard COC plate. In the packaging instead of 21 tablets, 28 pills. Four of them are inactive, that is, pacifiers.
For proper reception, you must drink 24 active pills, and then 4 pacifiers. But for delay of monthly it is necessary after reception of 24 active pills, to accept 3 active from a new packing. Then accept 4 not active, from the old packaging. Monthly will be restored.
How to delay monthly for a week folk remedies?
In popular recipes, water pepper, parsley, lemon and nettle are often used. All these herbs and products operate in different ways. Nettle - thickens the blood, and water pepper stops bleeding.
Recipes of traditional medicine:
- Water pepper. Pour a tablespoon of dry herb with boiling water and simmer for 2 minutes. Strain. Take a decoction of 150 ml three times a day. Start the procedure 3-4 days before the estimated monthly
- Nettle. This method will allow you to delay a little already started monthly. The delay will be a day. To make a drink 10 g of dried leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for 2 hours. Drink 200-250 ml three times a day before the meal
- Currant. Eat currant fruit and take tea from leaves a week before menstruation. Enough glass of berries a day. The effect of the currant is due to the high content of vitamin C
How to delay the monthly with a lemon?
To delay the monthly since ancient times, lemon is used. However, this product should not be considered completely safe. He is not allowed for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Instructions for using lemon:
- Eat 2 lemons daily with
- skin. It is not recommended to throw the citrus in tea, it is advisable to eat it fresh
- Apply lemon 5 days before the estimated monthly
How to delay the monthly with parsley?
Parsley is a common spice that helps to delay the onset of menstrual bleeding. There are several ways to use parsley:
- Eat a pinch of the seed 4 times a day. Start using the spice 3 days before the menstruation
- Tea from the seeds must be prepared by filling a spoonful of brewed seeds with a liter of cold water. Leave the liquid for 8 hours and strain. Drink 230 ml three times a day. Continue to take 3 days
- Chop a large bunch of parsley( 150 g) with stems and pour boiling water( 1000 ml).Leave for 3 hours. Take a decoction of 120 ml in the morning and in the evening a week before the monthly
To delay the months is simple enough, especially using hormonal drugs. Keep in mind that you can conduct such experiments no more than 2 times a year.
VIDEO: Delay monthly