When do dogs shed? Why does the dog molt in winter, although living on the street? How long does the spring, summer and autumn seasonal moulting last for dogs? Dog molts constantly, all year round: reasons

Causes of moulting dogs and ways to combat it. At what age does the dog begin to shed?

  • How long does the spring, summer and autumn seasonal moult last for dogs?
  • Why does the dog molt in winter, although living on the street?
  • Dog molts in winter: what to do?
  • Dog moults constantly, all year round: reasons for
  • Why does the dog molten very strongly in spring, summer, autumn: what to do?
  • What should I do and give to the dog if the dog sheds?
  • VIDEO: Causes of the moulting of a dog
  • A good dog breeder according to the condition of the fur can safely say how the dog feels at the moment and everything is good with her health. Indeed, the fur coat is the main symptom of pet disease. With a lack of vitamins and trace elements, the dog's coat first suffers.

    At what age does the dog begin to shed?

    In general, it is normal that the first molt is 6 months. In addition, the gender and breed of the dog matters. Some bitches molt and in 3 months. Pets may differ in the moult period.

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    From what age does the dog begin to shed

    How long does the spring, summer and autumnal seasonal moult last for dogs?

    Normally, the dog that lives on the street should molt twice a year. This spring and fall. It is at this time that the fur coat changes. In the spring on summer. At this time, a lot of undercoat falls out, which keeps the heat. In autumn, on the contrary, a part of thick hair falls out and the undercoat grows. By the time molting lasts 1-2 weeks. In dogs that live in an apartment or in warm rooms all the time, moulting takes place little by little and all the time.

    How long does the spring, summer and autumn seasonal moult last for dogs?

    Why does the dog molt in winter, although living on the street?

    In winter, the dog should not shed. This indicates that the pet is not all right. There are a lot of reasons, because of which there is a loss of wool in the winter.

    Causes of molting in winter:

    • You took the pass to a warm room. The animal's organism quickly reacted, and the dog gradually gets used to the new warm conditions. Even in severe frosts, dog breeders are not recommended to take the dog home.
    • Poor feed. Perhaps you gave the dog a try for new products or purchased a new food. Animals are very sensitive to changes in feeding.
    • Allergy. Think about whether you have purchased a new shampoo or injected new vitamins into your dog's diet. From this, allergies may appear.
    • Stress. Maybe the dog was fighting or you were shouting at her for something. Stressful situations immediately affect the condition of the dog's hair.
    • Vlasyad. This is a nightmare for seasoned dog breeders. This parasite eats the wool and in the outraged cases the dog can remain completely bald. It is difficult to diagnose an ailment.
    Why does the dog molt in winter, although living on the street?

    Dog molts in winter: what to do?

    Measures against winter molting:

    • Diet and vitamins. Purchase a vitamin complex and high quality dry food for the dog. Feed the dog in time.
    • Normalize the temperature. Most often molting begins when the house is very warm. If so, then do not take the dog back to the cold. Leave it until spring indoors. Moving to frost can lead to pet illness.
    • Analyze the condition of the wool. If you notice parasites, do the treatment. Even in prophylactic purposes, it is worthwhile to perform pet treatment.
    • Peace. Do not shout at the dog and try not to introduce him for a while with new people and animals.
    • Walk with a dog 2-3 times a day for a minimum of 30 minutes. If the animal lives in an enclosure, let it run.
    Dog molts in winter: what to do?

    Dog molts constantly, all year round: causes

    Causes of molting:

    • Hormonal failure
    • Digestive disorders
    • Worms
    • Dermatitis
    • Other parasites
    • Stress
    • Low humidity in the room
    • High temperature
    Dog molts constantly, all year round: reasons

    Why does the dog molts very much in spring, summer, autumn: what to do?

    The reasons for which the dog sheds are voiced above. First of all, you should exclude the possibility of infection with parasites. Hand over the analysis of the dog to the worms or skin parasites. Then take the prescribed medication.

    Of course, the modern variety of vitamin products for pets allows not only to maintain the dog's health for the purpose of prevention at the level necessary for active life, but also to prevent the emergence of various ailments. Each dog breeder should clearly know that an overdose of vitamins in order to "speed up the effect" can sometimes cause irreparable harm - hypervitaminosis is as dangerous as hypovitaminosis. This will lead to the emergence of new ailments.

    What to do when moulting:

    • Bitches often molt before estrus. This is due to a change in the hormonal background. In this case, after the estrus, the condition of the coat will be restored.
    • Better feed the dog. Get a special food with a high content of microelements and vitamins.
    • Enter in the diet vitamins. This can be as tablets or special products.
    • Always walk the dog. It is necessary that the dog is constantly in motion. She must run. To do this, choose outdoor games.
    Why does the dog molten very strongly in the spring, summer, autumn: what to do?

    What should I do and give to the dog if the dog sheds?

    Drugs and dog food that shed:

    • Food. It is necessary to give food that is of good quality. The best are considered to be Royal Canean with Hills, Bosch with Eucanuba, ProPlan with Akana and Origen with Belkando. They contain many minerals and trace elements. Such feeds will suit both young puppies and bitches in time of estrus. Suitable for dogs that feed puppies.
    • Enter into the diet natural meat. This pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, meat is often replaced by byproducts. They do not need to boil. Can be given in raw form.
    • Vitamin Complexes. Here's the list: Vitamins for dogs 8in1, Adult Multi Vitamin, GelaBon plus, Vitamins Beaphar, Top 10. Please note that not all vitamin complexes work well. The fact is that there are corrective drugs that are used to eliminate the deficit of a particular vitamin. In case of hair loss, purchase complex and universal products.

    In addition to errors in nutrition and a lack of vitamins, there are also parasites. For prevention, you can use drops, shampoos, collars and wool processing solutions.

    What should I do and give to the dog if the dog sheds?

    Overview of preparations for wool from parasites:

    • Aversect
    • Stronghold
    • Rolf-3D
    • Bars Forte
    • Fiprist
    • Advantix
    • Bolfo spray

    The active substance is selected depending on the ailment of the dog. There are universal drugs that help from a large number of parasites. It is best to use shampoos. They, unlike sprays, they penetrate deep into the skin and help get rid of even the withers.

    What should I do and give to the dog if the dog sheds?

    Of course, the list of drugs is far from complete. But, choosing a preparation for the pet and relying on the recommendations of acquaintances and ratings, every owner should remember that suitable vitamins for the dog are not "the best" or "the most expensive" in the line of products available on the market. Vitamin-mineral complex is selected strictly individually.

    What should I do and give to the dog if the dog sheds?

    Only a specialist can prescribe a vitamin complex. For this purpose, a number of studies are carried out and the causes of molting are elucidated. Often it is necessary to purchase preparations for treating wool from parasites.

    VIDEO: Causes of shedding of a dog

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