Psychology of the girl's education. How to raise a girl in an incomplete family?

This article will help parents understand how to educate a girl and not allow serious mistakes in education.


  • Education of girls
  • Education of girls from birth
  • Education of girls in the year
  • Education of girls from 2 years to 5 years
  • Education of girls 6 years - 9 years
  • Education of girls without father
  • Education of girls by father
  • Education of two girls
  • Incorrect education of girls
  • Sex education of girls
  • Strict education of girls
  • Physical education of girls
  • Problems of education of girls
  • Differences in the education of boys and girls
  • Tips for raising girls
  • Video: Parenting girls, features and practical advice of a psychologist

To raise a daughter a good girl, parents need to make efforts and approach the process of education competently.

Features of the education of girls

General features of the education of girls regardless of age, read in the article What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

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Raising a girl from birth

  • Girls from birth to a year still may not realize the meaning of all my mother's words. But the little one feels my mother's embraces and kisses
  • Therefore, from the very beginning of childhood regret, kiss, hug your baby more often
  • Do not shout at her when she does not want to sleep or badly eats
  • Cries and criticism of the child at an early age can affect the psyche of the baby

Raising a girl in a year

  • After a year the girl begins to be affectionate: she can kiss, hug mom herself. Be sure to tell her the same thing, so that the baby does not think that you do not like her.
  • This is the age when girls begin to be interested in combs, mother's beads, lipsticks. This is the right time to instill in a child the need to be beautiful. Tell her why all these interesting things are needed for
  • Tell us that it's beautiful when a girl is wearing beads when she makes a beautiful hairstyle. Explain that the hair must be combed several times a day
  • If you start trying to explain it to your daughter only by the age of 7, it may be too late: the girl already has her habits and will not be able to get used to combing her hair, for example

Howto behave with daughter in a year:

  • Be gentle and tender. The girl must feel that her mother loves and will not let her offend
  • Teach to hygiene: wash your hands, brush your teeth
  • Comb your hair and braid your hairstyle if the length of your hair allows the
  • Do not let your daughter walk untidy or dirty
  • Accustom to folding toysin places after the games
  • Dress up the baby and show it in the mirror. Give the child to understand that you need to dress nicely and watch yourself
  • Praise your daughter for all her achievements: for the collected pyramid, for the ability to throw garbage into the trash. Every little thing should be noticed by you. Then the child will want to do more and more often such actions and strive for them.
  • . If the girl wants to repeat after you the manipulation of the broom - do not say "you can not."Give it to sweep the floor itself, just then wash your hands

IMPORTANT: To raise your daughter a real beauty, mistress and just a kind girl, you need to instill appropriate habits already from a small age

_5"> Raising a girl from 2 years to 5 years

First, all the rulesand the tips from the previous section continue to be relevant.

Secondly , many new moments are added:

  • During this period, your daughter will experience a crisis of 2-3 years of age. Your daughter will seem sometimes uncontrollable and through a chur independent. During this period, you will hear more and more "I myself".Let the daughter do something on her own. Even if it does not work out very well - you better remake this
  • But the point is not to crush the desire to do something in the child. And when the baby will arrange uncontrolled hysteria, do not shout at her. You can raise your voice and say that you can not. And if possible - then find a compromise

  • During this period, the child will increasingly climb where he can not. At this age, the girl can already fully understand what her mother explains to her. Explain slowly and clearly why it can not be: dangerous, harmful
  • Plant a love for purity. That the daughter was the good mistress in the future to begin it is necessary already at such age. Let it help you cook dinner. After eating, ask to help you wash the dishes: let him bring you a plate from the table. Learn to put things on the shelves. She still can not get to do it neatly. But here the very essence is important, that the girl knew: it is necessary to do

  • Do not overdo it with guardianship. You might think that if you have a daughter, then she can not climb where the boy could be. But this is not so. Allow her to climb where she wants, but explain that you can do this only when you are near
  • . Follow the relationship with her husband. Scandals badly affect the psyche of your daughter. It will become clamped and unsure of itself
  • The clinging and self-doubt will appear due to the lack of interest. Do not spare pleasant words and kisses for the daughter
  • Repeat to her daughter that she is beautiful. But do not say that the other girls are ugly. Otherwise, you will receive in a few years, through a churlish self-confident and even arrogant person

IMPORTANT: This difficult age must be endured with dignity to my mother and father. At this age you will see the character of your little lady. Help her in her endeavors and take her sometimes stubborn behavior as a developed character trait

Raising a girl of 6 years - 9 years old

During this period, you need to consolidate in the daughter those skills and knowledge that you instilled in her under the age of 6 years.

Continue to teach the girl cleanliness, caring for herself, kindness.

But at this age is added to the mother several more tasks :

  • At this age, your daughter will go to school. There she can meet harmful and ill-bred children. Prepare her for this. Explain that such children should not be an example for your daughter
  • . During this period, the mother is often overly cared for by her daughter. Do not do this, because at the earliest opportunity your daughter will break out from under your care and may even begin to cheat to do what you do not allow her.
  • Your daughter will show up at her friend's school. Sometimes they will swear. Help the daughter understand the causes of the quarrel. And if your daughter is not right, tell her about it, explaining the reason. So you will teach your daughter that she can not always be right. If this is not done at this age, then the girl will be difficult to communicate and be friends in the future. Self-confidence is a good trait when it is justified by

  • . Incline your daughter to participate in various contests and competitions. Temper it with competitive qualities. Encourage victories and support with losses
  • If the daughter categorically refuses to participate - do not force. Perhaps, there will still be a contest in which the daughter will want to participate herself
  • Show an example of her daughter. After all, it is mother for the girl who is an example for imitation of

. IMPORTANT: At this age, the most false can be taught to the daughter to cope with conflict situations in school.

. Education of girls without a father.

. For the rules of raising a daughter without a father, read in the article. What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

Education of girls by the father

Father must participate in the education of his daughter.

Such words that the father should raise a son, and the mother-daughter - are absolutely unjustified and wrong. This is an incorrect stereotype in the society.

The role of the father of in the upbringing of the daughter:

  • The father must be a support. The daughter must trust her father, respect him. The father should be interested in why a daughter in a bad mood and help her cope with a difficult situation with her advice
  • The father should in no case be an intimidating subject in her life. Do not tell the child that the pope will come, learn about everything and punish so that it does not seem too small. Do not bully the child
  • The goal of the father is to get the daughter's trust. Then she will be able to talk about her problem. And you will help her to solve it with her male advice

  • Spend time with your daughter: play catch-up, roll on an impromptu horse, throw

  • . From the father's participation in the upbringing of the daughter will depend on her relationship with men in the future. She unconsciously will look for a man who conforms to the stereotype that emerged from her childhood

IMPORTANT: Often it is the father who can help the daughter to cope with the problem, since the mother is too strong to take care of her daughter and may not show all the realities of life.

. Education of two girls.

. In the education of two daughters,the same rules as in the upbringing of one daughter( read above) with some peculiarities:

  • Give the same amount of attention to both daughters of the
  • Do not tell one daughter that the second is better than something
  • Teach them to be friends with each other. Do not encourage quarrels. Learn to forgive each other and apologize if someone is wrong

Incorrect education of girls

The main options for improper parenting are:

  • Excessive custody. Parents can not give their daughter step a step to the side, patronize every minute, control all aspects of the child's life. Such behavior can lead to the fact that the daughter will either be squeezed and hesitant in the future;or, on the contrary, getting out of the control of parents, will do unacceptable things, which will lead to immoral behavior of
  • Insufficient attention to the child. If the child grows on its own, then it becomes aggressive, closed. At an older age, such children often leave home and associate with bad companies
  • Impunity. Children whose parents do not punish them for bad deeds and are allowed to do everything in a row grow up unprepared for adulthood. In the future, no one will forgive them for their irresponsible behavior: they can be expelled from the university for school admissions, and they can be dismissed at work for being late and for failing to fulfill the responsibilities of
  • . Priority of another child. Parents who praise only the second child, risk that the daughter will grow clamped and unsure of himself
  • Too tough upbringing. A child who was beaten with a belt as a child or constantly scolded, will grow up morose, timid. And the most terrible consequence of such education is anger that can manifest itself at an older age and even lead to the crimes of

  • Constant reproaches. If the parents reproach the child for every wrong act - such a child will be complex and irresolute

Sex education for girls

Sex education for girls begins at about the age of 10-12 years. It all depends on your daughter. Sometimes girls and at 12 years old play dolls and think not about boys. And someone already in 10 years wants to like boys and attract their attention.

How awkward to you, explain to the daughter how to behave with the boys: tell me when you can kiss, and when you can not;tell me where the children are coming from and how to prevent their appearance at an early age.

IMPORTANT: The reason for pregnancy at the age of 10-14 years is most often the uninformed child. The girl often does not even realize what she is doing.

A teenage daughter should already talk about contraception.

And if the daughter herself asks you such questions, then you must necessarily give her an answer to them. Do not leave the answer just because you are uncomfortable. Answer must be clearly and confidently. Do not let your child feel your embarrassment.

Strict education of girls

The problem of very strict upbringing is partially touched on in the section above "Improper education of girls".

Strict upbringing of the daughter should be in moderation: do not let the daughter commit bad deeds, sometimes punish the case, do not use the belt in the education of the girl for every case of disobedience.

Physical education of girls

The physical education of girls is also important, like boys. This temperes the character, accustoms to order and sensitivity of actions.

Physical education depending on age may include:

  • Weather dressing
  • Generation of
  • mode Hardening
  • Hygienic procedures
  • Charging in the morning
  • Training in the special section
  • Training with parents: running, cycling, roller skating

It's better to identify the girl inany section for physical education: gymnastics, dances, karate, volleyball. The choice is yours and your child.

If the daughter does not want to go to the dances after several classes - find out the reason. Perhaps the reason is not in dancing, as such, but in a disliked coach.

If the child does not want to attend the chosen type of occupation - choose another. While the daughter has not reached adolescence - try different directions until you find the right one.

IMPORTANT: Do not force the daughter to do karate if she wants to be a gymnast. Listen to your girlfriend

Problems of educating girls

Problems of educating girls arise when parents ignore the rules of upbringing and raise their daughter incorrectly( for more details, see above)

Differences in the education of boys and girls

About the differences in upbringing read in the article What is the difference between raising a girl andthe boy? How to raise a boy and a girl

Tips for the education of girls

On the specifics of education can be read in the sections above and in the article What is the difference between raising a girl and a boy? How to raise a boy and a girl.

And here are the most important short but understandable tips:

  • Love your daughter the way she is
  • Pity, hug, kiss
  • Say nice words
  • Learn how to be a mistress, teach to be feminine from an early age
  • Pay attention to the daughter
  • Do not punisheach case

  • Help to deal with problems not as a strict parent, but as a friend or friend
  • Do not spoil your daughter
  • Do not exaggerate her dignity over others. Otherwise, you will receive the arrogant girl

Do not let your daughter grow up alone, do not be lazy, do it and then your daughter will grow up to be a good and successful person.

Video: Education of girls, features and practical advice of a psychologist

  • May 22, 2018
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