Herb hyssop medicinal: medicinal properties and contraindications. Hyssop: application in folk medicine for children from cough, treatment of bronchial asthma, for hair growth

Hyssop is effective in the treatment of many serious diseases, but it must be used with caution because of a number of existing contraindications.

Contents of

  • What is hyssop, what does it look like, in a different way, is the interpretation of
  • Hyssop usefulness and harm, therapeutic properties, contraindications
  • Video: Hyssop Useful properties
  • Hyssop essential oil, decoction, tea: application
  • How to brew hyssop?
  • Hyssop: application in folk medicine for children from cough
  • How to treat asthma with hyssop?
  • How to apply hyssop for hair?
  • When to collect hyssop for drying for the winter, how to harvest?
  • Video: Hyssop officinalis

Worthy replacement of universal unpretentious plant, used in medicine and cooking since the 10th century, has not yet been found. Hyssop is indispensable both in the treatment of certain diseases, and in the creation of culinary masterpieces.

What is hyssop, what does it look like, in a different way, is the description of

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Hyssop is a semi-shrub plant that reaches 80 cm in height, mainly in Africa and Eurasia, but also found in the Caucasus.

Blossoming hyssop

Numerous stems of the plant have a quadrangular shape, directly on them are planted long, slightly rounded down along the edges and sharp at the ends of the leaves. Inflorescences are located above the leaves and resemble collected oblong spikelet with purple, pink or blue corolla.

Blossoms hyssop for a very long time, new flowers from spikeletlets replicate each other every 5-7 days. In August, in place of the buds that are beginning to fade, fruits begin to appear - the nut-colored trihedral seeds of brown color.

Hyssop in the people is still known as blue St. John's wort, bee grass, sacred grass, suzop, gysop, yuzefka .

Propagates hyssop both by seeds and by dividing the rhizome. Transplantation and changes in climatic conditions are excellent.


Hyssop use and harm, therapeutic properties, contraindications

Hyssop can be safely called a versatile multifunctional plant:

  • Uncomplicated and decorative, it can decorate the rock gardens and front gardens of private houses .It is easy to get along with other plants, it does not require special care and, if grown well, can play the role of a hedge.
  • The long and abundant hyssop blossom, as well as its pleasant aroma attracts bees, so it can be planted between vegetable beds
  • Hyssopare used as an ingredient for the preparation of various folk antitussive, wound healing, antiseptic, anthelmintic agents
  • The plant is spicy seasoning and is widely used inLinaro

Medicinal properties of the plant is due to its unique rich composition. It contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, oleanolic acid and vitamin C .The main medicinal properties of hyssop:

  • antimicrobial
  • expectorant
  • analgesic
  • diuretic
  • exciting
  • zharoponizhayusche
  • laxative

However, hyssop has a number of contraindications:

  • case of overdose hyssop come spasms
  • Hyssop is forbidden to use children, pregnant and lactating women
  • Not recommended for gastric hyperacidity
  • Use of hyssop with hypertensive patients and people suffering from epilepsy and seizures is not allowed
Hyssop is usedas a cough remedy

Video: Hyssop Useful properties

Hyssop essential oil, decoction, tea: application

Light emerald-colored hyssop essential oil with a tart-sweet smell is obtained from the leaves of the plant. It is used for angina, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, depression, nervous exhaustion, stress .Also, essential oil of hyssop helps to normalize the pressure.

In bronchitis, rubbing is effective: essential oil of hyssop( 20 drops) is mixed with vegetable oil( 40 drops) and carefully rubs the chest and back of the patient for 10 to 15 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day( morning and evening) until the condition is relieved.

People prone to depressions and nervous disorders should take baths with hyssop oil .In the bath add 5 - 7 drops of essential oil and for 7 - 10 minutes, breathe in its aroma, taking a bath.

A hyssop of is recommended for use in women with sweating during menopause. Prepare the broth as follows: 1 tsp.dry herbs pour 200 g of steep boiling water and leave under a tightly closed lid for 2 - 2.5 hours. Then take 3 times a day for 70 g before eating.

Tea from hyssop , which has a diuretic effect, is drunk hot, allowing it to infuse for 7-10 minutes.

Hyssop tea has a diuretic effect.

. How correctly to brew hyssop?

The recipe for hyssop welding depends on the purpose for which the product will be used.

With bronchitis: Dry hyssop flowers( 1 tbsp.) Are poured with boiling water( 1 L) and allowed to steep for 1 to 1.5 hours. Then the infusion is filtered through a fine sieve, add sugar( 1 tbsp.) To it and mix thoroughly. Drink to 0.5 tbsp.1 time per day.

For colds: Dry crushed leaves and stems of hyssop( 1 tsp) are poured with boiling water( 1 tbsp.) And insisted under the lid for about 2 hours. Take 0.3 liters 3 times a day. In the prepared infusion, you can add sugar, honey and lemon to taste.

Hyssop: application in traditional medicine for children from cough

It is not recommended to apply hyssop for treatment of children, but if the attending physician has agreed to use antitussive drugs based on it, it should be done very carefully, observing the reaction of the child to the drug.

Children older than 3 years are offered a hyssop broth twice a day( morning and evening) for 100 g before meals. If the child has signs of an allergy, you must immediately stop treatment, give an antihistamine and seek medical attention.

Hyssop is not recommended for cough treatment in children

How to treat asthma with hyssop?

For treatment of bronchial asthma it is necessary to drink infusion of hyssop with a course of 1 month, without breaks. Prepare the infusion as follows: crushed dry hyssop( 3 tablespoons) pour in a liter thermos with boiling water and after 5 minutes close the lid. After 1.5 hours, the infusion is set, then again poured into a thermos bottle. Drink hot, 1 spoon before each meal.

IMPORTANT: As for the possibility of combining asthma treatment with hyssop infusion and other means, consult a physician.

How to apply hyssop for hair?

When hair falls out and dulls the shampoo( or balm), hyssop essential oil is added.15 grams of shampoo will need 2 drops of oil. Regular use of this remedy will help to restore the hair within 1.5 - 2 months and stop their loss. Also, hyssop oil helps with the appearance of dandruff.

IMPORTANT: Do not increase the amount of oil in the shampoo. It will not profit, but it can.

Hyssop essential oil strengthens hair

When to collect hyssop for drying for winter, how to harvest?

For drying, hyssop is harvested in July-August, cutting off the top flowering shoots. Dry them, spreading a thin layer and not allowing direct sunlight and moisture. You can also tie the branches of hyssop for drying under a canopy, flowers down.

After drying, hyssop becomes prickly and hard, so grind it carefully.

If hyssop is to be used as a seasoning, then it must be cut at the time of maximum flowering. This herb has the strongest aroma and ability to improve the taste of dishes.

Hyssop is cut to dry at the time of maximum flowering

IMPORTANT: The color of the plant is preserved even after drying, so if you need to make seasoning in different colors, you need to dry the blue, pink and purple hyssop separately from each other.

Store hyssop best in a cotton bag or closed tin cans. However, after 6 - 8 months of storage, its aroma weakens and disappears.

Those who have the opportunity to land a hyssop on the plot of land should certainly do so. This unique plant should always be at hand, as it can come in handy at any time.

Video: Hyssop officinalis

  • May 22, 2018
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