How to fall in love with a girl?

The topic of today's article " How to fall in love with a girl " will be interesting to men who are trying to achieve the love of some hard-hearted young lady, but they do not work.

And to those gentlemen who do not suffer from unrequited love, but just want to increase their chances of success for the opposite sex, it will also be useful to read the advice of a real macho who will win a girl - just spit.

Serezha knows how to fall in love with a girl

I wrote this article to attract a real expert on the conquest of women.

That's honestly, I do not exaggerate the ability of Serezha to win women's hearts.

He is the son of my godmother and from the age of 15 he meets with the girls he wants.

He does not know what a broken heart is, because he never experienced unrequited love.

Initially, in the conquest of women's hearts, his natural appeal and charisma worked, but gradually Seryozha comprehended all the wisdom of communicating with the female sex in order to further strengthen his position and not lose the opportunity to fall in love with any girl.

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Now Sergei is 31 years old. He passed all the tests with copper pipes, was fed up with female attention and fleeting novels.

Settled down 2 years ago, having established a serious relationship with Marina.

On the day of their acquaintance Seryozha decided to fall in love with a girl just like that, out of habit, but soon realized that he fell in love with himself, and that Marina is his second half.

Despite the fact that the series of hunters for girlish hearts Serezha voluntarily left, he did not lose his skill and is ready to share his knowledge on how to fall in love with a girl with less fortunate brothers in arms.

You can not fall in love with a girl without an attractive appearance.

Not only men love eyes.

Girls also appreciate the attractive appearance and well-groomed appearance.

Serezha was lucky: Mom and Dad made him a beautiful boy.

If you are less fortunate, and even an infinitely loving mother did not call you handsome, you do not need to fall into despair.

You can still fall in love with a girl, if you put in order your appearance. For this you need:

  1. To wash and shave.

    You should have clean hair and a fragrant shower gel and a good deodorant body.

    Girls also love those who are not too lazy to shave in the mornings, and not those who, wanting to sleep 15 minutes longer, prick their bristles.

    If you wear a fashionable now beard, then remember that you also need to take care of it.

    The beard should be neat, and not look like an uncombed dirty washcloth.

  2. Make a manicure and a pedicure.

    Discard stereotypes that such procedures are done only by "homosexuals."

    You do not live in the Stone Age!

    The girl you want to fall in love with, like the soft skin on your limbs and polished clean nails.

    But dirty hoofs do not excite any of the ladies, unless, of course, you do not hunt for a pervert.

  3. Dress up.

    Clothes and shoes must be:

    1. fashionable;
    2. clean;
    3. in good condition.

    But it's not necessary to chase brands, if your financial condition does not allow you to buy designer clothes and shoes.

    How to become attractive: advice from a psychologist

  4. To put in order the figure.

    If you are skinny dohlyak - go to the gym, if you suffer from extra pounds, then discard them immediately.

    Slender, moderately muscular body - a powerful bonus when trying to fall in love with a girl.

The mind is a sexual organ that will help fall in love with a girl

Remember the anecdote that women are excited by a male organ consisting of two letters, that is - the mind.

Nerds, for sure, will now begin to insist that "the mind is not an organ".

It is so, but the essence of the anecdote is not this, but that women like smart, intellectually developed men.

Quote in the original Lao Tzu, talking on a date about impressionists and replacing ordinary words with those learned from the "Dictionary of Scientific Terms" is optional.

But if your vocabulary is limited to half a word, the last thing you read is Murzilka magazine, and your favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber, then it's hard to fall in love with a girl.

You should be a pleasant interlocutor, understand at the domestic level in art, literature, science, know the knowledge from the school curriculum and, preferably, have( or receive) higher education.

How do you like the girl?

And girls like to be invited not only to a bar for beer, but also to exhibitions, theater and cinema premieres, concerts.

The main thing, remember that between a clever interesting interlocutor and boring botanom is a fine line, so do not go over it, especially if you try to fall in love with not a candidate of sciences, but a simpler girl.

Character traits and qualities that a man must have in order to fall in love with a girl

With the appearance, with the importance of having a mind in the skull, too, now it remains to understand what character traits and qualities a man should have to fall in love within itself the girl.

Seryozha is convinced( and I fully agree with him) that this is:

  1. Self-confidence, but not turning into self-confidence or narcissism.

    It is a question of that you should not blush, grow pale or stutter, looking at the object of your unrequited love, but behave naturally and confidently.

  2. Kindness.

    Again, being kind does not mean being soft, roaring over a crushed bug and letting everyone ride.

    This means - do not offend the weak, sympathize and help to the best of their abilities to someone else's trouble, do not treat aggressively towards others.

  3. Generosity.

    If your breed is an ordinary chew, then forget that you can fall in love with a girl.

    To fall in love with a girl can a generous man who pays for her in a restaurant, gives flowers and gifts that she can provide a comfortable life.

  4. Fun and cheerfulness.

    First, stop whining and complaining about life, keep a cheerful disposition of the spirit and faith in the best, no matter what.

    Secondly, learn how to wittily joke to raise the mood of others.

  5. Perspective.

    Even if you are a schoolboy, you must demonstrate to the girl you want to fall in love with, your prospects: you study well, you are going to enter the institute, you are fluent in English, you go to the sports section, etc.

    Men after 25 years are required to have a good job and material security, otherwise, like you, unemployed, poor and unpromising, want to fall in love with a girl?

Well, if you also have such qualities as reliability, punctuality, courage, sociability, sexuality, endurance, openness to everything new.

Yes, I agree, it is not easy with us, ladies, but these difficulties are nothing compared to the possibility to fall in love with the girl of your dreams.🙂

A few more interesting and useful tips for

are waiting for you in the video below.

Take a note:

How to fall in love with a girl: 5 additional tips

If you are beautiful and smart, and have a whole set of positive qualities, but fall in love with a girl does not work, then the problem is in the wrong approach to it.

How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

Here are 5 practical tips from Serezha how to care for a girl:

  1. Be a romantic, make her pleasant surprises( order flowers at home or in the office, send an invitation to a concert of her beloved band, write a love letter, etc.), but do not overdo it - romance also gets bored.
  2. Do not run after the girl dog, even if in love with the ears, otherwise she will simply stop seeing you as a man.
  3. Study the page of a girl in social networks and find out from your mutual friends about her favorite music, films, restaurants - in general, fully study her tastes to use this knowledge in the process of conquering the fortress.
  4. Behave yourself uninhibited and naturally, if you cross on some seating.

    Jokes, tell stories, pay attention, let the girl see that you are the soul of the company.

  5. Be honest with her.

    Sometimes, just confessing feelings is the best way to fall in love with a girl.

And the last advice from Serezha, but he is no longer about how how to fall in love with a girl : do not play with women's hearts.

My friend regrets that sometimes he did something dishonest with the young ladies, won their games for fun, without feeling responsive.

To my fellow readers he advises to try to fall in love with a girl, only if he himself has strong, deep and real feelings for her.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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