How to feed a child in 1 year? Child nutrition in 1 year: menu, mode, scheme, table

How to make a menu for a one-year-old child. Features of feeding and diet.


  • What can I give to a child in a year?
  • Child nutrition in 1 year: table
  • Approximate child menu in 1 year
  • Child nutrition mode in 1 year by the hour: scheme
  • Meat norm for a child 1 year
  • New dishes for a child in 12 months: recipes
    • How and what to feed a child inyear, video

How and what to feed the baby in a year? What kind of diet should be observed and how to make a menu correctly? The article will answer all questions related to the nutrition of a one-year-old baby.

What can I give a child in a year?

  • The kid turned 12 months old or 1 year old. This is an important and significant event for both the baby and the parents. The little man continues to grow, which means that for its proper development and health, a balanced and nutritious diet is required.
  • Now it's time to reconsider the feeding regime of the child, the composition and quality of the dishes offered. By this time the baby has already got acquainted with some "adult" food products, he has the first teeth, he is becoming more active physically and mentally.
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One-year-old baby requires a balanced and balanced diet.

. What kind of foods can I give to a one-year-old baby?

The porridge remains the No. 1 food in the one-year-old baby's diet. It is a source of carbohydrates for replenishing the energy supply of the growing body, vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins of the B group.

In addition to the favorite buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, the menu can be supplemented with no less useful porridges: corn and wheat. At this age, the dish can no longer be turned into puree gruel, but rather a well-boiled porridge.

They are boiled in milk and given to the baby for breakfast. When intolerance to milk protein, porridge should be cooked on water or vegetable broth.

Dairy and sour-milk products - the main component of nutrition for babies 1 year of age. And this is the source of protein, calcium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, necessary for the development of the child's bone tissue and electrolyte balance in the body.

In a day a child in 1 year should receive up to 200 ml of kefir or before 300 ml of yogurt. Use "live" yogurts that have not been thermally processed. Such yoghurts are useful for maintaining the normal microflora of the baby's intestines.

Dairy products are important for children

Curd can be used in pure form or diluted with a small amount of yogurt. Children love sweet cheese cakes, casseroles or puddings from cottage cheese. Give cottage cheese should be in quantities up to 70 g per day or up to 140 g once every two days.

Cheese hard can be alternated with cottage cheese. It is rubbed on a fine grater and used in casseroles or sprinkled with pasta.

Natural butter is added to the ready-made cereal or mashed potatoes. It can be spread on bread in the form of a sandwich. Daily rate - up to 12 g .

IMPORTANT: Dairy products for toddlers must be manufactured according to the standards for baby food, be marked with the expiration date and the rules for storage of products.

Bakery products in the form of white bread give 100 g per day in the amount of .Rye bread can cause the processes of fermentation in the abdomen of the baby.

Pasta can be entered into the year-old child's menu in the amount of 25-30 g not more often 1-2 times a week .

Soup puree from green peas

Broths and soups - dishes to which the child should be taught from 1 year. On light broths from loin of lean poultry or veal cook soups, filling them with vegetables, cereals, pasta. Vegetable broths - an excellent basis for children's borsch, soups with meat or fish meatballs or vegetable soups, mashed potatoes.

Vegetable and fruit puree is a must for the baby. It is a source of vitamins, microelements and other nutrients for the baby. Prepare mashed potatoes from various vegetables and fruits, the main thing is that the baby does not have any allergies to these foods.

Strawberries, cherries, currants, apricots, cherries and other fruits and berries should be present in the child's menu during the season. It is better to use "green vitamins" grown in your garden or in the locality.

Berries and fruit with a dense skin is better to grind in puree, and peaches, kiwi, apricots, you can cut into small slices.

Beets, carrots, tomatoes, green peas and beans, broccoli, pumpkin - very good for vegetable puree for baby.

IMPORTANT: Vegetables containing a large amount of fiber: beet, cabbage, beans, etc. should be thoroughly boiled and grinded to avoid intestinal colic and abdominal distention in the child.

New fruits, berries and vegetables should be injected gradually in small doses, tracking how the child reacts to these foods. Fresh fruits and berries give the baby in quantity - 200-250 g per day.

Assortment of dishes for baby

Fresh juices, compotes, kissels, weak tea from fruits, berries and dried fruits give the child during a lunch or a snack in the volume of 100 ml of per day.

Meat is an important source of protein food for a growing baby. It is preferable for the baby to give poultry, rabbit, veal in the form of steam cutlets, casseroles, meatballs. Meat should be in the daily nutrition of the child in the amount of 60-80 g per day .

Veal and chicken liver is a valuable nutritional product for a small man. It contains iodine, zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin A, D, B-vitamins. The kid can diversify the diet by adding to the menu dishes from the liver. Pates, puddings, hepatic steam cutlets-pancakes, soup-purees - are tasty and useful. Children quickly get used to eating, containing the liver and love it.

Fish in the amount of 40 g once or twice a week diversifies the baby's diet. From fish soups are cooked, steamed cutlets, zrazes or stewed in the form of pieces of fillets.

Chicken eggs fresh give up to 3 pieces per week. Steam omelettes from eggs and milk are well absorbed by the children's body and are loved by the kids. Boiled egg yolk can be given separately during breakfast or dinner. Added eggs in cutlets, soufflé or cheese cakes should be taken into account when calculating the egg rate for a child.

Water is a necessary link between meals and must enter the diet of the child without fail. For drinking, you should use clean water for children with appropriate certificates.

IMPORTANT: It should be remembered: juices, compotes, teas, herbal infusions can not replace water. It is recommended to give the child a clean or boiled water during the day as much as he likes. Limit the consumption of water should only be before night sleep.

Clear water must be in the child's diet without fail

Salt is used for salting foods. One-year-old child is sufficient to 1 g salt per day.

It is better not to use in the baby's diet, so as not to accustom it to sweetness from the very childhood. It is better to prepare juices, drinks, compotes in general without the addition of sugar. If there is such a need, then the daily rate of sugar consumption is - 30-40 g .

It is better to add it in small quantities, only in order to give the dish a taste. Harmful for baby sugar is better to replace with fructose .Sometimes it is possible to pamper the karapuza with sweets: a piece of pastille or jam cooked on fructose.

Allergy-causing products

What can not be given to a one-year-old baby?

  • Meat products practically do not contain meat: 100 g of cooked sausage or 2 sausages contain not more than 7 g of meat. To that they have a lot of dangerous for the child "yeshki": stabilizers, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. In addition, these products have the property to quickly deteriorate when improperly stored.
  • Sweet, sparkling water is not allowed in the baby's food.
  • Citrus fruits are provocateurs of allergy, therefore it is undesirable to introduce them into the food of a one-year-old child.
  • mushrooms are considered to be a heavy protein food, especially for children.
  • The nuts of are poorly absorbed by children.
  • Chocolate can cause allergies and excite the child's nervous system, which negatively affects the health of the baby.
  • Semi-prepared foods and canned products of should not be present in the baby's diet because of the large amount of preservatives and stabilizers of synthetic origin.
Cooking rules for children are important and have their own characteristics.

. Feeding a child in 1 year: table

. As a rule, there are already several teeth and a chewing apparatus capable of coping with harder food. The amount of food for a year-old baby should be 1200-1250 ml per day. It is recommended to distribute this amount of food as follows:

  • breakfast - 25%
  • lunch - 35%
  • snack( snack) - 15%
  • dinner - 25%

IMPORTANT: The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation sets approximate infant nutritional intake rates for the day. So for children from 1 year to 3 years, they are: 53 g protein, 53 g fat and 212 g carbohydrates.

Eating a year-old baby should provide him with the right calories for a full development. In a year the child requires an average of 100-102 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per day.

For example, a carapace weighing 10 kg should receive at least 1000-1020 calories per day with food. Despite the fact that the child actively moves and spends a lot of energy, one should not exceed the calorie content of food, in order to avoid possible obesity in the future.

We offer an approximate table with a menu for a one-year-old baby for a week.

Sample menu for a one-year-old for seven days

Sample child menu in 1 year

The menu for a one-year-old should be full and varied

A one-year-old child is growing rapidly, so a normal and varied diet is required for the normal physiological development of the baby. At this stage of growing a small baby, mother's milk can not replace products containing a lot of vitamins, biologically active substances, minerals.

IMPORTANT: If the child at this age still receives breast milk, you should not abandon it. Apply the baby to your chest before going to bed. The kid will receive his portion of mother's milk and tune in to a strong night's sleep.

We offer an approximate menu for the one-year-old child .

  • Breakfast: 8.00 Milk - 200 ml or porridge - 150 ml, boiled chicken yolk - 1 \ 2 pieces, fruit puree - 50 g, weak tea - 100 ml, white bread - 20 g.
  • Lunch: 12.00 Soupwith chicken meatballs - 100/30 g, vegetable puree - 100 g, compote of dried fruits - 100 ml, white bread - 15-20 g.
  • Snack: 16.00 Kefir, yogurt or milk - 150 ml, curd - 50 g, fruitmashed potatoes - 50 g, biscuits - 15 g.
  • Dinner: 20 00 Vegetable puree with minced meat - 150/30 g, fruit jelly - 50 g, white bread - 20 g.
  • Dinner at bedtime: 22.00 Kefir, milk porridgeor thoracicormlenie - 150-200 ml.

Child nutrition mode in 1 year by the hour:

circuit. Temporary power mode is very important for the baby
  • One-year-old baby diet is very important for the correct development of the baby. The diet plan should not be very different from the usual eating of a baby for up to a year.
  • But taking into account that the baby began to spend more time in waking state, it is necessary to correct the regime, gradually transferring it to 4-5 meals a day, canceling feeding at night.
  • 3-4 hours break between meals make it possible to get hungry for a child and with an appetite to eat the offered portions of food. Such a diet will help the baby in the future to quickly adapt in the preschool.
Approximate diet with menus for one-year-old child

IMPORTANT: A child with poor appetite, weak and often ill, should not be denied night feeding if the child requires food at this time.

  • It is recommended to observe the child's feeding hours. Time deviations should not exceed 15-20 minutes. It is important to develop a baby's habit of eating at a certain time.
  • This contributes to the timely release of digestive juice, which is necessary for high-quality digestion of food, as well as for the development of a good appetite for the baby. It is advisable that a one-year-old child breakfasts between 8-9 o'clock in the morning.
Between meals, snacks should be avoided.

Snack between meals should be avoided. Sandwiches, cookies, bagels, some fruits can kill the child's appetite, which will subsequently affect during the main meal. Even an innocuous piece of apple can serve as an excuse for further refusal of food at the proper time.

Meat standard for a child 1 year

  • Meat dishes are important in the child's menu. A one-year-old needs 60-80 g meat per day. A 1.5-year-old child should increase this rate to 100 g of .It is recommended to use in the baby's nutrition low-fat varieties of chicken, turkey, rabbit meat, lean beef and veal.
  • Meat dishes should preferably be given in the morning, so that they have time to master the child's body. Small children usually get used to meat products quickly and like food made from meat in the form of: steamed chicken, meatballs, meat pates, soufflé, sazra, meatballs.
  • An assortment of animal proteins can be expanded, using on selected days of the week dishes from offal: liver, tongue, heart.1-2 times a week, meat can be replaced with fish dishes.

New dishes for a child in 12 months: recipes

Not all new dishes fall to the taste of kids

How to introduce new dishes in the diet of young children?

  • New products should be introduced into the food of babies gradually, starting with small portions.
  • After eating new dishes, observe the reaction of the baby. Especially cautiously should be introduced to children with signs of allergies.
  • It is not recommended to introduce several new products into the diet at the same time. This makes it possible to find out which product is not suitable for the child, if this happens.
  • If any minor allergic manifestations appear in the form of a rash or red itchy spots on the face and body, the product that caused an allergy from the baby's nutrition should be ruled out.
  • Do not worry that some of the dishes did not appeal to your karapuza. He also has his own taste preferences and not all new products can take on "hurray."Try again with the introduction of this dish in a couple of weeks, maybe by this time it will please the baby.
  • Allow the child not to eat a full portion of the new products if he did not show desire. This is for him a new food, to which one must get used. And this takes time and patience.
  • Make a menu for the child, considering not only the useful properties of the products, but also taking into account the taste preferences of the baby. Then the child will eat with appetite and eat the offered portions.

IMPORTANT: Feed your baby only with freshly prepared food, reheating previously cooked food is unacceptable.

Soup with minced meatballs and buckwheat groats

Soup with meatballs

A new dish for your baby: meatballs with buckwheat in vegetable broth. We hope that it will be like a little man.

Required to take :

  • minced beef fillet - 100 g
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • zucchini courgette - 50 g
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • buckwheat - 1 tablespoon
  • dill - 1-2 sprigs


  1. Boil the buckwheat until ready
  2. Potatoes and zucchini zucchini are cut into cubes and thrown into boiling water.
  3. Carrots are rubbed on a grater.
  4. Onion finely chopped and along with carrots lowered into boiling broth with potatoes and zucchini.
  5. Mix the minced meat with buckwheat and form small meatballs.
  6. After 10-15 minutes after boiling the vegetables in the saucepan add meatballs, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. If necessary, the soup is slightly salted and finely chopped dill is added.

Veal soup with calf liver

Liver soup

This soup will appeal to the baby and will perfectly suit as a first dish for lunch.

Need to take :

  • calf or chicken liver - 100 g
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • white bread - 100 g
  • milk - 100 ml
  • vegetable broth or water - 250 ml
  • butter - 1 teaspoon

Preparation of

  1. White bread without crusts soaked in milk and mixed with egg yolk.
  2. The liver is washed and grinded in a meat grinder.
  3. Bread is mixed with the liver and the mass is grinded through a sieve.
  4. Hepatic mass is filled with vegetable broth or water.
  5. Hepatic soup is brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes.
  6. Prepared soup puree season with butter.

Beetroot and apple salad

Beetroot apple salad will please your baby

A useful salad can be offered to the kid for dinner or during dinner. Especially it is useful for children suffering from constipation.

Take :

  • 1/2 medium apple
  • 1/2 small beet
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 teaspoon


  1. Boil the beet until soft.
  2. Clean half of the beetroot rubbed on the grater
  3. The apple is peeled and peeled.
  4. Half an apple rubbed on a grater and mix with a beetroot.
  5. Salad is seasoned with vegetable oil.

Steam cutlets from fish

Steam fish cutlets

Children do not particularly like fish. Try to cook them fish cutlets for a couple.

It is required to take :

  • fish fillet - 200 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 small onion
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1 dessert spoon
  • salt


  1. Fish fillet is scrolled with a bulb through a meat grinder.
  2. To the stuffing add carrots, crushed on a small grater, raw egg.
  3. The mass is properly mixed and slightly salted.
  4. To flour add flour and form cutlets.
  5. Fish cutlets are cooked in a steamer for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Cutlets can be served with a potato or other vegetable puree.

Curd with banana and peach

Curd with banana

Does the child not like cottage cheese? Cook it with the following recipe and the crumb will appreciate this sweet and healthy dessert.

You need to take :

  • baby kefir - 500 ml
  • banana - 1/2 pcs.
  • peach - 1/2 pcs.

Preparation of

  1. Kefir is heated in a water bath.
  2. After 20 minutes, the resulting curd, folded on gauze to separate the whey.
  3. Curd cheese is wiped through a sieve.
  4. Banana and peach are thoroughly washed.
  5. Half the banana is peeled.
  6. Half a peach is cut into pieces.
  7. Fruit and curd are mixed into a blender and beaten to a lush, homogeneous mass.
Baby food

Features of preparing food for one-year-old kids

  • Food should be prepared by cooking, stewing, baking, steaming.
  • Spices, condiments, sauces, canned foods for adult nutrition, roasts are not added to the children's meals.
  • For vegetable soups, carrots and onions can be doused in a frying pan in a small amount of water.
  • One-year-olds should receive food in a puree state, but after two months it is recommended to grind food into small pieces. Later, when chewing gums appear, food can be crushed to a size of 3 cm, allowing the child to chew the food himself.
  • Keep hands clean while cooking. Teach your child to wash hands before eating.

How and what to feed the child in a year, video

  • May 23, 2018
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