Folk remedies for pain in the ear in a child. How to understand that the child has an earache?

Ear pain suddenly. It happens that the baby begins to be capricious in the middle of the night and his temperature rises sharply. The reason for this may be - child otitis. This disease does not tolerate and requires immediate treatment. Painful symptoms you can remove at home with the help of traditional medicine.

Contents of

  • How to understand that a small child is hurt by ears?
  • Is it possible to cure the ears of a child with the help of folk remedies?
  • Traditional medicine recipes to help fight against otitis
  • Onions with ear pain in a child
  • Calendula with ear pain in a child
  • Boric acid with ear pain in a child
  • How to help a child if his ears hurt? What should I do if my child has an earache from water?
  • How to avoid ear inflammation after bathing?
  • Video: The child's ear hurts. What to do at home?

How to understand that a young child has ears?

So it is arranged that the structure of the child's ear differs from the adult. It is more susceptible to diseases and therefore there is a chance of getting inflammation, which is fraught with serious complications. To diagnose and eliminate pain in a timely manner is simply necessary!

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Not fully formed children's hearing aid is short and wide in form. That is why it easily penetrates, like water, and microbes because of which inflammation occurs. In children, inflammation in the ear is called "otitis", it requires rapid treatment, because it is able to develop rapidly.

The fact that the child hurts his ear will tell you such symptoms:

  1. The child's appetite is gone or he at all refuses food. Chewing, swallowing and just opening the mouth can cause pain
  2. Excessive moodiness and nervous behavior indicate that something is wrong with the baby
  3. The child is constantly yanking the abdominal eye
  4. The baby lies on the aching ear, because it makes it easier for him
  5. Elevatedand high temperature
  6. Try pressing the tubercle located outside the auricle. If the child screams and cries - his ear is sick

IMPORTANT: If you have had a cold, be careful. Slime from the nasopharynx can get into the ear canal and there to develop inflammation. At the slightest suspicion - in due time address to the doctor.

Is it possible to cure the ears of a child with the help of folk remedies?

In general, otitis manifests itself by sharp shooting pain. To quickly relieve the pain and discomfort you need to resort to the help of traditional medicine and wait for the arrival of a doctor. Add the baby honey and lemon, which have medicinal properties and useful microelements. It is noticed that such house plants possess incredibly useful properties, as:

  • geranium
  • scarlet
  • calanchoe

A washed, dried and twisted leaf of geranium must be placed in the ear. He is able to relieve the pain. Kalanchoe is crushed, folded into a gauze pouch and placed in a diseased ear. Aloe is the strongest plant, it is able to fight even the most neglected otitis. A scarlet leaf needs to be stored in the refrigerator for a day, and then squeezed a few drops of its juice into the sore ear.

Recipes of traditional medicine to help fight against otitis

Try to take the medicine that nature has given us and the inflammation will go down:

  • Make ear drops from honey: mix honey with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio and drip 1 drop in the ear a fewonce a day. After instillation, a gauze pillow impregnated with a 20% infusion of propolis can be applied to the sick ear. Keep the pillow should not more than 3 minutes

  • Mint tincture helps to treat otitis. Two tablespoons of dried mint pour half a glass of vodka and insist for a week. Cotton swab moistened in tincture and put in the ear

  • Effective is a tincture of clover or St. John's wort. The principle of infusion is the same: two tablespoons are poured into half a glass of vodka and insisted in a dark place for a week. A tampon soaked in infusion is put into the ear twice a day.
  • The patient should take a large amount of vitamin C: drink tea from the dog rose, eat black currant, kiwi, oranges.
  • Try to rinse your ear with a bay leaf infusion. To do this, 2 tablespoons of leaves pour a glass of boiling water and insist for two hours. Rinse with a slightly warm infusion of the ear twice a day.

  • Ordinary beets will help cure inflammation. From it you need to make a compress: medium-sized beets grate on a grater, pour a glass of water in a saucepan and put on fire. Add one tablespoon and boil for 15 minutes, then cool to wrap the thicket in gauze. Compress apply to the sick ear twice a day. Be careful, the beet has strong coloring properties

  • Ordinary sorrel also has medicinal properties. For treatment, the roots of sorrel are ground and approximately two tablespoons are poured into two glasses of water. Cook in a saucepan until the liquid is half the size. Ready soup washed ear twice a day.

  • Very useful properties is celandine. From it boiled broth and washed the ear. However, you need to be completely sure that the baby is well tolerated by this herb and it will not turn out to be poisonous for him.

Onions with ear pain in a child

Not many people know that a common onion will help to get rid of ear pain. To do this, you need to get the juice from the onion by grinding or processing in a blender. Kashitsu filter gauze and juice obtained, moisten the tampon. This tampon is put in the auricle.

The ear should be carefully wrapped in a scarf or shawl. Especially effective is the onion in case otitis is provoked by a cold and occurs along with a cough and runny nose. The vapors released when the onion juice is dried in the tampon pass through the ear canal. They relieve pain and even eliminate the common cold.

Calendula with earache in a child

For otitis in children, you can use a calendula tincture. You can make it yourself, or you can buy it at a pharmacy. Its unique healing properties can eliminate inflammation.

It is recommended to drip one drop of tincture into the outer ear and rub it. Inside the ear dripping tincture is not required! It is possible to make a solution of 10% and moistened compress to apply to the sick ear. Calendula can eliminate pain and a variety of ear infections.

Boric acid with ear pain in a child

Boric acid is well known to everyone and is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. If the child has an ear infection, boric acid should be injected.

To do this, pre-heat the bottle in a glass of warm water. Put the baby on its side and pipette one drop directly into the ear. After 3-5 seconds, wipe the ear with a dry swab. Boric acid is capable of killing pathogens and eliminating pain.

How to help a child if his ears hurt? What should I do if my child has an earache from water?

  • It is not uncommon that the child's earache appears after a bath. Active splashing can bring a couple drops of raw water directly into the ear canal. And then the infection enters the ear canal, causing inflammation of the
  • . Each parent needs to know clearly how they should behave in such situations and what to do. First you need to call a doctor. However, it often happens that bathing occurs before bed and the problem is found in the middle of the night. In this case, you need to know how to give the baby first aid to safely wait for the morning.
  • Apply a warming compress. In the absence of special alcoholic tinctures, use what is available - the most common vodka. Dilute hot( but not much) water with vodka 1: 1 and attach to your the eye itself, put a fleece around so that the liquid does not get inside the
  • . The area around the ear is pre-lubricated with a baby cream. If you see a fever in the baby - put it in your ear, moistened with boric acid,

swab How to avoid ear inflammation after bathing?

  • First of all, you need to closely monitor your child while bathing. If you notice that water gets into the baby's ear - at the same time wipe the ear with a cotton swab or try to collect moisture with a cotton swab
  • . If you are not sure that manipulations with cotton wool have collected all the water in your ear - try to dry your ear with a hairdryer for a couple of minutes. Set a soft, non-scorching mode and direct the jet of air into the ear. The regime should be the weakest. Ask the child to jump on one leg, tilting the head to the left or right
  • Carefully care for your baby and do not allow the development of severe inflammation. In time, consult a doctor and try to eliminate pain in the child. Give him affection and love, calmly treat the problem of otitis and do not give up in situations when the baby is upset and asks for help.

Video: The ear has a child. What to do at home?

  • May 23, 2018
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