How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home? Is it possible to cure prostatitis forever?
Painful urination and a weak erection suggest that the male prostatitis. The article will help to understand how to recognize this disease and treat it with folk remedies.
Can prostatitis be cured? Is prostatitis treated in men?
Treatment of prostatitis with oils
Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds
Onion on prostatitis
Honey sbit from prostatitis, recipe
Juices with prostatitis
Herbs for prostatitis are the most effective
VIDEO: Herbs for prostatitis
Cleanser for prostatitis
How to cure prostatitis at home: tips andreviews
VIDEO: prostatitis treatment of prostatitis at home folk remedies
Can I cure prostatitis? Unfortunately, this issue is relevant for a significant number of male population. As some statistics show, the number of men suffering from this disease is almost 50%.Moreover, prostatitis can be diagnosed in men in different age groups.
The causes of prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate, are various infections:
E. coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
infections that cause sexually transmitted diseases
infections that cause genitourinary diseases
Infection of the male body can have an external cause, andalso an internal cause.
The fact is that with the weakening of immunity due to various reasons, and also because of an incorrect lifestyle and due to irregular sexual acts, even those bacteria that are present in the human body can become more active and cause infection of the prostate gland and lead to itsinflammation
The infected infection and inflammation of the organ adversely affects the entire genitourinary and reproductive system of the man. In addition to the prostate, the urethra, the rectum, and the entire circulatory and lymphatic system of the small pelvis
are affected. Since the main function of the prostate is to develop a secret that supports the activity and stability of spermatozoa, the consequence of inflammation of the infected prostate is not simply a violation of libido and erection, but also the quality of the spermatozoa
IMPORTANT: The consequence of untreated prostatitis may be infertility.
The inflammatory process begins acutely: a high fever, a painful urination due to edema of the prostate gland. Acute form of prostatitis requires immediate treatment with antibiotics and other means. Prostatitis can acquire a chronic form. For chronic prostatitis, acute symptoms of the disease may be less severe, but persist:
frequent urination, sometimes painful
pain in the lower abdomen
feeling of not emptying the bladder
weak erection
premature or painful ejaculation
Is it possible to cure prostatitis? Is prostatitis treated in men?
IMPORTANT: Timely and correct treatment of prostatitis makes favorable its prognosis
When active medication treatment is over, then support the body and consolidate the process of recovery will help effective folk remedies. These include the treatment of prostatitis:
with herbs
with herbs
juices with pumpkin seeds
with onion
using honeycomb
with celandine
Treatment of prostatitis with oils
Various essential oils can be used to treat prostatitis. The methods of their application are external rubbing, ingestion and microclysters.