How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home? Is it possible to cure prostatitis forever?

Painful urination and a weak erection suggest that the male prostatitis. The article will help to understand how to recognize this disease and treat it with folk remedies.


  • Causes of Prostatitis
  • Can prostatitis be cured? Is prostatitis treated in men?
  • Treatment of prostatitis with oils
  • Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds
  • Onion on prostatitis
  • Honey sbit from prostatitis, recipe
  • Juices with prostatitis
  • Herbs for prostatitis are the most effective
  • VIDEO: Herbs for prostatitis
  • Cleanser for prostatitis
  • How to cure prostatitis at home: tips andreviews
  • VIDEO: prostatitis treatment of prostatitis at home folk remedies

Can I cure prostatitis? Unfortunately, this issue is relevant for a significant number of male population. As some statistics show, the number of men suffering from this disease is almost 50%.Moreover, prostatitis can be diagnosed in men in different age groups.

Causes of Prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate is often bacterial in nature.
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The causes of prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate, are various infections:

  • staphylococcus
  • enterobacter
  • klebsiella
  • E. coli
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • infections that cause sexually transmitted diseases
  • infections that cause genitourinary diseases

Infection of the male body can have an external cause, andalso an internal cause.

  • The fact is that with the weakening of immunity due to various reasons, and also because of an incorrect lifestyle and due to irregular sexual acts, even those bacteria that are present in the human body can become more active and cause infection of the prostate gland and lead to itsinflammation
  • The infected infection and inflammation of the organ adversely affects the entire genitourinary and reproductive system of the man. In addition to the prostate, the urethra, the rectum, and the entire circulatory and lymphatic system of the small pelvis
  • are affected. Since the main function of the prostate is to develop a secret that supports the activity and stability of spermatozoa, the consequence of inflammation of the infected prostate is not simply a violation of libido and erection, but also the quality of the spermatozoa
Prostatitis - the cause of sexual impotence and infertility in men.

IMPORTANT: The consequence of untreated prostatitis may be infertility.

The inflammatory process begins acutely: a high fever, a painful urination due to edema of the prostate gland.
Acute form of prostatitis requires immediate treatment with antibiotics and other means.
Prostatitis can acquire a chronic form. For chronic prostatitis, acute symptoms of the disease may be less severe, but persist:

  • frequent urination, sometimes painful
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • feeling of not emptying the bladder
  • weak erection
  • premature or painful ejaculation
Symptoms of prostatitis are very difficult to live with.

Is it possible to cure prostatitis? Is prostatitis treated in men?

IMPORTANT: Timely and correct treatment of prostatitis makes favorable its prognosis

When active medication treatment is over, then support the body and consolidate the process of recovery will help effective folk remedies. These include the treatment of prostatitis:

  • with
  • with herbs
  • with herbs
  • with
  • juices with pumpkin seeds
  • with onion
  • using honeycomb
  • with celandine

Treatment of prostatitis with oils

Various essential oils can be used to treat prostatitis. The methods of their application are external rubbing, ingestion and microclysters.

Essential oils with antibacterial, antispasmodic, soothing and stimulating effect penetrate the human circulatory system and affect the internal organs, including the
  • prostate. For example, grapefruit oil of has antibacterial andantiviral action. It can be used by diluting 3 - 5 drops of extract to a glass of warm water. Drink it twice a day before meals.
  • Tea tree oil will also have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, will also have anti-allergic effect. It takes 1 drop per tablespoon of milk or bread crumb after eating. Course of treatment - 3 weeks
  • IMPORTANT: Tea tree oil can be characterized by individual intolerance

    Juniper extract helps to remove inflammation and swelling of the organ. It is taken on a teaspoon three times a day for 3 weeks.
    The same juniper oil, or tea tree oil, as well as eucalyptus and thyme oil, are applied externally.
    For example, you can arrange a sessile bath.

    RECIPE: The bath is diluted with 5 drops of oil in water at a temperature of 37 - 38 degrees. In the water, you can add sea salt. The time in the bath is 10-15 minutes. Number of procedures - 10 - 12.
    Essential oils are prepared with special creams that can be rubbed into the pelvic area or used as an additive to massage.

    Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds

    In the chemical composition of pumpkin seeds, elements that favorably affect the secretion of the prostate gland are balanced, therefore they are considered one of the first traditional medicine to treat the disease. You can use pumpkin seeds with prostatitis, using several methods.

    Pumpkin seeds help improve the performance of the prostate.

    METHOD No. 1: You can simply eat 20 to 25 pumpkin seeds( raw) before each meal for three months.

    METHOD # 2: You need to take a certain amount of pre-dried pumpkin seeds, grind them with a coffee grinder along with the peel. The resulting pulverized mass can be sieved through a sieve to form a powder. Such a powder should be taken two tablespoons three times a day, washed down with warm water with honey dissolved in it. Powder is taken before meals also for a period of three months.

    METHOD No. 3: Powder from raw pumpkin seeds( see above) can be mixed immediately with honey. Half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds will need a glass of honey. The resulting mass is rolled into balls and put in the refrigerator until it thickens. Take a ball of seeds and honey 3 times a day before meals for three months.
    On the basis of the pumpkin seed extract, a special dietary supplement "Tykveol" has been developed for the treatment of prostatitis. With her instructions can be found in the places of sale of bioadditives.

    Onions from prostatitis

    Onions, both onion and green - are a wonderful remedy for many diseases, including, and against prostatitis.

    Antibacterial properties of onions are effective in the fight against inflammation of the prostate.

    For prostatitis in onions, its antibacterial properties and the mutual balance of zinc, copper and iron are important.
    It is recommended to eat onions at night onions. Alternatively, you can squeeze out the juice from the onion and mix it with honey. Eat a tablespoon for the treatment of prostatitis.

    IMPORTANT: Onions should be used with caution to people with stomach, duodenal, pancreatic, intestinal diseases.

    Honey sbiten from prostatitis, recipe

    • Honey sbiten is sold in pharmacies. This drink is based on water, which includes honey, herbs, spices and sugar.
    • This is an ancient folk remedy for prostatitis that will help to eliminate stagnation in the prostate gland, normalize urination and rectal function, reduce unpleasant and painful syndromes, strengthen immunity
    • HoneySbiten is taken by diluting 1 tablespoon of infusion in a glass of water on an empty stomach at 4 weeks. You can also take it twice a day, even in the evening.
    Delicious cure for prostatitis - honey sbiten.

    Judging by the reviews, honey sbiten - very convenient for use and a pleasant remedy, in addition to its effectiveness for the treatment of prostatitis and strengthening immunity.

    Juices with prostatitis

    Effective folk remedy for prostatitis with additional cleansing and strengthening the body effects are vegetable juices. They are prepared from:

    • carrots, beets, cucumbers
    • carrots and spinach
    • carrots, celery and parsley

    Prepare juices from these products directly before their use, then they will produce the greatest effect. Drink juices by a glass at least 2 times a day. In case of intolerance and a laxative effect on the body, emphasis should be placed on carrots as a part of the juice.

    In case of inflammation of the prostate, cocotherapy is used.

    The juice of black elderberry also helps. He is drunk on a tablespoon after eating.

    Herbs with prostatitis are the most effective.

    Medicinal herbs are an effective, not expensive, affordable remedy for many diseases. With prostatitis, the task of treatment is to remove the inflammatory process and prevent its recurrence.

    It is also necessary to reduce pain syndrome and other unpleasant sensations, improve the secretory function of the prostate, normalize blood circulation. It is also important to strengthen the nervous system of a man and his psychological state. To this extent, the following medicinal herbs are more or less cope with the following medicinal herbs:

    • marsh( rootstock)
    • St. John's wort
    • ginseng
    • peony
    • nettle
    • plantain
    • burdock( roots)
    • licorice
    • wintergreen
    • aspen
    • celandine
    Herbs from prostatitis are very effective.

    You can prepare one of these items according to the instructions on the chemist's packaging.
    RECIPE: You can prepare a herb collection, which will include:
    Flowers of cornflower, root of a tin, a sheet of hazel.100 g of each of the raw materials are mixed together. Then 3 tablespoons of the collection pour in a thermos 3 cups of boiling water overnight and let it brew until morning. Infusion strain and drink 1 glass before meals 3 times a day.

    VIDEO: Herbs for prostatitis

    Cleanser for prostatitis

    RECIPE: The cleanser must be mixed with the hemlock in equal proportions.1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 100 g of alcohol and insist in the dark for 10 days. Take in the morning before meals with milk or water, starting from 1 drop, bringing up to 60 drops, and then in the reverse order - from 60 to 1 drop.

    Purity guard for male health.

    How to cure prostatitis at home: advice and feedback

    IMPORTANT: Do not rely on the treatment of prostatitis only with folk remedies.

    • . It is necessary to undergo a medical and physiotherapy course, which includes antibiotic treatment, antispasmodics, hormones, darsonvalization, ultrasound treatment, electrophoresis, massage
    • It's good to go and sanatorium treatment. Folk remedies will be good and effective in the process of fixing the recovery and for the prevention of the disease and its relapse
    • In addition to the recommended mandatory treatment for patients with prostatitis should be more active in sports, to make rational diet, work and rest, give up smoking and alcohol excesses.

    VIDEO: prostatitistreatment of prostatitis at home with folk remedies

    • May 23, 2018
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