How to draw a Carnival holiday in stages with a pencil? How to draw a scarecrow on Shrovetide pencil step by step and its burning?

An ancient holiday of the arrival of spring and winter wires - Pancake week. This article tells how correctly to draw pancakes, a scarecrow and folk festivals to the carnival stage in stages with the help of a pencil or paints.


  • How to draw a Maslenitsa holiday in stages with a pencil?
  • How to draw a scarecrow on Pancake week in stages?
  • How to draw the burning of a scarecrow on Pancake week?
  • How to draw a Maslenitsa for children in school?
  • How to draw Pancake Paints?
  • Video: Drawing on the theme of Maslenitsa with children from 3 years old

Shrovetide is a wonderful and very tasty and satisfying holiday. On Shrovetide, it is customary to bake pancakes and burn a scarecrow. These two traditions are the "calling card" of the holiday.

The image of Maslenitsa implies a picture with wide Maslenitsa festivities, pile of pancakes, dances around the scarecrow.

Today we will tell you how to correctly draw the Shrovetide festival so that it can be easily recognized.

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On Pancake Day, it is customary to cook pancakes with huge piles of

. How to draw a Shrovetide festival in stages with a pencil?

As we have already said, the Shrovetide festival implies several "rituals" or traditions. One of these rituals is the preparation of a large number of pancakes to feed the family, friends, neighbors and relatives.

Therefore, in this part of the article, we will tell you how to draw one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa - pancakes in stages.

Pancakes on Shrovetide - the main treat

In order to draw a pile of pancakes, you will need:

  • thick paper
  • eraser
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or pencils of different hardness

So, let's get started.

First, draw a round plate at the bottom of the sheet. In the upper part, mark the borders of a stack of pancakes. The width of the stack is slightly less than the width of the plate.

Step 1

Now draw the bottom of the pancakes. Do not forget that we draw a pile of pancakes, so the edges of it will be uneven.

Step 2

Draw the top of the pancakes - continue the sides, draw an oval equal in width to the oval of the bottom of the pancakes.

Step 3

Now erase all the extra lines of construction. Draw a more voluminous, realistic picture. To do this, draw the pancakes. It is not necessary to draw every pancake, but keep in mind that pancakes should be in sufficient quantity. Start at the top or bottom.

Step 4

Finish drawing the pancakes in the center of the stack.

Step 5

Now draw a triangular piece of butter and 3-4 strips of running oil on the side of the pancakes. Do this about the same principle as shown in the figure.

Step 6

Shade the dark areas on pancakes and a plate.

Step 7

Draw all the shadows in more detail.

Step 8

The work is almost ready. Now take the softest pencil and select the shadows if they are not well highlighted, and use the eraser to brighten the bright places. But do not overdo it, otherwise the dirt will turn out.

Step 9

Add colors to the work. And you will have a great drawing of pancakes on Shrovetide!

Great drawing of pancakes with oil

How to draw a scarecrow on Maslenitsa in stages?

The burning of an effigy is an integral part of the celebration of the Shrovetide festival. Any folk festivities were always accompanied by this rite, which takes roots from ancient times.

In this part of the article we will tell you and show you how to draw a real Maslenic Scarecrow in stages.


  • paper
  • pencil
  • eraser

First draw the base of the scarecrow. It is made up of a long bend from below and a stick transverse to it at the top. A vertical stick is legs, horizontal - hands. Over the frame, draw a silhouette of a scarecrow. He looks like a woman in a long, spacious dress.

Step 1

Now draw the details of the dress, scarf. A dress for a scarecrow is always taken with patches, or they are specially put on them. The more colorful the dress, the better.

Step 2

Now draw the rest of the straw: face, hands and feet. Straw is specially stuffed with a scarecrow to make it burn better and keep its shape.

By straw we mean thin and short twigs that stick out from under the dress.

Step 3

Figure stuffed ready. You can decorate it to your taste and color. Here are some of the children's drawings of the Maslenith Scarecrow.

Figure of stuffed and Maslenitsa fun.
Dance around stuffed animals and treats with pancakes
Presentation on Shrovetide

How to draw burning stuffed animals on Shrovetide?

One of the most vivid and memorable customs for Shrovetide is the burning of a scarecrow. This ritual symbolizes the departure of winter and the meeting of spring. It is believed that after the Maslenitsa festivities spring comes into its own - the sun becomes warmer, and the days are significantly longer.

To draw the burning of a scarecrow, you will need:

  • thick paper of any size
  • pencils simple and colored
  • eraser
  • fantasy and patience
Burning stuffed for the Shrovetide

The picture on the topic "Burning a Scarecrow" includes two basic elements: a scarecrow and a fire. How to draw a scarecrow, we have already described in this article, so now let's tell you how beautiful it is to draw a bonfire. In the aftermath, you will simply need to combine these two figures and get a figure of burning the scarecrow.

First, mark the oval - the place where the main part of the flame will be located. In the future this oval will help you draw the boundaries of light and shadow. Inside the oval, draw the flames, as shown in the figure. Each light has a lit and shadow side. Darken the side on which the shadow falls. Oppose the opposite light.

Step 1

Add smaller flame flames, additional. Similarly, highlight the light and shadow on them. Make the lower part of the fire especially dark.

Step 2

Make more precise contours - circle the fire, add more contrast to the drawing.

Step 3

Now draw the firewood under fire. And around the fire, where the oval was drawn at the very beginning - make a small shading to get a kind of glow.

Step 4

Strengthen the hatching around the fire. Do it better with a soft pencil and not very hard on it pressing, otherwise the line will be thick and dark.

At this point, you can add lights and shadows to the finished drawing to make the image more realistic. Also, if you want, you can add color to the work.

Step 5

The drawing is ready! Draw a scarecrow with a fire to make a full illustration of the holiday.

How to draw Shrovetide for children in school?

For the school picture of the Carnival you will have to try. One, or even two characters in the picture is clearly not enough - create a whole composition of many characters. With our instructions you will succeed.

First, squeeze the characters, that is, mark the location and size of the main and secondary heroes and objects with a pencil. In our case, we need to outline a horizon line, a scarecrow, children near it and a woman with a cat in the foreground.

Step 1

Now start to draw in more detail each shape. We recommend starting from the very stuffed one, to develop the composition to the side of it. Draw a head in a scarf, sarafan, hands and firewood below.

Step 2

Children are running around the scarecrow, and now we will draw them. Try to depict the children's faces with joy and fun, make the figures more alive, dynamic. In our case, we depict a boy and a girl.

Step 3

Let's start with the first plan, where we will have a woman holding a plate of pancakes and a cat that caresses at the feet of a woman. At the cat, draw strips on the back and a fluffy breast, and a woman should remember to paint a pink blush on her cheeks and a smile. Step 4

Next in the line is the church, trees and houses. It can be seen that the holiday takes place in a large village.

Step 5

Next to the child draw a little dog playing.

Step 6

In the bottom left, draw a buffoon. The one who entertains people with their jokes during the festivities. The buffoon has a long cap, and the merry fellow is sitting on the snow.

Step 7

Draw a buffoon in more detail. In our drawing he plays an instrument by the type of a pipe.

Step 8

Take a thin marker, a felt-tip pen or a liner. Circle all characters around the contour. Draw the clouds in the sky, circle them, as well as the distant plan - the village.

Step 9

Use color pencils to add color to the work - make the clouds pink-violet, and the sky is blue.

Step 10

Continue drawing with colored pencils. Now your goal is a beautiful distant plan and a brightly colored scarecrow.

Step 11

Gradually paint all the characters the way you want.

Step 12

Take a blue pencil and smoothly paint over the snow, simulating drifts.

Step 13

Your work for the school is ready! The drawing is very lively and bright. The teacher will accurately assess your efforts and the efforts of your child.

How to draw a Maslenitsa with paints?

In addition to simple and colored pencils, of course, you can use colors. In principle, any of the above-described drawings can be painted with watercolor or gouache paints. It is better not to use oil paints for such work. If you choose oil based paints, then your work should be done professionally.

Here is a picture of Maslenitsa you can paint with paints

And this children's drawing of Maslenitsa shows the whole essence of the holiday - fun, folk festivities, games, eating pancakes.

Another version of this drawing

Video: Drawing on the theme of Maslenitsa with children from 3 years old

  • May 23, 2018
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