By the appearance of the human language it is possible to determine the state of the whole organism - changing its color and shape, the presence of rashes and their localization indicate various diseases. One of these signs is the yellow plaque on the tongue, the causes of its formation often are violations in the work of internal organs.
- What does
- liver pathology
- defeat biliary tract
- stomach and intestinal diseases
- Acute respiratory infections
- inflammation in the oral cavity
- Other reasons
- How to remove
- during pregnancy
- The child
What does
Offensive Language taxation are many factors -from completely harmless to serious pathologies. A thin coating usually indicates the onset of the disease and thickens as it progresses. The color of the plaque also has a value - the darker it is, the bigger the problem.
to the table of contents ^Liver pathology
Disturbance of the exchange of bile pigments( bilirubin) is characteristic for hepatic( or parenchymal) jaundice and provokes staining of the mucous tongue and other soft tissues in a yellowish color.
Changes occur in the following diseases:
- Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver of a viral, toxic or alcoholic nature in which bilirubin penetrates the blood, staining the urine in the color of beer, and the skin, eye proteins, tongue and its bridle - in bright yellow,lemon, shade;
- cirrhosis - death of hepatic cells, transmission of the formed nodes of the bile duct, disruption of the function of detoxification leads to the absorption of metabolic products directly into the blood, poisoning the nervous system, causing a dark yellow skin and the appearance of a gray-yellow plaque in the tongue;
- cancer - the disease is rarely the primary for the liver, more often metastases penetrate it from nearby organs;
- infectious agents - viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites lead to diseases that cause yellowing of the skin and tongue( malaria, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, poisonous fungi).
The excessive formation of bilirubin, which the body does not have time to excrete, is called extrahepatic jaundice and also leads to yellowing of the tongue. Usually this condition is caused by the following pathologies:
- intensive disintegration or insufficient synthesis of red blood cells in the blood due to congenital or acquired anemia;
- hematomas( external and internal) with infarctions of internal organs;
- poisoning by volatile substances.
Biliary tract infection
For mechanical jaundice is characteristicviolation of the outflow of bile, resulting in skin, mucous, sclera and plaque in the language become yellow-green in color. The narrowing of the lumen of the bile ducts occurs with the following diseases:
- cholecystitis( gallbladder inflammation);
- cholelithiasis;
- dyskinesia of the biliary tract( irregular sharp ejection of bile into the 12-colon);
- acute pancreatitis( or chronic at the stage of exacerbation) - in addition to disturbing the outflow of bile may cause an increase in its production;
- tumor.
Diseases of the stomach and intestines
Provoking yellow plaque in the tongue can:
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- chronic gastritis;
- duodeno-gastric reflux( throwing the contents of 12 duodenum back into the stomach);
- acute intestinal infections.
These diseases are often accompanied by pain syndrome, belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, frequent loose stools, and, more rarely, constipation.
to contents ^Acute respiratory diseases
Among the causes of plaque formation in infections and inflammatory processes are:
- increase in body temperature - leads to loss of body moisture, the amount of dehydration is directly proportional to the thickness of the layer of plaque, and is accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the mouth;
- breath by mouth - often occurs with nasal congestion and promotes the appearance of plaque;
- bacterial complications - usually accompanied by pain in the throat and the formation of a white and yellow coating on the tonsils and tongue( for example, in angina).
Inflammation in the oral cavity
Glossitis and stomatitis of bacterial( staphylococcal) or fungal( candida) nature cause a discoloration of the tongue and a pronounced white-yellow or yellow-green coating on it, often combined with ulcers, copious exfoliation of the epithelium.
Other causes of
Changes in the appearance of the tongue can be triggered by the following factors:
- Smoking, the use of toning beverages - the epithelium( upper layer of the tongue) of the tongue of an inveterate smoker is often impregnated with tar from cigarettes, causing the formation of a yellowish-brown coating. Tannin, contained in strong tea and coffee, is also capable of staining the tongue.
- Eating food with dyes( carbonated water, candy, marmalade), as well as a large number of products containing carotene( carrots, pumpkins, beets, apricots, citrus fruits).
- Some medications( especially antibiotics) may cause a discoloration of the tongue or the formation of a yellow coating on its root.
- Poor oral hygiene, dental problems promote the reproduction of bacteria that form plaque.
- Light, not expressed plaque of white color is typical for a healthy person. A small yellowing in the morning or in hot weather is absolutely normal.
How to remove
To eliminate the yellow plaque in the language, you should determine the causes of its occurrence. This can be done by a doctor on the basis of visual examination, urine and blood tests, ultrasound and gastroscopy examination of the abdominal organs.
Drug treatment is carried out by the following groups of drugs:
- cholagogue - in pathologies with impaired excretion and outflow of bile;
- hepatoprotectors - to restore liver cells;
- antiviral drugs - with viral hepatitis;
- antibiotics - for the treatment of exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis, inflammation of the biliary tract, bacterial stomatitis;
- antifungal medications - for thrush( candidiasis) of the tongue;
- central dopamine blockers - with duodenal gastral reflux and for normalization of gastrointestinal motility;
- solutions of electrolytes and glucose - used for dehydration, as well as to eliminate intoxication in infectious diseases and poisonings;
- adsorbents - bind and remove poisons, toxins, drugs;
- erythropoietins, blood substitutes, vitamin B12 preparations for anemia.
Non-medicamentous methods of removing plaque are:
- regular thorough oral hygiene using a special device for cleaning the tongue;
- rejection of bad habits;
- compliance with the diet - without the use of fried, fatty, spicy dishes, smoked products, products containing dyes.
In pregnancy
The appearance of yellow plaque in the tongue often happens during pregnancy, when the body has many changes. Among the common causes are:
- toxicosis - manifested by vomiting and causes dehydration of the body;
- increase in the need for fluid - typical for the second trimester, to eliminate enough to drink more water and moisturize the body;
- excessive load on the liver and a change in the acidity of the stomach - except for the lagging of the tongue, heartburn, sour taste in the mouth;
- problems with the intestines( for example, constipation) - to restore the microflora are helped by lacto- and bifidobacteria.
The appointment of drugs to pregnant women and drawing up of their admission schemes are carried out exclusively by a doctor.
to contents ^Child
The formation of yellow plaque in the language of children occurs for the same reasons as in adults. However, you should pay attention to the following possible causes:
- hemolytic disease of newborns( baby yellow) - spontaneous splitting of red blood cells in the blood, it happens in children of the first month of life;
- candidiasis( thrush) - often observed in children breastfed;
- improperly selected nutritional formula - plaque formation is accompanied by restless behavior of the child, gases, diarrhea;
- giardiasis - licking dirty fingers after contact with toys and sand is characteristic of small children and often causes infection by parasites;
- hypomotor dyskinesia bile ducts - usually a transient phenomenon in adolescents, when the development of internal organs does not keep up with the intensive growth of the musculoskeletal system.