The three-year age of psychologists and educators is often called a crisis and assure that by its complexity it is second only to the adolescent period. Indeed, 3 years is exactly the age when a little man realizes himself as a person and declares to the world about himself. It is during this period that the child's own "I" comes first, and his character changes very much. At the same time, there are significant changes in the mental, physical and mental development of the child. And only on his parents, on their patience, understanding and diligence depends on how quickly and in what direction these changes will take place.
- Physical development
- Intellectual development
- Mathematics
- Speech development
- World around
- Music
- Neuropsychiatric development
- Self-service skills
Physical development
At the age of three, the child does not grow as fast as before, but at that time changes occurin the proportions of his body. The weight of boys in 3 years ranges from 12 to 18.5 kg, and girls - from 11 to 18.2 kg. The growth of boys at this age can be from 90 to 103 cm, and girls - from 88 to 102 cm. At this age, children still need a day and a half hour sleep and a ten-hour night rest.
The three-year-old kid becomes more slim and dexterous, he can perform more different physical exercises and has a greater reserve of skills than a year ago. At this age he must:
- have good coordination of movements;
- jump on one or two legs simultaneously;
- to overcome obstacles;
- to keep the balance, moving on a board lying on the floor;
- jump off a small height;
- ride a three-wheeled bicycle;
- confidently catch and throw the ball;
- play with the ball in a variety of games, including football.
In addition, at the age of three the child may well begin to develop swimming, skiing and skating.
Improves and fine motor skills of the baby. Thus, at the age of three, the child must:
- be able to cut paper with scissors;
- to sculpt from plasticine balls and "sausages";
- to repeat simple movements of gymnastics for fingers;
- draw simple lines, circles and dots;
- outline and color simple pictures.
Mental development
Particularly violently at the age of three, the child's mental development. By the age of three, the child already fully understands the speech of adults, and in his own speech there are generalizations. The three-year old child has up to 1,500 words in reserve and can express his thoughts freely.
Develops his logical thinking and memory, he is ready to learn and to know the world around him. By this age the child should already have the first knowledge in the field of mathematics, and in the knowledge of the surrounding world.
to contents ^Mathematics
Normally, a child of 3 years old must:
- count at least three and be able to show the corresponding number of fingers on his hand;
- own and use the concepts: "one" and "many", "identical and" different ";
- compare the number of items;
- distinguish objects by size( "large" or "small");
- distinguish objects by width( "wide" or "narrow");
- to distinguish objects by thickness( "thick" or "thin");
- distinguish objects by height( "high" or "low");
- to know the basic geometric shapes( square, circle, triangle) and show objects of similar shape;
- compare objects by their size, color and shape.
Speech development
Normally, a child of 3 years old must:
- to speak with simple, but grammatically worded phrases;
- to coordinate in his speech words in gender, case and number;
- correctly answer the questions;
- correctly use the pretexts: "in", "under," "on," "for";
- use in its speech proposals with homogeneous members;
- be able to describe the proposed picture with two or three sentences( who is pictured in the picture, what he does, what parts of his face or body he has, etc.);
- know and be able to call various actions( the boy sits, the girl sings, the fish floats, etc.);
- know the names of the surrounding objects: dishes, toys, furniture, clothes, shoes, etc.;
- is named for one main feature of each subject.
The world around
Normally a child in 3 yearsmust:
- know and name his name and his surname;
- to name the names of relatives and friends from among its closest associates;
- know the names and distinguish 3-4 trees;
- know the names and distinguish 3-4 kinds of colors;
- have ideas about vegetables and fruits, berries and mushrooms;
- to know the names of wild and domestic animals;
- know the names of the young animals( hare, foal, etc.)
- know the names of 3-4 birds;
- know the names of 3-4 insects;
- know the names of 3-4 fish;
- to know generalizing words and be able to find items on them( show toys, shoes, dishes, furniture, etc.);
- distinguish between seasons;
- to know and distinguish between the times of day( night, morning, day, evening);
- to know and distinguish natural phenomena( rain, snow, sun, wind, frost, rainbow);
- know and call the main 6 colors;
- call essential parts and parts of familiar items, materials from which they are made.
Normally, a child of 3 years old must:
- be able to copy some sounds;
- rhythmically move under different music;
- control the power of your voice( speak loudly or quietly);
- have a general idea of the sounds of the surrounding world( water noise, birds singing, car noise, animal sounds, insects, etc.).
Neuropsychic development of
At the age of three, the child's thinking, memory, perception and attention are significantly improved and improved.basic mental functions.
Normally a three year old kid should:
- concentrate on the task for 5 minutes without being distracted;
- carry out assignments of 3-4 actions( deliver, take, bring, etc.);
- perform tasks for the submitted sample;
- keep in the field of vision 3-4 items;
- find 3-4 differences between the specified items;
- find 2 similar items;
- to know the name, location and purpose of the main surrounding objects;
- be able to memorize 3 or 4 pictures;
- on leading questions to tell the contents of the picture from memory;
- know by heart a few quatrains;
- repeat with the help of an adult a small read fairy tale;
- recall and be able to tell what he did throughout the day;
- add a picture of 3-4 parts;
- find simple links between phenomena and objects;
- to find and be able to explain discrepancies in pictures( an extra object, etc.);
- find differences and similarities between different objects.
Self-service skills
A three-year-old is quite an independent little man, ready to attend a kindergarten. At this age he should be able to:
- dress yourself or with a little help from an adult;
- undress and fold your clothes before going to bed;
- button up buttons;
- tie up shoelaces;
- to wash;
- wash hands with soap and towel dry;
- use a handkerchief;
- wipe your feet before entering the house;
- gently eat, properly using cutlery;
- use a napkin;
- say the words of courtesy: to thank, say hello, say goodbye.
Adults continue to be the main imitation subject for a three-year-old child, so his training in basic hygiene and self-care is directly related to the personal example of parents.
All of the above is good. But I, like mother of two children, can say with confidence that all the kids are different. The elder child began to talk at 1.5 years, and the youngest only at 2.5.At first, I began to panic that, they say, the child is 2 years old, and he only speaks a few understandable words, and the rest is incomprehensible mooing. But the pediatrician calmed. And six months later, changes began. New words appeared. Temperament is also different, but it depends a lot on this.