Beets during breastfeeding. Is it possible to boil beets for breastfeeding mothers?

Our article will tell you about the beneficial properties of beets for a nursing mother and baby, and also introduce information on how best to introduce this vegetable into your diet.

Contents of

  • Is the beet an allergen?
  • Is it possible to boil the beets for a nursing mother?
  • Useful properties of boiled beets for mother and baby
  • Beet during breastfeeding: from which month?
  • Beet during breastfeeding in the first month
  • Can I eat beets every day with GW?
  • Is it possible to drink beets during breastfeeding: Komarovsky
  • Video: Breastfeeding - Dr. Komarovsky's school

The birth of a son or daughter dramatically changes a woman's life. And it's not just about sleepless nights and endless laundry. In addition to all this, a young mother should carefully monitor her diet. After all, if she feeds her crumb with breast milk, her diet should consist only of those products that will benefit her baby.

For this reason, women who have just given birth must exclude from their diet quite a large number of useful products at first glance. Usually, this list includes absolutely all fruits and vegetables that have a red color. Unsuccessfully in the list of dangerous food will fall and beets.

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Many young mothers consider her very harmful to her baby and refuse to use it even when he grows up a little. In view of this, let's see if the beet brings harm to the baby's body and when it can be started to eat the young mother.

Is the beet an allergen?

Beetroot does not contain any allergens
  • Probably, many of us have heard that beet belongs to allergenic products that have a bad effect on the human body. But in fact, this bright burgundy vegetable can be attributed to useful food. Since it contains a large number of vitamins, minerals and fiber, its regular use will help the body to fight many diseases.
  • You should not be alarmed by the red and burgundy color of this root, if you eat it in small amounts, this will not affect your baby's well-being. In view of the foregoing, it can be safely said that there are no substances that are capable of causing allergies in this fragrant root crop. But despite all this, the nursing mother should carefully introduce this product into her diet.
Reasons why a nursing mother needs a beetroot

Can boiled beets be fed to a nursing mother?

  • Beetroot is a very useful product that can enrich the human body with vitamins and minerals all year round. It contains vitamins B, PP, C, amino acids, iron, calcium, magnesium and iodine, which are simply vital for both mother and her baby. The most important advantage of this vegetable is that even after heat treatment it does not lose its useful properties. Moreover, it is recommended to include cooked beets in their diet for lactating women.
  • It is believed that during the heat treatment all pathogenic bacteria that can get into the breast milk and through it harm the child die. Therefore, if you plan to introduce beetroot into your diet, then be sure to cook it or cook for a couple. This way of cooking will help you cook not only a safe, but the most useful dish, which will saturate breast milk with just the right substances.

Useful properties of boiled beets for mother and baby.

. Useful properties of boiled beets. Cooked beets do not impair the beneficial properties of breast milk.
  • Beets contain a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. For this reason, if the mother regularly eats this root, her baby will develop a thyroid gland properly, and she will quickly restore the hormonal background herself quickly enough.
  • The high iron content promotes faster recovery of the female body after delivery and reduces the risk of anemia in her baby.
  • Also in its composition there is a large amount of honin, which participates in the formation of the nervous system of the newly born child. In view of this, regular consumption of cooked beets will help ensure that your baby will grow up as a mentally healthy person.
  • Beetroot helps to fight with constipation. And it helps to get rid of the given problem not only to mom, but to her baby. Substances that have laxative properties, in large quantities fall into breast milk, and contribute to the fact that the baby normalizes the function of bowel emptying. Beetroot when breastfeeding: from which month?
    You can introduce beets into your diet about a week after the birth of the baby.
    • . As you probably already understood beetroot if it is properly cooked, the feeding woman can eat safely. But many young mothers have a question when it is best to introduce it into the diet. Some pediatricians allow women to eat beets already through a few days after discharge from the maternity hospital.
    • They claim that the vitamins and minerals that it contains help both mom and baby to recover as soon as possible after delivery and adapt to new conditions of life. In principle, if you and your baby are completely healthy, then you can safely enter into your diet beet literally in the first month after birth.
    • But remember that everything went as smoothly as possible, you just need to eat a boiled vegetable. First, boil a small root, rub it or cut into small pieces and eat without savoring anything. If the baby has no reaction, the next time you can increase the portion and add to the vegetable oil and a little salt.
    • In the first months of a baby's life, this root can only be eaten by 2 times a week .As the baby grows up, you will gradually increase the amount of beet in your diet, and also be able to eat it 3-4 times a week .
    • But all of the above concerns only boiled beets. A raw vegetable for lactating mothers is contraindicated throughout the lactation period. Without heat treatment, this product is very poorly digested by the gastrointestinal tract of women and against this background they may have problems with the pancreas and intestines.

    Beet during breastfeeding in the first month

    Begin to eat beets preferably from small portions of
    • Usually, in the first month after delivery, the nursing mother's menu consists of a fairly scant set of products consisting mainly of cereals and a small amount of green vegetables. But not only does such a diet quickly get bored, so it does not saturate the body with all the substances that it needs to recover from childbirth.
    • A great way to diversify your menu is beet. Thanks to the fact that this vegetable is well combined with many products, you can complement them with both the first and second dishes. In the first days after childbirth, it is permissible to eat no more than 50 grams of beet per day .At first glance it may seem that such a very small dose of a vegetable will not bring any benefit.
    • But still, even such a minimum amount of beet will have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract of the woman in childbirth, and most importantly, will maximize blood formation. And it is such a small dose that is harmless to the baby in the first days of his life. Therefore, it will be better if the first 7-10 days you will eat beets in the most minimal quantities. Starting from the second week it will be possible to gradually increase the portion of this vegetable in its diet.
    • With each reception, add literally 20 grams of and watch all the time how your child reacts to your actions. If he has a rash, then for a while, in general, exclude the beets from your diet, and then start eating it from the amount at which you and the baby feel normal. In case everything will be fine, by the end of the first month of your crumbs life you will be able to eat to 200 grams of boiled beet per day.

    Can I eat beets every day with GW?

    It's not advisable to eat beets every day for the nursing mother
    • In principle, you can eat boiled beets quite often, but you should not do it every day. After all, even in a cooked vegetable there is approximately 50% of the pigment that can accumulate in the body of a woman. Therefore, if you eat beets every day, it is likely sooner or later you will see a rash on your child's skin.
    • In view of this, it will be better if you try to cook dishes with beets at least every other day, or even better 2-3 times a week. But still if you are very fond of this vegetable and can not refuse it, then make sure that its daily dose does not exceed 250 grams of .In the case if you have problems with the liver, bile and kidneys, then you can not eat beets every day. Even a boiled vegetable in this case can aggravate your condition and against this background you can, in general, have abyss breast milk.
    • Also consider the fact that beet affects the absorption of calcium. Therefore, if you eat this root every day, your baby can start not to receive it and this will immediately affect his health and development. In view of this, it will be better if you at least in the first months of your life will try to eat beets not very often.
    How to use beets when lactating?

    Is it possible to drink beets during breastfeeding: Komarovsky

    Doctor Komarovsky advises to include beets in his diet immediately after birth
    • According to Dr. Komarovsky, during the GW, the woman's menu should be as varied as possible. Refuse it should only be from alcohol, nicotine, smoked, salted and fried foods. Beet in the diet of a nursing mother should be present.
    • Just a woman should eat it, taking into account the state of her health and the peculiarities of the baby's body. But in principle, if both mom and baby are completely healthy, then this fragrant vegetable can be present in their diet from the very first days.
    • But as already mentioned above, you can eat it only after heat treatment. But the raw beetroot woman can start to use only after she finishes feeding her crumb breast milk.

    Video: Breastfeeding - Dr. Komarovsky's school

  • May 23, 2018
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